Light is easy to love, show me your darkness
R. Queen
To say I was amazed by his words would be an understatement
I was in love with him, his words, his personality, his character and his heart
I am in love with Iqraam Ibrahim and I am damn proud of it!!!
"Ruqayyah!!! Stop thinking, start shopping!!" Said Iqra going through racks of clothes
We were in the city, going through the shops in the mall, hoping yo find something to buy
Iqraam had his hand firmly pressed on my waist as we walked
Shumayll was with Zaik, who insisted that he stay with Shumayll
Zahi was stuck to Iqra like a glue, not that Iqra minded
"Ruqayyah, you have not yet brought a single thing!" Said Iqraam as he skimmed through the tees
"I know!! But first I need to buy something for ammi!" I replied and he turned to me with amusement in his eyes
"Really?" He asked and I nodded
I wanted to give something to ammi
"How about.... you buy her something... related to.... clothes?" He said and I grinned
"Great, I will buy her a set of head pieces!!!" I said and Iqraam gave me a weird look
He did not understand me
"Iqra, Shumayll, we are going to Lawaz Fashions for head pieces, you guys wanna come?" I asked them and Iqra's face lit up
"Yes!! I need more hijab!" She said and we nodded
Shumayll followed us wordlessly as he was too bored to answer back
We stood in the shop trying to find the perfect one until I saw a silver and gold one
"How much for that?" I said pouting to the silver one
The lady smiled and took it off the shelf
"Its 100 Rand's" she said and I turned to Iqraam with a cute face
I like that head piece
It was exquisite and elegant
Like ammi
"Pack it- anything else?" He asked me and I shook my head
He gave his credit card to pay for Iqra and my purchases
After that we just roamed around the city, buying things, just having fun
Finally we were at the airport by 4-
I had bought the head piece for ammi, some dresses for Nabz, a soccer tee shirt for Nafz, converses for Namaan and anything that Iqra wanted
Well, Iqraam paid for all so yeah
"Alex is here!!!" Announced Iqraam as we stood in the private jet area
The 3 cars would be in the cargo and everything of our shopping and all were in it
Iqraam and Shumayll parked the cars in as we boarded the plane
I was so glad for it's homey feelings
I set beside Iqraam after we buckled up Zaik and Zahi (Zahi had her child seat)
After we took off, I was so glad to be in the air
3 hour later we were home and exhausted
A lot
Ammi and abba did not ask why I returned to early and I was glad for that as well because I was not exactly ready to tell them the whole story
I knew to had to tell them one day
"You alright?" Asked Iqraam as he walked into the room
We had prayed Magrib and were currently in our room
"We should head to the gym- Shumayll has set up the tech system there and it's ready" said Iqraam and I began whining
"But I don't like gym!!!!" I whined and he laughed at me
Poking my sides, he spoke
"You need it!" He then began laughing again
"No I don't!" I retorted but he continued to laugh
With that laughter, he had gone into the closet and when he walked out, all I could do was sigh
He was wearing tracks and vest and a sleeveless hoodie in his hand
"Really?" I asked him and he winked
"Wear niqab, Shumayll and Namaan will be there and maybe the girls and abba... yeah I think it's a family gym day today!" He said smiling brightly and I laughed
Family gym day
He had humor
"Okay but I will not be working out, instead I will be reading" I said in a firm tone and he grinned
"Will be checking me out" he winked and I blushed
It was true....
He walked to me and put his arms around me
I knew where this would go
Soon his lips were on mine and he kissed me
Half an hour later, we walked silently downstairs, neither Iqraam made conversation nor did I
All he did was smirk
Because ha had managed to keep me with him for half an hour, just kissing me or.... stuff
The air con air hit me and I let out another sigh as I was pretty much heated up
"Finallyyyy!!!" Drawled Shumayll
He was on some cycle listening to some songs that played in the gym
The tv was on and abba was making ammi run on the trend mill
"Oh (pants) come (pants) on (pants)" said ammi and I chuckled
Nabs and Nafz were both on some machine and Iqra was huddled in one corner
"Where is Namaan?" I questioned Iqraam and he chuckled
"He has some interview today... in Cape Town, so he will stay over at his house tonight and return tomorrow" he said and I nodded
I walked towards Iqra and set beside her
Their gym was very... high class
I loved it
Working out alone or with Iqraam or with females would be great here
Opening the Mobster book, I began reading from the place I left previously
"Why are you reading and not looking at your husband?" Asked Iqra and I looked up to her
"Why are you reading a book and not gaping at Shumayll?" I smirked and she broke into fits of coughs
"I (cough) what (cough)?" She asked be and I began laughing
"You heard me" I said and she sobered up
"We. Don't. Like. Each. Other!" She whispered each word like venom
"Uhuh.... so why did I not hear any fights from you two?" I asked her
She laughed
"Thats because we don't have time... he stopped fighting and I guess I did not bother to fight.." she said and I detected sadness in her voice
"You miss it, nah?" I asked her and she sighed
"Sort of..." she muttered and I laughed
"Shumayll!!!" I called out to him and his head snapped to us
"Yeah?" He asked as he stood off the gym equipment he was on
"When did you complete the whole tech wiring?" I asked him and he chuckled as he walked to us, with a towel and water bottle
Taking a seat in front of us, he gave me a lazy smile
"Yesterday, before I left for Bloemfontein with Iqraam, why?" He asked me and I smirked, not that he could see it
Closing the book shut, I set straight
My eyes wandered to Iqra and she was looking at the book, her cheeks had faint pink colors
She was naturally fair, so the pink patches gave out easily
"Why is my love Iqra blushing?" I asked Iqra and her eyes snapped up to me
"I am what?" She asked me and I laughed
"Blushing?" I asked and she coughed
"No.. I was... maybe because of the book..." she stammered and I grinned
Ya Allah I am so glad they can't see my face!!!
