Chapter 1: The leopard
(Y/N) always had loved felines. She used to spend whole afternoons watching those tv documentaries about the world's big cats. That's what lead her to become a veterinarian. She was a very smart and pretty woman. Her eyes were (e/c) and her (h/c) hair shinned under the sun.
Recently she had been offered a job at a well-known zoo. It was one of the biggest zoos in her island. Each species that were in it were separated and had –depending on the number and size of the animals- about 2km2 of habitat. Yes it was a really huge zoo. She was destined to the "Big felines' section". She was thrilled. It was a dream for her. He loved being around the felines and that her schedule wasn't very hard:
-In the early morning she would take a box of rabbits and hares and distribute them between the animals' habitats. Then she could see the felines chase after them and eat them. It was like being in the wild seeing them hunting down their preys. It would seem cruel for the rabbits, but this is the best way to keep the felines from getting fat, and to preserve their predator instinct.
-At midday she would check them to see if any of them seemed to be sick or wounded. She also would check if their water resources were too low.
-At night she would repeat the same process to feed them again.
Even with all the cautions that the zoo had in order to keep the felines as wild as possible, those big kittens had taken a like to (Y/N).Every time when she passed in front of the glass that allowed the tourists to see the cats, they rubbed their heads against it to claim her attention or when she needed to enter the lions' habitat, the whole herd came towards her and rubbed themselves against her legs, making her fall the most of times. She was accepted like one more cat by all the zoo's felines. Well not all of them liked her. There was a newbie that was causing trouble.
FLASH BACK (about a week ago)
The marines have brought a new feline that "had been troublesome " to them. After trying to sedate it and failing, (Y/N) and some helpers decided to tie it up and carried the cat to her lab in the zoo. Then she started to analyze it.
-"Well, for starters it is a 'he'" She said lifting the feline's tail, much to his displeasure. "He seems young and strong... All the teeth are Ok... the paws Ok...claws sharp and hard... the fur seems healthy unless this weird mark in his back... maybe he was someone's pet? Let's see" She took note of all the data. With the upmost care and trying to spare her body from being scratched to death by the tied up feline, she lifted one of his hind legs and with her free hand, she felt his 'male parts' in search for abnormal lumps.
(A/N): This is the mark:
-"This is strange, usually the people that have this type of pets gets them neutered. And he's not. Where did you come from?" she asked backing away from the now furious feline.
-"Ok,Ok. I'm sorry for intruding your privacy but I needed to know how your body is" she chuckled with her hands in the air. "Now be quiet, please".
Calling for her helpers she took a blood sample and went to study it while the feline was carried to his new habitat in the zoo.
After spending the afternoon in the lab making sure that the new –and first- zoo's leopard didn't have any sickness, she was ready to head to her home. But before she left she could heard from her workmates that with the leopard also came a big wolf and that he was being healed in the canine's section. He was in a really bad condition. Full of bite-marks and feline-like scratches.
-"Now the wolf is Ok. He was placed in the wolves' habitat once he healed. Right now, he is very happy and having "fun" with the females. Well, at least with the ones that let him. Hahaha" she heard the canine section's vet laugh with some of his assistants as she walked towards her section to feed the cougars.
'That's good. He's happy here...Something that can't be said from others' she thought nearing the leopard's habitat.
-"Hey, big guy. How are you today?" She asked to the leopard only to be answered with an angry big feline launching itself at the glass that separates them, with his claws unsheathed, showing his fangs and roaring his throat out.
-"Woah, woah. OK. You're not pleased to see me. I get it"
Giving him his morning rabbit, (Y/N) observed his actions. When the leopard caught the rabbit, he nearly destroyed it. His attack was fierce and his behavior was more aggressive than normal. Being the good vet she was, (Y/N) decided to make some test on him to determinate where that much stamina came from.
Ruling that sedating the leopard was too dangerous for him - and for his caretakers- she decided to tie him up and bring him to her lab again. Once everything was ready she took blood samples from the leopard and, after studying them and finding the problem, she sighed.
-"I'm sorry, buddy, but you'll have to spend the night here in a cage. I don't want you to harm anyone including yourself. Tomorrow I'll give you a injection that will help soothe your hormones. But you'll have to suffer it out alone since the zoo doesn't have any more leopards. I called the nearby zoos but none have a female for you. I'm really sorry, this must suck. I wish I could do something more about it".
'Maybe the neutering wouldn't be a bad idea after all' she thought as she left the zoo not knowing that a big surprise was waiting for her for when she came back tomorrow.
1-(A/N): I took the cover image of this chapter form Pinterest. I don't own it. Credit's for the real owner of it.
2-(A/N): I'm sorry, this is crap and short. The second and final chapter will be a LEMON you're warned!!
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