The phone on my desk rang from the 100th time today. What the bloody hell does he want now? I swear he's just doing shit to annoy me.
Today is Monday, meaning my first day of the second week. My first week working for the devil was alright but today he's getting on my nerves asking me to run errands that don't even make sense and it's not even 11 am yet? I'm literally going to punch him.
I pick up the phone,"Mr Styles office. Selena speaking. How can I help?" I ask even though I know it's him calling.
"Your voice sounds a bit too robotic don't you think love? I don't want to scare off my potential clients. Could you say that one more time with a little cheerfulness?" I can hear the smirk present on his face.
I roll my eyes,"Hello, this is Mr Styles Office. This is Selena speaking. How can I help?" I say with a fake calm voice.
"Good. That's so much better. Now if you could come to my office for a second that'd be great!" Before I could even say anything else, he hung up.
I get up from my chair and fix my dress, and head to his office. I knock on the door and after hearing a come in, I enter.
"What can I do for you Mr Styles?" I ask with a very obvious fake smile.
"You can make me Vanilla Latte and while you're at it photo copy this document eight times will you?" He says handing me a document.
It was a file about climate change from the year 1995 till 2015. What the actual fuck? And the coffee I made him an hour ago is still untouched sitting at his desk.
I take a deep breath,"Mr Styles. Are you testing me?" I ask.
If it's even possible, his smirk grows even wider automatically,"Oh whatever do you mean Selena?"
"Well this document can barely be any useful for you and the coffee I got you an hour ago is untouched." I say with a very expression on my face.
"I'm just making you work as a boss does. You're too used to Liam spoon feeding you" Spoon Feeding? I'm going to slap the shit out of this man.
"I'll get this done right away sir" I didn't even bother faking a smile as I exit his office.
You know when Harry showed me the coffee room on the first day, I was actually pretty happy. I mean no more asking someone to get you coffee but when I found out that you have to make it yourself, oh boy was I disappointed.
I've never made a Vanilla Latte ever, I haven't even had one ever. So I'm happy they're instructions given but I bet this is not going to be good. Which is fine by me, I mean the devil has to drink it right? Not me.
After 30 minutes the coffee was finally done but I still need to make two more copies of the document so I set the coffee aside and get back to the photocopying.
When I was finally done photocopying a useless document eight times and I had made his latte I walk to his office. I knock on his door and walk inside when I hear a come in.
I set the photocopies and the coffees on his desk and give him a forced smile,"I'm done!"
His mouth slightly opens in shock. Then he narrows his eyes for a second as if he's surprised,"Already? It's only been an hour. How did you work the photocopier so fast?"
"Well thanks to my dad, I know how to use a photocopier. The coffee might not be the best but it doesn't matter. It's not you're going to drink it anyways." I shrug.
He raises an eyebrow at me,"What do you mean I'm not going I drink it?"
"Like I said before, your previous coffee is still untouched. "
"So can I go for my lunch break now? It's almost one!" I ask hopefully.
"Sure. But be back in 45 minutes. An hour tops." He says sternly.
I nod and head out of his office. I grab my purse and head out of the office.
I press the elevator button and wait for it.
It opens after a few minutes and I look up to see Daniel standing there smiling with a bag from McDonald's. Seeing him made my day better. I smile at him.
He walks towards me and hugs me, I pull away and kiss him on the lips,"Hi. What are you doing here?"
He smiles,"Your office is so nearby I decided to surprise you with food"
"What did I ever do to deserve a guy like you?" I ask with a smile.
I grab his hand and lead him to my office. "This building is beautiful and huge! Look at how big your office is now!" Daniel says looking around.
"It's not that big. It's a little smaller then yours. If you want to see a huge office, check out Mr Styles that place is enormous. Like really" I say with a chuckle.
"How is the man himself?" Daniel asks with an amused look on his face. He knows how much deep hatred I have for the man.
"Like I told you yesterday, the first week was fine. He was better then I expected actually but today God knows what happened to him. He's being so bloody annoying. He made me make him coffee twice and didn't even touch it. He made me clean the spotless photocopy room and made me photocopy a useless document. I was literally on the verge of slapping the shit out of him!"
Daniel lets out a laugh,"You know you look adorable when you're pissed off"
I smile,"You think I look adorable all the time!"
"Well that's because you just do!" Daniels smiles.
After finishing our food and spending time talking Daniel decides to leave. His break his almost over so we walk to the elevator.
"Next time I'm going to surprise you with food during lunch" I say.
Daniel smiles,"Sure. But when should I be expecting you?"
I let out a giggle,"It's going to be a surprise silly"
Daniel laughs,"Well I'll look forward to it"
I lean in and attach my lips to his. I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. At that very moment the elevator opens and we're basically making out in front of the person in the elevator. We pull away to see Mr Styles. A very furious Mr Styles that his. Why is he mad?
I don't know if it's just me but it seems as if he's glaring at Daniel at I, specifically Daniel. He's purposely narrowing his eyes at Daniel. He steps out of the elevator and puts up a very obvious fake smile.
"Selena, I wasn't expecting you back so early. Did I interrupt a love fest?" he tires to ask jokingly but anger was clearly laced in his voice.
"Actually I never left. I had dinner over here" I say.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your lover?" He asks with an annoyance in his voice. What the heck is up with him.
"Mr Styles this is my boyfriend Daniel Ross, Daniel this is my boss Mr Harry Styles" I say.
Both the men move to each other and shake hands,"Pleasure to meet you sir." Daniel says with a polite smile.
"Likewise Daniel. What do you do?" Harry asks.
"I'm a lawyer at The Blanch Law Firm" Daniel says.
"That's one of the best law firms in New York"
"Indeed" Daniel says.
"But at 22? How did you graduate so early?" Harry asks, I look up to see his eyes filled with a very unreadable expression.
"Actually I'm 26" Daniel says.
"Oh" Harry says and looks over at me.
"It was nice meeting you Mr Styles but I have to get going now" Daniel says.
"Nice meeting you too Daniel. Have a good day!"
Daniel nods at Mr Styles and looks at me,"I'll call you later babe?" He asks.
I nod and move towards him and kiss him on his cheek. I swear I heard Mr Styles scoff. Daniel heads to the elevator and just before the door closes I wave at him and he smiles.
I turn to Mr Styles to see him standing there with a furious and annoyed expression? Did he not like Daniel?
"Is there a problem sir?" I ask.
"Not at all Selena. Your boyfriend is very nice" his voice was laced with the mixture annoyance and anger and he was flashing a very forced smile at me.
"Thank you sir" I say.
"But don't make this a regular habit having him over here" he says sternly.
"Why? You don't like him?" I ask.
"I'm the boss Selena so just listen to me!" With that he turns the other way and walks inside his office.
What the fuck is his problem?
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