Chapter 1
Juvia pov
"Ah what a beautiful day to see my beloved gray~Sama." Juvia said as she walked into the guild, she scanned the whole guild and no sign of gray
"Mira~San do you happen to know where my beloved is?" Juvia asked as Mira gave her a glass of water
"Oh, he went out on a job with team Natsu, they should be back soon tho." Replied Mira
"Ok thanks Mira~San!" Juvia thanked Mira as she sat there staring at the door waiting for gray to enter
-few minutes later-
The guild doors suddenly opened revealing team Natsu. "What's up fuckers we're back!" Natsu yelled
"Natsu! Language" Erza said as she smacked Natsu's head
Gray pov
"GRAY SAMA!" Gray looked up and saw Juvia running up to him
"Ugh can't I just rest for once?" Gray sighed
"What do you want juvia?" Gray asked in his usual cold tone
"C-can we talk outside.. please?" Juvia stuttered
I'm going to confess to him but like serious this time. Juvia said in her mind confidently as she dragged gray outside of the guild
Lucy pov
"Hey look their going outside, let's go peak." She whispered to Natsu and Erza, and Mira overheard and smirked
MY OTP!! She said in her mind and casually followed them.
Juvia pov
"Gray~Sama please hear me out, this time I'm serious.. you took the rain away from me, you saved me.. I love you, I truly do... do you love me back?!" Juvia said as she was looking down but as she finished what she was saying looked up at gray and smiled, but frowned when she saw gray looking at her with those cold eyes.
"Juvia do you really not understand, I DON'T LOVE YOU, AND I NEVER WILL.. GO AWAY FROM ME, AND STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Gray yelled as he pushed her away making her lose her balance and fall to the ground with tears in her eyes
But Juvia quickly stood up and slapped Gray making Lucy,Natsu,Erza, and Mira gasp..
"YOU JERK YOU COULD HAVE JUST SAID NO!" She cried and ran away as it starts raining outside
Everyone got out of the bush, " you idiot Gray, even I'm not that stupid to say that!" Natsu shakes his head
Lucy,Erza,and Mira followed Juvia.
An/: yes I know that was trash I used to write on my old account gruviafreak low key surprised on how many people read my stories there, they were really bad and they still are but ya know if you read those fanfics I'm proud to say IVE IMPROVED... ok enough saying stupid shit hope you enjoyed bye!!
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