chapter 3
It's been two weeks since Frisk got hurt....
Frisk's pov:
"Mister?" I croak out, what happened? My whole body hurts.... My bedroom door opens and my mom walks in.
"Frisk, your awake."
She comes up to me, and hugs me. I hug back as she speaks again.
"Don't worry your not going to school for a while."
I sigh out of relief.
"You should be better by now, come down stairs if your hungry, or if you want we can go to the store and you can pick out whatever you want to eat."
I smile, and nod my head.
"Well, come down stairs when you feel better it's still pretty early in the afternoon." She gets up and closes my door after she walks out.
Yes child.
I hesitate.
"Do you ever feel sad?"
Well, yes. Sometimes I feel sad, everyone does.
"No no. Do you ever feel really sad, like all the time. And no matter how many good things happen you still feel like that, sometimes even worse."
His expression shifts child I never knew you felt like this
Suddenly a big crash came from down stairs, and a ruff voice starts to yell. My eyes widen, dad must be home. Every time he comes home he yells and hurts mom, and sometimes me. I burst up from bed and run to lock my door. I hear heavy footsteps walk upstairs and try to open the door.
"Frisk open this door!!!" Dad yells
I go back to my bed and grab a pillow, crying into it. Mister comes over to me and hugs me.
It's ok child, everything will be okay.
He keeps me in a protective hug and dad bangs on the door.
"I'm scared Mister." I whisper
I know you are, I won't let him hurt you.
"Thank you Mister." I look at him and his face starts to melt as he has a guilty look on his face.
I'm fine child, sometimes this happens. I nod my head.
I hear a clicking noise as my door opens.
"There you are you little brat."
I cuddle into Mister's hug as I start to cry again.
My dad walks up to me and grabs my arm as he drags me off the bed.
"Ahh! Let go, Mister help! Help me!!" I yell as I thrash around.
Mister looks at me with a guilty look on his face.
I'm sorry child. After he says that he disappears
I feel betrayed by my best friend. "What! No!! Mister!! M-mister come b-back!!" I start to scream and sob.
"Who the hell are you calling for, no one's gonna help you!"
I start to kick him as he drags me onto the floor.
"Let g-go! Where are y-. ta-taking me!!" I literally screech.
"Your coming with me." I start to notice that he's dragging me to the door of my room.
"Stop it! You-your hurting me! Stop!!" My throat start to hurts.
"Then stand up you little baby." He pulls me up onto my feet. I puch him in the face and he jerks his hand back by reflex.
I stumble backwards, than turn around and run into my bathroom and lock the door.
"Don't think you'll get away from me that easily, ill be back in a little bit."
He walks out the door, and I start to sob uncontrollably. I was hyperventilating and crying, I couldn't stop.
"Help, help! Somebody help me!!."
I was out of options, I didn't want to do this. But I would rather die than let him touch me. I get onto my knees while crying, and open the cabinet up. I clumsily go through it until I find cleaning supplies, I get out a almost empty bottle and a full one. I close the doors to the cabinet and sit on the ground. I calm myself down and tell myself everything will be alright, I make sure no one is in my room and I go back to the spot on the floor. I open up the almost empty bottle and hold it up to my nose.
It didn't smell bad, it smelled really good. I look around and put the bottle up to my mouth. Hmp, well goodbye.
I tip it up as the liquid runs towards to my lips, I almost get a taste of it until a hand grabs my wrist. My eyes widen as I look at who did it.
Don't think you can do that stuff to yourself without me knowing, eh?
"S-sorry." I flat out say.
It's fine, child. It just you've never done that stuff to yourself, and your not going to, ok?
Child, are you ok?
"You really don't know, do you?"
I'm sorry, I do not know what you are talking about..
"I've done this stuff to myself before...."
Oh, I never kne-
"Leave me alone Gaster." I said, venom in my voice.
He has a surprised look on his face.
Fine, if you want me to leave so bad. Don't expect me to come back. He disappears
I resume to what I was doing, I hesitate. Do I really want to do this? No, I don't. What will happen to mom if I leave? Will she miss me? Of course she will, she's so nice, I've never seen her get mad at me. If I do this will she blame dad??
I start to cry again.
I screw the lid back on the bottle, and shove both of them back into the cabinets. I look myself in the mirror, weird. It's almost like I never got hurt. Then again, my eyesight is really off. And most of the time, my eyesight reflects off of my emotions or what I think. Like my dad for example, no matter how nice he's acting I still feel darkness coming from him.
It's like my emotions take over my eyesight, I'm going blind any wase, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Wow, I'm so weird. I can see with my eyes closed, I see differently in two ways, and I'm still going blind. And it's not even a sad darkness coming from him, just rage.
I hear more yelling coming from downstairs, and this time there's also crying. I go into my room and go to my closet. I dig into a box and get a hammer out, I had all kinds of stuff like this laying around. At first they were used for self defense, but after a while I kinda gave up on that.
I grab the hammer and sneak downstairs, careful not to step to hard on the stairs for them to make a creaking noise
I hear glass break on the floor, I'm guessing it was a vase. Probably the expensive one. I hear my mom yell.
"Get out of this house!! Now!"
" No!! I'm taking Frisk with me before I leave!!"
Tears roll down my cheeks...
"Get out!"
"I'm getting Frisk!!" My dad yells again.
I peek over a half made wall, I see my dad start to walk over to the direction of the stairs, to me. My mom runs up to catch up with him. She makes it and steps in front of him blocking the path.
"Your not getting them, not with the way you are now"
"move out of my way, Ulani."
