The Bet *Pretender and Believer
I’m so happy! :D Thank you so much for all your comments, especially on the last chapter. As in, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart =)
The song is Chasing Pavements by Adele. Banner by CreativeSideOfLife :>
Follow me on Twitter! My username is KimVillanueva_
Happy Reading! (:
Chapter 34 *Pretender and Believer
“Good morning Sophia.”
“Good morning Andre,” I return.
He’s giving me a calculating look and studying my face very carefully. Is there something on my face? I don’t like it when people stare at me like there’s something wrong with me.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask finally.
“I’m not staring at you,” he denies quickly.
Scowling, I try to ignore him. It’s quite hard, considering we’re sitting across from each other. He’s so like Draky! His lips are threatening to form into a smile. He has a funny secret only he knows.
After a few seconds, my patience pays off. Aunt V walks inside the dining room, carrying a plate with eggs on her hands. She puts it on the table with the bread, bacon and muffins.
“Sophia,” she says, taking a seat beside Andre, “I haven’t seen you yesterday and last Friday night.”
I heave a sigh. Of course she wants to know where I’ve been because she’s responsible for me, now I’m living in their house. And because my parents asked her to look after me.
“I’m sorry,” I start, “I should have told you right away.”
“We were worried,” she says, frowning, “we didn’t know where you were. I’m glad nothing happened to you and Drake.”
She knows about Draky and me. Perhaps Andre told her so she wouldn’t worry that much.
“I went to our house last Friday,” I say, “my parents weren’t there. Some of their clothes were gone.”
Aunt V looks away from me and sips her coffee.
Andre is glancing between me and his mom, clearly not know what’s going on.
“The food will get cold,” she interrupts, “we have to eat now.”
“Mom,” Andre says, looking uneasily at me, “what’s happening?”
Why is he joining in our conversation? “Auntie, I have a right to know.” My voice is stupidly shaking. I don’t want to cry. I don’t want to cry. “I’m their daughter.”
“Mom,” Andre repeats.
“Did something happen to them?” I ask, panic rising in my throat.
“Calm down,” Aunt V says in a soothing voice, “everything’s alright.”
“Why aren’t they here then?”
“Because they are doing something important,” she says evasively.
“Why don’t you just tell her?” Andre suggests.
Aunt V gives him a pointed look. “They should be the one to tell you Sophia.”
Maybe my mom forced her not to tell me. “They’re not even calling me,” I mutter, wiping the sweat on my forehead. “And I’ve been here for a week already.”
I want to go home. Even though I don’t know where that is anymore. I don’t know what’s happening here. I don’t know where my life is taking me. I hate this feeling. I want to go back before, when there aren’t any complications; even if it means going back to the time when my parents are fighting.
Aunt V is nice and kind, but she’s still stranger. She’s not really my family. I shut my mouth tight before I can scream in frustration.
“They’ll come back after a few days,” Aunt V says, concern written on her face.
“A few more days?” I repeat dubiously.
My head falls to my hands. I can’t take this anymore. I feel the sob starting to build; it will suffocate me until I let it out and cry.
“Don’t you like it here?” Aunt V asks softly.
Andre has a pained expression on his face. It’s hard to know what he is thinking.
Aunt V stretches her hand towards me and takes my hand, squeezing it gently.
“I like it here,” I say honestly. “You’re nice and generous and you make me feel welcome in your home.”
“But?” Andre prompts.
“How do you know there’s a but?” I ask curiously.
Tears are burning at the back of my eyes, threatening to spill at unexpected times.
“Because it’s obvious,” he states, “the way you said it.”
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I ignore Andre and turn to Aunt V. “I want to see my parents,” I continue, “I want to get answers. I want to know what’s going on.”
“You’ll know when they come back,” she assures me.
“Why not know?” Andre asks after chewing his muffin. He’s the only one who can eat in a situation like this.
Aunt V scowls at him and says, “It’s not good to break a promise. Besides, it’s right to know the reason from them.”
It’s not good to break a promise. A phrase my mom is always using.
Why is Aunt V so stubborn? She’s like my mom. When she said something, it’s final, she can’t be budge. No wonder she and Aunt V are best friends. They have a lot of things in common.
“When they come back,” Aunt V continues, “everything will go back to normal.”
I look at her doubtfully, having a hard time believing her.
“No more fighting,” she mouths.
Unpredictably, a hysterical kind of laugh escapes from my mouth. So she knows they’re fighting. Of course mom told her. I just can’t believe I’m not the only one who knows.
Aunt V smiles, pleased that she makes me laugh in this horrible day. “Let’s eat,” she declares, “I’m starving.”
