Special Chapter *Before The Bet
Hi, I wrote this last year :) I hope you'll like it <3
The Bet Movie: Just The Way You Are
June 17, 2015 in all cinemas nationwide.
Facebook page: ilurvbooks
(As of December 2020) The movie is available on Netflix! Yay!
Book 2 (The Bet spin-off): Colliding with Fate
Happy reading! <3
"You are really a magnet when it comes to girls."
I smirk. "Easy peasy."
Brian nudges me. "What do I need to do to get one?"
"I don't know. I don't really exert effort."
"Ah, now's not the time to be selfish," Dwayne says.
I roll my eyes. "Dude, just pretend you have more important things to do when you're around them."
They look at me dubiously.
"Don't be too interested," I explain. "They get annoyed when you don't give them your full attention."
"So they will do anything to grab yours," I say obviously.
Andre walks in and sits on the chair beside me. "What, is this Dating 101?"
"Apparently, the basketball team don't know how to get a girl."
"Says the captain," Jake mutters.
"Used to," I correct.
"Tell me honestly," Andre says, "how many girls have you slept with?"
"Don't be stupid," I say. "I still remember our pact when we were in middle school."
"No lying, man."
"Do you seriously think I'm lying?" I say, hitting him at the back of his head.
"What's that pact?" Jake asks.
"Nothing," Andre and I say simultaneously.
While we're talking about Jake's party for tonight, one of the cheerleaders walks to our table. I remember her cheering for us when I was in the basketball team.
She raises her eyebrows at me and I smile at her. She probably takes it a sign, so she sits on my lap.
There's still space beside me, but I'm not going to complain.
"See?" Dwayne mutters. "A magnet."
They continue to talk, but I can't follow their conversation because I get distracted with the girl on my lap.
"Babe, let's meet later after school?" what's her name again whispers in my ears.
"Are you going to the party?"
"Yes," she says, squeezing my knee.
"Whoa," I mutter.
She winks at me and stands up. "I'll see you later." She blows me a kiss and walks out of the cafeteria.
"What was that?" Brian asks.
I shrug.
"A girl sat on your lap, and you don't even know her?"
"Does it matter?"
That shuts them up.
After school, Andre comes back with me to my house. There's still plenty of time so we'll just play XBOX before we go to the party.
When we enter the living room, we find Driana lying on the couch. When she sees us, her cheeks redden in embarrassment; maybe because of her clothes. She's only wearing shorts and a shirt with too many holes on it.
She quickly hides behind a couple of pillows.
"Don't bother," I say amusedly, "Andre is not interested in you."
She glares and throws one of the pillows at me. "You jerk! Go away!" she says, as she throws another pillow in our direction.
I quickly go to my room before she can hit me, with Andre trailing a few steps behind me.
"What's up with you and Driana?" Andre asks as he sits on my bed.
"What?" I ask.
"You are twins," he says obviously. "Aren't you supposed to be close or something?"
I snort. "Where did you get that?"
He shrugs. "Do you think you'll have a real girlfriend someday?"
"I doubt it," I say. "No one's really worth it.
He looks at me like with an unreadable expression on his face. "I think there's one person meant for all of us. Maybe you haven't met yours yet."
I snicker. "You believe that crap? Destiny, fate, and all that?"
"There's nothing wrong with that."
"Dre, we're living in the 21st century. Wake up!"
He rolls his eyes, but he's smiling.
"Why, have you met your soul mate?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows.
"Maybe," he says amusedly.
I shake my head. He's really nuts.
Better to play a game than to talk about unimportant, inconsequential things.
When the clock strikes seven, I take a shower and get ready.
Fifteen minutes later, we're on our way to Jake's place.
There are already cars on their driveway so I have to park mine in front of their neighbor's house.
We can hear the loud music from across the street. I bet people are already wasted. It's too early to get drunk, though.
I pluck a flower from the garden and put it in my pocket. This will come in handy later.
Like usual, I am the life of the party. It will not start until I arrive. The moment I walk in the front door, Jake's house light up like a wildfire.
People like me always get what we want. It's that simple.
The music is too loud, and the big living room is already packed. I smell cigarettes and alcohol.
It's only been a minute since I came in when the girl who sat on my lap at school found me.
"I have something for you," I say, as I take the flower from my pocket.
She squeals as I put it on her hair.
"That's so thoughtful of you," she says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
I grin. See? It's so easy to make girls happy.
