Tracking her down and The Cure
Chapter 2 – Tracking her down and the cure
I finished reading the story to the kids, they all gave me hugs and went upstairs to their rooms. I looked up to the clock and saw it was just past midnight, Wow, they stayed up quite late, oops, I thought smiling slightly. I sighed and hunched over, tired like hell.
The fire crackled in the old fireplace, the warmth surround my like a hug…Like Annabelle’s hugs. My heart jumped as the thought of her. Yes, I love her. I honest to god I love her. But, I don’t know how to say it to her, I can’t now go up and say ‘I love you Annabelle’ just after we had a fight, I thought.
I pushed back a curl behind my ear, and stood. I walked to the window and just saw a faint figure running across Endless Road. I couldn’t make the person out but could see this person had huge guns.
I opened the windows and pulled the shutters closed, then locked the window and pulled the curtains together.
I hope that wasn’t a bandit or whatever, I thought. I trudged upstairs slowly, exhausted and tired. I walked in front of Annabelle’s; I lifted my hand but stopped. Not now, she is sleeping Gabe, I told myself and let my hand drop to my side.
I turned to walk back to my room, closing the door behind me gently. I could smell the aroma in my room from Annabelle. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth before taking my shirt of and putting on a clean one, I’ll have a shower tomorrow, and then apologize to Anna, I crawled into bed and pulled the sheets close to my chin, thinking about Anna next to me, in my arms.
I smiled in my sleep and drifted off, then fell asleep into a dream filled night.
I awoke next day around midday, I sat up and yawned. “What a good sleep.” I said to myself as I got out of my bed. I grabbed clean clothes and went into the shower, cleaning myself of.
After the hot steamy shower, I got dressed in a light blue shirt, which was a little see through and jeans. I pulled on my leather boots, dried of my hair and walked down stairs.
I walked into the kitchen to find out there was no Annabelle; the kids were awake and sitting in the living room playing with their toys.
“Hmm…” I said curiously, “Where could she be? Maybe she is still asleep… No Annabelle would be awake before everyone, that’s odd.” I said walking in the living room. I was greeted with ‘good morning Gabe’ and hugs.
“Kids, do you know why Annabelle isn’t awake?” I asked, “Or did she go hunting again?” The kids looked at each other and shook their heads, Katie, 10 years old, walked forward and said in her little innocent voice, “No Gabe, Anna didn’t go hunting, she would tell us then.” I nodded and petted her head, “Go back to playing, I’ll go have a look in her room.” I said.
I walked back upstairs and knocked on the door, “Anna, you awake?” No answer inside. I knocked again and nothing.
“I’m coming in.” I said and opened the door to reveal that there was no one inside, only the windows open.
“Annabelle?” I walked in to her bathroom, checked the wardrobes to find half of her clothes are missing and a terrible thought came through my head, No, I said worried. I saw something flutter on her dressing table and found a note.
I read it and crinkled the paper up, “Annabelle…no…why?!” I yelled out in anger. “Why did you run away again?” I felt the tears sting my eyes as I tried to hold them back.
The image of the figure running across the road, “Annabelle…” I whispered, “Shit!” I ran out of her room and out the house. I stood under her window and saw the paint of the house scraped of as if someone was climbing down.
I looked closely at the grass and could just see a faint outline of a boot. “Damnit.” I said then walked back in the house.
The kids stood along the side of the entrance to the living room, “Gabe?” they all asked at the same time, “Annabelle ran away. I need to go get her.” I said to them.
“Who will look after us?” Katie asked, I sighed, I almost forgot about that.
“Jake, Sarah, you two must look after them. You’re the oldest.” I said. The two 17 year olds nodded, “Keep them safe,” I said and ran upstairs, pulling on some clothes, hand guns and a rifle on my back. I packed some extra bullets and some clothes.
I shoved the stuff in my backpack and threw in some canned food I had stored in a chest. I pulled on my thick woollen coat on and ran down stairs. All the kids came to me and hugged me, “I’ll be back soon okay? Take care.” I said and waved good bye. I know I’ll be gone for a while, I don’t think I’ll be coming back at all, I thought sadly.
I walked out of the house just as a light snow started to fall. I pulled on some goggles and covered my nose and mouth with my scarf. My coat had a hoddie so I pulled that over my head plus I had my beanie on.
I pulled on my leather black gloves and ran. I knew a snow storm was going to come, so I had to get as much distance as possible and not get held up from it.
I followed my instincts and guessed which way Annabelle went. This is going to be hell for me.
