Chapter 2
It was the sunshine on his face that woke Dimitri. He shielded his grey eyes and looked around. The ship had crashed in the middle of a beach. Debris was everywhere. He tried to move, and felt a tug on his right leg. Knowing what he would see, he looked. His leg was trapped under the door of what used to be his cabin. Carefully, he lifted the door up, and he quickly drew his leg out. He set the door down and stood up, glad his leg wasn't broken. He took a shaky step and almost fell.
He concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. After a few minutes, he could almost walk normally again. He stepped away from the wreckage that was once the ship, and looked around. He was on an island. But there weren't supposed to be islands yet! Dazed and confused, he pulled out his phone. He tried the GPS, but there was no wifi. He then tried calling his best friend, but he soon realized that there were no bars. Great. So he was stranded in the middle of nowhere, and there was no way to get home.
He sighed and stared off into the vast jungle. The tall trees with green vines hanging down didn't seem to lighten the mood. He felt a raindrop on his arm and looked up at the sky. There were dark clouds above, indicating a storm. He knew he had to find shelter, but there was nothing. He'd have to build it.
He started to take pieces of debris to build a small shelter. He was lifting a wooden plank when he saw movement. Cautiously, he walked over to where the movement had come from. He realized that he hadn't seen anyone since he woke up. He spotted movement at the center of the wreckage and sprinted over. He frantically moved away debris, and was rewarded with the sight of a red-haired girl. He checked for a pulse. It was faint, but it was there.
Dimitri lifted the girl out of the wreckage and carried her to the beach. He looked back to the ship and was sure he heard coughing. Cautiously, he stumbled back to the shipwreck. He was right. The coughing was louder now. Dimitri carefully started to climb.
When he was sure that he had reached the spot where the coughing was coming from, he began lifting planks. He saw a bloody arm and moved more rubble to find a man. He was awake.
"Do you need help?" Dimitri asked.
The man shook his head and attempted to stand. The moment he was up, his knees buckled and he collapsed. Dimitri caught the man and began to help him walk. The man didn't say anything. He just looked forward as he and Dimitri slowly made their way to the beach.
"Tell me," Dimitri said when he set the man down. "Did you see anyone else?"
"Yes," the man croaked. "One more."
"Thank you." Dimitri stood and looked around. He started for the wreckage once more. Thunder rumbled in the distance. He was about to turn back and finish the shelter when he heard a faint, "Help."
He sprinted to find the source of the voice. He reached the back of the ship and found a girl in a waitress uniform desperately trying to free her leg from a collapsed table. He ran to her and she looked up, her blue eyes frantic. "Please help me," she begged.
Dimitri bent down and tried to find a grip on the table. He smirked when his fingers slid under and he held tight. He pulled, and was rewarded with the sound of falling wood as the table was lifted. The girl pulled her leg free.
"Thank you," she said. The girl stood and wobbled, but she remained upright. Together, they walked back to the beach. "What is your name?" the girl asked as they approached the other survivors.
"Dimitri," he replied.
"I'm Autumn."
"Hello, Autumn," Dimitri said with a smile. Lightning flashed overhead, and his smile disappeared. "We must find shelter."
"I don't think there is any. And the ship is completely demolished."
"We could use the wreckage to our advantage," Dimitri pointed out. "Do me a favor and take this girl over to that man over there." He pointed at the man.
Autumn obeyed. Dimitri watched her go. Then, he pulled as much wood as he could from the ship. When he was sure he had enough, he called the others over, and they started to build a small shelter. They used the huge, green leaves from the trees to make a roof, and the vines to tie it all together. Dimitri carried the unconscious girl inside the makeshift hut.
"I still don't know your name," Autumn was saying when Dimitri closed the door.
The man sighed. "Noah. There. Happy?"
"Very," Autumn replied with a grin. She turned to Dimitri. "So are you Russian or something?" she asked him.
Dimitri laughed. "I'm half Russian. The other half is Swedish."
"Where are you from?"
"I grew up in Sweden, if that's what you meant."
"I hate to interrupt," Noah said, "but what are we going to do about food?"
"There's a jungle nearby," Dimitri replied calmly. "We can probably find some things in there. But I'm not so sure about water."
"How did this even happen?" Autumn wondered aloud. "I mean, there were no islands on the radar. They don't mysteriously appear."
"I've been thinking about that," Dimitri said. "It makes no sense. I can't think of any possible solution that doesn't sound crazy."
"So this is an island that isn't supposed to exist. And somehow, we managed to get stranded on it." Noah gave a little laugh. "So we can expect no help."
"I hadn't realized that," Dimitri said sarcastically. "Thank you for pointing that out."
"There's no need to be so rude." Autumn put a hand on Dimitri's shoulder. "He was just saying what needed to be said."
"Shut up," Dimitri snapped. He couldn't help it. He just didn't want any of this to be real. "Detta är inte tänkt att vara möjlig. Denna ö bör inte finnas! Detta är inte riktigt! Inget av detta är verkligt." He put his hands to his head.
Autumn and Noah exchanged worried looks. Dimitri was worried himself. He's never freaked out like this. Not even when his father was reported missing in action. Something inside of him just seemed to snap. "Vad är händer till mig?" he cried.
Autumn took a step closer to him. "Are you alright?" she asked.
He shook his head. "N-no," he stammered. He was scared. He never got scared. It was like he was a completely different person.
"You just got a little startled, that's all," Autumn soothed. "It happens to everyone."
Dimitri looked up. He looked her in the eye and said, "Not to me."
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