The Morning After
The Morning After
Malcolm woke up from a weird dream about Byron. He laid in bed and re-lived it for just a few minutes.
A big silver wolf, Byron's wolf, helped him fight several vampires and as the fight ended, Byron shifted and was standing in front of Malcolm, naked. He grabbed Malcolm's face and pulled him in for a kiss. Malcolm actually moaned and kissed him back. He felt Byron's body against his.
He touched Byron and felt how aroused the Alpha was and that turned him on more. Byron ran his hand over Malcolm's very hard arousal and Malcolm moaned. Byron slowed the kiss and sighed as he let go. He smiled at Malcolm and Malcolm woke very aroused and only a cold shower could fix it.
Maybe he would enjoy a hot shower? He was going to enjoy that dream in the shower and not even question why.
He took a long shower and got dressed and still couldn't shake the dream. He walked out of his room after nine in the morning and there were still clothes in the hall. Everywhere. He wasn't picking them up. He figured that Cash would be downstairs eating.
The kitchen was empty and no one was cooking. There wasn't even coffee made. He started the coffee and wondered where Trevor was at least. He was always up before now. At least yesterday morning. Malcolm assumed that was what Trevor did in the morning. He was an early riser because Emma had made a comment about that.
Where was he? There was a new vampire so maybe he was with her. Maybe getting answers from her. He knew where Cash was. He cooked himself a couple of eggs and some bacon and let that smell wafted through the house. He even took a cookie sheet and fanned the smell up the stairs and laughed.
Trevor could smell bacon. There was coffee. He looked at the clock. It was almost ten in the morning. He was still wrapped up in his girl. He kissed her and smiled. "Morning."
"Morning." Veronica smiled. "Hungry?" She could hear his stomach.
"Breakfast?" Trevor asked. "I'm hungry. Someone worked me over last night!"
Veronica laughed. "It was a workout, a very nice workout."
"Breakfast and then another workout!" Trevor smiled and they both got up and dressed. They walked to the kitchen and Veronica heated up breakfast and sat. She was quiet.
Trevor smiled at the bacon. Malcolm had cooked two pounds. "Bacon?"
Malcolm just chuckled. "I was trying to get Cash out of bed."
"He eats bacon..two pounds of bacon?" Trevor asked.
"No but it was fun to cook once I started. I got carried away." Malcolm smiled. "Oh, he's coming. Your shirt is on the rail right there."
Cash was on the steps and took the shirt. He put it on. "Thanks." He walked over and poured a cup of coffee and drank it black.
"How was everyone's night?" Malcolm had suspicions about Trevor. He could smell Veronica on him and she smelled like Trevor. They were close at some point. Tangled up maybe.
"Fine." Trevor said. Short and sweet.
Cash smiled into his coffee. "Yeah, Fine." Malcolm suppressed a laugh.
"Why was your shirt on the handrail?" Trevor began to ask but then wanted to take it back. What if someone asked him about his night? No. Not a word. Shut up and eat some bacon and toast.
Malcolm threw eggs on a platter. Trevor scooped some up. Eggs and bacon. Nice.
"I figured everyone needed some protein and drink a lot of water." Malcolm was mean.
"Why?" Trevor was getting curious. Emma sat down. She was drinking her blood. Slowly. Trevor noticed. This always meant that she didn't want to talk. Can't talk while you are drinking. This was on purpose. "What?"
Emma shook her head and pointed to the bag. Cash almost choked on his bacon. He sipped his coffee and looked at the table. Veronica wasn't saying anything, she was looked down as well. Trevor wanted to touch her but resisted.
"Might as well talk about it. I already know everything because I spent my night alone!" Malcolm smiled and sat at the table of shame.
He smiled because this was the first time he wasn't the one being shamed. "I'm guessing that I was the only one." He laughed and enjoyed his bacon and eggs.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Trevor was worried. How did Malcolm know? Oh, he smelled like her. Damn it. Veronica laughed and tried not to.
"I don't know." Cash glared at his brother. Malcolm just laughed.
"It's none of my business. I should just go back to my shop. I have work to do. Veronica, want to help me?" Trevor smiled at her and pulled her with him as he stood up. He was trying to get out of the kitchen.
"Hold on?" Emma stopped her brother. "What's going on?"
Trevor stopped but didn't turn. "I don't know. Malcolm is crazy."
Malcolm laughed. "True but that doesn't have anything to do with the clothes in the hall." He pointed out.
Trevor looked at his sister and ran upstairs. Malcolm was right. Clothes were everywhere. He stormed back downstairs. "What in the hell, Emma? Did you..?" He didn't want to know.
"I know. I'm sorry. I was very irresponsible." Emma admitted and looked down. Cash stood by her and kissed her hair.
"It wasn't planned. Sorry, Trevor." Cash smiled at Emma. Emma laughed and covered her face. They should be apologizing to Malcolm.
"You should be telling me you're sorry. I am the one that is scarred for life!" Malcolm teased.
Trevor sighed. "It's fine. No big deal. I have work to do." He turned to leave.
Emma stopped him. "Wait. Trevor? What are you not telling me? You never let me off that easy. You should be yelling at me until my vacation is up!" She glared as Trevor turned around and covered his face.
Malcolm laughed. He knew a whore when he saw one.
"What?" Emma had to know. What could responsible Trevor do? He never did anything. She couldn't guess why this was so awkward.
"Well. Nothing. Really. Who am I to judge you? You are a grown woman and I should respect your privacy." Trevor sighed.
"What! Wait...You...." Emma started laughing. She looked at Veronica, who was looking down. "Really?" They looked like little kids that got caught with a cookie before dinner. She wrapped her arms around Cash and kissed him. "I'm proud!" Trevor was sleeping with a vampire!
Veronica looked up at Emma. "Oh, I thought you would be angry!" She was worried that Emma wouldn't like her.
"No, Veronica! I could never judge Trevor. I want to see him happy." Emma smiled at her sister. Veronica smiled and nodded. She just got approval from Trevor's sister.
Trevor laughed and looked up. "I have been hanging out with you too long. I don't know what happened." He took Veronica's hand and walked to his room. He didn't understand it but it was happening again.
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