I sighed as I walked alone in the middle of a road. I knew Hell City like the back of my head and I knew I was getting closer to the outskirts of it. All the suburban areas. I had run into a sticky situation just as I was about to leave my little cove in a building.
A gang, only 6 of them, surrounded me. They had knives, and by the looks of them, they didn’t look so experienced. I was wrong.
As I was about to strike one jumped at me and pinned me down, his knife at my neck, they wanted my guns and everything I had on me. Oh hell no I wasn’t gonna give them anything at all, I was stronger than them. So what I did I grabbed hold of his wrist and twisted it so the knife was now pointing to his neck. I kicked him in the groin and down his neck came, the knife going straight in.
I took down another two, snapping their necks. Then I fled, not wanting to attract more attention. I used my speed to out run them and disappeared.
Bad thing was, I didn’t see a sink hole and fell right into it. Broke my ankle, well, dislocated it and popped it back in. God that bloody hurt. I now lip and lean on a good stick I found, just hobbling away. Though, my Curse is healing the ankle up quite well, better than being killed I guess.
I sighed and thought about Gabrielle, I hope he didn’t leave the children alone…if he did, he is in a hell of a lot of trouble, I thought.
I sighed once again and listened to the sounds around me. The wind, squawking of birds, growling of lions, and in the distance behind me I can hear gunshots. I looked behind and could feel the ground rumble, Cars, I thought and knew they were either bandits or a large gang.
I don’t care, long as I’m not here. I found a good building of to the left and hobbled into it. I climbed up the broken stairs and got a good view. 10 storeys up, I pulled out my sniper rifle and got ready. I found some rubble and covered myself with it, then I laid perfectly still, rifle ready in hands.
I breathed in silently and watched, I could faintly see some movement and the rumbling sounds became more louder.
I could see large trucks driving down and hostages in the back! Time to kill these bastards. I pointed my sniper towards the truck and pull the eyepiece close to my eye. I hold the trigger and found one man, BANG! The bullet went straight into his head and there he went, falling forward in front of the truck and being run over.
The truck didn’t stop so when they got closer, I fired another shot and the tire went flat. The truck finally stopped and the men stood around the truck, looking up to the deserted buildings. “Come out, come out wherever you are!” The leader said mockingly, I could tell because he was covered in tattoos and shit like that, came out of the truck.
The five that stood on my side went down easily. Eight to go, I thought smiling. The leader looked up to where I was as I stood. “There you are little rat.” The others came around and started to shoot at me, there was an invisible barrier that surrounded me and so, no bullets harmed me.
I smirked as I jumped out of the large window. I landed in front of the men and they backed away, “So you’re calling me a rat yes?” I asked the Leader, he growled lightly as I smirked. He pulled out a gun and pointed it to my head, “Why don’t cha just die ya bitch!” he screamed at me and started shooting.
I grinned and ran at him, the Curse flowing in my veins. I yelled at him as I grabbed his face in my hands and crushed it. Bones, blood, and his brain was squished in my hands, it all leaked out like mushy potato. Never eating potato again!
My face and chest was covered in blood, the guys behind me stood there shocked. I turned and they screamed. I had small horns sticking out of the side of my head, my eyes blood red, hair black as night. I had little sharp teeth like a piranha.
I growled and ran at them, slashing them down with my 10 centimetre long nails. They screamed. They fell. Nothing but a heap of organs, gore and blood.
I stood in the middle of it. Breathing heavily and growling lightly. I walked to the truck and opened the back, “Go, run. Don’t look behind you at all…it’s not a pretty sight.”I said to the frightened hostages.
They all huddled together and moved as one, I watched as they left the truck. I realised that I looked a bit…odd. Well, scary mostly. I didn’t care, I knew this was the curse taking hold and I had to be careful. Very…careful otherwise I’ll hurt myself.
Well, that’s what I think would happen. But I must always be careful, no matter what. I sighed and let my shoulders slump as I looked away from the gory scene. I noticed now that there was an old lady just standing there watching me from under her veil. “Ma’am?” I bowed a little confused of why she was staring at me.
“Your…the prophecy…The One…A god among us survivors…You can save us from the darkness that is moving across this dying world…Come child…” I looked at her shocked as she waved me over. I changed back to normal as I walked to her.
She touched my arm and gasped, “Yes! Yes! You’re our Saviour!” she called out. I was utterly confused as she tugged on my arm and I followed. She wobbled towards the fast moving group of women and children.
Yes, I was very confused. I knew my life was going to be changed once again on this very day.
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