Chapter 10
Authors notes
Hello humans and non humans. This lovely chapter is dedicated to my friends
Warning this chapter is very sad, and has a character death in it.
Ella's POV
My sister has been out of the hospital for a little while. She's not wearing a cast anymore, since it is now early spring. I was on my bed doing my homework for my English language arts class. I blew a stray piece of hair out of my face. I was typing furiously on my laptop working on the essay. The essay we were writing is about if we made a story of our lives, what it would be like.
I was already on the 5th page. I decided to stop for now and get dinner, since it was getting near dinner time. I got up and grabbed my purse. I walked out of my room into our dorm. I then went out and into the car. I was driving to a restaurant called Tina's Place. I heard my phone going off, but since I was driving I had to ignore it. Little did I know that the call was very important and from the hospital.
I continued to drive until I got to the restaurant. I pulled out my phone after I parked the car. I saw that I had a new voicemail. I listened to it and it said, "Hi this is Lunar Hospital calling, and we wanted to let you know Lilly Kamin is in the hospital. Lilly and Jace Kamin were in a car crash and put in the hospital. Come as quickly as you can please." I immediately started the car again and drove to the hospital. Food could wait, my family could not.
Time skip
I arrived at the hospital, and gave my name and who I needed to see to the person in the front. She told me the room numbers and which floor, then I raced off to the rooms. I went into my sister's first, and saw her. She had a bandage around her head, her arm was in a cast, along with both of her legs, and she had a bandage around her stomach also. I let out a sob when I saw her. The heart monitor was beeping normally for now.
The doctor came in then and he said, "Hello, you must be Ella Kamin. My name is doctor Jiminy Cricket. Your sister was in a car accident, the car next to them lost control and slammed into the side of their car, sending them off the road. The car then hit a tree. We found your sister on the side that was slammed into by the car. She had a piece of glass somehow stabbed into her stomach and her head. We got it all out, but we don't know if she'll make it. On the other hand, Your dad wasn't as injured. He only has a broken leg and arm. Although he is also cut from some of the glass that shattered. We think he will live though."
I walked over to a chair and collapsed into it. I started sobbing. My sister might not make it. 'Stay alive.' I thought, 'Stay alive for me.' I stayed in that chair for over an hour sobbing. I then heard a ding, it was from a text from Charming. It said, 'Where are you? I haven't seen you all day, are you ok?'
I responded with, 'I'm at Lunar Hospital, my dad and sister got into an accident. Please come quick, they don't know if Lilly will make it.'
He responded quickly with, 'I'll be there in 10 minutes.' Thing is though, it takes 15 minutes from the school to get to the hospital. I shook my head and looked at Lilly. I walked over to her and told her, "I'll be back soon." then I went to dad's room. He didn't look as bad as Lilly did. "Hey." He croaked out and tried to smile.
"H-hi." I choked out.
"How's Lilly?" He asked. I started sobbing again. "I-is she ok?" He asked worriedly.
"The doctor said s-she might n-not m-make it." I told him through sobs. He starting crying then along with me. I then received a text from Charming asking where I was. I gave him the room number and floor. He then said he would be there soon. I then heard commotion from the room next to us. I realized it was Lilly's room and raced to it as fast as I could.
I saw doctors racing over to her and heard her heart monitor beeping out of control. Everything then went in slow motion. I think I fell during the time. Doctors went over to her and some came over to me trying to get me calm. I think they asked for my name. I don't know if I told them it, or if I just kept screaming. I was sat in a chair with a female nurse next to me trying to get me to stop screaming. Charming then came in and raced over to me. He sat in the seat next to me and motioned for me to get in his lap. The nurse helped me over and I sat on his lap facing him. I buried my face into his neck while sobbing. I had stopped screaming, but not stopped sobbing.
Charming was rubbing my back, I think. I also think that he was whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Everything then stopped, the doctors stopped and one of them said a time. All the doctors except for one left. I looked up, because Charming was telling me too. I noticed the nurse who was helping me was also still in the room. The doctor that was still in the room was Jiminy.
"I'm sorry, Lilly didn't make it. Her body couldn't handle all of the trama she was in." He told me. I broke down again. Charming held me rubbing my back and tried to soothe me. Jiminy left the room to go tell my dad the news, I assumed. I don't know how long I was crying for. I think I fell asleep, because the next thing I remember is being carried to my bed. I then fell asleep into a restless sleep. I had nightmares of my sister shouting for me to save her all night.
