"Seriously it's not funny!" Selena says.
I laugh out loud once again,"It most certainly is Selena. Why would you even do that?"
"I was 5 okay?" She defends herself. I can just picture her scowling at me and hitting my arm so I shut up.
"That's not a well enough excuse!"
"Didn't you do stupid shit when you were 5?"
"No. I was a very well behaved sweetheart." A smirk appeared on my face.
"Well what happened to you now?" Selena asks.
I chuckle,"Ouch. But true."
It's been two weeks since Selena and I had our "find out if we're compatible" dinner and since then things have gotten pretty, well I don't know what to say. I didn't take her out on a proper date but we talk alot, practically all the time. Even at work we're practically inseparable. There are also a few streamy makeout sessions here and there, well at work but beyond that nothing really. I sometimes notice that Selena gets slightly annoyed by the fact that we haven't gone on an official date or put a label to our relationship yet but she pushes it away. I care for her but I'm not exactly sure what I want.
"I know. I'm always right" I can feel her grinning on the other end.
"At least I wasn't a crazy kid!" I say with a loud laugh.
"Okay, enough!" Selena scolds. I can imagine her cheeks turning red right now, she looks so cute when that happens.
While I was still laughing the door to my bedroom opened and walked in Louis and Eleanor. Millie was in Eleanor's arms. They saw me smiling and laughing and automatically raised an eyebrow.
"Listen, I have some uninvited visitors that I have to take care of, I'll call you later?"
"Sure. Have fun!"
"Thanks. Bye take care."
"Bye!" She hangs up and I put my phone aside and get up.
"Hey guys! What a surprise." I smile and walk to my friends. I hug Louis and then Eleanor.
"Daddy!" Millie says opening her arms wanting me to hold her. I smile and take her from El.
Louis and Eleanor take a seat on my bed while I sit on the couch with Millie in my lap.
"Daddy, who were you talking to?" Millie asks looking up at me.
"Yes Daddy who were you talking to?" Louis asks with a raised eyebrow.
"The only person who can call me Daddy is Millie. Okay Lou?" I say and Louis and Eleanor both laugh.
"And I was talking to Selena." I say. Almost immediately Millie jumps in my lap.
"Really daddy? Is she coming over? Is she? When will she come daddy?" Millie starts bombarding me with several questions.
I laugh at her,"I'm sorry sweetheart I forgot to ask her that."
Millie automatically pouts,"You always forget Daddy!"
"I'm sorry sweetheart." I say and kiss her forehead.
"So Millie and Selena finally met?" Eleanor asks.
"Yup. We had fun at daddy's birthday. But now he won't invite her over!" Millie whines crossing her arms over her chest.
"Millie, I'm sorry. I will next time. I promise!" Millie's face lights up and she hugs me.
"Okay!" She exclaims and sits back on my lap. I hand her the television remote so she doesn't get bored and within a few moments Dora was the TV and Millie on the ground very focused on what Dora was saying.
"So you and Selena aye?" Louis smirks.
"We were right all along weren't we? You two like each other don't you?" Eleanor chimes in.
"So what if we do? Nothing is happening." I say. At this moment I was glad that my daughter watches cartoons like her life depends on it, I really don't want her to start thinking something about Selena and I.
"What do you mean? Normally when two people like each other they start to date!" Eleanor says in a matter of fact-ly tone.
I chuckle,"I know El. No need for the class"
"Haz, I'm serious. How long have you two liked each other? What exactly is going on between the two of you?"
"About two weeks? Well nothing yet. So far we're just friends who like each other." I say.
"Harry, you can't do that. You can't play with a girl feelings like that." Louis scolds.
"I'm not. I care for her. She knows that. And she's fine with not putting a label on anything yet."
"How long do you think she'll be fine with it? A month? If you're lucky two? You can't do that Harry!" Louis says.
"Well I don't really know what to do." I confess.
"It's not rocket science Harry. Ask her out and see where things can go!" Eleanor says.
"You two know better then anyone else, I don't date. I never thought I'd have to ever."
"And you care about Selena?" Louis asks.
"Ofcourse I do. I don't want to but I can't help it" a smile appears on my face thinking of Selena.
"Then what's so hard Harry?" Louis asks.
I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. Eleanor gets up from the bed and takes a seat next to me she places a hand on my knee and speaks,"Haz. It's been about 7 years since Amber. You can't keep this up. She didn't want this for you, she wanted you to be happy. Think about Millie, the girl has no idea what or who a mother is. You really going to make her live like this Haz? You're torturing yourself as well as Selena. It's time for you to let go. I miss her too, Haz." I look up to see Eleanor have tears in her eyes.
"El is right, it's alright for you to be happy. You can't be alone forever" Louis says.
"I just don't know." I say.
"Talk to Selena. Open up to someone. It's been 7 years it's time. Tell her everything. I have a strong feeling she's special for you" Eleanor smiles.
"I will, you just stop crying okay?" I say with a smile and put an arm around Eleanor.
"Millie loves Selena too" Eleanor says.
I smile,"Everybody loves Selena."
"So you promise you're going to talk to Selena because I really want you to be happy Harry. She would want you to be happy as well" Eleanor smiles.
"I'll do something. You just don't worry about me okay? I'll be alright" I smile at Eleanor who wipes the tears rolling down her cheeks.
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