The Bet *Inseparable
There are two songs for this chapter: Wonderland by Natalia Kills and What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. Banner by TheaDuenas13 .
Facebook page on the External Link! Thank you so much for reading my story :) ♥
The spin-off (sequel/book 2) of The Bet is Colliding with Fate. It's already posted on Wattpad.
Enjoy! (:
Chapter 56 *Inseparable
“Can I do it tomorrow?”
“Please?” Draky says, giving me a puppy look.
Ugh! He knows that I can’t resist him when he does that. “Drake Swift!”
He sighs. “I’ll only talk to him when you’re with me.”
“You’re so stubborn, you know?”
“I know.” He grins sheepishly. “But you still love me.”
I bite my inner cheeks to stop them from blushing.
Draky elbows me playfully. “You love me, right?”
“Of course I love you,” I murmur.
He smiles and wraps his arms around me. “So, can we just hang out here in your room instead of—“
“No,” I say firmly. “You have to talk to your dad now.”
“Fine,” he mumbles, a frown creasing his brow.
I rub his arm, and he relaxes at my touch. “I’m going with you.”
“Let’s go,” I say, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the house.
I’ve been persuading Draky to talk to his dad and restore their relationship. Finally, he agreed. I already told him about the connection of Andre’s family and mine. He was surprised when he found out. Well, who wouldn’t? We didn’t know our lives could intertwine like that.
We’re on our way to their house when I ask, “Can you tell me what you wrote on my paper?”
“What paper?” he asks, glancing at me in the corner of his eyes.
“The paper where all of our classmates wrote something about us.”
“Why?” Draky asks, panic rising in his eyes.
“Because I want to know,” I say obviously.
He sighs. “Fine. But tell me what you wrote on my paper first.”
“But I asked you first!”
“Please?” he says, battling his eyelashes at me.
Ugh! He’s so hard to resist! “You are my first crush.”
He looks taken aback at my answer. “That was you?” he asks incredulously.
“Yeah,” I admit, smiling. “That was me.”
“Wow,” he breathes. “I can’t believe it!” And then he starts to smile slowly, until he’s grinning like Ronald McDonald. “I’m your first crush! Wow!”
His actions make me squirm uncomfortably on my chair. I don’t why I still feel nervous even though we’re already together now. It’s just I can’t wrap it around my head because it’s so unreal!
“I’m your first crush,” he repeats. “That’s a privilege!”
“Don’t change the topic,” I mumble. “It’s your turn to spill the beans now.”
He clears his throat and then says, “I wrote two things on your paper.”
“And?” I probe. The anticipation is killing me!
He purses his lips, studying me carefully while he says, “The first one is: I like you.”
“You like me?” I repeat dubiously. My heart starts to beat fast and the blood slowly rises to my face, giving my cheeks a pink tint. I didn’t even think that he would write—
“I like you,” Draky says, interrupting my thoughts. “Even though I didn’t really know you well, I start to admire you in the limited time we were together. You have a way of brightening someone’s day. What makes it more special is you don’t know it.”
“Oh,” I murmur, speechless. I clear my throat inconspicuously and play with my fingers as I wait for him to continue. When he doesn’t, I probe, “What’s the second one?”
“I’m sorry.”
That’s for the bet, no doubt about that.
“We’re here,” I say wryly, when he stops his car in their driveway.
He opens the passenger door for me and then we walk hand in hand to their house.
“Your dad is here, right?” I ask.
“Yeah,” he replies. “He’s probably at his office.”
“You can do it,” I encourage him.
He smiles. “Do you want to go to my room or—“
“I’ll just wait for you here,” I interrupt. I don’t know why I’m nervous to be alone in his room. It’s not like we’re not dating, but it’s so intimate, I can feel the blood rising to my cheeks.
Draky smirks, as if reading my thoughts. “If you say so.” He kisses me on the forehead and says, “I’ll be right back.”
I’m about to call Driana, and then I remember that she have a date with Andre. After I confessed my love to Draky, Driana began to talk to Andre. But they still keep their relationship, or whatever they call it, a secret to Draky.
So while I wait for him, I move around the living room, looking at the pictures hanging on the wall. Most of them are photos of Draky and Driana when they were kids. They’re so cute! Especially on the frame where they have ice cream on both of their hands, and Draky’s face is full of chocolate while Driana is laughing at him.
Suddenly, it makes me think of Matt and our childhood memories. I miss you so much little brother. I know that wherever you are, you’re at peace, and you’re happy for me. I love you, and I know that you’ll always be my angel.
I jump in surprise at the sound of my name being called. Turning around, I see Draky’s mom walking towards me. “Hi Auntie,” I say.
“Are you looking for Drake?” she asks amusedly.
“Um, no,” I murmur, embarassed. “He’s talking to his dad.”
Her mouth shapes into an ‘O’. “He’s talking to his dad?” she repeats after a few seconds.
“Yes,” I reply. “I think they’re in his office.”
