Dancing with the Devil
As the pair entered the manor, they could hear the sounds of classical music and the soft murmur of the guests chatting.
The pair walked through the hallway looking around as they did so from the expensive vases to the paintings on the wall.
They finally reached the doors where the ball was being held.
They turned to each other and nodded before giving their names to the announcer.
"Miss Bonnie Bennett and her date Mrs Sage Mikaelson!"
Bonnie and Sage entered the room to see everyone already staring at them.
Sage walked forward when she felt Bonnie freeze and grabbed her into a conversation about what she's going to do after she defeats Esther to ease her nerves.
Bonnie was grateful for it and told her about how she was going to Augustine next.
The girls walked to the drink table and when Bonnie had passed Sage a drink when she saw someone standing behind Sage, looking nervous.
Bonnie smiled at him encouragingly, something that did not go unnoticed by Sage who turned around to see what Bonnie was smiling at.
A gasp escaped her throat as she stared at the person in front of her.
She placed her hand on his cheek and he instantly leant into her touch.
A sob threatened to escape her but she contained it so she wouldn't make a scene in front of everyone looking.
900 years.
"You look as beautiful as the day I last saw you."
Screw not crying.
Sage felt tears streaming down her face as she replied, "I've missed you so much, min kjærlighet (My love)."
A.N. They're speaking Norwegian
Finn replied as tears glistened in his eyes, "And I you, min vakre jomfru (my fair maiden)."
Sage choked out a laugh from her tears, "You remembered."
Finn only shook his head, smiling, "How could I ever forget?"
A sniffle comes from behind them as they see the Bennett witch fan her face down.
"Are you crying Bonnie?" Sage asked, laughter in her voice.
Bonnie scoffed.
"No. Of course I'm not. There's an eyelash in my eye."
Sage nods unconvinced at Bonnie's reasoning.
Bonnie wipes under her eye and turns to Finn, outstretching her hand.
"It's nice to finally meet you in person Finn."
And it was.
She felt Finn's character was portrayed wrong.
Daggered for 900 years, only to wake and be controlled by his mother.
He wants to finally live with his wife, he gets killed by Matt.
Let's not talk about what he did in New Orleans when he came back except from when he finally got accepted into Always & Forever and he died from Lucien's bite.
"You as well Miss?"
"Bonnie Bennett." she filled in.
Finn turned her hand and kissed it before telling her, "It's lovely to know that Ayanna's bloodline has continued on."
Bonnie didn't know how to reply to that so she just nodded.
Someone is staring, Bonnie's magic whispered.
Bonnie went to look but Sage had turned to Bonnie, distracting her from her search.
"We have to do the thing now."
Bonnie nodded and waved her hand discreetly by her side, casting a silencing spell.
Sage then turned to Finn and told him, "We know what you and your mother are planning to do."
Finn froze and looked around expecting one of his siblings to hear the conversation but Bonnie cut in.
"I cast a silencing spell. No one can hear us. As for your plan with your mom, you can't do it Finn."
Finn shook his head in denial.
"I don't wish to do it anymore as Sage is with me now. But the doppelganger has already gone to her."
Bonnie swore making Finn to blush at her language.
An idea hit her.
"A waiter serves you the drinks so where is the waiter Finn?"
"In the kitchens currently."
Bonnie nodded and added before she left,"Thank you and you love birds can go carry your beautiful reunion in a more private setting. I got tonight covered."
She winked at the pair before walking to the kitchens.
But unfortunately no job is simple in this world.
A hand grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the dancefloor.
When Bonnie looked up, she was met with blue eyes already looking down at her as they swayed to the music.
"And don't you look ravishing this evening, little witch."
Klaus Mikaelson was talking to her.
Klaus Mikaelson was complimenting her.
Klaus Mikaelson was dancing with her.
Why is Klaus Mikaelson doing these things?
Bonnie raised her eyebrow at Klaus looking at him warily as she pulled herself away from him so she wasn't leaning on him for support.
