5 - easton and lily
⚠ yeet. i was interested in romance way sooner than i thought ⚠
Over 50 years ago there was a man named Easton. Handsom Easton fell in love with a woman named Lily. Handsom Easton and gorgeous Lily had planned their beautiful wedding to be the very next day. While vowing a scaly dragon took gorgeous Lily away.
Two days later handsome Easton is preparing to save gorgeous Lily. Handsome Easton packs everything needed for the long journey. When Easton gets to the forest of Dean he starts to see a dark cave. When he walks in it is cold and dreary.
Meanwhile the scaly dragon has gorgeous Lily captive in a cave 1 mile from the cave handsome Easton is in. He is trying to get gorgeous Lily to marry a man named Egore. Lily keeps declining and telling them that she already has a true love. The dragon says that if she declines one more time she will be thrown in the lake of acid.
Handsome Easton has just discovered that he is in the wrong cave so he sets out to another one. When it is nightime he sleeps under a evergreen tree and falls asleep. The next day handsome Easton finds 5 more dark caves and ventures through them. He finally gets to the cave gorgeous Lily in captive and he goes in.
Gorgeous Lily is walking down the brown carpet (it was red) wearing a ragged gown. Disgusting Egore is wearing a messy tux and he is very happy. Egore's pet was the scaly dragon and he asked him to get him a beautiful woman. His dream was becoming real!
As disgusting Easton walked into the scene he saw Lily about to kiss Egore. He jumped and grabbed Lily as the scaly dragon blew blazing fire at him. Handsome Easton did not notice that disgusting Egore took a big plunge at gorgeous Lily. When he grabbed her dress it ripped and gorgeous Lily screamed. The dragon breathed blazing fire and it caught Egore's hand on fire. Handsome Easton grabbed gorgeous Lily and they both ran.
When they got past the forest of Dean they saw Disgusting Egore on the scaly dragon. As they ran faster they started to fly! As disgusting Egore and the scaly dragon got farther away Lily and Easton flew faster. When they got home they got married and they had a happy life together.
i actually remember that the whole purpose of this story was for foreshadowing. we had to write foreshadowing for the first time. i'm pretty sure that went horribly
i like how i feel the need to put the same exact adjective before almost every name. my teacher always told my class to put a lot of description. i guess this was my interpretation of what she really meant.
i accidentally called Easton disgusting 😂
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