“That’s great!” she beams. “Did you make him?” she says, raising her eyebrow and giving me a silly smile.
“I, uh, just told him to make everything alright.”
Aunt Laura takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Thank you so much. For uniting my family again.”
“I didn’t do—“
“Because of you, they’re speaking to each other.” She smiles at me affectionately. “And that means a lot to me.”
“Um, you’re welcome,” I murmur. I don’t know what else to say! Why does the Swift family make me speechless?!
“And thank you for loving my son.”
“W-what?” Did Draky tell them that we’re together now?
“I know that he loves you,” she says, eyes twinkling. “He’s talking about you a lot. Actually, you’re the only one he talks about. I’m glad I can see that you feel the same way for him.”
I bite my lip to stop the grin from slipping off my face.
“Take care of each other,” she continues.
I’m so happy, my heart wants to burst out of my chest. “Thank you,” I say gratefully.
To my surprise, she hugs me.
“Looks like someone is having a good time with her daughter-in-law.”
We pull away from each other and see Draky and his father side by side. Aunt Laura looks so happy to see them, she cries and quickly goes to where they are to give them a hug.
Draky smiles at me as he wraps his arm around his mother. “Ma, there’s no need to cry.”
Aunt Laura sniffs. “I’m just overwhelmed because you’re speaking to your father again.
Mr. Adriel, Draky’s dad, wipes the tears of his wife and clasp the shoulder of his son. Then he glances at me and I almost gasp because he looks like Draky. An older version of him.
“Thank you Sophia,” he says.
“No problem,” I say shyly.
Draky walks to where I am and puts his hand on my shoulder. “Mom, Dad, I want you to officially meet my girlfriend,” he says proudly, “Sophia Taylor.”
“Welcome to the family,” Uncle Adriel says.
I almost cry out for joy, thankfully, Draky pulls me to him and hugs me tight.
After a little chat with Draky’s parents, we decide to go to the nearest mall and celebrate.
“Do you know what I wished for in my birthday?” I say, when he starts his car.
“No. . .”
“Do you want to know?”
He takes my hand and says, “I want to know everything about you.”
“Well, I wished I can go skinny-dipping with you.”
“What?” he asks incredulously.
Thank God we’re on a stoplight because if not—
“You want to see me naked?” He gapes at me, his eyes are wide and as round as saucers.
I laugh so hard I’m even slapping my knee.
“You’re kidding,” Draky observes.
“Of course I’m kidding!” When I remember the look on his face, I have another round of laughter. “You should have seen you face! It was priceless!”
He rolls his eyes, but his lips is twitching in amusement. “Maybe you really want to see me naked,” he says, his eyes lighting in delight. “Remember the time when you went to the bathroom while I was taking a shower? There are times when I wonder if you really—
“Shut up!” I say, slapping him on the shoulder.
He chuckles. “Why are you defensive?”
“I-it’s b-because you’re teasing m-me,” I stutter. “You know that I didn’t know you were inside.”
He shakes his head and thinks for a moment. “Really? I recall that—“
He grins and wraps his free hand on my shoulder. “I was just kidding.”
I cross my arms over my chest and pretend to be angry at him.
“Pie,” he says softly, tracing down my cheek with his forefinger. “What did you wish for?”
“I wished that everything that happened between us were real,” I confess.
“Wishes do come true,” he says.
“Yeah,” I agree. “When I got broken hearted, I refused to believe in Fairy tales. I put in mind that they are just fake, a trickery of the mind. And then you came. You broke the chains that locked my heart. You changed my perception of life. You made me try a lot of things I wouldn’t do if it weren’t for you. I took risks that made my life exciting. I can’t believe someone like you—“
“Of course I—“
“I can’t believe you noticed me. So somehow, I’m grateful for the bet. Because it made us closer. You know, even our relationship did not start good, I know it will not end. Our love for each other is the kind that will win over death.”
Draky is silent for a minute. He just stares at me and it takes me a second to realize that we’re already in the parking lot of the mall.
“That’s the best speech I’ve ever heard,” he says finally.
I smile as he tucks the lock of hair behind my ear.
“I’ll sum up everything you said in three words,” he says. “I love you.”
“I’ll add another word to that,” I reply. “I love you too.”
He kisses me on the cheek and then we slide out of the car. We’re on our way inside the mall when Draky suddenly stops walking. I pause too because he’s holding my hand.
“What?” I ask.
He’s looking towards one of the outers shops and I almost choke when I see Andre and Driana holding hands.
“Uh oh,” I mutter.
Draky didn’t seem to hear me because he chooses to go to where they are.
I’m planning to give them a signal when Andre turns around and sees us. The look on his face is comical. His face turns pale and his mouth drops open in shock.
Driana turns as well and her eyes widen when she notices us.
“What is going on here?” Draky demands.
“I. . We. . I mean,” Andre stutters, sweat pouring down his face.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Driana adds.
