The Bet *Spur of the Moment
The song for the chapter is If The Moon Fell Down Tonight by Dear Juliet *Chase Coy*. Banner by miranda1995 :>
Happy Reading! (:
Chapter 43 *Spur of the Moment*
It feels so good to be in love. Cheesy as it may sound, I love the feel of her arms around my neck. She snuggles close, and it makes my hold on her tighter. I bury my face on her hair, inhaling her scent. Being in this position, I want to stop the time and just freeze everything else. I want to be with her as long as I live. The stupid bet is so far from us now. Everything is perfect. It's like living in a fairy tale, and I'm just waiting for my happily ever after.
"Drake," she murmurs.
She called me by my real name. I don't know why that makes me nervous. "Yes?" I whisper back.
I can hear the smile on her voice as she says, "Nothing. I just like the sound of your name on my lips."
A smile makes its way onto my mouth, lighting my whole face. "Listen to my heart," I say, pulling her to my chest, as if there's still space between us, "It beats for you, chanting your name again and again. Sophia, Sophia. Sophia."
She chuckles, her eyes twinkling in amusement. They're as enchanting as the stars above us.
That makes me think back of the time when she asked me what I wanted to be and I told her, star. This is the perfect time to give her the explanation behind that.
"Drake," she says, before I can open my mouth. "I lo-"
"Wake up!"
Startled, I bolt up right. Taking in my surroundings, I feel disappointed and sad at the same time. That was all a dream. That didn't happen.
It did.
Well, only in my dream.
I wonder why my subconscious mind is not its usual snarky self. I can hear him smirking after that. Weird, how can I hear myself smirk?
It's because you're a goner.
You mean we.
Hallelujah! Finally, he admits to himself that he's a goner for Sophia.
I don't know what to respond to that. Again, my subconscious mind makes me speechless.
"I see you're having your inner conversation."
"What?" I ask, whipping around to see Driana with an amused look on her face. "What are you doing here?"
She rolls her eyes as she says, "If you forgot, the first period starts at eight. And if you haven't noticed, it's seven thirty."
"What?" I ask incredulously. How can I be oblivious? "Why didn't you wake me?!"
"I guess you overslept even with your alarm clock waking the whole town. It must have been a good dream." She pauses and smiles playfully. "You're even drooling."
"I'm not," I say. I don't know why I don't like to deny that it was a good dream indeed.
"And as for your question," she continues, "If you haven't realized, perhaps because you're still dazed with your fantasy, I just woke you up."
"Thank you," I mutter. You even woke me at the wrong time. And now I'm left wondering what could Pie possibly say. My beloved twin sister interrupted it.
I lo-
Well, was it hard to guess?
Shut up, I need to get ready for school.
Don't you want to ponder what she almost said?
Why feed my mind with what if's? Besides, it's just a dream. So you may as well stop talking now.
For once, it listened to me. I'm surprised.
Turning to Driana, I say, "Now I'm wide awake. You can leave now so I can get ready for school."
"Drake," she replies, "Just make it faster. I don't want to be late."
You can ride a bus, I thought, like before. But I'm glad that she decided to wake me. I smile as grab my cell phone, thinking that we can really be like before. Closer, even.
Opening it, I type a message:
Good morning Pie! See you later :)
And then I send it to her.
To my disappointment, even a few minutes later, she doesn't reply back. I'm still going to see her later though. With that thought, something bubbles up in my chest. The inside of my body is melting. I don't know what's wrong with me.
After I get ready, which takes fifteen minutes, I walk to the living room to see Driana sprawled on the couch.
"I'm going to school," I say amusedly, "Have a nice dream."
"I'm coming," she mutters, standing up and brushing her hair. "Let's go!"
"Where's Mom?"
"In the kitchen," my mom shouts.
I shake my head. Sooner or later, the neighbors will complain because of my mom's loud voice. Still, I love her the way she is.
She frowns at me when I enter the kitchen. "Early to bed early to rise," she says. "Look, you haven't even eaten your breakfast yet."
I can't help but smile. "I'm not hungry," I reply. "I'll just grab a bite at the cafeteria before the class starts."
She purses her lips and finally says, "Fine."
"Drake," Driana says, walking in the kitchen with a scowl on her face. "What are you waiting for? We're going to be late if you don't start walking now!"
I roll my eyes at her, as my mom says, "Drive carefully."
"Okay, okay," I tell her.
