"Just a few more minutes till we land." Harry tells Millie and I.
"I'm so excited!" Millie exclaims jumping up and down.
"You guys will love Texas." I tell them.
"Are we going to stay with your sisters Selena?" Millie asks.
"Yes we are. You're going to love them." I tell Millie.
"We're staying at your dad's right?" Harry asks.
"Yeah. Well for now at least maybe after a few days we'll stay with my mom. So my dad's name is Ricardo, my step-mom is Sara and then there's little Victoria and then Marcus." I explain.
"Okay got it." Harry smiles.
"Are you nervous?" I ask.
"Nah. I never get nervous baby." Harry says.
I roll my eyes,"Yeah sure."
"Selena!" My dad waves his hand so we notice him.
"Dad!" I run to him and wrap my arms around him.
"Look at you. You look so much taller!" My dad exclaims.
I chuckle,"That's just the heels dad. Still 5'4."
I move to hug Sara,"You look gorgeous as always" she compliments.
"Thank you Sara. You look amazing as well." I smile.
"Wow Marcus you're like a big boy now! What are you 10?" I ask hugging him.
"I'm a big girl too!" Tori exclaims opening her arms so I can pick her up.
I smile and place a kiss on her cheek,"Yes. You're a big girl!"
"Dad, Sara this is my boyfriend Harry and this is Millie." I smile moving towards them.
"It's lovely to meet you Mr and Mrs Gomez." Harry extends hand.
"It's great to meet you Harry. Please call me Sara." She smiles.
"Good to meet you Harry. I'm Rick." My dad smiles shaking his hand.
"And aren't you a little cutie Millie? How old are you sweetie?" My dad asked.
"I'm 7!" Millie exclaims.
"Wow you're a big girl." Sara comments.
"Let's get going home. All of you must be tired." Dad says and we nod.
I walk to the car with my dad and Tori in my arms. Sara was chatting with Harry behind us holding onto Marcus while Millie was in Harry's arms.
We all get into the range rover. Dad and Sara in front with Tori in Sara's lap. Harry, Millie, Marcus and I in the back.
"Millie you know Marcus and Tori are obsessed with Dora just like you." I tell her.
"I love boots!" Marcus announces.
"I love Dora too." Millie smiles at Marcus. Millie moves from Harry's lap to mine to be closer to Marcus and the two of them start fangirling about several different cartoon shows.
I rest my head on Harry's shoulder. I was exhausted once we reach home I'm literally going to sleep for hours."Your family seems nice." Harry whispers.
I smile,"I know. You'll like my second one too."
"Ofcourse I will." Harry smiles.
We reach Dad's house soon enough and start to get settled in. Millie's already getting along with Marcus and Tori perfectly. The three of them were in the kid's room playing around.
"You and Harry must be tired. You should rest for awhile. We'll look after Millie don't worry." Sara smiles.
"Thank you Sara." I say gratefully.
"It's all good." She smiles again.
I walk to Harry and I's room and flop back on the bed without even taking off my shoes. Harry walks out of the bathroom and laughs at me.
"Selena, you can't sleep in those clothes. You won't be comfortable." Harry says.
"I don't care. I'm too lazy to even move." I mumble against my pillow.
"Selena." Harry says in a stern tone.
"Ugh okay. I'll change. Happy dad?" I say and get up from the bed.
"There done. Do you like how your hair looks?" I ask Millie.
"Yes! I love it." She exclaims.
"I'm glad." I smile.
Millie was wearing a pretty sky blue dress and I had tied her hair in ponytail. She looked like the cutest little girl alive.
"We're going to meet your other sister now aren't we?" Millie asks.
"Yes we are. Her name is Gracie." I say.
"Okay. Tori and Marcus are my friends now. They are very fun." She tells me.
"I'm happy you like them." I say.
"Harry! Are you done? We have to leave in awhile." I ask Harry through the bathroom door.
We were about to head to Mom and Brian's for dinner. It was 7:25 and we were supposed to reach by 8:00.
I had straightened my hair and I was wearing a full sleeved purple dress that fell to my knees. I was fixing my hair when Harry walked out of the bathroom. He was wearing a white dress shirt with black pants. His hair was all messed up.
I chuckle and move towards him,"Let me fix your hair."
I brush his long curly locks with my fingers and part it perfectly giving it a very best look.
"Thank you babe." Harry smiles.
"No problem." I smile.
"So your mom's name is Mandy Teefey and what about your stepdad? What's his name?" Harry asks.
"It's Brian." I tell him.
"Okay. Got it." He says.
"Come on let's get going." I say.
We walk down stairs. Dad and Sara smile at us once they see us.
"Aww the three of you look so cute. Let me take a picture!" Sara says.
I pick up Millie in my arms and scoot closer to Harry for the picture,"Perfect" Sara says as she snaps the picture.
"You have a key right Sel?" Dad asks.
"Yup. It's in my bag." I say.
"Be safe and have fun." Dad smiles.
"Okay we will." I smile.
I knock on the door and after a few seconds it's opened by my mom.
"Selly!" She exclaims and embraces me in a hug.
"Hi mom." I smile.
"Look at you. You look gorgeous. I missed you sweetie." She smiles.
"I missed you too mom." I say.
"Mom this is my boyfriend Harry and this is Millie." I tell her.
My mom wraps her arms around both of them,"It's lovely to meet you. I'm glad both of you are spending Christmas with us." Mom smiles.
"It's nice to to meet you Mrs Teefey." Harry smiles.
"Please Harry, call me Mandy." She smiles.
"And don't you look like a little princess Millie. You're so cute."
"Thank you!" Millie smiles.
"Come let's go inside. Brian and Gracie are waiting for you guys." Mom says escorting us inside the house.
Once we enter I spot Brian and wrap my arms around him in a hug.
"Even when I wear high heels your just too tall." I say.
Brian laughs,"Well what can I do."
"You must be Harry. I'm Brian. Nice to meet you." Brian says extending his hand.
"It's nice meeting you." Harry smiles.
"And who is this adorable little girl?" Brian asks Millie.
"I'm Millie." She smiles.
"Well aren't you a cutie." Brian says.
"Selly!" I hear a voice coming from behind me. I turn around to see Gracie running towards me.
I bend down and hold in her my arms,"Hi Gracie. Look at you. You're so big now!" I say.
"There's someone I want you to meet." I tell her.
"This is Harry and that's Millie." I say.
"Hi." Gracie says shyly.
"Selena's told me so much about you. You're so cute." Harry tells her.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Gracie asks.
"Yeah he is." I smile.
"I'm Millie!" Millie introduces herself to Gracie. I love the fact that she's not shy at all. I've never seen her shy or nervous. She's surely Harry's daughter.
I put Gracie down,"You and Millie will get along just fine." I smile at her.
The night was great. We had dinner and caught up. Mom and Brian both really liked Harry and Millie. Millie and Gracie also got along pretty well. These holidays are going to be great.
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