My dad gets mad and punches my mom in the face, her blue glasses break and fall on the floor as her nose starts to bleed. Her hand flies up to her face and pinches her nose, trying to stop the bleeding. Despite being hurt she still defends us. She goes face to face with my dad and points her hand over to the door.
"Out. Now."
He looks surprised, maybe he'll leave.
He grabs my mom's long brown hair,that was in a braid, and pushes her towards him. He punches her in the stomach. He knocks the wind out of her and she falls onto the floor. She gasps for air as she desperately tries to get up to stop my dad from coming any closer to me. (This reminds me. For some reason it reminds me of this. Ladies, be careful out in public. Most rapists/kidnappers look for weak women. One of the things that can be easy for them to catch you is if you have long hair in a braid, bun, ponytail, etc. It's easy for them to grab you by it. Just some advice)
He walks up to the stairs and sees me.
"There you are."
He picks me up and up drop the hammer. I start thrashing around trying to get him off of me.
"Let go!! Mom help!!"
She runs up to him and tries to pry me off of him. He throws a punch at her but she dodges and takes that moment to kick him, and he drops me on the floor. My mom stands me up and pulls me behind her.
"I'm gonna ask you one more time, please leave. This isn't your property. This isn't your house. You don't pay for bills. And this isn't your child, it's mine."
"Ill leave as soon as you hand Frisk over"
"That's it I'm calling the cops" mom already has the 911 on speed dial and is calling them.
"Don't you dare. You won't do that if you know what's good for you," dad growls.
She doesn't listen to him.
"Yes, I would like to report abuse of me and my child- "
He smacks the phone out of her hand and it breaks on the floor, just like her glasses.
"Hand. Frisk. Over!"
"No. Now if you don't mind we're gonna go use the neighbors phone, come on Frisk."
She grabs my hand and we walk out of the door. We walk across the street to my mom's friend's, Reaka's, house. I look down on the street as awkward, but relaxing, silence is in the air.
We make it to Reaka's house and my mom knocks on the door in a certain pattern. A voice is heard and says something like hang on! After a couple of minutes they come and open the door.
Reaka looks happy until she sees the condition my mom's in. Her voice is soft, and almost is a whisper.
"Ulani, what happened?"
"My ex husband, may we use your phone?"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reaka let us come in, mom called the cops. They took dad away and mom was at the hospital. Reaka was babysitting me at my house until mom came back, which would be tomorrow.
I was upstairs just zoning out until I hear a voice.
"Frisk, please come downstairs. You need to eat dinner."
I didn't want to eat. Me and mom were supposed to do something special and now she's in the hospital instead of being here with me. It wasn't fair, it just wasn't fair...
I get up and hesitantly go downstairs. Each step I took felt like it took a thousand year, and it was just as painful and tiring. After sixteen thousand years I make it to the bottom of the stairs. I'm too tired and nervous to talk to anyone.
As I walk by Reaka peeks her head out of the kitchen and says something that was mostly blocked out by me.
"What...want..dinner." is all I heard, but I could guess what she was asking.
" I don't know, waffles?"
She smiles a huge smile and speaks "okay, waffles it is!" She ducks back into the kitchen and I can hear rustling noises, probably her getting everything ready.
I go onto the couch and turn into the tv, which I really just barely listen to. I would go and make the waffles with her but I'm just to tired and an emotional wreck.
After a while, two hours to be exact, I hear Reaka setting stuff up. I turn to her and she her putting my food, and only mine, on the table. Waffles, eggs, and a fruit salad. Did she make anything for herself? God, now I feel bad.
"There, done." She sounds proud of herself. "Come on Frisk, your dinners done!"
I smile and walk up to her.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"I...I just have one question."
Her expression changes into a concern one.
"Did..did you make anything for yourself?"
I see her expression turn into a panicked grin, like the one where you got caught stealing something but you try to deny it.
"Ya.. I did!" I knew she was lying but I let it slide.
"Oh, ok"
"Enjoy your meal, ill be in the backyard!" She hurries out into the backyard and suddenly an awkward silence settles around me, it was kind of unnerving..
I pick around at my food and eventually eat most of it, I return the plate to the sink and go back to my room. I turn out the lights and get into bed.
So there I was, laying there for like four hours, not being able to fall asleep. I eventually fall asleep, and luckily, my sleep wasn't full of nightmares...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I wake up to the sun shining in my face. I get up and go downstairs, where I'm greeted with Reaka.
"Get dressed in some new clothes, we're gonna go pick up your mom."
No breakfast? Wow, thanks. I can just cook my own eggs and burn down the neighborhood.
I go back upstairs and change into a blue sweater, and some jeans, along with a blue scarf. It's getting really cold outside. Keep go downstairs and put on my boots, and grab a pair of blue mittens before we leave
~small time skip~
We went and picked up my mom,she looked fine. Like she never even got hurt, she also had new glasses. Still blue and blocky as ever, she honestly looked better with the glasses. It helped distract people from her purple eyes
We drive home and get settled in.
After a while me and my mom decided to take a walk, it was chilly out side. Mom had her hair down, and a brown hat over her brown, curly hair. A jacket, a white shirt, and jeans and sneakers.
After a while we head back to the house. My mom grabs her keys and wallet, I'm confused. Then she said a few words that brightened up my day.
"Wanna go to a restaurant?"
(Don't worry Frisk will get to the underground in the next few chapters, I just want you to get some information about her family and environment.)
(Sorry about spelling errors.)
(Criticism is appreciated)
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