“Drake, I need to tell you something,” Andre says nervously.
“What?” he asks, scowling at him.
I put my hand on his shoulder and smile at Driana. “Sorry,” I mouth.
“That’s okay,” she mouths back.
“Driana is my girlfriend,” Andre says.
We’re all silent after Andre told Draky the truth. I hold his hand so that I can quickly pull him away when he decides to punch Andre.
Finally, we get a reaction from him. Draky shifts his right foot and sighs. “That’s all?” he says finally.
“That’s all?” I repeat.
“Aren’t you mad?” Andre asks dubiously.
“Or angry?” Driana asks.
“Why would I be?” Draky says, squeezing my hand.
Andre groans. “We thought your first reaction would be to punch me. We were scared for nothing! We didn’t have to keep it a secret. What’s the point?!” He grumbles under his breath.
Draky chuckles. “Why would I be mad or angry? It’s as if I can stop your feelings for each other. And it’s your problem for assuming that I would be furious.” His lips twitches upward. “Besides, I discern that you like each other.”
“You did?” Andre says incerdulously. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I want it to come from you.”
Driana scoffs. “He’s just saying that so he won’t look—“
“Maybe you want me to be angry,” Draky interjects, scowling at his twin.
Driana looks at him innocently. “Nope. You’re a really good twin brother.”
“I know,” he says smugly.
Andre rolls his eyes. “Here we go again.”
We decide to eat together then, all four of us. I’m glad Draky is not angry at Andre and Driana for keeping their relationship a secret to him. He tells them that he reunites with his dad again. I’m grateful that everyone is happy.
“Hey, we’ll leave you two alone,” Draky says, glancing at his watch. “I heard that it’s your date, and we don’t want to ruin it.”
I smile to myself. It’s already 5:30 in the afternoon and I know that Andre has more plans for his date with Driana.
“He just wants Sophia all to himself,” Andre says amusedly.
“What do you mean?” I ask, frowning at him.
“You know, he wants to take you in a secluded place and do—“
“Andre!” Driana chastises him.
And then I get what he means. Andre is really—
“Have fun,” Draky says. “Andre, take care of my sister.”
“Aye, aye,” he replies.
And then we go our separate ways. After a few minutes of walking around, Draky says, “Let’s go.”
“Where are we going?” I ask. “Is it one of your secret places?”
He grins. “It’s not secret anymore.”
“I wonder why.”
We settle in a comfortable silence, both of us contented with each other’s presence. I didn’t know I can love someone as much as I love Draky. God, thank you so much for giving him to me.
“Wake up, Love, we’re here.”
I didn’t know I fell asleep. Slowly, I open my eyes and see Draky’s face a few inches from my own. “Where are we?” I ask, sitting up straight. In my sleep, I leaned on him unconsciously.
The clock on the dashboard blinks at me. 6:57PM. We were on the road for an hour.
Draky smiles slyly and says, “You have to get out of the car to find out.” He slides out and then opens the passenger door for me.
When I step out, the first thing I notice is the water. And then the different colors of light from the buildings on the other side of the river.
A smile makes its way on my face as I recall the last time I came here. It’s the day when Parker, Chloe, Draky and I went on a double date. After Parker and Chloe left, Draky brought me here to watch the—
“Do you want to sit?” Draky asks, snapping me out of my reverie.
“Where?” I ask. Then I remember that was the exact conversation we had. Nostalgia is visiting me, and it envelops me in a warm embrace.
A gasp escapes from my lips when he puts his hands on my waist and puts me on the hood of his car. After that, he pulls his self up and sits beside me.
A few seconds later, different types and colors of fireworks start to engulf the sky. The sound of every firework goes with the beat of my heart.
“I won’t get tired of this,” I murmur when the show ends. I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. “You never failed to surprise me.”
He chuckles. “I want you to be happy.”
“You make me happy.”
He takes my face and stares deeply into my eyes. “You said that to me on your birthday. You don’t know how much . . . how much that made me rejoice.” He swallows, his adams apple bobbing. “I want you to know that I’ll always be here for you.”
“And I’ll always be here for you too,” I say, grabbing his free hand and intertwining our fingers.
“I love you today, tomorrow, and forever,” Draky says. “Every day, every second, and every minute of it.”
“Forever is a long time, you know,” I tease.
“But I’m willing to spend it with you.”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” I state.
“Even when we move to eternal life?” he asks, a silly smile slipping off his mouth.
“Of course!”
“That’s good, because my life would suck without you.”
I smirk. “I didn’t know you listen to Kelly Clarkson.”
“I do not!”
“Yes you do.”
“Okay, you win.” He sighs, and then squeezes my hand. “You know, you don’t know everything about me.”
Usually, people get angry when they hear statements like that, but I understand him.
“That’s the point of being in a relationship,” I say, “Learning everything about your partner. Even when you think you know every little thing.”
He smiles and says, “We really are match made in Heaven.”
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