"Good bye, Mom," Driana chimes in.
"Take care, you two," my mom says, "See you later!"
Driana pushes me out of the house and into my car.
"What's the rush?" I ask amusedly.
"I just don't want to be late," she complains.
"We're not," I say smugly, starting the car, and off we go.
I'm on my way to my locker when I first hear it. If I'm not distracted about thinking of Pie, I'll know something's wrong.
First, the stares, and then the soft murmurs. You know, when you walk inside a room and everybody stop talking? They even avert their gaze away from you. You know it's you they are talking about. That's what's happening now.
I stop one of the familiar faces while she's walking and ask her what the commotion is all about.
And this is what she tells me.
Pie and Cassidy fought yesterday because of me. ME. Cassiy made a big scene, attracting people's attention. No one really heard what they were talking about but it was intense. And when the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, people saw Pie and I walking to my car. They thought we were together.
That's it.
Before I know what I'm doing, I'm walking to Cassidy's locker. I don't even know how I know it. Instinct, maybe. It takes over when I'm like this. People move away from me, maybe afraid of what will I do to them when I find out they're talking about me. But I don't even know what to feel!
Finally, after what feels like hours, I spot her, leaning towards her closed locker, seemingly waiting for me.
"You threatened her?" I ask incredulously.
"Good morning to you too," she says.
"You threatened her?" I repeat, running out of patience.
She rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips. "Why, did she tattle to you?"
"No," I reply. "I heard. And you know it'll be the talk of the school today."
"Yes. And I know that it will be the scene when she rode with you yesterday," she snaps.
I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I almost forgot how high school is. It feels like my world is suddenly revolving around Pie.
And I know I have to do everything I can to protect her. "Don't talk to her again."
Cassidy narrows her eyes at me. She's perfectly known for the girl who doesn't want to be told of what she can or cannot do. "Are you threatening me?" she asks.
"No," I mutter. "I'm just telling you to leave her alone."
Her lips form into a thin hard line. "I don't like being what told to do!"
I close my eyes to minimize the pain in my head. Talking to Cassidy gives me a headache. "Look," I start, trying to persuade her, "I don't know why you want to make her life miserable." She scoffs but I continue, ignoring her, "So why don't you just forget your anger at her and act as if nothing happened? I will forget it too."
"Please," she mutters, flicking her long hair on her shoulder.
Taking a deep breath, I say, "What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me?! Do you even hear yourself?" she asks, as if I lost my mind. "Since you talked to that girl, you changed. What is wrong with you?!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," I reply.
"She's taking you away from me!"
Now I'm confused. "She's taking me away from you?" I ask doubtfully. "But we were never together."
Fury sparkles in her green eyes. I can imagine her dark hair rising slowly. Before I know what she's doing, she raises her right hand and about to slap me when someone stops her.
Surprised, I find Driana beside me holding Cassidy's hand a few inches away from my face.
"Let go of my hand," Cassidy whines while glaring at Driana.
"Don't you ever hurt Sophia again," she says slowly, "If I found out your plotting against her, you'll get what you deserve."
Whoa! Driana. My twin. I can't believe it!
And then I remember what she said. Cassidy hurt Pie?
"Understand?" Driana continues.
Cassidy nods slightly and then Driana lets her go. She walks away but not before shooting Driana a deathly glare.
"Wow," I breathe.
"I know," she says smugly.
I open my mouth to ask her if she knew all about it but before I can, the bell rings, signaling the start of the first period.
"See you later," she says, hurrying to her first class with the students looming in the hallway.
I make my way to my first class in a daze. The only thing on my mind is Pie. I have to talk to her. I need to talk to her and ask her all about it.
While the teacher is writing on the board, I get my cell phone and dial Pie's number. After a few rings, it goes to voice mail. What is she doing?
She's probably in class, listening to the discussion of the teacher.
I'm not asking you!
Based from yesterday, I think she's okay. There was nothing unusual about her.
I send her a message asking where she is.
I know all her classes but as of now, my mind is fuzzy. I can't think properly. What is Pie doing to me?
I always look at my phone but she hasn't replied to my message yet.
Now I'm getting worried. Paranoid, even.
I can't wait to see her. Her blue eyes that shine so bright, it make the rays of the sun a candlelight.
Sophia, Sophia, Sophia.
Oh, what am I getting myself into?
The ringing of the bell breaks me from my reverie. I can't believe an hour passed already. I check my phone and finally, I have a new message.