And so we eat, dropping the topics that are hurtful and unnecessary.
“I have a business meeting today,” Aunt V says after a minute.
“It’s Sunday,” Andre mutters.
She shrugs. “It’s important. And you know you can't ignore big deals.”
“Oh well,” Andre murmurs, “I’m going out too.”
“Where will you go?” she asks, raising her eyebrows.
“I have a date.”
I almost spit the water I’m drinking. Fortunately, I swallow it before it can come out of my mouth and embarrass me.
“Why are you surprised?” Andre asks me.
“I don’t know,” I blurt out without thinking.
Of course he has a romantic life. Why did I forget it? Well, it’s not as if it’s important. And as if I care about him.
“Why don’t you just cancel your date?” Aunt V suggests.
“What?” Andre exclaims, slapping his hand on the table impulsively.
“Sophia will be alone in the house—“
"Do you want me to stay?" Andre asks, cutting off his mom's next words.
“That’s okay,” I say quickly, “I don’t mind.”
I’d rather be alone than be with Andre, and besides I don’t want to ruin his date.
“Are you sure?” Aunt V asks.
“Yes,” I answer. “I’m just going to do my homework.” Even though I already finished it earlier, before coming down for breakfast.
“Okay,” she says, albeit she’s not satisfied. “Just leave the dishes, I’ll wash them later.”
“Auntie,” I say, not bothering to roll my eyes, “I’ll take care of them.”
“No, I—“
“I have a lot of time in my hands,” I interject.
“If you say so,” she says, smiling.
Aunt V goes to work after that. Andre asks if he can help on washing the dishes but I decline his offer. I think he walks to his room and get ready for his date. Meanwhile, I go to the kitchen and wash the dirty plates and glasses. After that, I make my way to my room and lay on the bed; trying to think of nothing.
“Sophia?” Andre calls, knocking at my door.
“Come in,” I say, sitting at the edge of my bed.
He opens the door and walks inside my room. He’s wearing casual clothes, which really good looks on him. His green polo shirt emphasizes his green eyes. I wonder who he’s date is. I haven't seen him in school with a girl with him.
“I’ll go now.”
“Okay,” I say, “enjoy!”
“Thanks,” he mutters, looking embarrassed. “I’ll just lock the door from the outside.” He gets out of my room and after a few seconds, I hear the shutting of the front door and the engine of his car until it fades into nothing.
And now I’m all alone in the house. I don’t know where to go. I don’t know what to do.
An idea suddenly pops into my head. Why don’t I just text Draky and tell him that I’ll tutor him? Besides, he asked me yesterday if I'm free today. So that we can be done with it. And anyway, I might be busy next week.
Grabbing my cell phone, I type:
Want me to tutor you today?
Its a few minutes before he replies:
Are you sure you’re not busy today?
I roll my eyes and type:
Will I text you if I am?
I’ll be there as soon as possible.
Bring your books and notes.
What else?
What else? What else should he bring? I can’t think of anything. Nothing.
See you then.
I always want to have the last word.
I’m too nice for his own good. Even though I know he’s just playing a game on me, I’m still willing to help him.
I decide to just wait for him in the library. I bring The Time Traveler’s Wife because it’s a good book to pass the time. Draky has a key of this house so I text him to go here when he arrives.
He comes in after ten minutes, carrying a backpack on his hand.
“Hi Pie,” he says.
“Hello Draky,” I return.
We put all his notebooks and books on top of the table and sit side by side. We start with Literature first. Until now, he’s not yet done reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
“What are you doing in your free time?” I scold.
“I spend my free time thinking about you,” he admits.
“I. .. uh,” I stutter.
I hate him. Why is he so good at playing his game?! I put my book closer to my face so that he can’t see the blush starting to flood on my cheeks.
Is there some kind of medicine to stop the blush from coming in?
I hear him snicker which means he can see it.
“Just read, don’t talk!”
“Yes Ma’am,” he says playfully, his mouth twitching and forming into a smirk.
The loud sound of the doorbell breaks our concentration from studying. Draky and I look at each other at the same time.
“Open the door and see who’s at the other side,” I order.
“I’m just a guest,” he says amusedly, “and you’re living here. I think you’re the one who should open the door.”
I look at him incredulously. Are there still gentlemen today? Chivalry is slowly fading.
To my disbelief, he laughs. He’s even clutching his stomach!
“What’s funny?” I ask dryly.
“Your face,” he says while laughing. “You should . . haha . .have seen it! It’s a shame . . haha I didn’t bring a camera haha . . with me.”
