The Bet *Reverse
The song for the chapter is What the Hell by Avril Lavigne.
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Chapter 16 *Reverse*
~ Drake
Andre has been my best friend since middle school so telling him about my creepy nightmare was not a big deal. Truth be told, I was scared of it. Who wouldn’t, when someone they know wanted to kill them, even if it was just a dream? I shouldn’t be thinking on it so hard. The odds are in my favor. Sophia will not know –
Geez! Even in my mind, I’m calling her Sophia now instead of Pie. The nightmare did strike my nerves!
I lie awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. Glancing at my phone, I see it’s just past three in the morning. I know I will not sleep anymore because of the nightmare I dreamed. Suddenly, I envy Andre who’s sleeping in his room now.
Will Sophia really do that when she finds out about the bet? I don’t think any sane person will do that.
Any sane person will not play with someone’s feelings.
“Whatever,” I mutter. I will do everything I can to win this time.
Pie will get hurt.
Why, will she really fall in love with me? Come on, why do I even doubt myself? Of course she will!
Knowing my subconscious mind will not stop torturing me, I need to have a distraction. What will I do? It’s not even my room so my things aren’t here. Why am I even staying at this house? I guess I have to sleep in our house from now on.
I feel tired, like my energy was sucked out of me, leaving me drain and breathless. Out of nowhere, an idea pops in my head. Why don’t I read a book? A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It will help me in getting good grades and well, a chance in entering a big university.
Swinging my legs off the bed, I go to my desk to get the copy of the play. Unfortunately, it’s not there. Where is it? I open my school bag and take all my things out but I still can’t find it.
I close my eyes and think deeply on the last time I’ve seen it. Yesterday we had Literature but I don’t remember using it. The day before that was Sunday. Driana came here and then Sophia tutored me in the library. In the library! Of course it’s there! Opening my eyes, I can’t believe I’m that careless to leave the play there. What if I’ll need it in school?
Go and get it now!
“Okay boss,” I say dryly. This voice is really getting on my nerves! What will I do to make it stop?
Stop the bet.
“No thanks,” I retort.
It’s your choice.
Am I crazy? Why am I talking to myself? I guess all teenagers experienced this at one point in their life.
I walk out of my room quietly to not disturb Sophia on her sleep. I’m glad she did not wake up when I screamed earlier.
What makes you think that she didn’t hear you?
If she heard me, there’s no doubt that she’ll go to my room immediately. She even told me that she’s comfortable in her room. Perhaps she’s having a wonderful dream right now. Am I explaining this to my subconscious mind, or am I reassuring my self? Either way, I feel normal now.
I walk downstairs and take the hallway to the right that leads to the Entertainment room, Game room, and finally, the Library. I am tempted to just play Final Fantasy but I fight that urge off and decide to just go to the library which is really my first choice.
Opening its door, I am clearly amaze of seeing a lot of books even though it isn’t my first time to come here. Tall bookshelves are taking much of the space in the room. According to Andre, the books are arranged based on their titles. There are hardbound, paperback, and leather-cover. Every bookshelf is marked with their genres of the book that are placed there. Fiction, non-fiction, romance, classic, documentaries, Encyclopedia, and some others I can’t name. One thing I know, you’ll not have a hard time finding a book you like to read.
Sofas, couches, chairs, and tables are surrounding the massive fire place in the center of the room. Above it hangs pictures of Andre and his family. On the right side of the fire place are two giant windows overlooking Aunt Veronica’s garden. A velvet curtain is drape over them. Between the two windows is an antique wall clock.
What really special about this room is the flooring. It’s not tiles or even an expensive carpet. There are printed words in it, the favorite quotations of Auntie from the books she read. The first time I came here, I read all those quotations. It took me three hours to finish them all. They’re not even repeatable. If I remember correctly, there are three hundred sixty five quotes all in all. Unfortunately, I just read more or less three hundred because I couldn’t read the quotations from under the shelf. I can still remember the amused smile on Auntie’s face when she watched me read her favorite quotes.
There’s a remote control for the lights of the room so that you can choose your own preference when you’re reading. I pick the remote control on one of the tables and click a random button. Like a magic, the lights dim a little. I’m about to change it when I remember the reason why I’m here. Finding my copy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is not so hard because it’s still on the same place where Sophia and I studied.
I make myself comfortable in a chair and start to read on the part where I stopped when Sophia tutored me.