But Klaus Mikaelson wasn't having none of that.
He intertwined their hands as he lead her further into the dancefloor.
And then he tightened his grip on her waist pulling her closer to him so she could make out specks of gold in his blue eyes.
He leant down even closer if that was possible.
His stubble brushed her cheek causing her to swallow a shuddering gasp.
"Running away so soon, little witch?" he murmured into her ear, his lips brushing her ear emitting a shiver from her.
He pulled back looking at her intensely waiting for an answer if his expression was anything to go by.
"No actually I was hungry so I was just going to the dessert table where I can hear the desserts calling me to eat them."
She made a show of tilting her head to the table as if she was listening to them.
Klaus let out a laugh amused by the witches antics before an inquiring look was placed on his face.
"As wonderful as it is to hear your love for desserts, I'm more curious about what you were talking about with my brother and his wife seeing as it must be very important for you to place a silencing spell around yourselves."
Bonnie's eyes widened a fraction before schooling her expression.
Klaus was the one who her magic was warning her of, she concluded.
"It's a secret." Bonnie teased him hoping he'd let it go.
He didn't.
Instead he leaned closer to her face and replied in a sugar laced tone, "It can be a secret between us then,"
Bonnie was about to reply when she saw someone going into the kitchen, reminding her of what she had to do.
"I have to go," she told Klaus.
"Is my company not enough for you?" he asked mock offended.
Bonnie sighed at his antics, "This isn't a joke, Klaus. I need to go. So let go."
Klaus didn't let go.
Instead he only smirked at her devilishly and continued to dance with her.
Bonnie relented as she had to get the job over and done with seeing as time was running out.
"Fine you can come with me."
Without listening to his reply, she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchens not seeing his awestruck expression at their conjoined hands.
Once she entered the kitchen, Bonnie began her search for the glasses of wine - with her hand still in Klaus'.
Klaus only stared at the Bennett Witch in curiosity.
What was she searching for?
And then he looked at her tiny hand enclosed in his.
How was her hand so soft? he mused as he stroked it.
Bonnie felt her hand being stroked so when she looked down she saw her hand was still holding Klaus' calloused hand and his intense stare when she looked up to face him.
She dropped it instantly. thinking he was uncomfortable with being touched.
"Sorry." she apologised.
But Klaus only shook his head, taking her hand back this time with both his hands.
He kissed it gently emitting a heavy blush from Bonnie who stood frozen as to why Klaus was acting like this.
"Don't be sorry little witch. I was merely surprised at your eagerness to get us alone as you dragged me here. Was this your plan all along, love?"
Bonnie's mind short circuited at him calling her love before she blinked realising what he was insinuating.
"No." she said after she collected her bearing, "This," she gestured between the two of them, "is not whatever you are thinking." she placed emphasis on the not seeing him smirk at her.
A light flashed in her eye got her attention as she turned to see the glasses on a tray.
She walked to them, completely ignoring Klaus.
"Why are you looking for wine little witch? There's more in the ball,"
"Not with doppelganger blood," she murmured momentarily forgetting that he had supernatural hearing.
Before remembering when he growled out, "What does that mean?"
Bonnie turned to him and rushed out, "Long story short. Your mom still hates you and all vampires and she wants to kill you and your siblings so she got Finn to deliver Elena to her and Elena gave her blood to bind you guys which is in these glasses," she gestured to the tray next to them, "But Finn doesn't want to die anymore because Sage, his wife, is reunited with him and so I'm here to make sure that none of you die."
Klaus probably didn't listen to the last bit as he was began to walk past her growling Finn's name.
Bonnie grabbed Klaus' arm and pulled him back to her so he didn't kill Finn.
But then his hybrid eyes were on her and he pinned her with his gaze.
"Let go witch unless you want me to kill you right now."
Oh hell no.
Bonnie grabbed him by his lapels making him come down to her height, ignoring his perplexed expression as his hybrid eyes disappeared.