“Fine!” I stand up, but before I can take a step away from him, he grabs my arm.
My eyes widen when I see that we’re standing so close. How can he move so fast? It’s hard to swallow when you’re nervous. It’s hard to breathe when he’s close to me. My heart is thudding painfully in my chest whenever he’s near me. It’s like its want to get out of me.
Taking a step back, he mimics my move until my back connects with a wall. Uh oh. What now?
“What do you want?” I ask. If he’s thinking I’m afraid of him and I’ll back out, he’s wrong. Really wrong.
He lets go of my arm and puts his hands on my face. “You shouldn’t frown,” he says, touching my eyebrows, “you don’t know someone is—“
The sound of the doorbell interrupts him.
Draky lets go of me slowly and walks outside the library to open the front door.
I let out the breath I don’t know I’m holding. My knees are shaking beneath me so I sit on the floor. Draky is so stupid to make me feel this way! I hate it! I don’t know what might happen if the person on the other side of the door didn’t push the doorbell.
I’m afraid that I’m changing because of Draky. And now I’m curious about what he said earlier. You don’t know some is—
I feel so tired, I hug my knees tightly, close to my body.
I have to remember that everything he says and do is for the bet. Nothing more, nothing less. If there’s someone that will be hurt at the end, it’s him; not me.
“Pie!” he calls. His voice comes from the living room.
“What?” I ask loudly so he can hear me.
“You have to come here!”
Why do I still have to go there if he already opens the door?
“I’m coming!” I yell, getting up from the floor and making my way to the living room.
“What?” I ask irritably, and stop suddenly when I see a woman beside him, a few years older than me, carrying a baby boy in her hands.
“Hello,” she says, smiling at me. The baby boy waves his hand at me.
“He’s so cute,” I murmur, walking towards them. “Oh, and hi,” I say to the woman, smiling sheepishly.
In the corner of my eyes, I see Draky rolling his eyes. “Sophia,” he says, “this is Xyrielle, Auntie’s sister. Xyrielle, this is Sophia, a family’s friend.”
He surely doesn’t know how to introduce people formally.
“Nice meeting you Sophia,” Xyrielle says. She looks a young version of Aunt V. Maybe when she’s her age, this is what Aunt V looks like. “This is Rain,” she continues, “my son.”
“How old is he?” I ask.
I like babies. They smell nice after taking a bath. They look like angels to me. Well, except when they cry. They are unpredictable too. One second you’re playing with them and then the next they want your full attention.
“He’s one year and five months old,” Xyrielle answers.
“Hello Rain,” I murmur.
He reaches his hands towards me and grabs a hold of my hair.
Draky’s mouth twitches upward, finding this scene amusing.
“Sorry,” Xyrielle says, opening Rain’s hands. Unfortunately, he’s holding too tight.
It hurts. After a few seconds of torture, Rain finally lets go.
“Sorry,” Xyrielle repeats, holding Rain’s hands before he can hurt me again.
“It’s okay,” I say, even though my head is throbbing painfully when I touch it.
Maybe I don’t like babies that much after all. Draky stands beside me and puts his hand on my shoulder.
“What are you doing?!”
“Are you two together?” Xyrielle asks amusedly, glancing between Draky and me.
“Of course not,” I say, at the same time Draky says, “Yes.”
Xyrielle opens her mouth to say something when Rain cries.
“Why did you say that?” I mutter, glaring at him.
“I want to see how you would react,” he replies, tilting his head to the side.
“Don’t do it again,” I chastise. “It’s not funny.”
“It’s not funny,” he mimics, smiling playfully.
“I have a favor to ask,” Xyrielle says interrupting Draky and me. Rain stops crying because he’s now playing with his teether.
“What?” Draky asks, raising his eyebrow.
“I asked Veronica yesterday if she can take care of Rain while I meet my business partners,” she says, frowning, “and now she’s not here.”
“Maybe she forgot,” I guess.
“Where’s Rain babysitter?”
“She asked for a day off,” she answers, “I agreed because I thought my sister would take care of Rain.”
“Oh,” I murmur.
“It’s really important,” she says with a sigh, “but because no one is available to take care of Rain. . .”
I want to help her because she seems nice. And she looks a lot like Aunt V. Rain is cute and he reminds me of Matt. I want to take care of him even though he’s kind of like playing with my hair.
“I’ll take care of him,” I say before I can think twice.
“Really?” Xyrielle asks hopefully.
Draky is gaping at me, looking alarmed, and not believing what I said. Maybe he doesn’t like babies. Unfortunately for him, he has to help me take care of Rain.
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