A/N: Hello guys. How are you guys? I have an important question, please don't ignore this for once and just answer it and make my life easier. For another book, would you guys prefer to read wedding vows or would you not? do you think they're boring or they're a must? I hope you like this chapter, don't forget to comment and vote if you do! xxxxx
The purpose of the last three months of my life can be summed up in a single word-realization. I realized alot of things in the past three months one of the them being that I'm a complete idiot. An asshole, a dick, an inconsiderate pig. Those are just few of many adjectives I would use to describe myself.
At the beginning of this year, I had everything. I really did. Let me elaborate. My job was going great, I had met an amazing girl who accepted me for me and who made me open up to everything, my daughter had a motherly figure in her life who she looked up to, all my friends loved my girlfriend. Well everything was amazing because of one special person. I'm pretty sure you all know who that is.
I'm still earning in millions, I still have my friends and my loving daughter by my side but my heart isn't truly happy with the stupid decisions I've made in the previous months. As any normal person would do after a break up, I started to isolate myself. I started drinking more and socializing less. Even Millie asked me several times if I was doing alright. I just didn't want to tallk to anyone. I was spaced out and was vulnerable. The only times when I genuinely experienced joy was when I used to spend time with Millie. Other then that, my life was a living hell and that was all my fault. I did this to myself.
I was planning on living like this forever or at least until I die. I was fine with everything. I was punishing myself. I deserved to be like this. Until a month ago when my ever so caring friends decided to pay me a visit.
It had been a long day at work. Millie was spending the weekend with her grandparents as they were in town so I didn't have to worry about coming home early.
I walked inside to see Liam and Zayn casually sitting in my living room. What are they doing here? I haven't properly seen them in weeks.
"Harold. Good you're here." Zayn says smiling at me.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask clearly confused and very tired as well.
"Good to see you're alive mate. Some of us actually wondered if you died."Zayn says.
"Just take a seat beside Liam until we wait for the others to get here." Zayn demands.
"What on earth is going on here? What are you guys at?" I ask raising my voice.
"Well Harold. Your dear friends have been so proud of your actions and all the decisions you've been making lately that we decided to throw an intervention for you! Yay!" Zayn's remarks were dripping with sarcasm.
"You're being a little extra don't you think Zayn?" I retort back at him.
"Just take a damn seat while we're waiting for the rest. Okay? Okay. Sit the fuck down now."
"You can't be bossing me around in my own house Zayn." I glare at him.
"Just watch me." Zayn spats at me.
"We're here!" All three of us turn around to see Louis walking inside in living room with Niall and Eleanor behind him.
"Okay what on earth is happening over here?" Now I was yelling.
"Calm down Harry. We're here for you. Can you chill for a minute mate?" Niall asks.
"I would chill if I knew what was happening here right now. Can someone please tell me?" I ask.
"Just take a seat Harry. We need to talk to you and you just need to shut up for awhile and listen. No arguing just listen to us for once. We've tolerated your dick behavior for way too long now. So just listen now. Okay." Zayn says sternly. Everyone took a seat and then I was left alone standing so I took a seat on the end of the living room away from the rest of the people.
"I'm listening." I look at Zayn directly.
And after an entire lecture from my friends, I realized what I had known all along. That I'm an asshole and pushing Selena away was the biggest mistake I ever made. I know it. I knew it from the day I picked her up from rehab and had made up my mind to take a break.
I really didn't want to go to Kyle's wedding but he had asked so nicely I couldn't simply say no. Also, this was the first time in months I was spending time socializing so I guessed it could somewhat be good for me. I don't know. I just need to go even though Kyle's isn't really my best friend. But you gotta do what you gotta do right?
As I was driving to the church a thought crossed my mind. What if Selena's there? I mean her and Kyle were friends but I don't know if they're still in touch after Selena resigned. What if Selena is there? Do I approach her? She probably hates me. Actually scratch that-I'm sure she hates my guts.
Even if she's there and we run into each other, I'm sure she won't bother talking to me. I bet she'll throw her drink at my face or punch me. Not like I don't deserve it. If I could, I would punch me in the face too. Trust me, I've begged people to but no one seems to be too keen to punch me. Who better then Selena to punch me and maybe knock one or two tooth out? That would really be nice.
Okay I need to stop. I think I'm hating on myself a bit too much. I really shouldn't. Maybe I should? It's not healthy but I can't help hating on myself. I honestly can't. It all just comes so organically. Time to shut up now.
The next morning I woke up with a feeling that was indescribable. It was a feeling that I hadn't felt in a long while. It was familiar yet new. I don't know how to describe it.
I quickly take a shower and grab a cup of coffee and head outside to my car. Today is going to be a good day. I haven't said that in awhile.
I knock on the door and minutes later it was opened by a very tired looking Selena.
"Hey!" I smile.
"Harry? What are you doing here?" Selena asks tying her robe around her body.
"I came to pick up the dress I ruined yesterday and to give you these." I hand her the flowers I was hiding behind my back.
Selena gives me a look as she holds onto the flowers,"Harry-"
I cut her mid sentence as I already knew what she was going to say,"I know. But last night you said you would give us another chance."
"But I told you I needed time. You can't just come and ask me out 12 hours after that conversation Harry." Selena chuckles.
"So that's a no then?" I pout a little.
Selena chuckles yet again,"Yes. But think of it this way. That's a no for now." Selena moves closer and places a kiss on my cheek.
"These are beautiful by the way. Thanks." Selena smiles.
"I'm glad you like them. Now that dress."
"No Harry. It's fine. I'll get it cleaned. You really don't need to worry about it."
"Nonsense. I was the one who stained it so I'm going to be the one who's going to get it cleaned."
"Harry you really don't have to." Selena looks at me seriously.
"No I really do. So are you going to get me the dress or am I supposed to go off and get it myself?" I ask.
"Ugh fine. I'll get it. Just wait here a second." Selena says.
The days going great so far.
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