Random Rant~
Okay, firstly, Happy Friday all of you beauties! I hope your HAPPY THAT ITS THE WEEKEND!~ Anyways, I'm here to say one this, and one thing only.
Dear Homophobes that are scared gays/lesbians will hit on you:
We have fucking Standards. Like, your really think someone gay, would flirt with a homophone? Don't make me laugh sweety.
We don't spill the tea when it comes to intolerance hun... We throw the fucking cup. *sips tea*
That's like, you having a crush on a different species of human, it'll never happen.
I mean unless you wanna have a crush a fucking wolf, I'm not stopping you. But moral of the story, Don't be afraid of us LGBTQ+ people hitting on you. Cause in some honesty, I doubt even a straight person would hit on you.
Super sorry for the dumb rant, hopefully some ACTUAL chapter may happen. *GASP* YOU HEARD ME RIGHT FOLKS, An actual chapter! :0 anyways, stay tuned beauties!
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