Chapter 15: The Camp
When I saw the camp I slid in and took a walker down by shooting it in the head with an arrow. Then a walker tripped over my leg so I got up and stabbed it. Then there was one behind me so I stabbed that one to. Then there was another one behind me so I had to move backwards. When I tripped over a body. The walker fell right on top of me.
I had a stick in my hands to keep the walker away from me while I was trying to get my knife. I almost had my knife when I heard a gun go off. Then the walker fell on top of me.
I pushed it off me and got my knife. Right when I was about to get up Shane came over and hugged me so I could not get up. "Oh my god Jess I thought you got bit." Said Shane with a worried tone in his voice.
"No I didn't get bit; I think."
Shane started looking for any bites or scratches. Which I'm kind of shocked that Daryl wasn't the one who came over and over reacted.
Shane then picked me up and said to my dad, "I'm going to go take Jess back to my tent so she can get some sleep."
"Okay night Jess."
"Night daddy." I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek then I told Shane to take me over to Daryl. "Night Daryl I will see you in the morning." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and Shane took me back to his tent to sleep. Shane stayed with me the whole night with his arm around me so that I was protected by him.
In the morning
I was helping despose of the bodies when my nose started hurting. I went over to where my mom, dad, and Shane were. "Daddy my nose hurts really bad."
"Well you did get punched in the nose." Said my dad. "Well she punched like a little girl."
"Aw sweet heart let me see." My mom said (and I think she is starting to like me a little bit more now).
"Ow ow ow."
"I think it needs pushed back into place." My mom said.
"I'll do it." Shane said.
"No Shane I don't trust you. I feel like your going to make it hurt more than it needs to."
"I won't make hurt as much as it would. How about this, you can hold hand if you want." Wait if I get to hold Shane's hand while he puts my nose back into place. I would let him do that any day. "Okay, I guess you can." I said with a sigh.
I walked over to Shane and grabbed his hand. I looked right into his eyes. Shane put his other hand onto my nose. I got so lost in his eyes when he popped my nose back into place I snapped right out of it, and screamed my head off.
Shane pulled me into a hug, and hugged me until I stopped screaming. "Thanks Shane and fuck you." "Why?"
"Because you said it wasn't going to hurt as much as it should have."
"Im sorry."
"Yeah, sure you are."
After I said that I got back to work and Daryl asked, "Why were you screaming?"
"Shane put my nose back into place."
"I could have done it."
"I know, but I didn't know I needed it put back into place." He shook his head and got back to work.
"Hey Jess. Can you help me move this body?" Asked Daryl.
"Sure." I said as I started to walk over to Daryl. I picked up the legs while Daryl held the arms.
When we threw the body in the fire we heard a gun shot go off which meant that Andrea shot her sister (who got bit), and then Jackie yelled, "A walker bit him! A walker bit Jim!"
Everyone Stopped dead in our tracks. "Show it to us." I demanded. T-Dog grabbed Jim by the arms and Daryl life's up his shirt to reveal the bite mark. Daryl backed up and pulled me close to him. The whole time Jim was just saying, "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay." This is just one of the many tragic things that was going to happen to this group.
Thank you for reading chapter 15 of my walking dead book.
Like and comment so I can get feedback and make this story perfect.
Thank you for reading. Bye!
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