Savannah, or is it Sharon? Takes my arm and brings me upstairs.
She pushes one of the rooms and smiles at me seductively. "Hey," she says.
"Hey, you."
She licks her lips, teasing me. "Do you know my name?"
"Well, it doesn't matter," she says as she unbuttons her blouse. She's watching me, no doubt enjoying my expression.
Well, I am appreciative. And this girl is pretty, and heck, she's sexy; her short skirt emphasizes her long tanned legs.
I take a step closer to her as she throws her blouse on the floor. A second later, our mouths are gasping for breaths. I don't feel anything while I kiss her, but I have to admit that she's a pretty good kisser.
She grasps my hair, while I invade her with my mouth. She tastes of cherry, it makes me hungry.
She's about to unbutton my pants when the door bursts open, and a guy wearing a football uniform walks in.
Before I can even react, he punches me in the face. "She's my girlfriend, you asshole!"
He took me by surprise so I didn't get to avoid his fist.
The girl screams for help, and scrambles to wear her blouse.
I pull back my arm and hit the guy, square on the jaw. "She said she was single, douchebag!"
He tumbles on the floor. I'm so mad, I'm about to kick him when somebody grabs my arms, restraining me.
"Dude! We're busted!" Dwayne yells over the noise. "Cops are coming!"
I hear a crash downstairs.
"Jake's stupid neighbors probably complained about the loud noise," Brian says.
People are already rushing out of the house. No one wants to get caught drinking alcohol. It's illegal for minors.
I wipe the blood from my chin and turn my back to the guy sprawled on the floor.
Andre and I run to my car without scratch and off we go. We can hear the sirens of police cars in the distance.
I drive Andre to his house, and he doesn't comment on my bloody lips, which I appreciate, of course.
"When will you take girls seriously?" he asks suddenly.
"I'm perfectly fine with what I'm doing."
I cut the engine when we get to his house.
"Thanks," he says curtly as he gets out of my car. "I'll see you on Monday."
When I arrive in my house, I find my family in the dining room.
"Just in time for dinner," mom says. She does a double take when she sees my face. "What happened?"
"Just a scratch," I lie as I sit across from my sister.
"Another brawl," Driana chimes in. "Look, there's lipstick on your face."
"You didn't see the other guy," I say, wiping my mouth with my shirt sleeve.
"Don't be so smug," she says. "You're one day from being suspended."
"Aren't you tired of acting like a child?" my father asks.
I look at him slowly, and try not to be obvious about my anger towards him.
Aren't you tired of pretending you care about us? I want to shout at his face.
I get up from my chair before I do something stupid.
"Where are you going?" he asks. "We're not done talking."
"I lost my appetite."
My mom sighs, while my father looks at me disapprovingly.
I don't care. He can yell at me for as long as he wants, but I won't give a-
"Go back to your seat."
"No," I say. "I'm done."
"You're living in my house," he says. "Where is your respect?"
He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve anything from me, much less my respect.
I stalk out of the dining room and go to my room, slamming the door behind me.
Nothing's more painful than realizing the hero you looked up to was anything but. I did my best to make him proud of me, only to realize he didn't deserve it.
Anger is boiling up inside me. I hate my father. I hate him for hurting my mother. I hate him for lying to us.
I clench my fist and punch the wall.
Pain immediately shoots through my arm like electricity. Blood slowly drips from my hand. But I still pull my arm back and punch it again.
Better the wall than my father.
Pain, anger, blood.
Welcome to my life.
"Pia, can you take care of Matt?"
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"Your father and I will attend a dinner party with one of my friends from college," she says. "Remember Veronica?"
I shake my head.
"She used to visit us with her son when you were young."
"I don't remember her," I say.
"You'll take care of little Matty, alright?"
I nod. "What time will you be home?"
"Ten, at most," she says.
"What time will I put Matty to bed?"
"Eight," she says. "If he doesn't want to sleep, read him a bedtime story."
After my parents get ready, they pause the movie Matty is watching.
"Lock the door," my dad reminds us. "Don't open it. We have a key."
"I know that already," I say. "I'm thirteen. I'm a big girl now."
My dad smiles and ruffles my hair. "That's my girl." He turns to Matty. "Don't annoy your sister, okay?"
"Okay," he responds. "Can we watch the movie now?"
Mom gets the remote and clicks the resume button. She kisses Matty and me on our cheeks. "I'll see you two later."
"Goodbye, mom," Matty says.
