The Bet *Cynical
Happy Reading! (:
Chapter 27 *Cynical*
Sophia kissed me on the cheek.
I made a progress. Does that mean she’s falling in love with me? Maybe that’s just a thank you for keeping her safe? I don’t know what to feel about that.
I’m quite confused on the way I act. How much of it is for the bet? As far as I know, I’m doing everything for the bet.
I can’t think straight. My thoughts are incomprehensible, while my body is dead tired. I might black out any minute now.
Sometimes I wonder why Andre chose Pie. Is it a coincidence? That she walked in at the wrong place, at the wrong time? Does Andre know that I can have any girl I want but Pie? She’s available, but there’s something about her that’s complicated.
Why her?
There comes a time when I lay awake at night, just thinking about that. What if she did not walk in at that time? What if it was another girl?
If that’s the case, I won’t know Pie. For heaven’s sake, the only reason I knew her is because of the bet!
She shouldn’t have walked in at the time so that I won’t hurt her. Is pride really important to me, that I’ll sacrifice Pie’s friendship for winning? Maybe it’s good for both of us if we don’t know each other.
You really should stop the bet.
Oh, hi there, I thought sarcastically, I told Pie about you.
You like her, don’t you?
I can’t help but laugh at that. Me? I like Pie? Oh c’mon! That’s the funniest thought I’ve ever think.
In my peripheral vision, I see in the clock that it’s almost midnight. It’s late; I still have to dye my hair.
I’m glad I’m done adding more explanation to our project. I already wrote it a while ago. I’m impressed because I really like my handwriting there. I hope Parker; I mean Mr. Condie, will give it back to us because I’m planning on putting it in a frame. No joke. Besides, I like the words written on it. I wonder what will Pie think when she reads it.
~ Sophia
“I love you,” he says, touching my bare arms, sending chills and warmth all over me.
“I know,” I murmur, leaning back at him. “I love you too.”
“You mean we’re together now?” he asks. “I mean, you’re my girlfriend now?”
“Sophia,” he says softly, tightening his arms around me.
A good kind of shiver runs passed my body. Swallowing hard, I ask, “What?”
“You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
Even though I can’t see his face, I hear the smile in his voice. He then turns me around to face him. His soft brown eyes gaze at me wonderingly, maybe asking his self if I’m real.
Above us, there are thousands of stars twinkling in the sky. Here beside me is my boyfriend. What more can I ask for?
“This is the best night ever,” he says, putting his hand on my cheek. His other hand is still on my waist.
I pinch my arm to check if I’m just dreaming, but it hurts, so this is definitely real.
Putting my arms on his neck, I stand on my tiptoe and kiss him on the cheek. At the last second, he turns his head so I kiss his lips instead.
I’m so shock, I let my arms fall to my side. “Sorry,” I mutter.
To my surprise, he laughs. Really laughs, there are even tears flowing from his eyes.
What’s funny? That’s my first kiss, and he finds it amusing!
I wait for a few seconds before he stops. When he does, he looks at me with his eyes glittering in delight.
“What?” I mutter, taking a step back, and crossing my arms over my chest.
He closes the distance between us and pulls me in his arms.
Sighing, I put my arms around him. What can I do? He’s so irresistible! I lay my head on his chest; I feel so comfortable here.
“You’re so innocent,” he murmurs.
“That’s my first kiss,” I admit shyly.
“I’m glad,” he says. The corner of his mouth twitches upward. He puts both of his hands on my face, and leans down so our eye level is the same.
Oh my! I’m going to have my real first kiss!
My heart is thumping so loud in my chest. It’s like it’s trying to get out of me. There’s no doubt he can hear it.
“This is your first kiss,” he says, as if reading my mind. As he talk, his lips brushes mine because our face is so close!
“I don’t know how to kiss,” I say, biting my lip.
His lips quirk into a smile. “Neither can I,” he says, “We just have to let our instinct take over.”
And then he closes the little distance between our lips. I can write a whole novel about this kiss. It’s so—
Beep. Beep.
