See You at the Altar
See You at the Altar
"I'm so nervous." Malcolm was buttoning his shirt. He stayed with Tucker, Cash and Trevor last night. They talked until late. The wedding was at one and there was dinner and dancing after.
Cash was dressed and had Byron's ring in his pocket. He was scared he would lose it. He had a nightmare last night that he lost it and Byron turned on him and chased him through the woods. It was not a good night for Cash.
"Do I look okay?"
Tucker smiled. "You look fantastic! I still can't believe you are getting married!"
"To The Alpha!" Trevor pointed out.
"I know!" Malcolm smiled and took a breath. He was going to pass out.
"Maybe you should sit!" Cash pulled Malcolm to a chair. "You look pale. Are you okay?"
Malcolm nodded and took the glass of water that Trevor gave him. "Yes. This is more because I can feel Byron. He's nervous also. I wish he would calm down."
Trevor sighed. "Call him. Maybe that will calm him down. I didn't even know he could be nervous."
Malcolm pulled his phone and called his mate. His soon-to-be-husband.
"Malcolm?" Byron was worried.
"Byron. You need to calm down because I'm going to pass out and then we can't get married." Malcolm smiled.
Byron laughed. He took a breath. "I know. Sorry about that. I'm really nervous. Adam and Val are awesome but I wasn't expecting to be nervous. Did you have a good night?"
"I did. We talked all night. It was great. How about you?" Malcolm sighed. It was nice to talk to Byron and he felt more calm.
"It was wonderful. Ran with the guys. I miss you like crazy though. Can't wait until later!" Byron sighed. "We may have to find a tree!"
Malcolm smiled. "I know. I missed you all night also. It was tough to sleep without you."
"Did you sleep well?" Byron asked. He was worried about Malcolm.
"No, not at all. But I will after today. I will get to sleep with you every night. We'll make up for last night, my love." Malcolm promised.
Byron melted. "We will. I promise. See you at the altar."
"Ten minutes." Malcolm smiled and hung up. "I'm better." He took a deep breath. He felt calm.
"You don't look like you might pass out. That's good." Cash watched his brother.
"I can't believe how much I missed him last night." Malcolm sighed.
Tucker smiled. "I understand. I missed Ruth like crazy." He had been staying with her at her house but he would go to his room in the morning to shower and change clothes.
Ruth already pointed out how stupid that was and cleared a drawer for him. He wasn't sure he was ready to move in but he put some socks in the drawer to make her happy.
Malcolm nodded. "I know. Thanks for staying last night! I really loved having my brothers with me."
"I can't believe Emma is thinking about getting married and I'm relieved. She was so alone. I'm happy she has you, Cash." Trevor smiled.
"I'm happy I have her. We are all doing this again when Emma and I get married. You know that right?" Cash pointed out.
"I know. I hope so, Cash." Malcolm nodded and stood up.
"I will be happy to miss Ruth that night as well, Cash." Tucker agreed.
"I will be here for that also. For my brothers!" Trevor smiled. He was happy to have family. Brothers. He never had this before. He had three sisters.
"I love you guys. Byron better take care of you, Malcolm, or I will die fighting him." Tucker smiled and shrugged. "I could never win with that wolf."
"Thanks for that but I doubt..." Malcolm started.
"I know, Malcolm. We all know Byron would never hurt you. I'm thrilled for you but the oldest brother is supposed to say something like that. I thought I would try it out." Tucker smiled.
"Ready?" Cash smiled. "It's time to get married, Malcolm." He hugged his twin.
Malcolm took a breath and walked out with his brothers and he included Trevor as a brother.
Aspen walked Malcolm down the aisle to Byron. He was the Alpha and no one was giving him away. Malcolm chose this option. Aspen was excited to give his son to Byron.
He was still starstruck. Aspen sat with Kitty and Tucker. Emma, Veronica and Trevor were sitting with the family. Kitty was holding Emma's hand. She was going to cry and Emma handed her a tissue.
Jill was sitting beside Kitty in tears too. Adam was sitting beside her for support. Jill said he was the Beta, that made him family.
