Wait What?!
I was just entering the globe room with Hiccup when I saw North reading a book next to a beautiful sleeping girl.
Wait what?
He looked up and saw me so I waved and sat down by the girls head. Hiccup say next to her feet.
"Hello! You must be Hiccup!" says north while shaking Hiccups hand. "I am North!"
I think North caught me staring at the girl, because he said, "Jack, this is Elsa."
He winked and started to talk to Hiccup again. I looked at Elsa once more than saw Tooth coming in carrying a sack.
"I have Rapunzel!" Tooth stated.
The sack popped open and out came a girl with really, and I mean really, long hair. She was holding a frying pan.
"What was that for?" She asks Tooth. "My hair took about half of the room in the bag! Do you know how uncomfortable that is? Where am I anyways? Where's Flynn?"
Man she talks a lot!
"North Pole." I say.
Hiccup speaks up. "Why are we here?"
North puts his book down and stands up. "You four are-"
"There are only two of us. Unless that boy and the sleeping girl are the other two." says Hiccup.
"The sleeping girl? Yes! Jack? No!" says North.
"Than where is the other one?" Asks... Rapunzel? is that her name?
As if her question was answered, Bunny came in with a sack.
He put the sack down and a girl popped up. Her hands were tied behind her back and she had duck tape over her mouth.
Bunny ripped the tape off her mouth and she yelled "Ow! What was that for you filthy creature?! If my hands weren't tied up I'd probably shoot you with a-where's my bow and arrows?" When her hands were untied she felt around the bag and pulled out some arrows and a bow.
I laughed and Bunny glared at me while he untied Her feet.
"Is everyone here?" asks North.
"Yeah. Just looks like we have to wait for her to wake up." I say gesturing to Elsa.
As If on cue, Elsa woke up.
I don't remember how I feel asleep. All I remember is that a guy appeared. I slowly opened my eyes to find a white haired boy looking at me.
I sat up. "Ow." I say holding my head.
I hear someone say "Jack get her an ice pack."
The white haired boy left the room and came back with an ice pack. He sat next to me again.
I yawned and said "Where am I?"
"The North Pole." The white haired boy, who I guess is named Jack, said.
I glanced down at my hands and whisper "Where are my gloves?"
"guess the guy heard me because he said "When I found you, you were only wearing one glove and it came off as I was putting you in the sack."
"I need gloves!" I say as I hold my hand so they weren't showing.
"Tooth get her some gloves. Better yet, we should get everyone dressed for winter, you all look like your freezing!" says North.
"I need gloves!" Says Elsa. she looked all worried and she kept looking at her hands then hiding them.
Then North told Tooth to get everyone fitted for winter. Hiccup stayed behind because he was already wearing a fur vest and boots.
About 5 minutes after they all left Elsa came back in the same outfit but with gloves. She looked cute.
Where did that come from?
As Elsa came into the room I saw Jack staring at her so I said "Jack why don't you show Elsa to her room. You know, the room that's right next to yours?" He nodded then had Elsa follow him. Nice one North!
I know that Elsa girl from somewhere. But 'where' is the question.
After I put on some purple gloves, purple hat, and a purple cloak, I started thinking about the deal with Eugene. I feel bad because he probably thinks I blew him off!
I walked in the room I was in before and saw North, I think that's his name, talking to... the Moon?
I say on the couch not wanting to disturb him and next thing I know I'm starting to fall asleep. North turns around and thinks I'm sleeping so he takes me to a room and put me on the bed.
I fell asleep.
I woke up about 5 in the afternoon and went to the room I was in before and saw everyone.
All the girls were wearing the same outfit as me, except mine was purple, Merida's was green, and Elsa was wearing the same Exact outfit as before, because she was already wearing a dark purple cloak with a blue dress.
I sat down next to Merida.
"Now that everyone is here, I'll tell you why everyone is here!" Says North. You four are the new Gaurdians.
"Wait, what?" all four of us say.
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