Rapunzel's P.O.V
"Rapunzel, let down your hair!" says mother to me. So I throw down my hair, and tug her up.
"I have a surprise for you!" She says.
"I have one for you to!" I yell to her.
"Mines bigger!" she says as she's almost all the way up.
"I seriously doubt it." I whisper to myself.
"I brought back parschnips, I'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner! Your favorite! Surprise!" she says cheerfully.
"Well mother there's something I wanna tell you."
"Well darling, you know I hate leaving you after a fight. Especially if I've done nothing wrong."
"Ok well, I thought about what you said earlier-"
"I hope your still not talking about the stars!"
"Flouting lights, and yes. I'm leading up to that-"
"Because I seriously that we dropped that thought."
"No mother, I'm just saying, you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there-" As I say this I starting inching to the chair.
"Oh, darling I know your not strong enough to Handel yourself out there."
"It if you just-"
"Rapunzel, we're done talking about this."
"Trust me I-"
"Come on!" At this point my hand was on the chair.
"Enough of the flouting lights Rapunzel! You are not leaving this tower! Ever!"
I take my hand off the chair.
"Oh great! Now I'm the bad guy!" she says while sitting down.
Look at her, then the chair, then at my portrait of the flouting lights, then back at her.
"All I was going to say mother, was that, I know what i want for my birthday now." I say blocking the closet.
"What's that?" She says holding her head in her hand.
"New paint." I say lying, "The paint made from the white shells you once brought me."
"Well that is a very long trip Rapunzel. Almost three days time!"
"I just thought it was a better idea then stars." I sigh.
She sighs to, then walks over to me and says, "You sure you'll be fine here on your own?"
I hug her and say "I know I'm safe, long as I'm here."
I packed her a basket of food, then as she was being let down by my hair, she said, "I'll be back in three days time. I love you very much dear."
I said "I love you more."
"I love you most."
She waved. I waved back.
She was gone.
I then brought out the person in my closet, set him in the chair, then wrapped him in my hair. About ten minutes later Pascal put his tongue in the boys ear. The boys eyes shot open. I was in the far corner on a board that was way up.
I heard him say "Is this... Hair?"
So I said "struggling, struggling is pointless."
He watched me hop to the ground but all he saw was a black figure.
"I know why you are here. And, and I'm not afraid of you." I said confidently.
"What" he said.
I hesitantly stepped out, still holding my frying pan.
"Who are you? And how did you find me?"
I repeated myself. "Who are you? And how did you find me?"
He than started talking like he was flirting with me. He told me that his name was Flynn and that he just say a tower than climbed it. Then he asked why he would want my hair. I ignored that question. He then started freaking saying 'Wheres my satchel? Wheres my satchel?' I told him that he would, and could, not find it no matter how much he looked. he than pointed to the Vase that I put it in and said "its in that?" I knocked him out again.
Ten minutes later, after I was done hiding the satchel under the stairs I told Pastel to stick his tongue in 'Flynn's' ear. He did and Flynn's eyes shot open.
"Will you stop doing that?" He said
"Now you'll never find your satchel.
Then I told him my plan then we shook on it. I unwrapped him and just as I was about to climb down the tower I was stuffed in a bag.
In this story, Rapunzel's birthday is in 3 days.
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