Chapter 3 - The Bells
Clopin was very good to me. He showed me around the gypsy camp and introduced me to everyone he locked eyes with, which was pretty much everyone. At the end of my tour I was shown to a caravan coloured in bright oranges, purples and greens.
"Well, this is us! In you go Princess." Clopin said as he nudged me towards the van. Acting very gentlemanly, he opened the door and ushered me inside. The insides were of every colour, handkerchiefs and magic tools everywhere. A bed was set up at one end while a mattress lay covered in blankets and pillows at the other.
"There you are dear," he said gesturing to the mattress and such. "Thats where you'll sleep, I'm up the other end. Running low on space you know, have to give up mine. But you should be right as long as you don't mess up my stuff."
"I- uh... do you mean I'll be sleeping with you?"
"No, I just said, you sleep there and I'm in the bed over there." He said pointing at the mattress and then the bed. "And you can protest all you like but it's this of back out on the streets. We really are running low on space with all the burning homes and refugees."
"Y-you take in the refugees?"
"Corse we do, we can't just leave them on the streets to die."
"You really are nothing like Frollo says you are, I mean, I knew you couldn't be all bad but, well, you're amazing!" A smile crept onto my lips as I talked and by the end of it, Clopin had a huge grin on his face.
"I knew I liked you, mademoiselle. You'll fit in fine here but- Oh!! Yes I forgot. What's your talent?"
"Yes yes, you know. Dancing, singing, craft, performance, thievery. What's your talent?"
"I ah, I can sing a little, and I'm very good at sewing and cooking. Oh, and I can do this." I said doing the last part in a perfect imitation of Clopins voice.
"Sa cré bleu! Thats amazing. Can you do it again?"
"Do what again?" I replied using his voice again.
"Can you do any others?"
"Yes, I can. But it shouldn't matter to any gypsy what skills I have." I replied, this time using Claude Frollos voice. Clopins face shone like a child at Christmas.
"You, my dear, are going to fit in very well here. Very well indeed. I look forward to working with you. But about that singing, the others I can take your word for, we're not especially picky here, but performance is necessary for us to survive and your voice changing will only get you so far. So I'll need you to sing something for me so I know where to fit you in." I nodded my head, satisfied with his explanation, but nervous to sing in front of him.
"What would you like me to sing?"
"Whatever you want." I nodded my head again and took a deep, nervous breath.
"Whats the difference between them and us,
When we all breath the same air?
Why must we be the ones suffering,
While they live seemingly without a care?
Must we have to segregate ourselves, by the place we are born to?
Does someone have a greater plan for us, is someone planning something new for me and you?
Are we finally going to breath the air, without worry, stress, without a care?
Does someone have a plan for me?
Does someone have a plan for you?
On the street where we walk on, on the ground we can run.
On the grassy planes, on the moutain tops, we can descover something new.
Cause I know someone has a plan for me, and they sure as hell have a plan for you..."
I finished my song, looking down at the ground embarrassed beyond belief.
"That, was beautiful." My head shot up. "But now we have a major problem... you see, with talents like that, I don't know whether to call you Songbird or Mockingjay." He said tapping his fingers on his chin thoughtfully.
"You could just call me by my name you know."
"Yeah but it has to be special." He pulled the ultimate puppy dog face (like, even better the Jared Padalecki's) and I caved instantly.
"Aw, come on that is not fair."
"I'm a gypsy, Princess. I don't do 'fair'. Princess. I like that for you. Its staying." He said with his usual smug yet happy expression back.
"Now, it's time for bed for you. I've got guard duty. Off you pop."
"Haha, you sound like a grandma."
"And you sound like you wanna get a hiding." He said with a fake elderly accent on and a grin on his face as he acted out the part of an old woman.
"Hahaha," I laughed crawling into bed, before Clopin came over and yanked all my blankets around me before tucking me in. "Night Clopin." I said smiling up at him.
"Goodnight Princess." And all of a sudden, his lips were on my forehead before he walked out the door, leaving me flustered and blushing like a bride. I shuffled into my blankets completely covered and unseen from the world, where I drifted off to sleep.
I woke to screaming and yelling. I wanted to move but I heard someone slam open the door and I assumed the worse. Staying as still as I could and praying for them to go away. They did soon after, but I continued to lay there terrified. After I couldn't hear anything anymore, I began to emerge from my cacoon and head outside.
It wasn't pretty. Things were broken and fires burnt lightly everywhere. I began grabbing pots and filling them with whatever water I could, putting out the fires before they did any real damage. After I was sure everything was put out I grabbed my cloak and ran out, back to the surface.
'Where would they be, where would they be?' I thought as I ran along, my feet taking me to the town square. Sure enough, when I reached it the entire town had gathered and the gypsys were in cages and so was... Febus? What's the a soldier doing in a cage? Wait. No time. Got to save them. Got to save them.
I pushed and shoved through the crowd, seeing Esmerelda tied to a burning pole. Got to save them. I thought again. But how?!
I looked up at the bell tower above us. Quasi was locked in chains, but they didn't hold him long. Nobody seemed to notice until he had swung down and rescued Esmerelda.
Soon after that, the soldier's were knocking down the doors of Nortè Dame. I took this chace to swipe the keys to the cages and help the gypsys escape along with Febas and his inspiring speech. The crowd joined in and begun fighting back against the soldiers, while Frollo and his men continued to beat down the door. But it didn't last long, you know, as people usually run for their lives when lava falls from the sky.
The townsfolk, soldiers and gypsys alike ran back from the lava towards the town. I however, ran towards the bell tower, determined to find a way in and help my friend. But yet again I was held back.
"I'm afraid this will be another defining moment for the pair. Come with me Princess, we will wait."
"Is this going to be a habit of yours, stopping me from going places and dragging me away?" Clopin just smirked down at me.
"Princess, there are a great many places I would like to drag you away to, but now is not the time." I blushed bright red but continued to walk quickly behind him. We waited on a rooftop, away from the crowd and watched the bell tower waiting for something to happen. When it did we watched. Quasimodo and Esmerelda were in a tight spot, Frollo slashing at them as they hung over the roof holding on for their lives.
When Frollo was defeated, the town rejoiced. Frollos rein of terror was over. Quasi was treated as a human rather then a monster and the gypsys were free to live as they pleased.
As for me? Well, it took a while, but Clopin and I ended up together. We performed all the time, not just for money but also for fun. I continued to live in his caravan, but I no longer slept on the mattress. After a few years, we had two children. A boy named Miguel and a daughter named Allesandra, or Alli for short.
We lived the type of life we wanted to. We did what we wanted. We traveled whenever we got the chance and money. But of all the things we did, of all the memories we made, my favorite will always be the first time we met. When he dragged me away from my boring life. When he first helped me hear the bells.
The Bells of Nortè Dame.
The End
Yes I am aware of it's crappyness. Don't really care. It's done. I finished it. It's Disney and trying tp write about 'background slightly important character B' is pretty hard. I might fix this some day but probably not. But for those who made it this far and enjoyed it, thanks for taking the time and thanks for reading ♡
- Georgie
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