Today is our last day in England. We have to leave early in the morning tomorrow. It has been an amazing trip, London is even prettier then I had imagined.
Right now Millie and I were in the garden, she was telling me how Cece and her had scared Gemma so bad that she almost had a heart attack. Her words not mine but still it was pretty hilarious.
We went back inside. Robin, Anne and Harry were in the living room and we joined them. I took a seat next Harry as Millie practically jumped in between Robin and Anne. She clearly enjoyed their company alot. I glance at Harry to see him already staring at me.
"What?" I whisper.
"Nothing." He smiles.
"You're literally creeping me out right now." I say.
"What? Can't I stare at my beautiful girlfriend?" He asks all lovingly.
"Stop." I mumble and look at the floor. I'm not good with compliments.
"Why?" He asks. I look up to see him smirking.
"You're so annoying." I roll my eyes.
"You love me." He whispers still smirking.
"Don't make me take that back." I warn playfully.
"You can't take I love you's back. What's done is done." Harry says.
"Says who?"
"Says me." He smirks.
"Well I make my own rules so I will take it back whenever I feel like it." I say.
"You wouldn't dare." Harry smirks.
I raise my eyebrows,"Watch me."
At that moment Harry's phone rang and he took it put of his pocket and looked at the screen.
"I have to take this. I'll be back." He says to me.
I smile at him,"Okay." I say as he walks up the stairs.
I moved closer to Anne and started chatting with her. We talked about the movie that was playing-When Harry Met Sally.
"I was in love with the movie. More particularly Harry himself. That's why I named my baby boy after him." Anne admits.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah. I love the movie. Up to this day I've seen it a couple of million times and I still never get bored of it. It's so good." Anne says.
"Oh I agree with you on that. The movie is great." I smile.
"Where did Harry disappear off to?" Anne asks.
"Oh he got a phone call. I'll go check on him." I say.
Anne smiles at me,"Yeah you do that sweetheart."
It has been a good 20-25 minutes since Harry left. Hope everything is alright. I walk upstairs and into our room. Harry was on the bed still on the phone. When he saw me, he smiles and gestures for me to take a seat next to him.
"Yeah. Okay. I'll see you guys soon. Yup. Sure." Harry speaks into the phone and then hangs up. I wonder who he's talking to.
Harry puts his phone aside and then smiles at me. "Hey" he says.
"Hi." I smile,"Who was that?" I ask.
"That was Paul and Mandy Ray. Amber's parents." He says.
"Oh. Is everything okay?" I ask.
"They're fine. Usually whenever I'm in England, Millie and I always spend a few days with them. This time however they were in America for Thanksgiving and got back yesterday, so they want us to come over in awhile. They haven't seen us in awhile." Harry says.
I smile,"That's nice. So when will you guys be going?" I ask.
"Actually, they want to meet you as well." He says.
"Wh-Wh-What?" I ask.
"I told them that you're here with us in England and that you're my girlfriend. They really want to meet you." Harry say.
"Me?" I ask confused.
"You're the first girlfriend I've ever had since Amber and they're practically like my second parents. They're super nice. They just want to meet you. What do you say?"
"If it makes you happy, then sure." I smile.
Harry smiles at me showing off his white teeth,"Thank you babe. You'll love them." Harry says.
"Wait. One thing, Who does Millie think they are? If she didn't know who a mom was until a few months ago?" I ask.
"Oh well, she knows they're her grandparents but she doesn't really know how they are related to her by blood. I think we'll tell her that this time." Harry says.
"Yeah you guys should." I say.
Harry smiles at me and kisses my cheek,"We have to leave in thirty minutes. Why don't you get ready?"
I smile,"Okay. I'll be quick" I say and get up.
Currently we were standing outside of Paul and Mandy's house.
"I'm so excited to see Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Paul!" Millie jumps up and down as Harry knocks on the door.
Within a few seconds the door was opened by a smiling man. Millie starts jumping when she sees him. "Grandpa! Grandpa!" She exclaims. The man-Paul, chuckles and takes Millie in his arms.
"You've gotten so big sweetie. Wow. You're like what 7 now?" He asks.
Millie nods her head enthusiastically,"Yup. I'm a big girl!"
Paul puts her down,"Why don't you show your grandma how big you've gotten. She's in the kitchen. You know the way right Millie?"
"Yup!" Millie says and runs into the house.
Paul smiles at Harry and they immediately move into a hug,"It's good to see you Harry. You look fantastic." Paul compliments.
"Thank you Paul. You look good. Have you been working out?" Harry asks.
Paul smiles,"You know it." He says.
Paul looks over at me,"You must be Selena. Lovely to meet you. I'm Paul." He smiles.
"It's nice meeting you too." I smile back.
Paul guides us inside the house and as soon as we enter the living room we spot a lady, who I'm assuming is Mandy with Millie. She looks up at Harry and I and smiles.
She walks over to Harry and hugs him,"It's lovely seeing you Harold. You look good and happy." She says gesturing towards me behind him.
She hugs me next and smiles at me,"It's lovely to meet you Selena. I've heard so much about you" she says.
"It's really nice meeting you too Mrs Ray." I smile.
"Oh please dear call me Mandy." She says and I nod.
After awhile Harry, Mandy and Paul were telling Millie about Amber and how they were her grandparents. I just sat there awkwardly listening, I mean I don't really know what to say or do. I personally didn't know Amber. So I got up and went to put my empty coffee cup in the Kitchen.
In the hallway I spotted several pictures of Millie. I saw pictures of Amber as a little girl and a teenager. I picked up a picture of Amber and Harry on their wedding day. They seemed so happy and in love. I feel really guilty for thinking this but part of me wonders, will I ever be able to ever make Harry as happy as Amber did? She was clearly the love of his life and she completed him. I know he told me that he loves me but I still wonder and it scares me to think that maybe, just maybe I love him more then he loves me? I don't think I can ever truly replace Amber. I don't want to but I want to make Harry as happy as Amber did once.
I put the picture back and started looking at other pictures of Amber as a kid. She was a really cute kid and a very pretty teenager. As a little girl I can see alot of resemblance between her and Millie.
"Millie looks alot like her aye?" A voice asks and startles me. I turn around and see Mandy standing behind me smiling.
"Yeah. She does. Amber was a really cute kid." I say placing the picture down.
"That she was. And very charismatic as well. Everyone loved her." Mandy says.
"I guess Millie gets her charisma from her mom." I say and Mandy smiles at me.
"You make Harry very happy you know?" Mandy says.
"What?" I ask.
"Ever since Amber passed away, I haven't seen him this happy. He's genuinely happy and I can tell he really loves you. He kept looking at you throughout our conversation." She says.
I almost immediately felt guilty, oh God. Mandy probably hates me. "It's not a bad thing Selena. I'm happy for him. All those letters Amber had written us she always told us to find the right girl for Harry. She wanted this. She wanted Harry to be happy. You're good for Harry and Millie Selena. I'm happy."
I smile at her,"Thank you. Both Millie and Harry mean the world to me."
"I can tell. You're a keeper. I'm glad Harry found you. I wish Amber was alive, she would have loved you." Mandy smiles.
"Was she your only child?" I ask.
"No. We have two sons. Amber was the youngest. Her brothers are settled in Sydney and one is Chicago. She was always the spoiled one." Mandy smiles.
"From what I've heard, she seems like a wonderful person." I say.
"Oh she was. You would have loved her Selena." She smiles at me.
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