chapter 3 [ matthew 24, part 1 ]
Hi guys, I,m back, and chapter 3 is focused on Matthew chapter 24. I'm going to share it with you guys since most of you have no idea that there is no time left to play around.
See the thing is, people out there are afraid but we children of God Most-High do not fear because there is nothing that is happening that was not written in the Holy Bible.
if there are any spelling errors... please do let me know.
So lets get started.
Matthew 24: The temple will be destroyed
v.1 "After Jesus left the temple, his disciples came over and said, ' look at all these buildings!'
v.2 "Jesus replied, ' Do you see all these buildings? they will certainly be torn down! not one stone will be left in place."
The above verses simply tell us that the disciples where marvelled by the buildings of the temple but Jesus told them that they would be destroyed. ladies and gentlemen that is the graet earthquake the bible talks about in Revelations. an earthquake that has never happened on earth. And it aslo speaks of when God will burn this earth with fire. that is how the buildings will be destroyed.
Warning about Trouble
v.3 "Later when Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him in private and asked, ' when will this happen? what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world?"
v.4 Jesus answered: ' Don't let anyone fool you.
v.5 Many will come and clain to be me. they will fool many people.' [ note that he says ' many ' so right here, Jesus is speaking about the antichrist. and get to know that there are many antichrists out there so there is a spirit of antichrist and there is an antichrist.
According to 1 John 2:18-19 , 4:2-3 and 2 John 1:7, The people who are having the spirit of the antichrist are written as enemies if christ and we need to understand that antichrist doesn't mean agaisnt christ , but it means in replacement of christ. The devil has an antichrist for every season because he also doesn't know when Jesus will return and the word according to the above scriptures says that ' anyone who who says Jesus did not have a truly human body, or they don't believe that he died and rose again,' have the spirit of antichrist.
So back to Matthew...
v.6 " you will soon hear about wars and threats of wars but don't be afraid. these things will have to happen first, but that isn't the end.
v.7 " Nations and kingdoms will go to war against each other. People will starve to death and in some places there will be earthquakes.
v.8 But this is just the begining of troubles."
So first of all you need to remember that Jesus was answering the questions of his disciples about his coming and of the end of the world. So in these verses, Jesus is telling them what will happen before the end of the world. What he was describing was the begining of troubles. Which means the above are an introduction to the great tribulation that is to come in the world.
Jesus says that they must happen so we cannot pray for them to not happen.
v.9 " you will be punished, arrested and even killed because of me. you will be hated by people of all nations." this verse speaks of God's servants and his people. it says they will be punished , arrested, and even killed for his sake. Recently, a man of God was arrested for preaching God's word. One secret to know if someone is sent by God, is when a lot of people hate them.
v.10 " many will give up and will betray and hate each other."
v.11 "many false prophets will come and fool a lot of people."
v.12 " Evil will spread and cause many people to stop loving others."
v.13 " but if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved." Saved from what? the great tribulation of course. many people nowadays hate men and women of God who are rich. pastors in chuches are preaching about rich prophets instead of God. but guess what? keep on hating the servants of God, it proves what verse 9-10 says. most people or rather pastors say that all rich men and women of God are fake. people like Prophet Shepherd Bushiri , Prophet Uebert Angel , T B Joshua, etc... these men of God are hated and people always spread lies about them but they don't mind because they know that they will be saved and they most certainly will be rewarded for staedfastly doing God's work instead of opposing other men of God.
in addition :
Matthew 5:5
" blessed are the humble, the earth will belong to them." this means that if you are humble, this earth will belong to you. the earth includes everything on earth. you can have the land, sea, sky to yourself. it all belongs to you. so the rich men of God are the humble ones so that is why the have companies and gold mines etc... because of the above scripture. stop taking part in talking bad against God's servants.
the bible says in matthew that anyone who talks bad about the Holy spirit will not be forgiven in this world or the next. so basically, if you say a certain man of God is fake, you are simply saying that his/her anointing is fake and the anointing is the Holy spirit so you just said the Holy is is fake. If you said it without knowing you can't be forgivn, you are safe. but if you deliberately say it. you will won't be forgiven so prepare your spirit for the lake of fire.
v.14 " when the good news about the kingdom has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come." so the end will come when every single soul on earth has heard about the kingdom. this is so no one will have an excuse on judgment day that they didn't know and what not. beware i'm telling you now.
The Horrible thing
v.15 " someday you will see that ' horrible thing' in the holy place, just as the prophet Daniel said. everyone who reads this must try to understand!"
v.16 " if you are living in Judea at that time, run to the mountains."
v.17 " if you are on the roof of your house, don't go inside to get anything."
v.18 " if you are out in the field, don't go back for your coat."
v.19 "it will be a terrible time for women who are expecting babies or nursing young children."
v.20 " and pray that you won't have to escape in winter or on a Sabath."
that 'horrible thing' is the tribulation which will happen immediately after rapture. and the bible says that rapture will happen in the twinkling of an eye so it will be so sudden, that is why it says if you are on the fields, don't go back for your coat. if you miss rapture, i'm sorry but you will have to suffer the tribulations. always be ready. the bible even says you should pray that rapture doesn't happen in winter or on a Sabath.
v.21 " this will be the worst time of suffering since the begining of the world, and nothing this terrible will ever happen again."
v.22 " If God doesn't make the time shorter , no one will be left alive. But because of God's chosen ones, he will make the time shorter."
the bible says it will be the worst time of suffering since the creation and nothing like this will ever happen. Can you imagine Jesus was telling us that the tribulations will be worse than burning in hell, worse than the lake of fire itself. and you want to play around because of the things of this world that will be destroyed according to verse 2.
if you will miss the first flight, you will face all of these. the bible says that the moment when rapture happens, a second after rapture, these things will happen. imagine your skin being pilled of and salt being put on your body? do you want that? imagine looking for daeth but you can't find it. If you want to know what will happen after rapture, read Revelations from chapter 4 onwards. you will see what will happen. soo much pain and suffering will happen. But then it says God will make the time short because of his chosen people.
these people are those who will not be raptured. they will remain behind and go through this. these are the people who will refuse the mark of the beast. because of them, God will make the great tribulation shorter.
unfortunately, this is all i have for now, but i promise that a part two will come soon. you all need to understand that it takes time to find evidence in the bible of whats happening today. but for now, this is it. Matthew 24 is a long chapter.
i hope you got something out of this.
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Jesus loves you all
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