To my amazement, I don’t feel bored as I read it. Before, when I want to sleep, I’ll just grab a book and read it. After a few minutes, I will surely fall asleep. Now, it’s different. I’m even enjoying my self a little. The reason why I put the play down is because when I glance at the wall clock, it’s almost six in the morning. Time to go home.
I stretch my arms above me and yawn involuntarily. I hope I’ll not fall asleep in class.
I go back to my room and pack my things. I write a note for Andre, saying that I’ll go home now. Downstairs, I make my way towards his room and slip the paper below his door. He’ll see it when he wakes up.
Closing the front door as I go out, I’m not worried that someone will come in because the door has an automatic lock.
It’s unusually cold this time of the day. The wind makes me shiver so I tighten my coat around me. I walk to where my car is parked and I slide in it gratefully. As soon as I start the engine, I turn on the heater to stop my teeth from chattering.
When I arrive at the house, I get my spare key in my jeans pocket and twist it in the doorknob. A light is coming through the kitchen so I go to that direction.
Driana is in her night gown, preparing her breakfast.
“Where’s mom?” I ask.
To my surprise, she jumps at the sound of my voice. She even drops the bowl she’s holding. Driana turns around with a scowl on her face.
Without meaning to, I smirk.
“Next time you come here,” she says in a disapproving voice, “Give me a signal. Don’t startle me!”
Didn’t she hear me walk in? “It was your fault,” I say smugly. “You’re oblivious to your surroundings.”
“I am not!” She exclaims, picking up the bowl from the floor.
“Yes, you are,” I say, mostly to annoy her.
“Whatever, Draky,” she says dryly, rolling her eyes.
I guess she’s not in the mood so I let it go to have a real conversation with her. “Where’s mom?” I repeat.
“I don’t know,” she says, opening the refrigerator to get some milk. She pours it on the bowl until it’s almost full.
“Why do you not know?” I question.
“Because I don’t know,” she insists.
Hah. We really are twins. Those were the same words I said to Sophia last night when she asked me about my future.
Driana gets the fruity loops cereal on the upper cabinet and puts some on her bowl. She mixes the milk and the cereal with a satisfied look on her face.
A frustrated sigh escapes from my lips as I watch her eat that kind of thing. You can’t be full just because of that.
“Driana, where is mom?” I ask seriously. I wonder where she is. This time of the day, she’s usually in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
“I really don’t know,” she says carelessly, munching her food.
As if on cue, my mom walks in the room. “Good morning twins,” she greets us.
I don’t like it when mom calls us the twins, even if it’s true. Driana knows it so she sticks her tongue at me like she used to when we were kids. She hops on the kitchen counter beside me, almost toppling her food on me. She smiles sheepishly, and pretends to pour the milk on me. I’m about to yell at her when my mom turns to me.
“What time did you get here?” She asks.
“A while ago,” I answer. I notice that she’s not wearing her usual clothes when she’s staying at home. “Where are you going?” I ask.
A wry smile crosses her face as she shares a look with Driana. Are they keeping a secret from me?
Finally, she says, “I’m going to have a vacation.”
“Vacation?” I ask incredulously.
“Where?” I ask, “With whom?” Vacation in October?!
“With your father, of course,” she says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Isn’t he busy with his work?”
My mom shrugs, like she doesn’t care about it. “He was the one who planned it.”
“Where?” I repeat.
“Oh, just a resort somewhere.”
I guess they are the only information I will get. “Why did you just tell me now?”
Mom puts her hands on her hips. She opens her mouth to say something but Driana cuts her off.
“Come on,” Driana starts, “Give mom a break! You seldom sleep here and when you do, you always come home late. So how can she tell you?”
This is the reason why I don’t like my twin. She’s not even in the conversation but she’s joining and voicing her opinions without permission. Always jumping in at the wrong time! Don’t you hate siblings like her?
I turn to my mom who has a sad expression on her face. As a mother, she doesn’t like her children fighting and arguing. But what can I do about that? Driana can easily piss me off!
Taking a deep breath, I say, “Sorry.”
Mom walks to where I’m standing and gives me a pat on the cheek. “That’s okay,” she says affectionately. “Try to be civilize with each other while I’m gone. I’ll be back after three days.”
Mom needs this vacation to be free of stress coming from us. I can’t help but wince at the thought. I wonder why my subconscious mind isn’t talking right now.
“I have to go,” my mom says suddenly. “Your father and I will just meet at the airport.”
Airport? Where will they go? “I’ll take you there,” I offer.
