What I Like To Wear Everyday
Hey, guys!
So, today, we got a question from a newcomer to my Q&A book: skye4everyandever ! And, be sure to check her out, as she's totally awesome and sweet! And let me say that I'm sorry I didn't answer this question earlier! I just knew I was forgetting something.
Anyways, here's her question: "What do you mostly like to wear almost everyday?"
Well, I'm glad you asked! The answer would be this blue Nike jacket:
Which is the successor of this blue Polo jacket:
And I loved that blue Polo Jacket so much. Plus, since my upper body never grew (and it's still not 😂) size-wise, I've actually been wearing it for a year! I've had it for seven, as it was WAY too big when I got it, and I didn't really start wearing until 7th grade, and I only wore it then because I knew it was going to be cold in the teachers' classrooms. And it was. But, I started wearing it more and more, and soon, not only was it a warming device to me, but it had also become a comfort item, as I was at a new school with people I didn't really know (and of which I was nothing like), and I just felt really good whenever I had it on. Like everything was right. Though I don't know why. But anyway, that's why it's such a dark color now. It's actually stained like that, as it was a bright blue as the Nike jacket. Of course, I washed it, but the shade didn't come out. I haven't since I stopped wearing it this July. And yes, it's beat up, and some people talked about it and even literally only knew me as "the boy with the jacket zipped up all the way up". But I still loved it, anyway, and besides, I don't really care about what people think of me anyways. 😉
But, this July, my mom tried again for the fifth time this year to try and get me a new jacket, and I usually always refused. But this time, she has convinced me to see that it was really beaten up and stretched out, and that it wouldn't last much longer. And I finally agreed with her and thought that maybe it was time to give it a rest. So, she then presented me a new jacket (that she had already bought 😂) out of her closet that she said she found that looked closest to the old one, as that was the deal. I would only get a jacket if she got me one that looked mostly or exactly like the older one.
And so, having accepted it, I hung my old one in one of my bedroom hallways, on the wall right next to my belts, that way I could always remember it. And I do. And yet, now, this school year, at a new school, nothing has changed. People now know me as the exact same thing (except this time it's half the school that knows me like that because like I said, I'm new), mostly because I'm also the same one that got everyone Call Of Duty. 😂 But, everyone can also respect that that's just the way I like it.
And I still wear it zipped all the way up, all day, everyday. Like in this picture of me and my sunflower back in August (Even though it was raining then, so I had a good reason to (continue) wearing it.. And excuse the horrid hairstyle, as I have since got that cut off the week, seeing as I hated it.):
And that yellow thing around my neck is my lanyard, which we have to wear as long as we're in school, otherwise, we'll get detention if we're caught without it. And, better still, my picture was taken the same week I had that horrible hairstyle:
And as you can see, I was even wearing my jacket in my lanyard photo! 😂 And I even still wear it in our 90-degree heat. But I only do that because I'm too lazy to take it off, plus if take it off, there's a good chance I'll forget it. And I don't want to do that. Because I hate being cold when I'm cold, I can't think of anything else other than "Why don't I have my jacket right now?" 😂 Besides, heat never really bothered me anyway, but that's definitely true now, especially considering The fact that I spent almost every day outside in the heat tending to my plants. Though I'll always do that no matter if it's hot or cold.
But, other than that, if you just mean the type of clothes that I wear, I wear jeans and a t-shirt. Unless it's Wednesday, becuase every Wednesday I dress up nice (just because 😉) by wearing a formal Polo shirt with a collar and some jeans, along with some dress or regular shoes. But I always wear jeans and a t-shirt (which people usually don't see because I'm wearing my jacket most of the time. But I may take it off for five minutes before I put it back on.) because that's just the way I like it. Though I don't know why...
And on the weekends, since I don't like leaving the house much anyways, I just wear the clothes I wore to bed all day long. Even outside, because it's comfortable, and because I'm too lazy to change into some actual clothes. But, can you blame me? It is the weekend. 😁
So that's it! I hope I answered your question the way you wanted! And, if any other newcomers have a question, or anyone for that matter, don't forget to leave them in the comments section below!
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