Uriah appreciated Byron's courtesy call but he had to come. He stepped from the car and walked to Byron. He knew who the Alpha was without question.
Uriah was an Alpha but this guy was the Alpha to all of the Alphas. Like the king of Alphas. Byron was tall and muscled. Uriah had muscle but this guy made him want to work out more.
Byron was hot. Like hot! Holy wolves. He was going to have to fan himself. He reminded himself that Byron had a mate. He wondered which man that was. The one on his right was hot too. Short hair and a nice smile. He was armed to the teeth.
Uriah watched the other man on Byron's left. He was hot too. Tall and muscled. Tall. He was wearing a paramedic uniform. Hot. Damn, what was this group eating? These men were hot. Shit. He wanted to ask the paramedic out. Hopefully, he wasn't the mate. His smile was sexy. Uriah heard his wolf growl lightly.
"Byron McIntyre. Uriah Carr." Uriah spoke to Byron as he stormed up. Byron smiled and offered a hand. "Sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." Uriah shook Byron's hand.
"Uriah. It's nice to put a face to the voice." Byron smiled. Uriah was a surfer. He had sun bleached blonde hair that was past his shoulders and a nice tan.
He was wearing some baggy jean shorts and a flowered shirt and flip flops. Malcolm liked him. "This is Malcolm. My mate." Byron turned to the man beside him.
Uriah smiled at Malcolm and The Alpha's mate wasn't the paramedic. That was great news. "Hello. Great to meet you. I heard you helped out a great deal. Thank you." He wasn't touching Malcolm though. He was The Alpha's territory.
"Sure. It's my job and my pleasure. York shouldn't have fucked with my man!" Malcolm smiled.
"Damn right." Byron smiled at Malcolm and they melted together. Malcolm had to comfort his mate for a minute. Byron and his wolf had been through a lot and Malcolm was there for them
Val took over. "This happens a lot. Hello, I'm Val, The Alpha's head of security." He shook Uriah's hand and he was determined to ignore the two men that were still fused together. The hand shake lasted longer than most and Val was okay with that. His wolf wanted Uriah.
Uriah smiled. "Pleasure." Val was hot. Those eyes were pretty. "I never figured He would have security!" Uriah was surprised. Maybe Uriah needed security. Hot security.
Val smiled and watched Uriah. "I insist on it." Val was still shaking Uriah's hand. He slowly let go. He watched the couple and cleared his throat. He looked at Uriah closer and he found this Alpha very attractive, maybe in a mate sort of way but whatever the feelings, Uriah was still very hot. Val had dated a man once. He would consider it again for Uriah
"Sirs." Val cleared his throat again.
"Fine. Later." Byron growled and Uriah backed off and looked down.
Malcolm nodded. Later.
"Thanks for coming, Uriah. The people are being briefed and then sent home. They will be released soon." Byron switched to Alpha mode.
"Thank you again." Uriah's eyes wandered to Val and back to The Alpha and cleared his throat. "It's a pleasure to get to meet you, Sir! Really. I'm a huge fan. My father only heard stories and I never thought I would get the chance to meet you. If I could, if I ever need advice, could I call?"
Byron smiled. "I would love that, Uriah."
"Oh, thanks. It's just that my father died and I was left with a pack and no idea!" Uriah sighed.
"Sorry to hear about your father. I didn't realize that you were Gil's son. I didn't put that together. I apologize for that." Byron hated that blunder.
"It's a lot to keep up on." Uriah understood. "I have a sister that keeps up on the news for me. She loves all of the drama and has volunteered to be my Social Butterfly."
Malcolm stared. "I didn't know that was a title."
Uriah laughed. "It's not!" He smiled. "She made it up but she keeps me informed so I don't complain."
Val smiled. He almost got sidetracked when Uriah laughed. It was a beautiful sound. "I do that for him." He pointed at Byron.
"We couldn't do what we do without you guys!" Uriah smiled and watched Val.
"I agree." Byron nodded.
Val shook his head. "Don't get all soft on me Sir!" He teased.
Byron growled. "Never." He smiled at Uriah.
Uriah never thought that The Alpha would be this down to earth. He was cool. "Uh, thanks for everything and getting my people back. Do you know how long it will be?" He was worried for them.
"I don't." Byron started.
"I'm checking." Val was gone.
"So, can I ask...how did you know Malcolm was your mate?" Uriah asked.
Byron smiled. "My wolf wanted him. Never happened to me before and Malcolm was the only person to hold eye contact. There is a strong pull."
"Oh!" Uriah didn't know what to expect. "I..."
"Are you okay?" Malcolm was curious.
"Oh, I just had a crush on someone. I don't know what to expect." Uriah sighed.
"Much worse than a crush. It's a pull like you wouldn't believe. It will mess up your life, Uriah." Malcolm promised.
Uriah felt his wolf pulling toward Val. He wondered.. "Right." Uriah sighed. "Okay."
"Who is the lucky lady?" Byron smiled.
"No, I'm not into women. I actually thought about asking Val out." He blushed and looked at the ground.
Byron laughed. "Oh. He isn't seeing anyone but he likes women, so far. Couldn't hurt to ask him though. Sorry to laugh. He's my brother."
Uriah turned the color of crimson. "Shit!" He covered his face. He needed to leave soon.
Malcolm couldn't help but laugh with Byron as Val made his way back.
"It will be a few days for the hunters, Sir. I'm so sorry." Val sighed. "They will release your people to you later today."
Byron nodded. He was sorry for the pack's loss. "Val, why don't you spend some time showing Uriah around." Byron walked off with Malcolm and smiled.
You are sooo mean!
What? Val needs to get laid! Byron smiled.
They were on to their next group to talk to. Byron had more work to do. Malcolm was getting anxious because he wanted to go home. Byron was his home and he needed him soon.
They spent a couple of days at the headquarters and the FBI was taking over after the families were dealt with. This was being investigated thoroughly. Byron was grateful for the help. It was a much larger operation than Byron was staffed for.
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