A sigh escapes from my lips when I open my eyes. Those stupid brown eyes still haunts me in my dreams. Why did I dream of him now? It’s been a long time since the last time it happened.
I’m thankful for whomever text me because I woke up from my nightmare; a memory woven into a dream.
Unfortunately, it looks real! Before, when he touches me, I feel warm. Now, remembering my dream, I feel cold all over my body. I shudder at the thought of him kissing me again.
At that thought, my mind thinks back of last night.
A smile makes its way in my face as I remember Draky’s expression. I can’t believe I kissed him! When I had a crush on him before, I did not even dream of it because it was impossible. But I did! I kissed him on the cheek!
Way to go Sophia! Hmm I wonder what he thought about the kiss. Does he think I’m falling in love with him now? In his dreams! I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he finds out that I know about their game, and that I’m playing with him.
Suddenly, I remember the reason I woke up. Getting my cell phone from my drawer, I open it to see that Draky’s the one who sent me a message. Hah. Speaking of the devil.
Is it okay if we meet at the cafeteria later? So that we can study our notes together. And, good morning Pie!
If we’ll meet at lunch, that means I’m going to eat with him. The thought isn’t appealing but I have to remember to act on my role.
Heaving a sigh, I type:
Good morning Draky! That’s okay. See you :)
I put a smiley so that he’ll think I like his message. Am I overdoing it? I don’t think so. Am I crazy, talking to myself? Hmm as far as I know, crazy people don’t think they’re crazy. Besides, I’m talking to my subconscious mind. Not that it’s answering. At that, I remember Draky. What does it feel like to have your subconscious mind talking back to you? I have to stop now because I know I’m just blubbering. I do it when I’m nervous.
I’m nervous because in my peripheral vision, I can see the dress I will wear today. Below the dress are the shoes. How can I walk in those heels? I hope I won’t trip or slide. Fortunately, my ankle isn't in pain anymore. I just have to walk carefully and look at the ground where I’m walking.
I’m procrastinating, I know, because I have to take a bath now.
Walking in the bathroom, I lock the door behind me. After removing my clothes, I open the cold water to take me. I’m shivering from head to toe but I don’t want to shower in the warm water because. . .
I don’t know, I might loose my nerve.
Suddenly, a thought comes to my head.
My grandparents are divorced. My parents are fighting. My ex boyfriend broke my heart. Someone is playing a game on me. How can I believe that there is such a thing called love? I’m so stupid! I should have learned from their mistakes but I didn’t. I didn’t even learn from my own experience.
A tear escapes from my eyes without my permission. That’s it—I promise myself that this will be the last time I will cry. I’ll just do everything based on my instinct, not on my emotion.
I have to give myself some credit, though. Because everyday I smile and act like there’s nothing wrong. It’s called putting everything aside and simply being strong as much as I can.
First, I have to get all the answers I need from my parents. I’ll go to our house later after school.
After showering, I put on my underwear and then my bathrobe. I’m just going to dress in my room because it might get wet here.
I walk inside my room and blow dries my hair. After that, I put on my dress. In the mirror, it’s two to three inches above the knee. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I shove my feet on my heels. I try to walk around in my room. So far so good; I’m even walking straight. Phew! The only thing I don’t like is that the heels are clicking on the ground.
Grabbing my bag, I go downstairs and walk in the dining room.
“Good morning Sophia,” Aunt V says, putting her newspaper down on the table.
Andre isn’t here. Maybe he’s still sleeping, considering it’s still early.
Aunt V looks at me, like really look. “Sophia,” she exclaims.
Am I horrible? I’ll strangle Parker later for forcing me to wear this dress.
“There’s something missing,” she says, standing up, and studying me thoughtfully.
“Missing?” I repeat.
“Yes,” she says, nodding. “But first, you have to eat first and then I’ll do something to you.”
Do something to me? What is that?
I take the seat beside Aunt V and make a sandwich. She pours me a chocolate drink.
