"Come on Astrid!" we went through the portal to my dad.
"I'll be right back!" Says Astrid as she runs off.
I tried looking for my dad or toothless, but it was useless since I was on the ground.
I look in the sky and see 4 dragons. Then as they get closer I see that Snot lout, Ruffnut And tuffnut, Fishlegs, and Astrid all riding the dragons. They all land and i run to them.
'Alright Hiccup, now whats the plan?" Asks Astrid.
i tell them my plan and we all get in the air, with me riding with astrid. i start yelling commands to everyone.
everyone distracts the dragon, while Astrid drops me off on a burning ship that had toothless in it.
"Go help the others!" I yell to her. She nods, then flies away.
AS I'm trying to pull Toothless free, the wood he's attached to sinks. i dive in the water and still try to get him free.
i couldn't hold my breath any longer, and just when i was about to black out someone grabbed me out of the water.
i cough and look up and see my dad, just as he jumps in the water.
"Dad?" i whisper to myself.
i look in the water and see my dad undoing the chains on Toothless. Toothless flies out of the water with my dad then drops him.
Toothless jumps on a rock, looks at the dragon, then says something in dragon.
"You got it bud!" I say to him.
I was just about to fly off on him when my dad grabs my arm and says "Hiccup!"
he stares at me for a while then says "I'm sorry. F-For everything."
"Yeah, me too." i say, honestly.
"You don't have to go up there>"
I smile. "We're vikings dad. its an occupational hazard."
he puts both hands on mine. 'I'm proud, to call you my son."
"Thanks dad>" Then i fly off.
i see astrid and her dragon getting sucked into the other dragons mouth so Toothless shot a plasma blast into the dragons mouth, which made astrid fall off her dragon. i told toothless to catch her and we flew down. we suddenly curve so we are flying straight.
"Did you get her?" I ask him nervously.
His head looks under him and he purrs to say yes.he draps her on the groud and we fly towards the dragon.
i see he has wings so i say "He has wings. Let's see if he can use them."
We fly back down and Toothless shoots the dragon with a plasma blast in the head.
We fly back up and i say to Toothless "Do you think that did it?" I look down and the draagon is spreading his wing. They are huge.
Before i knew it the dragon was behind us. "Well he can fly." i say to toothless as we avoid all the rocks and stuff.
"Alright Toothless, time to dissapear." We go above the clouds and the dragon follows us.
We hid from the dragon and the dragon looked for us. When the time was right, we went behind it and shot another plasma blast at his head. Then wing, then stomache, then a couple more times.
He got angry so he blew fire all over.
"Watch out!" I say to toothless. we get far enough to where i didnt get Toothless on the body, but it did get his tail-wing. I look at the tail-wing and say "Times up! Lets see if this works."
We fly up then tease the dragon by going all aroud it. then we just fly sraight and it follows.
"Stay with me buddy, we're good. Just a little bit longer."
after a half a minute, i say "hold toothless-" i pause. "Now!"
he stops flying and just falls. He turns to face the dragon and shoots him in side the mouth. It's mouth catches on fire.
It's skin starts ripping and it crashes to the ground. me and Toothless fly up. The saddle breaks and i say "No. No!" i start falling to the fire below. Toothless looked at me like he wants to do something but he cant.
He flys after me and we both end up in the fire and thats all i remember before blacking out completly.
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