"Listen to me and listen well Klaus," Bonnie demanded in a tone that made Klaus shut up as he stared at the witch, "I am here to stop your family from dying because if an original dies their entire sireline goes with them. So if you and your siblings are connected to each other and one of you gets stabbed with a white oak stake through the heart, then it's game over for all of us. And then all vampires in the world will be dead. The humans will go ballistic because the supernatural will be revealed to them. And then it'll be a war between the humans, witches and werewolves wanting to claim the world. But the war will destroy them all and this world will go up in flames. Do you want that to happen?" she hisses out the last bit.
Klaus shook his head, unable to say anything as the witch rendered him speechless with the bigger image of what could happen if something was to happen to him or his siblings.
Bonnie let go of his lapels and simply said, "Good." before turning to the wine glasses.
She grabbed one and shrugged at Klaus' confunded expression.
"Waste not, want not." before downing all the wine in the glasses, without her lips touching the glass so they wouldn't know she was there.
Bonnie felt a thrill go over her and she had to let out a gasp at the doppelganger blood in her veins, drawing out her magic.
Klaus placed his hand on her shoulder, calming her down as he asked if she was alright.
She missed the expression on his face as she turned faced him.
Bonnie nodded at him before turning back to the task at hand.
Reaching for a bottle of wine and placing it in the glasses before spelling it to take the colour as if it still held doppelganger blood.
When she was happy with the colour of the drink, the situation hit her.
She had just stopped Esther's plan to link her kids.
Bonnie couldn't help the smile that overtook her face nor could she help directing it to Klaus, who seemed momentarily stunned before he smiled back at her as well.
The moment was broken when the pair heard footsteps approaching.
Without thinking, Bonnie grabbed Klaus and hid in the storage room against the wall so she could look through the lines in the door to see who was there.
A.N. Basically what I imagined for the door.
Klaus stood frozen as the Bennett Witch pushed him against the wall.
When she went on her tiptoes to look through to see who had interrupted their moment, her hair brushed against his nose.
Lavender with hints of jasmine invaded his mind.
His hands move on their own accord as they reach her waist, pressing her body closer to his.
Bonnie looks up surprised at the movement but places her hands on Klaus' chest to balance herself while Klaus only continues to assess her with dark eyes.
Ever since she had walked into the ball, Klaus' eyes had never left her.
Not when she walked in with his brothers wife.
Not when she appeared in that silver dress that left nothing to imagination and it took Klaus a herculean effort to command his thoughts from wandering.
Not even as she walked to the drinks table hips swaying as she did, inviting him to come to her.
Bonnie Bennett was a siren and he would gladly drown to listen to her voice, to watch her smile as she did when she succeed in stopping his mother, to be the reason she laughs.
But where was this coming from?
Why did he feel this way about the witch that almost ended his existence?
Maybe that was it, he mused as he stroked her cheek.
Bonnie Bennett was the only one to come close to killing him and here she was alive.
No one who had dared to go against him or his family would be alive.
And yet here she was.
In his arms.
He quite liked her hand in his.
And the way her body felt against his when they danced and their current position.
But her magic.
From the very first moment he tasted her magic (painful as it was), he decides that he, and only he, will be the one to have her.
He watched as her flashed gold as she consumed the doppelganger blood which drawed out her magic and it prepared to expel it out.
This time it did not touch him.
But someday it will consume him.
And as he looks at the witch he holds in his hands, he concludes that he can't wait for that day to come.
The witch-hybrid pair split apart, surprised by the door.
Bonnie turned to see the waiter had gone and saw the tray gone as well.
She turned back to see Klaus already looking at her.
"You have to go back to the ball. Esther will be suspicious if you're not there."
Klaus only let his hand brush over her cheek.
"I am still not done talking with you, little witch."
And then Klaus outstretches his hand for her to take so he can take her back to the ball
She places both her hands on his and curls his fingers back pushing his hand gently to him while shaking her head.
