Chapter 14: The Bag of Guns
All I could think about when I saw Merle's hand was that he could be dead. It looked like Daryl was about to kill someone. So I jumped up and held him back with all my might.
Out of the Conor of my eye I noticed something on the ground. "Guys! There's a trail of blood leading to that door over there!" I exclaimed. They all stopped what they were doing to see the blood trail.
Once they saw the trail of blood they followed it. It led to what looked like a kitchen and a bunch of dead walkers on the ground. "Merle is one smart sun of a bitch." I said.
"Why?" Asked T-Dog.
"Because he used the flame to help it stop bleeding." Daryl said as we looked at the flame that was still going.
We started to come up with a plan to get the bag of guns. Glenn said that he would get the bag of guns but Daryl and I would have to be in the ally way with him to back up.
As for my dad and T-dog they would be waiting for us about a block away. We all agreed on the plan and made are way to our spots.
When we were all in position Glenn went to get the bag of guns. While Daryl and I were waiting a boy came into the ally way. He was about three years older than me. Daryl started questioning the boy and he started yelling something in another language. Daryl tried to shut him but he kept yelling.
Two guys and a girl came out of nowhere. The two guys started beating up Daryl. I tried to help Daryl but the girl pulled me by the hair. Threw me up against the wall and started punching me. I got a grip on her and pushed her against the other wall.
When I was punching the girl I saw Glenn and I told him to run. While I was distracted the girl pushed back against the wall I was on before. "His getting away with the guns get him!" One of the guys yelled. The girl stopped punching me and went after to get Glenn. I looked up just in time to see Daryl shoot one of the guys in the ass with an arrow.
When my dad got to us I fell to the ground with a bloody nose, a black eye, and possibly a broken nose. Even though the girl punched me a lot it wasn't hard enough to do more damage than what I had done to her.
When we got back to the kitchen place we brought the boy back with us. Daryl started threating the boy. He even took out Merle's hand and told the boy that this is what happened to the last guy that messed with him. About thirty minutes later the boy told us where his group was.
We finally got to the place the boys group was and people started to come out of the building. I saw the girl who was punching me. She punched like a little girl where as me I can break someone's nose in two or three punches. I caught the last part of there conversation when Daryl bumped into me and whispered, "Jess come on."
When we were walking away Daryl asked me, "Hey Jess what were you thinking about back there?" "Well that girl who was punching me. I was thinking about how she punched like a girl."
"But she gave you a black eye." Replied Daryl.
"That was the last punch she threw."
"Really?" He asked.
When we got back to the kitchen my dad started to pick out guns from the bag. "Hey dad, what are you doing?"
"Jess weren't you listening?"
"No, not really."
"Well you will just have to find out the ."
When I was about to say something Daryl picked me up and brought me to the room where the boy was. "Are you dating or something?" Asked the boy.
"No!" Daryl and I both yelled.
"Daryl why do you have to do that all the time? People always think we are dating." I said sternly.
"It's only cause I love you." Daryl said and then taped my nose.
"Hey love birds its time to go!" Yelled T-Dog.
"See Daryl look what you've done!" I said storming off.
When we got back to the boys camp. My dad did all the talking and the rest of us had our weapons ready. That when an old women came around the corner Daryl pointed his crossbow at her. "Daryl stop!" Yelled my dad.
"What if that's someone pretending to be and old women?" Asked Daryl.
"Daryl that is one of the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say." I exclaimed.
After I said that I saw the old women grab my dads hand and started guiding him somewhere. We followed her to were she was leading us. She lead us to an abandoned nursing home.
Once we entered we saw Glenn standing next to an older man. It looked like he was having trouble breathing. The man who wanted the bag of gun pointed to some small cute dogs that he threatened to have them eat Glenn. They reminded me of my cute husky and my calico cat who loved each other and spent a lot of time together.
When we were walking back to the truck and I didn't see anything there, but I am also really tired so I'm kind of dalerius. "Guys the trucks gone!" Yelled Glenn.
"That's what you get for leaving my brother." Daryl said. I hit his arm as hard I could when he said that but he hit my arm back. Lets just say it hurt like hell. I was about to cry cause it hurt so bad.
When we got to where the hill started to get to the camp I was so tired that I wanted to die. We were almost to the top of the hill when we heard screaming. We all started running to the camp.
When we got up there we saw that the camp had been over run by walkers.
Thank you for reading chapter 14 in my walking dead book.
We just got back to the camp and it was being overrun by walkers. Oh no!
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Thank you for reading. Bye!
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