The Bet *Dead End
"Didn't you know that it's dangerous for young girls to walk alone in the dark?" A creepy voice asks.
I open my mouth to scream but only choke sound comes from my mouth. I back away slowly, seizing my opponent.
And then a light blinds my eyes. I close them momentarily to minimize the pain.
"A lovely fellow you are, you aren't using your mind."
I flinch at the sound of the stranger's voice. The man looks like twenty three and has ash blonde hair and black eyes. He's tall and has muscles on his forearms.
Oh God, how can I fight this man?
He glides towards me while I just stand on my ground, my knees shaking beneath me. Suddenly, he's towering over me. That's when I whip around and run as fast as I can.
My breathing is rag and slow, as I try not to fall face first on the ground.
And then, he's on top of me. His weight knocks my head against the hard floor. For a moment, I'm blind. I see stars, even though my eyes are closed.
I hear something thumps in the floor and see the light beside me when I open my eyes. He must have dropped the flashlight when he ran after me.
I try to squirm away from his body, but he pin me flat against the ground.
"Help!" I yell.
The man puts his hand over my mouth. His hand is so big; it almost covers my whole face.
It's hard to breathe! His arms are at the top of my chest, choking me for breaths. I'm starting to fall into unconsciousness but I have to save myself.
I force my hands under him and pull his hair as far as I can, taking a few strands away.
He cries out in pain and punches me on my stomach.
That's when I black out.
Okay, that didn't really happen. That's my surprise for you! =D *Read the A/N for the explanation.*
This is the real scene that happens after the previous chapter.
Happy Reading! :)
Chapter 25 *Dead End*
"Help," I shriek, as I twist around and run as fast as I can.
It's just a few steps when I trip my feet on something lying on the ground. Strong hands catch me before I fall. I slap the stranger's hand away, twist around once again, and am about to runaway when he holds my hand and pulls me towards him. I push him away as roughly as I can.
He gets off balance but he tries to straighten himself while I runaway again.
My right foot isn't working right because when I almost fell to the ground, I twist my ankle.
Sweat pours down my face as my heart wants to rip its way out of my chest. I'm not a fast runner, but I won't die without trying. I'd rather-
That nickname becomes so usual to me, I stop in my tracks. But why is it Pie? There's only one-
In a matter of seconds, he's in front of me. My heart is pounding so hard, there's no doubt that he can hear it. Even though I hate him, I even swear I'll make his life miserable, in this instant, I'm so happy to see him. I've never been so glad to see him.
He just stares at me without saying anything. From the little light that I can see, he has an unreadable expression on his face. It's hard to imagine what he's thinking. He's breathing heavily; I can see the rise and fall of his chest. His hands are clench, the skin over his knuckles white.
"You're stupid, aren't you?" He says furiously, his eyes blazing with fire. "Why are you walking alone in the middle of the night? Don't you know that there are dangers everywhere? This alley is a dead end!"
I try to open my mouth, but I don't know what to say, so I just snap it shut.
"Why aren't you thinking?" He growls. And then he starts to pace back and forth in front of me. "For being smart, you're. . ." He trails off, looking pointedly at me. His mouth sets into a thin hard line.
That's what Parker said to me a while ago. What am I?
My feet are hurting, just by standing here. I feel so tired, adrenaline leaves me without energy. I don't have an idea what I look like now.
My eyes are stinging, more seconds to go, they will surely fall. It's hard to hold them; I can't take it any longer. My lips are shaking uncontrollably, I can't talk. If I open my mouth to say something, I will surely breakdown.
To my astonishment, he pulls me into him. My shock gets the best of me as he says soothing words at me.
Drake Swift is hugging me!
My arms are useless beside me; I don't know what to do with them. A tear escapes from my eyes and soon enough, more follows after that.
"Ssshh," he murmurs, "Everything's fine. I'm sorry I yelled at you." He tightens his arms around me.
I put my arms on his neck, and let the guy I despise so much comfort me. He lets me cry on his shoulder as he pats my back reassuringly.
After a few minutes, we pull away from each other. I swallow the lump in my throat to no avail.
"Come on," he says, taking my hand. He picks the paper bags I must have dropped when I ran. "Let's get you home," He says softly.
Unfortunately, I can't walk. He sees my hesitation and I point to my right foot.
"Ooh," he murmurs. He drops on one knee and let go of my hand.
"What are you doing?" I ask in a hoarse voice, gaping at him.
"Get in my back," he instructs.