"If Esther sees us together, she'll know that something is up. Especially because we're supposed to be enemies." she clarified after seeing Klaus' hurt expression.
Klaus nodded accepting the answer.
He hesitates on something before his mind is made up and he's leaning forward and kissing her cheek, his lips skimming higher until he reaches her ear and whispers, "I'll be waiting for another dance with you, liten heks (Little Witch)."
A.N. It's still in Norwegian
And then he leaves.
When Bonnie is sure he's gone, she takes a deep breath and places her hands over her mouth to cover her shriek.
Once she's done, she's stuck processing what just happened.
That could NOT have been Klaus Mikaelson.
Klaus Mikaelson is meant to hate her.
Not place his hands on her waist, dance with her, compliment her, look at her with those smoldering blue eyes, speak to her with his accent that makes her so we-
Let's stop that thought process.
She takes a deep breath before walking out the kitchen and walking back into the ball where Esther Mikaelson had just finished her speech and is watching her children as they drink from the wine, unknowing that the reborn Bennett witch had just foiled her plans.
Bonnie sat down at a table and felt as if she was forgetting something.
What was she forgetting? she thought before her eyes found Rebekah and her brother Kol talking to each other.
Wait, Kol?
Her eyes widened.
FUCK, her mind screamed at her.
Kol Mikaelson.
How could she forget?
She needed his help on defeating Silas and the cure and the doppelgangers and maybe he could help her infiltrate Augustine.
But how could she get him alone?
Wait Rebekah only chatted with Kol at the ball because of Matt.
Matt whose hand will be broken by Kol on the balcony.
And then Kol gets his neck snapped by Damon.
Which is just bullshit because there is no way that a newby vampire like Damon could take down an Original like Kol.
Bonnie stood up to keep Matt away from the balcony and talk with Kol, hoping that he doesn't snap her neck when she says Silas.
But no.
Because when she had a job to do, someone comes to distract her.
"Damon," Bonnie said in a bored tone looking at the vampire.
"Judgy," he returned, "Dance with me." he demanded as he grabbed her arm dragging her.
Bonnie saw Matt leave the room and Kol.
Time was running out.
She turned to see if anyone was looking and when no-one was, she turned back to Damon and tugged her arm causing him to look at her.
"Sorry but I already promised someone else I'd dance with them."
Then she waved her hand causing him to crash into a waiter, the two of them falling to the floor but the spell she cast caused Damon to knock out.
When she saw everyone looking at her, she put on a disgusted face on and looked at Damon's unconscious body.
"Drunkard," she spat out prompting people to move away from the scene.
When Bonnie walked away, Klaus was the only one to see her smile.
Bonnie saw a flash of blonde hair causing her to call out the owners name.
Matt Donovan turned around and saw Bonnie walking speedily to him.
How was she doing that in heels? he wondered.
"Bonnie, hey. You look gorgeous."
Bonnie smiled at the quarterback and felt guilty for what she was going to do but it was for the greater good.
She placed her hand on his shoulder and replied, "And look at you, quarterback. Which lady are you trying to impress tonight?"
Matt laughed at that statement.
"Rebekah Mikaelson is my date and her family is hosting the ball so..."
He let the sentence hang there letting Bonnie finish it.
"Ouch," she winced, "The pressure you must be feeling."
While Bonnie smiled and laughed with Matt, her magic began to uncoil itself like a serpent.
Unseen by the naked eye, she felt it lift away from her shoulders and glide down her arms to slither up and around the clueless Matt.
Bonnie continued to chant; her spell winding tighter and tighter around the human at her side.
The density of the magic surrounding her and Matt.
"Matt, do you understand what I'm saying?" She gently stroked the back of his hand with her thumb.
"Yes." He seemed mildly confused.
"That's good," she continued.
Her voice was velvety smooth, with a huskiness that drew the him in until he leaned so far over their height difference was made clear but their eyes were still in contact.
"I need you to do something for me, Mattie. Do you want to do something for me?"
"Oh, hell yeah," he exhaled.