The teachers heard about what happened to me and let me take the next day off. They sent my homework with Ariel and Meredith. I spent the day in bed crying. Ariel and Meredith didn't want to leave me, but because of classes they had to. When they got back we all sat on the couch watching comedy movies to try to make me laugh. I was eating ice cream and working on my homework. I was missing half of the movies because of it though.
I felt like I could only feel one emotion because of my sister dying, sadness. I felt like I needed to get over this for my friends, for my dad, and for Charming. I tried to enjoy things, but it was hard. I sighed and shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. I stood up making up a random excuse. I may have actually said, "general excuse."
I went to my room and buried myself into a book immersing myself into the world. When I finished the book it was already 11:30 pm. I sighed and put up my book and fell asleep.
I woke up earlier than usual, so I could get ready faster and see my dad. I finished getting ready and grabbed my light blue purse. I was wearing a Harry Potter T-shirt that had Hedwig on it with a pair of blue jeans. My blue jeans had a butterfly pattern on one of my legs. I was wearing a pair of light blue sneakers that had light pink roses on them. I also grabbed my light pink backpack that had different kinds of flowers on it, and my laptop. I got in the car and drove to the hospital.
"Hey." I said to my dad when I got in his room. He smiled gently, like he was forcing himself to smile. I knew that we both were suffering from Lilly's death.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" he asked me.
"I'm ready already, I just came to check on you." I told him and he nodded his head.
"I'm doing ok, I guess. I mean it could be worse. You don't look so good, how about you? How are you and that Charming fella?" He asked me.
I blushed and told him, "I'm actually not doing so great. Charming and I are ok I guess. I haven't seen him since he came to comfort me the other day." He nodded and told me to go off to school. So, I went off to school. I buried myself into my schoolwork, well kind of like Hamilton did after Laurens past away. Except, not school work just work. At lunch I participated in conversations, but worked on my homework while eating. After school I continued to do my work. On my essay about my life, I put how I was feeling about how my sister died.
I wrote about how I felt about our little arguments we had, and how I wished I treated her better. By the time I looked at the time it was 2:00 am. I put my laptop on the charger and fell into a restless sleep. I woke up early again, but this time didn't go see my dad.
I got ready and was wearing a pair of black leggings and a Percy Jackson shirt that had the meme with the definition of disappointment for the Percy Jackson fandom. I also was wearing my pair of light pink sneakers. I put my hair up into a messy ponytail, and went to the cafeteria to get breakfast. Then I arrived at my first class early and worked on my essay even more.
At lunch I was working on my homework again. I think my friends were getting worried about me. One of my friends Ariel had listened to a musical where someone lost someone dear to them, and worked themselves non-stop. I think they had an affair, I wasn't really listening to Ariel talking. I wouldn't do that to Charming anyway. Charming was sitting next to me with his arm around me.
I snuggled into him, but I continued to work. After all my classes were done I was on my bed with my papers scattered around me on it also. My laptop was in front of me, and I was typing on it. I stopped for a minute and scribbled a note on one of my papers on the bed with me. I went back to typing then. Ariel came in and tried to talk to me about taking a break or something like that I think. She eventually gave up and let Meredith take over.
She pulled me off my bed, causing some papers to scatter off the bed and onto the floor. I sighed and as she pulled me into my car. She stole my keys from me and started the car. She drove to an ice cream shop, and got us ice cream. We sat down and she said, "You should really stop working yourself like this."
"I know, but I need to get good grades. Because if I don't get good grades, I won't get into a good college, if I don't get into a good college, I won't get a good job, if I don't get a good job, I won't make good money, if I don't make good money, I'll starve, if I starve, I'll die." I ranted to her. She sighed dramatically and buried her face into her hands.
"You'll be fine if you get a B, for goodness sake you'll be fine if you get a C." She told me,"Just take a break."
"B-but I have so much work to do." I complained to her. She sighed again and we finished our ice cream in silence. Then we went back home and I went back to doing my homework.
When I stopped and looked at the time, this time it was 3:00 am. I charged my laptop and went to sleep
Authors notes
2026 words
Haha, depressing chapter. I hope you injoyed as much of this as you could have. Did you see the different Hamilton references I made?
Welp goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals
Author out.
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