Excitedly, I open it to find that it's from Pie. A huge smile appears on my face and it quickly turns into frown as I read the message.
Hi Drake. This is Emily. Sophia is sleeping, and is sick. She can't go to school today.
Without thinking, I make my way towards the school parking lot. I'm going to cut class just to see her. I know I'll be in trouble when the Principal finds out what I'm doing but for now, I don't care. The only thing I want is to see Pie. With that thought, my pace begins to quicken.
Sliding in my car, I start it quickly and drive to her house.
In the limited time I knew Pie, we form a bond that cannot be broken. We have a spark that lead to overwhelming feelings when we are together. The more I tell myself to ignore it, the more it blooms, engulfing me with emotions I haven't felt before.
Who knew a simple bet can change my boring life? Who knew a sealed deal can make my life exciting? I'm always looking forward to tomorrow's because of her. I never want and need anyone as much as her. My insides turn into squishy jellies when I'm with her.
And it's the best feeling in the world. She's enough for forever. Even the day after that.
After a few minutes of horn blaring because I overtake other cars, I finally arrive at Pie's house. I park my car a few yards away from their driveway. Taking my seatbelt off me, I take deep calming breaths. What am I going to do now that I'm here? What if she freaks out when she sees me?
Okay, okay. No need to yell!
I get out of my car and straighten my crumpled shirt. I feel like hyperventilating.
I thought you want to see Sophia? Why aren't you walking yet?
What's the rush? I thought back, irritated. I'm just calming my nerves!
I walk to their front porch and knock at the door. I count under my breath while waiting for someone to open it. I'm on seventy seven when Emily opens the door.
"Drake," she says, surprised to see me. Maybe I'm the least person she expects to be on the other side of the door.
"Good morning," I say. My voice comes out real soft. It must be the nerves!
"Come in," she says, opening the door wider.
I follow her into the house and sits on the couch she indicates. She occupies the chair across from me.
"I'm glad to see you," Emily begins, "But don't you have classes right now?"
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I say, "I was worried about Sophia so I decided to visit her."
Emily's eyes twinkle. "That's so sweet of you," she says, smiling. "But you didn't have to cut class."
I scratch the back of my head, smiling sheepishly. "I was so impulsive," I mutter, embarassed.
"Love can do that to you."
"I'm sorry?" I say. Did I mishear her?
"Nothing," she says, shaking her. "Aren't you coming back to school?"
"No," I answer. I'm already in trouble so I might as well enjoy what I'm about to do. "Is it okay if I stay here?" I ask boldly.
"Of course it's fine," she says reassuringly. "But won't you be in trouble?"
"That's okay," I say, grinning.
"If you say so," she replies. But I can see that she's concern for me and the consequences I will face.
"Don't you have work?" I ask curiously. I just notice that she's wearing her office attire.
"I have work today," she says, frowning. "But Sophia is sick so I decided to stay."
"You can still go if you want," I say. "I'll keep an eye on her."
"Are you sure?" she asks hopefully.
I can't help but imagine that Sophia will look like her when the time comes. "Absolutely."
"Thank you," she says.
"You're welcome," I reply, smiling.
She stands up and says, "Call me when you need something. I haven't cooked food for lunch yet. There's food in the fridge."
"Okay, I'll cook something for her."
"Thank you," she says gratefully, grabbing her bag from the couch. "Sophia is in her room. Tell her I'm off to work."
"Sure," I respond with a nod.
What am I getting myself into?
Now Pie and I are alone in their house. What am I thinking? I came here to take care of her!
Stopping in front of Pie's bedroom upstairs, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. Opening the door slowly, I find her sleeping peacefully.
Before I know what I'm doing, I'm walking further into her room and sitting on the chair beside her bed.
Her room is blue. From the walls, the curtains, the bed. Everything. It's like living in the ocean. The bookshelf took most part of the far wall. There are cabinets and drawers at the corner.
When I turn my head to look at her, I see Shea. A smile makes its way onto my mouth as I remember the time we talked about our teddy bears. It felt like a long time ago.
I look at Pie and see that she's awake. "Hi," I say.
She rubs her eyes with her hands, maybe thinking that she's dreaming.
"I'm real," I say amusedly. "You're not dreaming."
"What are you doing here?" she asks, sitting up.
I help her and when I touch her arms, I'm surprised that they're hot. I move my hand to her forehead and blurt out, "You're hot."