"Good. Now when you walk away from me, you are going to forget you were ever here in this hallway with me. You're going to forget you ever saw me. Do you understand?"
"How on earth could I forget you?" He was doubtful, almost childlike.
Bonnie rewarded him with a 100-watt smile as she wound her magic more tightly around him.
"Oh, I'm sure you could if you put your mind to it. Right?"
The volume of her internal chanting spiked briefly as she pushed more of her will into the spell.
"Right," he agreed, suddenly firm in his ability to please her.
He grinned widely as she lightly patted his cheek.
"Good boy. Now go home and get some rest and forget all about this conversation."
And with a sharp tug, she pulled her magic back to herself leaving behind a completely disoriented Matt in its wake.
"Oh I completely understand if you have to go, given the short notice," Bonnie assured him, completely shifting gears.
"Um...yeah...you know how that goes..." Matt's mind fought valiantly to find the threads of their conversation that he must have somehow lost along the way.
"I sure do, so I won't keep you," Bonnie smiled. "Have great night."
Bonnie watched him as he walked down the hallway and out of her eye line.
When she was sure he was gone, she crossed her arms and called out, "You can come out now Kol."
Kol Mikaelson came out of his dark corner and appeared in front of the witch, with an awestruck look on his face.
"How did you do that?" he breathed out, still feeling her magic.
When Kol Mikaelson awoke from his slumber, he felt anger.
100 years his brother kept him daggered.
And to make matters worse, his mother had forced them all to host a stupid ball.
He wanted to cause mischief so when his sister came to him with an offer of hurting one of the humans who hurt her, what kind of brother would he be if he didn't hurt the person for hurting his baby sister.
As Kol followed Matt, someone had already approached him.
Kol was about to drain both of them.
That is until he felt the power coming from the woman.
He waited and watched as they talked while she smiled at him.
But that's not what put Kol on edge.
What was the woman doing with her magic?
He watched as she weaved her magic and placed it around the human.
Was she going for his kill? Kol thought outraged as he was about to step out of his hiding place.
But then she asked if he was understanding him, which the human answered yes even though he was confused.
That, plus the now dilated pupils and faraway voice, only ever meant one thing:
She was compelling him.
Kol was struck with the realisation.
How on earth was a witch doing that?
So he waited until the human walked past him.
He had to know this woman.
So when he thought he'd have to follow her, she called out his name and told him to stop hiding.
When he sped in front of her, he wondered how long she knew he was standing there.
Bonnie looked at the youngest Mikaelson in fake confusion.
"Doing what?" she asked.
Kol still looked at her with awe even though his words were hard.
"Don't play coy with me witch. How did you just compel that human?"
Bonnie shrugged her shoulders.
"You said it yourself. I'm a witch. Last time I checked, only vampires could use compulsion."
Kol looked at the young witch and realised she wasn't going to give anything up, so he bent down and kissed her hand.
"I'm at a bit of a disadvantage darling. You know my name yet I do not know of yours."
Bonnie smiled at the young Mikaelson and introduced herself.
"I'm Bonnie Bennett."
Recognition flashed in Kols eyes as a smirk was placed onto his face.
"The Bonnie Bennett? The one who nearly ended my brother?" he asked, intrigued.
Bonnie smirked back at him, "The one and only."
Kol laughed as though her just won a prize.
"I can tell we are going to have so much fun together darling."
Bonnie's smile turned sour.
"We will have fun after my mission is done."
"And what mission is that?"
Bonnie hesitated.
She really hoped Kol wouldn't snap her neck for mentioning his name.
"Promise me you won't snap my neck."
Kol narrowed his eyes, wary of what the witch now had to say.
He nodded, telling her to go on.
"I need your help to end Silas."
Kol looked at her with anger but then he thought about her words.
"Why do you of all people want to kill Silas? You have no reason to." he asked.
"How much do you know of Silas?" Bonnie asked instead.
"That Silas will kill us all and would bring hell on earth. I met a cult that worships Silas. They had revealed to me a prophecy in which Silas' return would result in the end of all time."