The field where they had the ceremony was perfect. White chairs were lined up and the whole pack was there. Everyone dressed casual but it was somehow very elegant.
There were lights strung and white banners were flying lazily in the wind behind the couple. Cash handed Malcolm Byron's ring and was relieved to be rid of it. He exhaled as he handed it over.
Malcolm slid Byron's ring on his finger and looked in his eyes. Byron followed him. Malcolm loved the feeling of Byron sliding his ring on. Byron agreed.
The weather even participated for the event. It was a gorgeous sunny day. Byron was grateful that Emma and Veronica stayed for the whole thing. Veronica was holding an umbrella, sharing it with Emma.
The minister said you may kiss your mate and Malcolm melted into Byron. The minister, Jesse, had to actually separate them. He was nervous because this was the Alpha but they had things to do. Pictures and food. "Sirs." Jesse cleared his throat. The couple was still kissing.
"Byron!" Val almost yelled. He pulled his brother's arm. He never called him by his name.
Byron heard his brother and his head snapped up. "Byron?" He looked at Val.
"Well, it worked." Val shrugged. "Ready to eat?"
Byron looked around. "Oh, right!" He chuckled. "Yes." He pulled Malcolm close. "Let's eat." He inhaled Malcolm and that didn't help. "Shit!"
Malcolm laughed. "I know. I just did that also! I'm not thinking of food just now!" He was very turned on.
"Let's get everyone to the tables for food and I'm sneaking off with you." Byron warned. Malcolm nodded. He had no interest in food. Everyone was under the tent, eating and talking.
People congratulated the couple but Byron wasn't listening. He was trying to but he was just picturing Malcolm in the woods. It was happening soon.
They took the moment. One second where no one was watching and Byron pulled Malcolm out of the tent and they rushed into the woods.
"This will be quick!" Byron was breathless.
Malcolm nodded. He was pulling Byron's pants off. "I know!" He kissed his husband. "I love you!"
"I love you!" Byron smiled a very wolfy smile. "You better hold onto something, Malcolm McIntyre. We want you bad! Now!" This was urgent. Byron pulled his mate close, his husband. "You are mine!" He growled and joined with Malcolm.
He marked him without any warning and they both were undone. Malcolm screamed with Byron and begged for more. Byron wasn't stopping now. They were going to miss that party. Their party.
"Where did they sneak off to?" Kitty had her arms crossed.
Tucker cleared his throat. "Do you want to know?"
"Yes!" Kitty had to make sure her son was okay.
"They went to the woods." Adam spoke up. He knew where the Alpha was. "Trust me, they are very happy right now and I wouldn't look for them. Enjoy the party. They will be back, Kitty. Not soon but they'll be back." Adam smiled.
He knew where the Alpha was and what he was doing. He was trying to focus on anything else. He wanted to give them privacy and he wasn't needed right now.
"Are you saying that they know?" She stared at Adam.
"Oh yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying." Adam smiled. "May I have this dance, Kitty." He looked at Aspen and he nodded. Adam pulled her to the dance floor and danced with her.
Kitty couldn't help but ask. "I have to know that Byron will treat Malcolm with respect."
Adam smiled. "He does, Kitty. All the time. Malcolm's happiness is all that matters. I promise."
"So, when he dragged Malcolm off...he didn't...I don't know...." Kitty was uncomfortable. "There was nothing forced, right?"
Adam laughed. "No! Sorry, Kitty. No. Nothing like that. The want, it is mutual. When they first...mated. It was mutual. Byron would never force himself on Malcolm. Never. Talk to your son if you want to be sure, I promise that Malcolm is in good hands. It's love, Kitty. Pure love."
Kitty nodded. "Thanks, Adam. And congratulations on being the Beta." She never said that to him before.
"Thanks. I was so honored. This position is very...prestigious." Adam smiled as he twirled her around.
Somewhere in the middle of the dancing, the grooms return. Malcolm felt much better. Byron pulled Malcolm to the dance floor and they slowly danced.
Malcolm rested his head on his husband's shoulder. People just watched them dance. Byron closed his eyes and sighed. Malcolm held on for a long time. He lost track of the songs and no one was interrupting them. He would dance with Byron forever.
