A/N: hey guys. hope you all are doing well and that you enjoy this chapter. it's not the best, honestly it's just a filler. don't forget to comment and vote if you do! xxx
"Dora literally gives me life." Selena whispers.
"I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or honest." I say to her.
"Well then you're a terrible boyfriend." Selena comments.
"I am not." I defend myself.
"Are too." Selena snaps back.
"Whatever you still love me." I smirk at her.
"Still trying to figure out why." I chuckle at her comment and pull her closer to me.
We were in the living room watching Dora the Explorer with Millie, Tori and Marcus. Selena and I were so bored, yet too lazy to do anything else. We've been watching Dora for three hours now, how do kids love this Hispanic little girl so much?
"I would literally kill to watch anything else right now." Selena whispers.
"Same babe. Same."
As the words escape my mouth, Rick just walked into the living room and he takes a seat next to Selena and I.
"The five of you have been sitting in front of the television like Zombies. You guys should do something. Selena why don't you show Harry the best sights in Texas and take the kids along?" Rick suggests.
"But dad there really isn't anything spectacular to show somebody in Texas." Selena says.
"Selena Marie Gomez." Rick says raising his voice a little.
"But dad." Selena whines.
"No buts. This isn't healthy sitting in front of the TV all day. It will be good for you two and the kids. Don't you agree with me Harry?" Rick asks looking at me.
Selena also turns her head to look at me with pleading eyes. I smile at Rick,"Yeah it seems like a good idea."
Selena's pleading eyes automatically glare at me as soon as the words leave my mouth. "Good then it's decided. Come on Sel, go get ready now." Rick says and walks to the kids to tell them about our trip.
"You seriously couldn't have said no?" Selena asks clearly annoyed as she starts to get up from the couch.
"No." I smirk.
"Daddy where are we going?" Millie asks as I start the car.
"I don't know sweetie. Ask our tour guide Selena here." I say and gesture towards Selena who simply rolls her eyes at me.
"Where are we going Selena?" Marcus and Millie ask in unison.
Selena looks over to me,"I honestly wasn't kidding when I said there's not much to see in Texas so how about we go to the mall and eat ice-cream. What do you say?" Selena asks the kids.
"Yeah! Ice cream!" Marcus says and Millie nods her head rapidly as if her life depends on it.
"So then let's go to the mall shall we?" Selena asks me.
"Whatever you say Milady" I smile at her and head to the mall.
"Now it's only a few days till Christmas and the mall will for sure be very rushy so we can't have either of you getting lost alright? Millie and Marcus you have to stick right by us and hold either mine or Harry's hand. Alright? Clear?" Selena asks the kids as we park in the parking lot.
"Yes." Marcus and Millie say in unison.
"Good." Selena smiles.
"I'll hold Tori and you keep an eye on Millie and Marcus?" Selena asks me.
"Alright." I smile.
We step into the mall and as Selena had predicted indeed it was very rushy. It was a chaos in there. I haven't even seen so many people in a rush in the streets of New York.
"The best Ice cream parlor here is on the third floor so let's just hop into the elevator." Selena tells me.
"Okay." I say as I follow her to the elevator.
The elevator was empty it was just us and an elderly couple. They were pretty polite and held the elevator open for us and even smiled at us.
"Cute little family the two of you have got here." The woman comments,"How long have you been married?"
Selena smiles,"Oh no. We're not married. These two here are my siblings and she is his daughter. We're together but not married." Selena explains.
"Aww will I thought otherwise. The two of you make an adorable couple." She smiles at us.
"Thank you." Selena and I say in unison.
We reach the third floor and walk over to the ice-cream parlor. We take a seat at one of the tables and place our order. Lucky for us the place wasn't too crowded as most people here were still doing last minute Christmas shopping.
"This mall is literally the rush-iest place I've ever been to." I tell Selena.
"You should see this tomorrow on Christmas Eve, it's full. There's barely any walking space. That's why we always did our Christmas Shopping days before hand." Selena says.
"Ice cream's here!" Millie announces clapping her hands and the waiter approaches us.
"That'll be $13." The girls smiles at us.
"Here you go. Keep the change." Selena smiles handing the girl a twenty dollar note.
"Thank you. Enjoy your ice-cream. Don't forget to come again." The girl says and walks away.
"I could have paid you know." I say to Selena.
"It was just 13 dollars. It's good." Selena smiles.
"Still I'm the man, that's the gentlemen thing to do."
"Well I'm a feminist and I believe in equality. Men don't always have to be the ones holding authority. Plus you're my boss, my money comes from you so technically you paid the girl." Selena chuckles.
"True that. True." I smile.
"We're going to be right there on that bench don't you dare even think about going too far alright? Promise?" Selena asks Millie and Marcus.
"Promise!" The kids say in unison and run off.
Selena and I take a seat on the bench with Tori in Selena's lap.
"How do kids even have the energy to run around and all? I just get exhausted looking at them." Selena says.
I chuckle,"That's probably because you're the laziest person ever." I joke.
"I am not." Selena defends herself.
"You most certainly are. I haven't met anyone quite as lazy as you and you're like 12 years younger then me."
"Shut up. I'm not lazy, I just can be a little exhausted from time to time after doing nothing really." Selena says.
I start laughing quite loudly at her statement,"You're right. You're not even one percent lazy Selena." I say.
Selena just sticks her tongue out at me as she holds onto Tori tighter.
A man and woman were walking by us and kept staring at Tori. They walk over to us and smile,"You have the cutest daughter ever. How old is she?" The woman asks.
"Oh she's not my daughter. She's my sister. She's 2." Selena smiles.
"Oh." The woman says,"She's adorable and the two of you make such a lovely couple." She smiles at walks away.
"This is the second time today that we've mistaken for being parents." I say.
Selena chuckles,"I know right. It's because here in Texas people get married at a very young age, my parents were both 16 when they had me. That's why people presume that anyone over 21 should have at least 2 kids."
"Oh. How old do I look? Slightly over 30?" I ask.
"Nah. You look slightly over 25." Selena smiles.
"Well I do work out alot." I smirk at her.
"I know. I know." Selena smirks back at me.
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