The Bet *Unexpected
Happy Reading! (:
Chapter 18 *Unexpected*
I groan and put a pillow over my head. Still, I can hear it because the kitchen where the sound is coming from is under my room.
“Driana!” I growl.
Swinging my legs off the bed, I stand up and rub the sleep from my eyes. Glancing in the alarm clock beside my bed, I notice it’s just six in the morning. A yawn escapes from my mouth as I stretch my arms in front of me.
I make my way downstairs and walk in the kitchen. Driana is well, Driana.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
She turns around with a scowl on her face. “I told you to make a sound when you enter a room,” she chastises. “As for your question, I’m making a breakfast.”
“Why are you noisy?” I ask irritably.
She rolls her eyes and mutters, “I’m not.”
I shake my head. “What’s for breakfast?” I ask, walking towards her.
“I don’t know to you.”
“You don’t know?” I ask incredulously. “You said you’re making it!”
“Yes, I’m making it, but that doesn’t mean I’m making one for you too.”
Really, my head hurts from talking to her. Besides, I did not have a good night’s sleep. Driana is infuriating. She’s already making a breakfast but she doesn’t want to make me one.
“Selfish,” I say under my breath.
She turns around so fast I step back. “Who’s selfish?”
I shrug. I thought she won’t hear that.
“You’re just lazy,” she snaps. “You want everything to be prepared for you. You don’t care what other people think as long as you’re having fun!”
Her accusation surprised me. “Don’t ever talk to me like that,” I say through clench teeth. “I’m still older than you!”
She scoffs; her face reddens at her outbursts. “By one minute and thirteen seconds.” She’s breathing heavily, her chest rises and falls as she breathes.
In the end, Driana prepares breakfast for two. She cooks sausages and eggs. We eat it on the kitchen counter silently.
After eating, I take a bath and get ready for school. Downstairs, I see her in the living room browsing one of the albums in the shelf. I walk to where she’s standing and look at the picture she’s staring.
My eyes widen when I see Driana and me with goofy smiles on our faces. Below the picture is a caption of:
September 21, the day before the twins tenth birthday.
When we were kids, Driana and I looked a like - same dark hair hair, and blue eyes. We had the same height too. Now, I’m taller than her and my hair is blonde with a few streaks of gold in it. When I get home later, I will dye my hair to its natural color.
Driana is intently staring at the photograph, remembering the old days.
When Driana and I were kids, we used to be close. There were no secrets and we never lied to each other. We used to teamed up in every games, and well, everything. Those days, we were inseparable. We did everything together.
Now I don’t know what’s happening to us. As they say, everything changes. As we grow up, we learn things in life that shapes us to become what we are now.
But Driana and I have a connection other siblings doesn’t have. We are twins and therefore, we can feel what the other feels.
“Driana,” I say softly.
She closes the album quickly and puts it back on the shelf. She blinks her eyes to stop the tears that are threatening to flow from them.
To our surprise, I pull her towards me. And then Driana do something that shocks me. She hugs me back! My twin sister who thinks I’m the bane of her existence.
I do not know until now that I missed my twin. We have a bond that cannot be broken by anyone.
After a few minutes, we pull away awkwardly.
“Come on,” she murmurs. “Let’s go to school.”
Whoa! Now she wants to ride with me? Before, she usually takes the bus. A grin makes its way onto my face as I walk outside the house and get in my car.
Driana locks the door and slides in after.
“Can you stop here for a moment?” She says suddenly.
I park my car on the driveway and shut the engine off.
“Wait a minute, I’m just going to buy something,” she says, and then gets out of the car.
The store reads Charms and Crystals. I bet all they sell are girly products.
After a few minutes, Driana comes back carrying a small pink paper bag. “Thanks,” she says, smiling lightly.
Driana thanked me! Who would have thought? I start the car and drive to school with a smile on my face.
Drops of water are dripping on my face. Is it raining? Why do I feel wet?
“Sophia, Sophia,” a faraway voice says.
The water does not stop coming for me. Soon enough, my arms are shivering because of the cold water.
“Sophia!” Someone shouts in my ear.
I bolt upright, my head thumping into someone’s chin.
Someone grunts.
Opening my eyes, I see Andre rubbing his chin. I look around me in bewilderment. So, it’s not a dream.
Andre looks amused at the sight of me. He’s carrying a pitcher on his right hand. “Mom told me to wake you.”
“Why am I wet?” I ask, touching my arms.
“I’ve been waking you for almost ten minutes now. It’s thirty minutes before eight.”
“What?” I ask, standing up from the bed. My wet shirt clings to my body, and I feel sticky.
“We’re going to be late,” he says bemusedly.
“Is that why you pour water on me?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
He shrugs, amusement lighting his green eyes. This is the first time I see him since I’ve known the bet. Last night, I ate my dinner in my room. How dare he splash water on me?! I have the urge to claw my fingers in his eyes.
Suddenly, I’m afraid. How can I easily think of these things?
At least he wakes you.
“Get going,” Andre says. “I’m going to wait downstairs.” He walks out of my room and closes the door.