"Drive carefully, dad," I say.
Dad kisses me on the hair and then he walks out of the house with my mom. I hear the click of the lock.
Now, we're alone in the house.
I'm not scared of ghosts. We've been living in this house since I was a little girl. I'm a teenager now. I glance at Matty and find him fixated with the Tom and Jerry movie he's watching. He's not the least bit bothered that dad and mom went out.
Of course, he's still a child, my little baby.
I let him watch, while I grab one of my books, and read.
About an hour later, Matty wakes me. I didn't even know I fell asleep; so much for being a babysitter.
"Hey," I say, a yawn escaping from my lips.
"I'm hungry," he says, stroking his tummy.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Ice cream!"
I get up from my seat and go to the kitchen. I open the fridge, and then return to the living room with a disappointed expression on my face.
Matty looks at me expectantly.
I feel sad for him. "There's no ice cream," I say. "What about cookies? There are left over from our snack earlier."
He shakes his head furiously. "I want ice cream!"
I glance at the clock and say, "Look, it's eight o'clock. We can ask mom to buy us ice cream when they get back."
"But I want to eat ice cream now!"
"Mom told us to stay inside the house," I remind him. "Besides, it's time for you to sleep."
"I won't sleep until I eat my favorite flavor of ice cream," he says stubbornly.
"It's late."
"The ice cream shop is just around the block."
"I don't know how to drive."
"We can walk."
"Why are you so stubborn?"
"Are you afraid of walking out in the dark?"
"Of course not."
He pouts. "Please, Pie, just this once?"
"What did you call me?"
I frown. "I thought. . . Never mind."
"Please?" Matty says, tugging my hand. "I promise I won't tell mom."
I look at my brother with his pleading blue eyes. How can I say no to him?
"Fine," I relent.
He smiles widely, and jumps up and down in front of me. "Thank you!" he says, hugging me.
"Wait for me here," I say.
I run to my room, take my coin purse, and count my money. Unfortunately, they're not enough to even buy him a scoop. I frown. I don't want to disappoint my little brother.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Star, my money jar.
I save my excess allowance there to buy presents for my family and friends.
I take Star from my top shelf, grab my scissors to make a hole in the jar, and take a few coins; just enough to buy two ice cream for Matty and me.
When I return to the living room, I see him tying his shoes. "Are you ready?" I ask.
"Are we really going out?" he asks excitedly.
I nod. "Let's go."
Matty stretches his hand towards me, and I take it.
We lock the door behind us, and we walk hand in hand to the ice cream shop.
Matty keeps saying that I don't have to be afraid of anything because his guardian angel will protect us.
It takes us about ten minutes to get there. And also, we're only the customer in the shop. I tell Matty to find us a table while I order on the counter.
"Where are your parents?" Parker asks. He's one of my friends, and he's already in high school so he's allowed to work part time here.
"They went out," I say. "Please don't tell them we sneaked out."
He grins. "Your secret's safe," he says.
I breathe a sigh of relief. "Thanks," I say. Parker is a really good friend.
"What's your order?" he asks. "The usual?"
I nod.
"You're the last customer for the day," Parker says as he gives me my order; one vanilla ice cream for me, and chocolate with sprinkles on top for Matty. "I'll walk you home when you're finished with your ice cream."
I smile, and say, "Thank you."
Matty sits on a table facing the window. He grins when he sees me carrying our tray.
I give his ice cream to him and watch him in fascination as he eats it.
It's so easy to make him happy.
"Matty," I say. "This is our secret, okay?"
I don't want my parents to know that I sort of disobeyed them, and I like having a secret with my brother.
Matty raises his pinky finger and links it on mine. "Pinky promise!"
I smile at him, and pinch his adorable cheeks.
"You're the best sister in the whole wide world!"
I wake up, gasping for breaths. My body is shaking, and sweat pours down my face.
A week will not pass by without me dreaming about my brother.
It's been years, but I still miss him.
I hear a strange sound. A few seconds later, I realize I'm crying.
I grab my pillow, and hug it to my chest, pretending it's my brother. I sob silently, my tears falling swiftly.
It was supposed to be me in that car, not him.
Now he's dead.
I'm alive.
I'm sick of everything. I just want to disappear. There's this gaping hole in my chest. I'm afraid no one will be able to fill it up.
"Matty," I whisper. "I wish you were here. I miss you so much, it hurts."
I've never felt so alone in my life.
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