"I'll carry you."
"No, I-"
"Please," he interjects.
"Okay," I whisper, and ride on his back.
When he stands up, he gets the paper bags and holds them while holding my legs too. I put my arms on his neck instinctively. He starts walking without saying anything.
"Am I heavy?" I ask him after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
"Light as a feather," he says. I can't see his face, but I hear the smile in his voice.
We are silent for a minute. My gaze turns upward, toward the sky. There are a lot of visible stars tonight. They are like Christmas lights, but much better.
"Pie," Draky says.
"Hmm?" I murmur. I can't help but breathe him in. His smell is so irresistible, it's not the perfume most guys are using.
A few people are just passing the streets, but they don't stare at us, which is good. I never liked to be the center of attention.
"Do not do that again," he says seriously.
"Walking in the alley," he says, "Even if it's day, especially at night."
"Okay," I mumble, nodding slowly.
I feel like falling, so I tighten my arms on his neck. He holds my legs more securely. Hmm I think this lessen my dislike towards him. What would happen if he was not the one in the dark alley? I shudder at the thought.
"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.
Of course he felt my shudder. So embarrassing! I'm glad he can't see my face because there's no doubt that it's scarlet.
"I'm fine," I mutter. And then I remember the question I haven't asked him. "What are you doing in the dark alley?"
The sound of our synchronize breathing and the steps he takes is the only sound I hear. What time is it? Why are there no cars here? Is it already late?
"Draky?" I murmur.
"What are you doing in the dark alley?" I repeat.
He takes a deep breath, and tightens his hold on me. Finally, he says, "I followed you."
"You followed me?" I ask incredulously.
"You're a stalker," I say matter-of-factly.
"I was just worried about you," he says quietly.
"Why?" I ask curiously.
"Because you're my. . ."
"You're what?"
"Friend," he finishes.
"Why, really?" I exclaim. "I want the truth."
"I don't know," he says uneasily.
"When did you start following me?" I ask instead.
He sighs. "I saw you walking out of the school with Parker," he says wearily. "I thought he'll do something bad to you."
"Like?" I probe.
He mutters something under his breath.
"You mean you followed us in the café too?" I realize.
"Yes," he admits.
"Why did you do that?"
"You heard what we were talking about," I say obviously.
"I did not."
"You did," I say accusingly.
"Did not," he insists.
I put my hand on his head and pull his hair away from him.
"Ow!" He grunts. Fortunately, he doesn't let go of me. "Pie! Stop that!"
"Tell me the truth," I say warningly. "Or I'll pull your hair away." I tug at his hair for emphasis. Instead of locking my arms on his neck, I take a handful of his hair in my hands.
"I swear I did not hear a thing," he whimpers. "My table was far from yours."
I realize that he doesn't stop walking so that means he isn't really hurting.
"Cut it out!"
"I want the truth!" I say.
"I'm telling you the truth," he insists. "If I'm a liar, don't you think I should have lied on the part when I start to follow you? In that case, I don't have to explain any of it. I can just say that I saw you walked in the dark alley so I followed you. But I did not. I really am telling the truth."
"Really?" I ask doubtfully.
"Yes," he says, and then pauses. "Wait, I heard the first part, when you asked Parker if he was gay, and then-Ow!"
I realize that I grab a hold of his hair again. I let it go, and put my arms back to his neck. He starts walking again.
"And then I saw him giving you something," he continues, turning his head to look at me.
My heart stops beating for a second because the proximity of our faces is so close!
His eyes widens when he realizes it, so he look in front of him again. "You started to talk in low voices so I did not hear you," he says flatly.
"Eavesdropping is bad," I say flatly.
"I know," he says, but there's no remorse in his voice.
I tell him that eavesdropping is bad, but I do it too. It's even the reason how I knew their bet about me.
Wait, there's been something nagging on my mind when Draky told me that he followed me. I close my eyes to think clearly. It's about. . It's . . . Parker!
He must have seen Draky following us, because when we walked towards the café, he looked behind our backs for a couple of times. Even when we were inside the café, he glanced behind him. But why didn't he tell me? I'm so oblivious! Why did I not force him to spill it? Ugh! I really hate Why questions.
This is such a long day! My head throbs in synchronize with the beating of my heart.
"We're here," Draky says.
Opening my eyes, I see that we're in the parking lot of the school. "Why are we here?" I ask.
"My car," he answers.
"You left your car in the school?" I ask incredulously.
"Yes," he says, "As if I can follow you while driving." He walks towards his car.
