"I just reached your building. I'm right outside." I say.
"Okay. I'm coming. Give me a minute." Selena says.
"Alright." I say and hang up. I put my phone aside and wait for Selena to come downstairs.
It was a Saturday night and Selena's friend Courtney had invited the two of us for dinner. So that's where we're headed.
After a few minutes the passenger door opened and Selena stepped inside. She smiles at me and leans in to peak my lips.
"Hi." She smiles once she pulls away.
"Hey. You look gorgeous as always." I compliment.
"Why thank you." Selena smiles.
"Should we get going?" I ask.
"Yeah let's go." Selena says.
I turn my attention to the steering wheel and start the car.
"Okay obviously you met Courtney back in Texas. Her boyfriend is Cory. We went to high school together but I haven't seen him since then so I really don't know what he's into but as far as I can recall he's not a sporty person. So talk to him about stocks or something?" Selena says as we walk to Courtney and Cory's place.
"Okay got it. Talk about Stocks. How about I ask him to invest some into Styles' Establishment?" I joke.
Selena playfully rolls her eyes at me,"Like you need more money."
I chuckle,"Never hurts to try to become a trillionaire."
"Yeah okay. We're here." Selena says as we stand outside Courtney and Cory's apartment door.
Selena knocks on the door and two minutes later it was opened by Courtney.
"Hey guys." She smiles and moves aside to let us in.
Courtney moves to hug Selena and then smiles at me,"Thank you so much for coming Harry."
I smile,"My pleasure. Thank you for inviting me. This for you." I say handing her the bottle of wine.
"You shouldn't have. Thank you for this." She smiles.
I simply nod at her. "Hold on let me tell Cory that you guys at here. Make yourself at home." Courtney smiles and walks away.
Selena and I take a seat on the couch. I notice the picture on the coffee table and observe it closely. I pick up the picture and smile,"Hey is this you?" I ask Selena.
Selena takes the picture from my hand and smiles looking the picture,"Yes. I remember this day. Oh God it was so much fun. Can't believe Court still has this picture."
"You look exactly the same." I say.
"No I don't. I look way different now then I did in high school." Selena argues.
"No. You look exactly the same. Besides the hair cut. You're the same." I say.
"Well I disagree. You're probably just blind." Selena mumbles.
I chuckle slightly,"Are you seriously getting offended by the fact that I said you look the same?"
Selena shrugs,"Maybe."
"You really are something else aren't you babe?" I joke.
"Well duh. I'm one in a million." Selena says.
I open my mouth to speak but I was interrupted by someone's voice behind us. Selena and I get up to see Courtney and a guy behind us who I assume is Cory.
"Selena. Selena Gomez. Look at you!" The guy- Cory moves towards us and smiles at Selena.
Selena pulls Cory into a hug,"Look at you. What happened to the dorky glasses and you're really tall now!" Selena says.
"I had a real glow up." Cory jokes and Selena and Courtney chuckle.
"Yup. This is my boyfriend. Harry Styles." Selena introduces me.
Cory smiles politely and extends his hand,"I'm Cory. It's an honor to meet you. I've read so many wonderful things about you."
"Thank you. Pleasure meeting you too." I smile at him.
All four of us take a seat. Cory and Courtney on one couch and Selena and I on the other.
"Who would have thought that the two of you would ever get together?" Selena jokes.
"Trust me. I didn't." Cory says.
"I always secretly hoped you guys would. You two really make a cute couple." Selena smiles.
"Aww thank you Sel. I can say the same about you two." Courtney smiles at us.
"Thank you Court." Selena says.
"So how's Millie? That little girl is such a sweetheart." Courtney smiles at me.
"Oh yeah she's great. Spending some time with her Godparents today." I say.
"So how did you two meet? I mean besides that you're colleagues, did you start dating very soon or?" Cory asks.
Selena and I look at each other and chuckle slightly,"Actually no. When I first started working for Harry he was literally the worst boss ever. He was arrogant, rude, annoying, obnoxious, a dick etc etc." Selena says.
Courtney and Cory both start laughing,"I'm right here you know babe." I say.
"But then we got to know each other better and he turned out to be not so bad and then we started dating a little after." Selena says.
"So your relationship isn't very different from ours is it?" Cory jokes.
All of us laugh,"I guess it really isn't." I say.
"Aren't those the best relationship that turn from Hate to Love?" Courtney asks.
I look at Selena briefly and smile,"Most definitely they are."
"Do you guys live together? You and Selena?" Cory asks.
"Oh no we don't." I answer.
"Oh. Well you still have your freedom." Cory jokes.
I chuckle,"Yup. Still have it."
"It has it's perks though. Living alone and living with your girlfriend." Cory says.
"Yeah it definitely does."
"How old is your daughter, Millie right?"
"Yeah Millie. She's 7 years old" I smile.
"Well that's nice." Cory smiles at me.
I open my mouth to say something when I interrupted by Courtney,"Guys come on. Dinner is done." She announces and disappears off into the dinning room. Cory and I follow her.
I take a seat beside Selena and smile at her.
"Alright everyone. Let's dig in!" Courtney says.
"The food was delicious Court. You're still an amazing cook like you were back in high school." Selena says.
"Thanks Sel. You know I always had a passion for cooking." Courtney smiles.
"Yeah. You've gotten even better if that's possible." Selena humorously adds.
Courtney chuckles lightly,"Haha. I guess I have."
"Thanks so much for inviting us. I honestly had a great time." Selena smiles.
"I'm glad you guys came. We should do this again soon." Courtney says.
"Yes. Most definitely we should." Selena smiles.
"It was great meeting you Harry." Cory smiles at me.
"Likewise Mate." I say.
"Thanks for coming Harry." Courtney smiles.
"Thank you for the invite." I politely nod.
Selena hugs Courtney and then moves to hug Cory. We say our final goodbyes and head out to my car hand in hand.
"I had a great time tonight. What about you?" Selena asks once I start the car.
"I had a nice time. Courtney and Cory are nice people." I say looking ahead.
"Yeah they are."
"How long have they been together for?" I ask.
"Oh. I don't know. Almost two years I think?" Selena says.
"Why'd you ask?"
"Oh no reason. They're living together so I was just wondering how long they were together." I say
"When you find the right person, it really doesn't matter how long you've been together. So many people get married or move in together after just a few months of being together. And so many people fall in love after they get married." Selena adds simply.
I just nod and drive ahead. What does she mean by that? That maybe we should move in together? I mean I love her, she loves me, Millie loves her. It wouldn't be a bad idea would it if she were to move in with me?
The rest of the drive I kept thinking about how everything would be like if we lived together. It's not such a bad idea if you think about it.
I stop outside Selena's apartment building and smile at her,"Thanks for the ride babe." Selena smiles.
"No problem." I smile.
Selena leans in and peaks my lips briefly before pulling away.
"I'll call you in the morning." Selena smiles.
"Okay. Goodnight." I smile.
"Goodnight." Selena says and heads upstairs.
If only we were living together she wouldn't have to call me in the morning. Am I really considering the fact that Selena and I should move in together?
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