My dream was interrupted by a familiar Beyoncé song playing in the background, a song that also happens to be my call ringtone.
I groan against my pillow and grab my phone. Without checking the caller ID I press answer.
"Hello?" I ask. Who the hell I disturbing me at 9:00 am on a Saturday?
"Selena?" A raspy British accent speaks. Mr Styles. Why is he calling me? Did he want me to come in today? Oh please no!
"Mr Styles? Why are you calling me this early on a Saturday morning?" I ask sitting up and leaning against the headboard.
"Selena, I want to ask you if you are free tonight" Is he asking me out? I crinkle my nose in disgust. He's met Daniel. Who does he think he is? Or think I am am?
"Sir, I have a boyfriend and I think this is very unprofessional-"
I was interrupting by rather loud chuckling,"Selena, I'm not asking you on a date love"
Almost immediately my cheeks redden, Ofcourse he isn't. Why am I so stupid. "There is actually a charity event I have to attend tonight. This is a yearly thing. I always take my assistant with me as this is a work event. It actually slipped my mind to inform you so if you already have plans you will be excused but if you don't then you would have to come."
An event? I remember Liam used to take me to those as well, they were always work related. I don't have any plans tonight I mean as much I don't want to see him but free food so why not?
"No Sir, I don't have any plans!" I say.
"Perfect then. If you can text me your address I will pick you up at 7." He says.
"Okay" I mumble.
"I'll see you later. Goodbye Selena" Before I can even say anything else he hangs up.
At around 6, I took a quick shower and wore a floor sweeping, white off-the-shoulder maxi that Nina had gotten me a year ago for my birthday. I compliment the dress with sliver heels and emerald teardrop shaped earings. I let my hair fall to my right shoulder in natural long waves.
After applying light makeup, I admire myself in the mirror. I think I look pretty nice, chic-elegant and simple. Like I prefer. I decide to take a sliver box clutch that looks very well with my dress.
Exactly at 7:00 the doorbell rang. I look at myself one last time in the mirror before walking to the door. I opened the door and there stood Harry Styles in a black tuxedo. I have to admit, he looks dashing. Like over the top dashing.
Harry looks me head to toe with glistening eyes, "Wow, you look beautiful. More then usual Selena" my cheeks start to redden as I look at the ground. Why does he have this kind of affect on me?
"Well shall we go?" He asks. I nod unable to speak. I close the door behind me and follow him.
Standing outside is black limousine. Why am I even shocked? This guy is a billionaire. He opens the door for me for which I thank him and smile. How is he being such a gentleman today? First the compliment then opening the door for me?
He walks in from the other side and takes a seat beside me. Well with enough space to make me feel comfortable.
"Let's go Richie. You know the way" Harry says to the driver.
"Yes Sir" The driver says and closes the window that separates the passengers from the driver.
I just stare out of the window as we the driver starts the car. We sit there in silence for awhile until Harry speaks.
"I'm assuming this isn't your first time?" Harry asks.
I turn my head to look at him,"It's not. I used to accompany Liam to these events all the time"
He simply just nods. "Is he going to be there?" I ask.
Harry raises an eyebrow at me confused,"Liam?"
"I'm afraid not. He was invited but he had other plans. I talked to him a while ago" I nod.
After an entire hour we arrive at our destination. Harry gets out first, I move to open my door but Harry beats me to it and offers me his hand. I smile and take it.
I pick up my floor sweeping dress a little and walk up the stairs beside Harry. Before we enter the building Harry looks at me,"Stick by my side. This place is huge and you're probably not familiar with anyone so we don't want you getting lost." I nod. Harry opens the door for me yet again. This gentleman thing is actually pretty nice. If only he can always be like this always.
We walks beside each other, Harry stops by several people to greet them.
"So that was Mr Earl, a long time investor I ours. He was actually one of out firsts." Harry tells me about the man we had just met.
"Harry Edward Styles!" We hear a manly voice with a British accent behind us. We turn around and Harry and the man endorse themselves in a hug.
The man was a few inches shorter then Harry, with light brown hair, blue eyes and tan skin. This man was attractive that's for sure. The man moves away and smiles at me.
"And who might this be?" He asks extending his hand. I extend mine hoping to shake his hand but he places a kiss on the outside of my hand. Causing my heart flutter, not in the romantic way but like in awe.
"This is my assistant Selena Gomez and Selena this is my long time best friend, Louis Tomlinson" Louis smiles at me and I do the same.
"How long have you been working for Harry love?" Louis asks.
"About two weeks now" I say.
"Oh, so you're fairly new" I simply nod.
"I actually stole her from Liam, she was his assistant for a year" Harry says.
"Oh, how is Liam?" Louis asks.
"He's good. Doing well. Sophia's expecting!" Harry says.
"Oh, that's terrific. Good for them! How was Liam as a boss Selena?" Louis asks looking at me with a polite smile. He seems too nice to be a friend of Harry's.
"Honestly, he was the best boss ever. Everyone loves him. I honestly don't think I can work for a more fair and kind man" I say with a smile.
"Not even me?" Harry asks with raised eyebrow.
"No offence Mr Styles but Liam was way nicer then you" I say confidently.
Louis chuckles,"Woah! Selena has guts! I'd be surprised if you still have your job by the end of the night!" Louis says slightly elbowing me. I simply chuckle.
"Nah, I'm not firing anyone" Harry says seeming unfazed by my comment.
"I guess Harry really likes you!" Louis mutters. I simply smile.
"Niall and Zayn are also coming" Louis says looking at Harry.
"Oh are they now? Haven't spoken to either of them in awhile. It'll be nice to see them" Harry says smiling.
The rest of the night was pretty nice, I met the rest of Harry's friend's Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. I even met Louis's wife Eleanor and Zayn's fiancé Gigi. They both were very sweet. Harry seemed to have a great time as well, this first time I'd ever seen him smile and laugh properly. Tonight made me realize that Harry really has a soul. Which is strange. I guess Liam was right, he really is a nice man he just chooses to hide it and put up a tough mna act for others.
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