"We don't have time here so I'll give you the short version and then I'll come by tomorrow and we'll talk about the full version. Ok? Basically, Silas' betrothed, Qetsiyah, created the immortality spell so they could be together forever. But Silas cheated on her with her handmaiden, Amara, and Amara and Silas took the immortality spell together. When Qetsiyah found them, she made a cure for immortality and pretended she killed Amara with it. When in reality, she made her the anchor to the other side."
At seeing Kol's expression she put her hand up and said, "Telling you tomorrow."
"When Silas refused to be with Qetsiyah, she locked him in a cave with the ultimatum: take the cure, die and be with her on the other side or dessicate forever. He chose to dessicate. And now he is coming closer to his arrival. Three weeks ago, there was a slaughter in Ohio. 12 bodies. But it wasn't. They all were killed by Silas' cult. You wanna know how? His symbol was placed there on the floor where the bodies laid."
Bonnie contemplated telling him the next part.
Kol seeing her hesitation, placed his hands on her arms.
"You have given me more information then I've found in the time I've found undaggered. You need not fear that I'll kill you Bonnie. You're far too valuable to me."
Bonnie nodded.
"Silas' last name is Salvatore. Amara's last name is Petrova. And Qetsiyah's last name is Bennett. And right now all of us are in the same place. Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert - the doppelganger -and Me."
Kol nodded, understanding on his face.
"And with all of you three here, Silas is most likely to come here himself if he was to rise. Which he won't."
At Bonnie's hopeful face, Kol nodded.
"I will help you with defeating Silas, Bonnie Bennett."
Bonnie smiled at him, grateful that she had another person on her side helping her.
They both went their separate ways when they went back to the ball from different doors.
Kol going to Rebekah telling him that her blonde human date had left whereas Bonnie sat down at her table.
The ball was becoming more empty and people were starting to leave.
She didn't see anyone from the Scooby Doo Gang so she assumed they had all left once Elena had.
Elena Gilbert.
What was she going to do with her?
But Bonnie had thought back to when she had seen her and how she looked at Rebekah and looked really uncomfortable whenever one of the Salvatore brothers had tried to get her into a dance.
She looked extremely grateful when Elijah came to her rescue.
However when they looked into each others eyes, there was love.
But it was not romantical.
More sibling like.
And it definitely confirmed her idea whenever Elijah and Elena would look at Rebekah.
Who would've thought.
Elena Gilbert has a crush on Rebekah Mikaelson.
She definitely had to talk to her.
A hand appearing in front of her, made her snap out of her thoughts.
She looked up to see the owner of the hand - Klaus.
An involuntary smile appeared on her face as she took his hand.
Klaus had immediately whisked her into a dance.
"I was beginning to think you had left." he murmured in her ear as he held her close.
"How could I? You told me you would wait for another dance. And I would be a very cruel person to leave you here while you wait."
Klaus only hummed before he twirled her around before pulling her back.
"I'm glad you stayed," Klaus told her as he looked into Bonnie's green eyes.
He's definitely painting her later.
Bonnie's only response was to smile at him.
New life mission: make sure the reason for her smile was because of him.
Klaus dipped her before bringing her upright stopping the dance.
There was no-one left in the ballroom.
His siblings had, gratefully, given them privacy.
"I was thinking about what you said earlier. About us supposedly meant to be enemies."
Bonnie looked at him curiously, wondering where he was going with this.
"I would like to remedy that. I no longer wish to be your enemy Bonnie Bennett."
Bonnie nodded before asking, "What would you like to be to me then?"
"This ball was meant to be about us being at peace with this town. So I believe that would mean we should be friends."
"I would like to be your friend Klaus."
Then Bonnie leaned in and kissed his cheek, dangerously close to his lips.
"Good night." she whispered before leaving the hall.
Klaus watched as she left.
He has never regretted anything more in his life than the moment his mouth opened and said friends.
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