Her eyes widen, and that's when I realize what I said. It has a double meaning! "I, I mean, you have a- a fever." Why am I stuttering?!
"Yes, I have a fever," she says, "that's why I'm not in school. What about you?" She tilts her head to the side, and her hair falls to her eyes.
My fingers are itching to touch her soft hair. And then I remember that she asked me a question. "I'm here because I found out that you're sick."
"So I decided to visit you," I say obviously.
She's silent for a moment, she's not even looking at me in the eyes. "Thank you," she says finally.
"Yes?" she says, gazing at me.
"Let me take care of you."
"Um, okay," she agrees, blushing.
"Thank you," I say.
"Yes?" I ask, surprised that she called me by my real name.
"Why do you keep calling me Pie when my real name is Sophia?" she asks, her curiosity creeping into her voice.
"Don't you like it?"
She hesitates, probably wondering if I deserve to hear the truth. "Well, you see, people call me by my name, and . . . and you keep calling me Pie. Why?"
Taking a deep breath, I decide to tell her what I feel. "If I call you Sophia, I'll be one of those people. I'll be like them. Ordinary, plain- just calling you by your name. I call you Pie because it makes me close to you. I have the opportunity to call you by the nickname I gave you. And it's a privilege I value."
Looking at her, I see that she's blushing. Her rosy cheeks became redder.
I'm not usually telling people what I feel, but when it comes to her, I can't stop myself.
In the corner of my eyes, I see the box of puzzle I gave her for her birthday..
"You haven't put the puzzles pieces together yet," I say, taking a single piece from the box.
"Sick here," she mumbles, even coughing to emphasize her point.
I wonder what her reaction will be when she sees what the puzzle really is, and when she reads the message. A smile appears on my face as I visualize it.
"Daydreaming again," she muses amusedly.
I just widen my smile, not in the mood to contradict her. She looks confused for a second, and then she shakes her head - probably to clear her thoughts.
"When will you take your medicine?" I ask her. There's no point in telling her to go to the hospital because I know she will not approve.
"Later," she answers. "I just took one a few hours ago," she finished with a yawn. She puts her hand on her mouth, embarassed.
"Still sleepy?" I ask.
"I was awake last night, and I think I had just three hours of sleep," she says, yawning again.
"Why didn't you say so?" I ask, frowning at her.
I help her lie down again even though she says she can do it.
"I'll be here when you wake up," I say.
"Make sure I have something to eat for lunch," she says.
"I'll cook something delicious for you."
She grins. "I was just kidding!"
"You'll fall in love with me even more when you taste my specialty."
"And what is it?" she murmurs.
"You'll see," I say. I just notice that she didn't contradict me when I told her that she's falling in love with me. I'm about to ask her why, and about her argument with Cassidy when I see that she's already sleeping.
My sweet Pie.
I can't bear the thought of hurting her. The thought of her finding about the bet makes me want to die. How can I be stupid not to realize how much I love her? Why did I just wake up now to snap out of it?
I brush her hair away from her eyes and give her a kiss on the forehead.
What are you waiting for?
Call Andre now!
Yeah, right.
Fishing my phone from my pocket, I quickly dial Andre's number.
"What?" he asks after the third ring. "You're finally calling me after you ignored my thirty phone calls? Where are you? Didn't you know I was worried-"
"Andre," I cut in, rolling my eyes. He's having his antics again. I can hear his laughter at the other end of the phone.
"Drake," he replies, "Really, where are you? You just disappeared without explanation! Are the aliens abducting you now?"
Ignoring him, I say, "I'm at Sophia's house."
"Oh," he says in a knowing voice. "I see." It's as if he really sees what I'm doing. And I have a feeling he knows what I'm about to say.
"We need to talk."
"Aren't we talking now?"
"I mean face to face," I say obviously, not bothering to roll my eyes this time.
"Just admit that you miss me!" I can hear him laughing now. I wonder where he is.
"I'll go to your house later, okay?"
"Sure," he replies cheerfully.
"Can't wait to see you!"
I hung up after that. Being friends with Andre, there's no boring day with him. Not that I'll admit it to him. I just appreciate our friendship. They say once in your life, you'll meet a person who will be your friend-
"I know," Pie suddenly murmurs, breaking me from my thoughts.
I turn to her, confused, and ask her, "What do you know?"
But she's already sleeping again, her breath comes in and out peacefully. And I'm left wondering what could she possibly know.
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