Make sure you check this every once in a while, because this is where important news will be posted. News includes deaths, destruction announcements, updates on who's allied with who, and anything else important.
(Last Updated: 11/2/16)
- April 15: The story reached over 1000 comments! Thanks to the RPers!
- The Traitor Virus (April 16): A deadly disease that causes insanity. (see chapter: Traitor Virus)
- Deaths (April 20): The Bicentennials Vis and Max have died (colorXcolor). Max was killed by the Bicentennial Shamira (Shadowwisper) and Vis was killed by an android snake.
-Deaths (April 25): The Bicentennial Adrey (colorXcolor) has died. She was killed by Shamira (Shadowwisper).
-Deaths (April 26-29): The Bicentennials Amber (Shadowwisper) and Arden (colorXcolor) have died. They were both killed by Shamira (Shadowwisper). (Shamira = Pro assassin! XD) The Bicentennial Olympia (--Spoopy--) has also died. Cause of death unspecified.
-Army: Shamira is training an army to go and face the android army, and hopefully take down the android leader. They train at the army base. Many Bicentennials have already joined... will you?
-Deaths (May 7): The Bicentennials Alex (moonsilverwarriorcat) and Aqualia (--Spoopy--) have both died. Alex was assisted in suicide by Hope of the Sand (Shadowwisper). Aqualia was hit and died of brain damage.
-Deaths (May 10): The Bicentennial Shamira (Shadowwisper) was presumed dead after being buried in sand by Hope (Shadowwisper), but the body was never found. She has taken on a new identity as the Bicentennial Winry. The Bicentennials Dylan (Shadowwisper) and Brooklyn (colorXcolor) both died. Dylan died from the Traitor Virus and Brooklyn committed suicide.
-Victory!: The Android Leader has been defeated! A force led by Shamira (Shadowwisper) defeated him!
-Deaths (May 28): The Bicentennials Reilin (dragonfriend410/Raven) and Lilia (dragonfriend410/Raven) were killed after The Midnight Howler (dragonfriend410/Raven) infected them with the Traitor Virus. Beware, Bicentennials, for you may be next...
-Alliances (June 6): The Midnight Howler (dragonfriend410) has taken a Traitor virus-infected Bicentennial, Lilith (jadewolf340/Lark), as her ally. Other Traitors may be taken as allies as well... at least, once the virus has consumed them and they see the Howler as a friend. The Midnight Howler is gathering numbers - be warned. The Android Leader (a supporting character roleplayed by @narwhalsaman44) has become good and now fights against the Howler.
-Deaths (July 26): The Bicentennial Chrysanthemum (StoryCentury321) has died. Her power consumed her, and the Bicentennial Nyra (MA_kitty) saw she was struggling, so she showed mercy and killed her quickly and painlessly. The Bicentennial Kasai (colorXcolor) has also died, cause of death unspecified in report.
-Story (August 19): Chapter 1 of the Bicentennials novel has been published!
-Deaths (August 20): The Bicentennial Lilac (QuantumDeath) has died. Cause of death unspecified in report.
-Deaths (November 2): The Bicentennials Lilith Emery (jadewolf340/Lark) and Kian Fre (colorXcolor) have died. Lilith was killed of the Traitor Virus and of an explosion. Kian died when Raiko (colorXcolor) ate him (yes, you read me right).
-The Midnight Howler (November 2): The Midnight Howler (dragonfriend410) was presumed dead after being burned by the fire from an explosion that Lilith Emery (jadewolf340) set off!
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