The panic starts to begin. Oh no! I’m going to ride with him today. I make my way towards the bathroom hastily and do everything in fast motion. Shower. Brush my teeth. And then I hurry to my room to blow dry my hair for about two minutes. After that, I put the first shirt and jeans I find in my drawer. I shove my feet on my sneakers and grab my bag from the desk.
Ugh! Why didn’t my alarm clock wake me up? Now I’m rushing! Getting it from the side of the bed, I notice that I have not set it. I sigh. This is my entire fault. Last night, I think of plans to make Draky fall in love with me. All points lead to one idea: I have to flirt with him. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it means. I need to keep my mind and eyes open to see my classmates and schoolmates do that thing.
“Sophia!” Andre calls from downstairs.
Suddenly, I feel guilty for making him late. But wait! I almost forgot that I’m going to make a revenge on him too. Hah. He deserves to be late. He owes me, big time!
The drive towards school is quiet as I hope it’ll be. Andre is focus on driving and even drives faster than the speed limit because we’re running late.
Andre senses my indifference. Surely, my mood can be read as clearly as the sun. He doesn’t even start a conversation until we’re a few blocks away from school.
“You and Drake, huh?” he says, glancing at me.
I almost ask, “What about us?” When I remember there’s no such thing as “us”. Instead I say, “What about Drake and me?” Don’t tell me . .
“There are talks that you’re going to have a date with him,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
Stupid note, I think bitterly. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm my nerves. “And you believe them?” I ask dryly. I don’t even know why I’m talking to him. He’s one of the enemies!
It takes a lot of effort just to sit here and not shout vicious things at him. Time is on my hands. I can do a lot of things that’s beyond their imagination.
But I already act indifferent as it is, he might think something’s off. He’s smart. Not that smart because he doesn’t know that I know their dirty little game.
“Not really,” he says after a moment, oblivious to my thoughts. “I’m just amazed that my best friend and my guest are the hot topic in school.”
“I don’t like it,” I snap.
His eyes twinkle in amusement, and a smile crosses his face. “I just thought of something,” he says. “Do you want to hear it?”
“No,” I say.
He pretends not to hear me and still tells me, “If ever you and Drake will be together, you’re going to be Sophia Taylor Swift.”
That’s not going to happen, I think firmly.
“Isn’t that wonderful?” He asks, grinning from ear to ear.
I’d rather stay single for the rest of my life than marry the guy I despise so much who doesn’t have a heart.
Oh, wait, he does have a heart. It’s black, like the color of his soul.
“Taylor Swift,” Andre teases.
“Shut up,” I mutter.
“It’s a love story baby just say yes,” he sings.
I put my hands over my ears and he just laughs at my gesture.
Fortunately, I can already see the front gate of the school. I can’t wait to get away from this monster beside me.
I’m on my way to the cafeteria. My last subject extends for five minutes and after that I go to the comfort room to wash my hands. Now, the hallway is silent because the students are already eating their food!
“Sophia,” someone from behind me says.
I . . I know that voice anywhere. Does that mean –
Turning around slowly, I see a man with a dark hair and hazel eyes that has green and gold freckles in them. He stands six feet tall and has a well-cared body.
I am amaze when he pulls me in for a tight bear hug. My arms are paralyzed with shock. I can’t believe this is happening even though I can feel his arms around me. Rubbing my eyes, I realize that this is real. And then I find my voice.
“Parker?” I ask softly, afraid that he might vanish when I speak louder.
He pulls away and I notice that his eyes are clear with fresh tears running on his cheeks. “Oh Sophia, I missed you so much.”
My emotion gets the best of me so I hug him tight. I put my arms around him and sob at his shoulder, staining his shirt with my tears.
It’s kind of ironic that we’re both crying because finally, we see each other again. My mind is swirling with thoughts of the past, overwhelming me. All those days I’ve spent with him aren’t forgotten. They’re here in my heart. No one and nothing can take them away from me.
We pull away after a minute and we stare at each other. Because he is Parker and I am Sophia, we laugh.
Oh God, he’s still the same Parker I know.
He wipes the tears from my cheeks, and a smile makes its way on my mouth. I feel happy, it’s like yesterday was the last time I saw him. I pinch my cheek to make sure I’m not dreaming and he chuckles softly.
“You’re still the same Sophia I know,” he says.
“Same old, same old,” I say lightly.
“I can’t belie—“
I turn around to see Draky narrowing his eyes at Parker. He shifts his eyes to me and they soften when he sees my face. He glowers at Parker while Parker scrutinizes him.
Maybe Draky thinks Parker hurt me. But why does he care?
If looks can kill, for sure, Parker is ten times dead by now for the daggers Draky throws his way.
What’s up with him?
“Who are you?” Draky asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
Parker clears his throat and does something that surprises me and Draky. He puts his arms around me!
“I’m Sophia’s boyfriend,” Parker says.
The song is All Around Me by Flyleaf :> Banner by LittleMissIronic.
OMG! Half a million reads :D :) :]
Thank you so much! <3
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