Quotes: 14
This Quote, " life would only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone".
Our brain's natural instinct is to protect us from physical and psychological harm. Our comfort zone is just something that supports that – it doesn't push in the way of anything that could be risky. But the reality is, we have defined our own comfort zones. They're not real – they're an imaginary box we've put ourselves in. Anything outside of that, we convince ourselves will cause us harm in one or both of those ways. So we stay put but don't grow.
Your comfort zone is a safe space. Something or somewhere that minimises fear or risk, and doesn't challenge you to do/say something new. It can be somewhere you retreat to after what you deem to be a failure or a place you never leave because it feels comfortable to you. Everyone's comfort zone is different, but staying in it doesn't allow anyone to reap the rewards and get from where they are now to where they want to be (their idea of success).
Stepping out of your comfort zone has so many benefits: from improving your mental and physical health to financial and relationship advantages. Every real or imagined risk of stepping out of your comfort zone can and should be turned into a positive – failure isn't something to be feared. The phrase, "what's the worst that can happen?" is really important here and shouldn't be something that's overlooked. If you ask yourself that question and journal around it, you'll realise that it's not ever as bad as it initially seems. Taking that step regularly is what will make the biggest difference to your business and your life.
As an entrepreneur, you MUST challenge yourself in order to grow. Whether it's trying something you've never done before or something that's never even been done in your industry, every small step out of your comfort zone will help you to move forward. Doing so will look very different for each person...
Start by defining what success means to you – what does it look and feel like?Really visualize this... create a moodboard if it helps!Next, write down how you can (and will) get there – action steps and goals.Follow this with all of the obstacles you think you'll face and fears you have about them.Turn each obstacle into a smaller action step that will help you to overcome/prevent this and every fear into a positive affirmation instead – put these where you'll see them often, along with your moodboard to help you to visualize it regularly.Feeling more positive? Good! Now schedule time for these steps in your schedule and execute. No excuses – remember, you've identified the worst that can happen and you've figured out how to overcome/prevent that.Once you've taken action, avoid consuming too much by others — you don't want comparison-itus at this point. Instead, celebrate your little wins. Didn't go as planned? Congratulations... you've just worked out one thing that doesn't work and you're much closer to what does!Repeat frequently.WAYS TO BREAK OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE:
There are so many ways to break out of your comfort zone. There's no one-size-fits-all here and knowing what to do all comes down to your individual view of where you want to be. For some inspiration, have a read of my Huffington Post article, . Here are also some ways that I've left my comfort zone as an entrepreneur:
Presented ideas to luxury wedding planning clientsRebranded my business to target a completely different marketUsed Facebook Live as a way to connect with my fabulous communityLaunched a course for female entrepreneurs (that sold out!)
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