"Uhuh... was he hot?" I whispered to her and on the que, she went pink
"No- bhabhi!!!! You called Shumayll to talk, talk to him!!" She whined and laughing I turned to Shumayll
"Guess you never keep up to your words huh?" I asked him and he gave me a confused look
"You said she will be the last one to have tech?? Eh.. her room was updated last week?" I questioned and it was his que to go pink
Any blind guy would see that they like each other
Its just that I guess they have difficulty saying it out loud
"About that... it was the last room but I was left with the upstairs kitchen, gym and study hall, the library and the outside garage" he said and I nodded
I did jot get what he was saying but nevertheless I shook my head 'yes'
After gym, we headed back to shower and I was so lucky to escape Iqraam this time
I was in the bathroom when I realized my ovaries decided it was time to visit me
I called out to Iqraam and within seconds he stood in front of the door
"Call Iqra for me please... NOW!" I said to him and he immediately called Iqra
When I told Iqra about me, she aighed but nevertheless got me the girl supplies
I walked out of the bathroom in a tank top and leggings, my hair up in a bun
Iqra set on the beanbag near the bed and I slumped on the bed
"My stomach hurts!!!!" I whined and she set beside me on my bed
"Chill, I will get you some tablets to help the pain" she said and I immediately shook my head
"Tablets make me worse... I am fine.." I muttered as I pressed a pillow on my stomach
Why was nature so cruel?
"Hide the marks babes!" She said and immediately I blushed
It was fresh.. Iqraam decided he wanted to do so
"I..uh..we- nothing umm..." I stammered and she laughed
"Chillax... no where do you wanna go for your honeymoon?" She asked me wiggling her eyebrows and I chuckled
It will be of no use anyway
"Uhh somewhere... but one thing is sure!" I said and she smirked
"Which is?" She asked me putting her hands under her head
"We all will be going together... like a family vacae!" I said and she went silent before laughing away hysterically
"You want the entire fam during your honeymoon trip? You can't be serious!" She said and I shook my head
"Nope... I mean it will be a good getaway.... it's not like we will be in one huge room- anyway I would love to see the places with you gang!" I said and she smiled up at me
"You are different..." she muttered and I laughed
"No I am a girl, I am no different!" I joked and she shot me a grin
"Naah..... I mean I am usually conserved.. jokes and other things... I had forgotten how to smile,you know.. but with you, somehow I began talking and made good friends with..." she said and I wrapped my arms around her
"I love you baby!!!" I said in a cute baby voice and she laughed
"See this is why I like you so much!! Bhai's so lucky man!!!" She said and I sighed dramatically
"I know right! He got me!!" I said and she laughed
"I feel that I could tell you anything and not be judged...." she said and I smiled
"You know you can.." I said seriously and she nodded
"So I think we should head down?" She asked me and I sighed
"I guess so...." I replied and she set up
Tying our hijab and niqab in my case, we walked downstairs to the living room where everyone was talking
everyone talking about the walimah,our walimah
"A week from now?" Asked abba and Iqraam turned to me
"Okay...." I muttered and he frowned
that means I have to go shopping and all while being sick?
Ya Allah!!!
"Abba can't we shift it to coming week? I don't think Ruqayyah is in the condition to do the shopping and all.
." Explained Iqraam and my eyes went wide
No one discusses such things with their father!
Ammi looked at me questionably and I looked down
"Uhh mom, I think bhai's right... can't we do it like... today is... 26th... how about we do it after the new year? Like maybe... 3rd or 4th?" She asked ammi and both my parents went into deep thought
my eyes gazed back to Iqraam's and he gave me an assuring smile
"I think it's a good idea... that way, our online orders will be here and we will have at least 10 days to look over the general details!" Said ammi and abba agreed
I let out a sigh of relief
"So it's either 3rd or 4th?" Asked abba and we nodded immediately
"Okay... so hall?" He asked and ammi signed hitting his shoulders
"Ibrahim, we will discuss that later!" She said sternly and abba nodded chuckling
"Great- now can we go to sleep? I am exxhhaauuusstteedd!!!"said Shumayll dragging the word exhausted
Everyone laughed and we parted ways
I was a ninja as soon as I entered my bedroom
Taking off the hijab and niqab, I pulled off the abhaya and hit the bed in my tank top and leggings
"You alright?" Asked Iqraam as he switched off the lights and got into bed beside me
"Yeah... doors locked?" I asked him and he chuckled
The lights dimmed out and I turned to face him, with great difficulty I might add
"Uhuh.... windows closed, curtains pulled, AC to 22 degrees and lights dimmed, mi lady!" He said as his arms snaked around me
"Don't.... my stomach hurts!!" I whined and he chuckled
Carefully, he cuddled me and rubbed my stomach
"Better?" He asked me
"Thanks.." I muttered drowsily
My eyes fluttered close and in no time, I was into my slumber...
Salaam people!!!!
Sorry for the late update....
so yeah....
I guess another chap before finale...
I can cry now..
I will miss you people more than ever!!!!!
I love u all
(P. S- PM or message me anything u want to know about me... I will do a Q & A after the last chap!!!)
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