There are some lights on the gym and a few cars parked in the school lot.
"How come there are still students here?" I wonder out loud.
"The basketball team is practicing for their big game next week," he answers.
"Oh," I murmur. "By the way, why did you quit?"
"I get tired of it," he says in a strain voice.
I don't ask him why because the topic is clearly forbidden.
When we reach his black convertible, he puts down the paper bags and gets the car keys in his pocket. He opens the passenger door, and helps me get in. First, he puts me down. When I'm about to take my first step, he carries me in his arms, princess style. A gasp escapes from my lips while he smirks at my expression.
When I'm comfortable, he gives me my paper bags and walk to the driver's side. He starts the car when he gets in.
"Do you mind if we go to my house first?" I ask. "I just want to check if my parents are okay."
"Sure," he says.
Even though my parents are secretive and confusing at the same time, they're still my family. And now, I miss them. How many days have passed since I last saw them? A lot has happened already since I lived in Andre's house.
To my surprise, Draky knows the way to my house.
"How come you know my house?" I ask curiously.
"It's a small town," he says.
How come you just know that I exist when you start the bet?
Before I know it, I'm already in front of my house. He stops the engine and looks at me expectantly.
"Wait a second," I say. "I'll just say hello, and then we can go."
"Take your time," he says. The corner of his mouth is starting to form into a smile.
I open the door and get out of the car. I walk slowly towards the house to minimize the pain. I'm so happy to be here again, I don't notice until I'm already in the front porch that there's no light from the house.
My brows furrow in confusion as I try to calculate what time is it. Are they sleeping already? Even if they are, they'll leave one light open; the living room or the kitchen.
Now, it's dark. A wind ruffles my hair, making me shiver. Raising my hand, I knock on the door. My house keys are on my desk back at Aunt V's house.
Nothing. There's no sound emanating from the house.
My heart leaps in my throat, as I jump in surprise. Turning around, I see Draky a few feet away from me.
"You scared me." I scold.
"Sorry," he says sheepishly.
I sigh. "I think they're not here."
"Where are they?"
"I don't know." Where are my parents? "Let's go."
"Are you sure?" He asks. "We can wait for them here."
"We have to make our project," I say.
"Yeah, right," he mutters. "By the way, how did you know Parker?"
I look to see him with a curious expression on his face. "He's my friend," I say carefully. I don't want him to give important details of my past. If he's telling the truth, he doesn't know about the connection of my family and Andre's.
"You mean, way back?"
"Yes," I say.
He nods in understanding. I'm glad he's not asking a lot of questions because I don't want to answer him.
"Come on," I say, and starts to walk (more like hop on my left foot).
"I think we should go to a hospital first," he suggests.
"No, I'm okay," I say quickly. "I just sprained my ankle. It will be gone tomorrow."
He hesitates, and then finally nods. Maybe he remembers my dislike towards hospitals. He leans down and pull me up into his arm.
"I can walk," I say warily.
His mouth twitches upward. "Sure you can," he says amusedly.
I puff out a breath, and cross my arms over my chest. I try not to look at his eyes because they're just a few inches away from mine.
He opens the passenger's door and helps me settle in. When he gets in, he starts the car and drives towards Andre's house. The time in the dashboard indicates that it's just eight thirty.
"Draky," I say hesitantly. "Can we keep this a secret?"
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"Don't tell anyone about what happened tonight."
"Oh-kay," he says.
"Even Andre," I insist.
"Sure," he agrees, "Even Driana?" He raises his eyebrows.
"I. . . Yes," I say finally.
"That means it's just the two of us," he says matter-of-factly.
"I know."
"Do you want a pinky promise, Pie?" He asks, raising his right hand towards me.
"Okay," I say, raising my right hand towards him.
"Promise," Draky says softly, smiling at our entwine pinky fingers.
I hope you like my surprise for you! I was waiting for the time I could do that trick, and finally it arrived XD The first part isn't real! I did it because a lot of you guess the right scene - that it's Drake. I even thought of changing it to a complete stranger but that means a lot of scenes in the future chapters will change. What if no one will come for Sophia? What if she gets hurt? She already suffered enough. What if- Okay, you get the point =D
The song is It Ends Tonight by The All American Rejects <3
Whoo! I'm on the Dean's List again! So happy :D :) :> Hmm such a long Author's Note . . Thank you for reading it <3 and thank you for reading my story =D <3 :) I know, I overuse smiley's :>
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