A/N: hey guys! I hope you all like this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote if you do! xxx
God I hate Tuesdays. For me they're worse then Mondays. They just remind you that you still have an entire long ass week before your weekend starts off. Ugh. I hate leaving my warm and cozy bed. It's too hard for me.
After my morning routine, I head outside. It's an awfully cold day today. Gosh I really wish I could go inside and crawl into my comfortable warm bed but duty calls.
Since I switched branches as in since I left the headquarters to work at Liam's branch, I have to wake up way earlier in the morning as my current office is more then 45 minutes away from my apartment so that fucking sucks. I can't even sleep in five extra minutes.
I reach the office at the same time as always but today everyone was busy in their work. The office dead silent which is very unusual. All I could hear was the clicking of staplers. This is very strange. Is it like firing day or something? I didn't get the memo. What is happening.
I step into the empty elevator and press the button to my floor.
It was now around 12:30 and the entire building was too quite. There was no loud chattering outside my office as usual, there was no running around here and there. Everyone was so calm and behaving professionally today and I had no idea why.
Before I head out to lunch, which I think I'm the only one who's heading out for, I walk down the hall to Liam's office to hand him some files and to ask him what the fuck is going on today cause I'm confused.
I knock on Liam's door and enter once I hear a come in. Liam looks up from his computer and smiles at me.
"Hello Selena." Liam greets me.
"Hey. Just wanted to drop these files before I leave for lunch." I place the files on his desk.
"Thank you. I'll take a look at these before faxing them to the Boston branch."
"Is something supposed to happen today? Something I'm not aware of?" I ask.
Liam furrows his eyebrows,"What?"
"Well everyone is acting strangely professional today. They're all on their best behavior. Why so?"
"That's because it's inspection day today and I'm here." An awfully familiar voice says behind me.
I turn around to be face to face with none other then Harry Styles. Harry smirks at me and moves aside and walks to Liam.
"Hey mate." Harry greets Liam and takes a seat beside him.
"Oh that makes alot of sense." I mumble.
"What's that Selena? Deja vu?" Harry asks and I simply roll my eyes causing Liam to laugh.
"I'm going off for lunch now Liam" I look at Liam and he nods.
"How come everyone else is too busy in their work and trying to come off as hard, devoted workers and you don't seem to even pretend like you work hard. Why so?" Harry smirks at me.
"Maybe because I do work hard and don't need to prove it to anyone and I'm not scared of you so I don't need to be a fake and all professional to impress you." I sass back with a smirk his way.
"I'm out for lunch now. If you need anything just call me Liam." I smile at him avoiding Harry's gaze. Liam nods at me and I walk out of Liam's office.
It was around 2 or so when there was a knock on my office door. I wonder who it could be. Before I could give the person behind the door permission the door opened and walked in no other than the devil himself. Mr Harry Styles with an evil smirk plastered upon his face. Bloody great.
"Hello Selena." Harry says as he takes a seat in front of me.
"Can I help you?" I ask clearly annoyed.
"Don't you think you're attitude is a little too much considering the fact that I'm your boss?" Harry asks quite calmly.
"Hmm. I think my attitude is just fine." I flash a fake smile his way.
"You know I can fire you right Ms Gomez?" Harry asks with his smirk even wider then before.
"I'm well aware Sir." I mumble.
"Well Selena I'm just here to judge your performance and to make sure you're not faulting my company in any way." Harry says.
"I'm trying my best Sir." I say.
Harry opens his mouth to say something but the door to my office opened causing Harry and I to both turn our attention towards the person who walked in.
"I'm so sorry Sel I couldn't join you for lunch-" Nina starts but stops mid sentence when she sees who's sitting across me.
"What's going on here?" Nina asks raising her voice a little. She's going in full on protective mode I can feel it.
Harry gets up from his seat and faces Nina,"Hello Nina. Good to see you after so long." Harry politely smiles at her.
Nina rolls her eyes,"Oh cut the bullshit Harry. What are you doing here? Selena is done with you. I'm not letting you hurt her again. You're a fucking asshole for what you did."
"I don't think you should be talking to me about this right now Nina. I'm your boss." Harry says calmly.
"I don't give a flying fuck. What are going to do? Fire me? Go ahead but I'm not going to let you hurt my best friend again-" I grab Nina's arm and pull her out of my office.
"I'll be back." I quickly tell Harry and walk outside with Nina.
"Nina. Calm down." I tell her once we are outside.
"Calm down? What are you talking about Sel? What is he even doing in there and why are you so calm about everything?" Nina asks furrowing her eyebrows.
"Well. There's something I haven't exactly told you." I say.
"And what's that?" Nina asks.
"I've kinda been seeing Harry." I say.
Nina's eyes automatically go wide,"What? You two are back together?"
"No. No. We aren't together. But awhile ago we ran into each other and he apologized and explained everything and asked for another chance and he was super genuine Nina. He really regrets everything. I forgave him but told him I need more time to completely trust him and all so we've just been hanging out." I say.
Nina calms down a bit,"How long has this been going on?"
"Hmm. Since Kyle and Patricia's wedding?" I quickly say and avoid eye contact with Nina.
"Their wedding was over two weeks ago! Why am I only finding about this now Selena?"
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you." I apologize.
"Are you really thinking about taking him back anytime soon?" Nina asks.
"Is it bad that I'm considering it a little?" I ask.
"Maybe not." Nina mumbles,"Let's go inside."
We walk inside and Nina tells me to take a seat behind my desk.
Nina moves towards Harry,"If you ever even think about hurting her again I swear to God I will find you and cut off your balls and shove them up your ass Harry. I'm not kidding. You better get your shit together this time."
"I'll talk to you later Sel." Nina slightly smiles at me and walks out of the office.
"Is it just me or has she gotten scarier now?" Harry asks as he takes a seat.
I chuckle,"Maybe just towards you."
"So there was a reason I came in here today." Harry starts off.
"To observe my performance. I know. I know. Sorry for kind of being a smartass earlier. I'll show you the yearly reports, just a minute." I say and move to the drawer to take out the reports.
"No Selena. That's not what I'm saying." Harry stops me.
I stare at him with a raised eyebrow,"What?" I ask.
"I came here to ask you out on a date Selena." Harry says and my mouth forms into a o shape.
"So what do you say?" Harry asks.
"Harry, I don't know."
"Selena for once. Just give me a chance. It's been a few weeks." Harry pleads.
"A date. I don't know if I'm truly ready for that, ready to trust you Harry." I say.
"Selena, as your boss I demand you to go on a date with me otherwise you're fired." Harry jokes.
I chuckle,"You demand me? Oh wow. You've used the boss card way too many times today don't you think?"
"I'll use it as long as it'll get me things in life. So yes or fired. What do you say?" Harry asks with a smirk.
"I'll go on a date with you only on one condition." I say.
Harry's face immediately lights up,"And what's that?" He asks.
"That'd we'd go on a double date. With whosoever you want." I say.
"Come on Selena. That's not even a date." Harry whines.
"That's all you get. Take it or leave it." I smirk.
"Ofcourse I'm going to take it." Harry says admitting his defeat.
"Good. Let me know the plan then." I smile at him.
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