It's been a week since Harry left for Spain. It feels so strange not to see him everyday. I'm pretty bored at work as well. As Harry isn't around I don't have much to do.
Today is Friday and work was pretty boring. I had very little work to do, Harry actually told me to take the day off but I don't like to sit around and do nothing. Plus I don't want anyone to think that Harry's treating me differently because we're dating. At least not when it comes to work matters.
I reach home at around 4 and immediately hop into the shower. The warm water running down my body soothes me and relaxes my muscles. God I really need a spa day with Nina. How long as it been?
After my long shower, I wrap myself in a comfy robe and indulge myself in several movies. It was around 7:00 I think when my phone started to buzz. I picked it up and saw that Eleanor was calling.
"Hello." I say.
"Hey Selena! How are you? I haven't seen you in almost a month!"
"I know. I've been kind of busy. I'm sorry. How are you? And Louis? And how's Millie?" I ask.
"Oh no worries. They're all good. Millie misses you alot. It's been almost two weeks since she saw you and has been asking if you can come over. So I was wondering if you're free tomorrow? The two of us can have tea and spend time together and Millie will be delighted to see you." She says.
I smile, even though she can't see it. "I'd love too. That'd be very nice."
"Good then. Come by 2 ish?"
"Sure." I say.
"Will see you tomorrow Selena! Bye!"
"Bye!" I say and hang up.
The next day came by pretty fast. I got dressed in blue floral pattern dress that reached my knees. I pull my hair in a side braid and my favorite pair of white heels. After one last look at myself in the mirror, I head out of the apartment. It was about 1:45, Eleanor and Louis don't live very far away so I'll reach by 2.
I knock on the door and it was opened by a smiling Louis.
"Selena! Hey!" He says and embraces me in a hug.
"Hi. How are you?" I ask with a smile once he pulls away.
"Oh I'm good. How are you? Hopefully not missing Harry too much?" He smirks.
"Maybe just a little." I say.
"Well I'm actually heading out with the boys so you have fun with El and Millie." He says.
I smile,"Okay."
"Make yourself at home. El is just in the restroom. She'll be down." Louis smiles and heads out of the door.
I take a seat in the living room and soon I heard footsteps descending down the stairs.
"Selena!" Eleanor says smiling at me.
I get up and walk to her,"Hey." I say as I hug.
"I'm so glad you could make. Someone's been anxious since yesterday." She chuckles.
I smile. "Millie! Honey someone is here to see you!" Eleanor yells so that Millie can hear her.
Almost immediately Millie comes running down the stairs. Her smile widens as she sees me. She runs to me and I bend down so I can give her a hug.
"Hi Millie." I say and place a kiss on her cheek.
"I have so much things to tell you Selena!" She sequels and before I know it she's dragging me across the living room.
"Why don't the two of you get acquainted while I get the tea and snacks ready?" Eleanor suggests.
"Are you sure you don't need help? I really don't want to be a burden" I say.
Eleanor smiles at me,"Oh nonsense. You just relax. I'll be fine." I smile at her as she heads to the kitchen.
"What does acquainted mean?" Millie asks scrunching her nose in confusion.
I chuckle at how adorable she looks,"Well it means, being friends." I say.
"Oh." She says were lips forming a 'o' shape.
Until Eleanor came from the Kitchen Millie was telling me about her school and how her favorite teacher is Miss Berry, who made me think of Strawberry Shortcake for some reason so I chuckled. She told me she made a new friend who's also British and her name is Rebecca, Becca for short. I love the fact that she tells me about everything as if I'm someone very important in her life. I never wanted her to get too attached to me as the future is unpredictable but, she's an angel I honestly can't help myself.
Eleanor and I sat on the couch with Mille on the floor too focused on the cartoons. She was occasionally talking to us but she was to busy in her cartoons.
"These brownies are amazing!" I compliment Eleanor.
"Thank you. I'm actually known for being quite the baker." Eleanor smiles.
"I am too. I have quite the sweet tooth so I love baking for myself especially." I say and Eleanor chuckles.
Eleanor glances at Millie and speaks,"You know she's quite fond of you. Harry had told me she is but I recently realized how much she likes you and adores you."
"She's an angel. I've grown quite fond of her as well." I say.
"It's pretty strange as she's not one to enjoy the company of many adults. She get's pretty shy around strangers but she seems to be fine with you." Eleanor says and I smile.
"Harry told you about Amber didn't he?" Eleanor asks.
"He did. He told me she was your best friend. I'm sorry for your loss." I say.
"I miss her, I really do but I know she's in a better place." Eleanor flashes me a weak smile.
"However it's Millie and Harry I worry about. He needs a woman in his life and she needs a mother. I tired to convince Harry all these years that he needs to move as this life of his was not what Amber wanted but he wouldn't budge. Until you that is. What I'm trying to say is I'm happy you're in their lives. You're good for them." Eleanor smiles at me and she places a hand on my knee.
I open my mouth to speak but my phone beats me to it. I pick it up and see Harry calling,"Speak of the devil" I joke and Eleanor chuckles.
"Take it." Eleanor says.
"No it's alright I can call him back." I say.
"It's fine Selena. Just talk to him. I'll clear these dishes." She smiles and walks to the kitchen.
I answer and press the phone to my ear.
"Hello." I say.
"Hey, how is my favorite girl doing it?" Harry asks.
"Favorite girl aye? I'm with someone who might get very offended if she hears that." I joke.
"You're with Millie?" He asks.
"Yup. Eleanor invited me to tea and spend time with Millie." I says.
"I'm happy my two favorite girls are bonding." He says and I smile.
I can get used to the favorite girl thing. "Do you want to talk to her?" I ask.
"Sure. I haven't spoken to her all day." He says.
I bend down and look at Millie,"Millie it's your dad!" I say.
Millie's face lights up and she takes the phone from my hand,"Hello Daddy!"
"When are you coming back? I miss you Daddy? Aunt El and Uncle Lou always give me ice-cream. I love them. I spent my day with Selena and we ate brownies that Aunt El made!"
I just sat next to her and smiled at her as she talked to her dad. Eleanor walked out of the kitchen and smiles at me.
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