“Thank you,” I say.
She’s still looking at me which makes me feel uncomfortable. Why is she staring?
After eating, Aunt V tells me to go to her room.
“I’ll um, just brush my teeth again,” I say, to prolong the moment, and because I have to brush my teeth again because I ate.
“Okay,” she says, smiling lightly.
When I’m done brushing my teeth, I knock on Aunt V’s door. I’m quite nervous on what she’s going to do with me.
“Come in,” Aunt V says.
A gasp escapes from my mouth when I open the door. The room is so-- wow! There’s a magnificent bed in the center and a vanity place at the back corner. I can’t even find words to describe it. The furniture’s inside are from Europe. How did I know? It’s obvious! The chairs, the windows—
“Sophia,” Aunt V says, interrupting my thoughts. “Sit here.”
What will she do? I sit on the chair, facing the mirror.
“Um, Auntie?”
“I’ll curl your hair, if that’s okay with you?” She asks hopefully.
“Sure,” I say hesitantly.
“And then I’ll put a make up too.” When she sees my expression, she adds, “Minimal only.”
“Okay,” I say uneasily.
She starts with massaging my hair first, while waiting for the curler to be ready. Her touch is so soft, I find myself closing my eyes.
“Sophia.” Someone tugs at my arms. “Sophia.”
Did I fall asleep? I can't believe I fell asleep! I open my eyes slowly. I wonder why they feel heavy. What time is it? Oh no! I'll be late.
A startle gasp escapes from my lips when I see the girl in the mirror.
The girl in front of me isn’t me. Her hair is curly which really looks good on her. She has a light make up, which brings out her features, especially her blue eyes.
A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.
“You have to go, you might be late in school,” Aunt V says.
“Thank you,” I say wholeheartedly.
“Thank you,” she says, touching my hair lightly, “I’ve been waiting for the time I can do it.”
We smile at each other, and then we walk outside of her room.
“Do you want to be late?” Andre asks quite irritably. “You know, it’s--“ He stops talking when he sees me.
“Sorry,” I mumble.
“No need to say sorry,” Aunt V says, giving Andre a pointed look. “You won’t be late if you'll leave now."
“Bye mom,” Andre murmurs, kissing his mom’s cheek.
“Bye Dre, Sophia,” she says, waving her hand. “Take care!”
“See you later,” I say.
Andre and I walk downstairs and then we continue to go outside, and get in his car.
Andre is quiet as he drives. He looks at me every now and then, and will turn back again to the road. What do I look like? I feel uncomfortable with his stare!
He’s so different from last night because he was annoying and now he’s so silent. In this instant, I prefer the annoying Andre.
When we arrive in the school, I say, “Thank you.”
I’m glad we’re not late. There are even a few minutes to spare.
“You’re welcome,” he says evasively.
Before I go to my first class, I decide to go to my locker first to get the books I need.
“Who are you?” A voice from behind asks.
Turning around, I see Driana smiling broadly. “Um, did I overdo it?” I ask uneasily.
“Look at you,” she gushes. “Where did you put the real Sophia?”
My lips quirk into a smile. “I hide her in my locker.”
“You look great in that dress,” she says excitedly, “Where did you get those shoes?”
“Chloe gave them to me.”
“Who’s Chloe?” She asks, raising her eyebrows.
“Our sub in Arts,” I answer.
“What?” she asks incredulously.
“Yeah,” I say, “She’s—“
I whip around to see Draky standing beside his locker. His hair is dark; maybe he dyed it last night.
“Hey,” I say, trying to make my voice smooth.
He just stares at me, his mouth hanging open. His expression is so priceless; I should have brought a camera with me.
“Take a picture,” I say amusedly, “It lasts longer.”
You saw a glimpse of Sophia’s past with her ex-boyfriend. What do you think about him? Don’t worry; you’ll know what Drake wrote on Sophia’s paper.
The song is What is Love? by Nevershoutnever! Banner by antus_girl.
Thank you so much! <3
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