“No, it’s alright. I’ll just get a cab. Besides, you have to get ready for school.”
“Okay,” I say with a sigh.
After mom hugs us, she reminds us things we already know. Like lock the door when we go out, clean the house, eat, and other basic things. And then she leaves us with an excited smile on her face.
To my astonishment, Driana whoops joyfully and do a happy dance. She’s really funny to watch, especially her facial expression.
“What are you doing?” I ask amusedly.
She suddenly stops, and momentarily remembers that I’m in the same room as her. “The house is mine for three days!” She smiles from ear to ear.
“Who said that?” I ask.
“Are you deaf?” She says sarcastically. “I just said it.”
She’s really getting on my nerves! Controlling the urge to say vicious things at her, I say, “Who said that you’re going to be alone in this house?”
Her smile falters and then her mouth sets into a thin hard line. “Why?”
“Of course I’m staying here to look after my young sister.”
“Aren’t you staying at Andre’s house?”
“Nope,” I say, popping the p sound.
She stomps her feet angrily and grumbles, “Ugh!”
A cheeky grin makes its way onto my face. At least I can still annoy her.
They say that if you want to make revenge, just live a happy life. I can’t do that, considering I know that Drake is still on the game. I’m not waiting for karma to do its job. I want to do it on my own. As they say, payback is as sweet as revenge. I can already taste it on my tongue; the victory I will achieve no matter what.
I get ready for school an hour before the usual time because I don’t want to ride in Andre’s car. I might snap at him in an instant. Taking the bus full of strangers seems a good idea than riding alone in a car with a jerk.
When I’m done preparing, I go to the kitchen to grab some eat-while-you-are-walking-food. Unfortunately, Aunt V is there, cooking something for breakfast. I’m about to walk away unnoticed when she turns and sees me.
“Good morning!” She says.
Nothing is good in my morning, I want to say, but instead I greet her, “Good morning too.”
“Breakfast is almost ready, just a few minutes to go.”
If I stay here five minutes longer, Andre will see me and will insist that I’ll ride with him. I cannot let that happen.
“I have to meet with my friend in school. I’m running late,” I lie. I’m sorry Aunt V.
She frowns. “You’re not going to eat anything?” She pauses, and then says, “Wait.”
I watch her as she gets bread from the oven and put something in it. When she’s done, she hands it to me with a smile. I’m glad she doesn’t offer that I’ll ride with Andre today.
“Thank you,” I say.
“You’re welcome.”
“I have to go now,” I say, doing my best not to sound rude.
“Good luck with school!”
And with that, I walk towards the front door and into the misty morning air. While going to the bus stop, I eat the bread. It has a delicious taste and a unique flavor. When I look at it, I see that there’s some kind of jam in its center.
Unfortunately, I can’t help but think of how shallow I was to think that Andre was nice. Wasn’t he the one who picked me?
At least Andre even considered cancelling the bet. Drake didn’t want to.
When the bus arrives, I take the seat farthest from the door and beside a window. I process my thoughts on what I’m going to do now. Acting like I know something isn’t a good idea. I should just be normal, with an edge.
Even though I hate Drake, everything about him, I can’t imagine his life miserable because of me. That’s why I’m still going to tutor him, despite his stupidity. Maybe Andre is right – that I’m too nice to hurt other people, even the ones who are hurting me.
But now I will. Things change. Nothing is permanent.
I can think of a lot of ways to make my revenge on him. Besides, if I’ll not do that, how can I make him suffer? I can do a lot of damage to him. He doesn’t even know his opponent.
Something is bugging me but I can’t quite get what it is. Suddenly, a light bulb shines in my head.
Will I tell her? She already doesn’t like her brother, and I can't add more reason for her to hate him. She can help me, I know. Even if I want to make him suffer, I don’t want to destroy their relationship as family.
Driana is like a sister to me, so keeping a secret from her makes me guilty. But I know I made the right decision because despite of what I know, my heart is at peace. I don’t want her to get hurt too because I know she will, especially when she finds out that her twin brother is playing with me. I’ll wait for the right time comes before I spill their dirty little secret to her.
Now, I have to make a plan.
What will I do? Do I need steps?
Why don’t I reverse the bet? Instead of me, falling in love with him, why not him, falling in love with me?
That’s a good idea! I’ll crumple their stupid game in my hands and I’ll mess with his head. I’m even excited at the thought.
Kind hearted people are the only ones allowed to enter Heaven but you know what they say, there’s an exception to every rule.
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