"Thanks for marrying me, Malcolm." Byron whispered in his ear. He nibbled his ear lobe. He rubbed his finger across Malcolm's wedding band.
Malcolm sighed. "Of course. Thanks for marrying me, Byron. I can't believe I got to marry you! You are the Alpha. The Green River Pack Alpha! I love you!" He whispered into Byron's ear and bit it hard.
Byron growled. "Husband, you are playing with fire!" He pulled Malcolm closer.
Malcolm chuckled. "I know and I love hearing you call me husband. Do you know what you do to me when you bite my ear!"
"I do. It's the reason I do it." Byron smiled.
"Cruel and unusual punishment is what that is." Malcolm smiled as he bit Byron's ear and tugged with his teeth, just a little.
"You are really trying me." Byron whispered and bit Malcolm's ear harder. Malcolm moaned. "You like that?"
"Fuck! We need to find somewhere or I am taking you right here!" Malcolm threatened.
"Are you threatening me?" Byron teased.
Malcolm looked at Byron. "Hell yes!"
Byron was half wolf. "We are going to need you now." He took Malcolm's hand and they rushed from the tent. They never noticed that everyone was watching them. Kitty saw the wolf drag Malcolm away and he was laughing.
Jill stood beside Kitty and Aspen. "Our boys are horndogs." She smiled.
Aspen smiled. "Yes, they are."
"I...don't know what to say!" Kitty smiled. She started laughing. "Are know?"
Jill laughed. "Yes, I believe so."
"That boy could never keep it in his pants!" Aspen smiled. They heard a wolf howling. "Holy shit! I am going to pretend that is anything else." Aspen pulled Kitty close. "Dance with me." He slow danced with his wife.
Jill smiled at the couple. Adam was close to Jill. "Dance with me, Jill?"
Jill smiled. "Sure. I can't say no to the Beta. Congratulations, Adam."
Adam smiled. "Thanks." He pulled her into him. He wrapped his arms around her and she sunk in. He felt amazing. "You feel wonderful like this." Adam stopped talking. "I think I have a crush on you!"
Jill laughed. "Right!" Adam was way too pretty for her. Adam smiled. Jill would never believe him. They were silent and just danced with their eyes closed. He wasn't letting go if she didn't want him to. She had a crush on him, she knew that. He was hot.
Byron and Malcolm wandered back to the party. The sun was setting now. They cut the cake, it was gorgeous. Ruth made it and it was very tasty. Everyone toasted the couple and they spent the night wrapped together, dancing. It was a fun night of celebration. No one was eager to leave very soon.
Kitty had to spend one dance with Malcolm. Jill agreed and took Byron to the floor to dance. "I am dancing once with my son at his wedding." Jill demanded and danced with Byron.
Kitty danced with Malcolm. She had a question. "So, I have a question that I wanted to ask. I didn't ask it yet and hadn't thought of it until today."
Malcolm sighed. "Yes, Mom?"
"I asked Adam but I wanted to ask you. When you first...mated? Nothing was forced, right?" Kitty was being discreet.
Malcolm smiled at his mom. "No. I figured Dad told you already. No, there was lust already. Sex was inevitable. You know me." He smiled at his mom. "Byron was gentle and asked me like four times and we talked about it for a while before that. Even after he started...You know...He asked me if I was okay. Then things got wild!"
Kitty hit his shoulder. "Gross! I'm glad. I was afraid. I just saw Byron's wolf drag you out of here. I wasn't sure."
Malcolm smiled. "That just now was me raping Byron, Mom! Jill should be asking him if he was violated!" He laughed at Kitty's expression.
"Gross! Really? You..." Kitty smiled at him.
"Oh yes! It is hot, Mom. Like the best sex and then better than that. We take turns. It's never one sided. I never knew! I made love to him, Mom." Kitty nodded because she understood that Malcolm didn't do that with women. It was just sex. She never agreed and she was relieved this was different. It changed him.
"He is very good at taking care of me. Very good." Malcolm smiled and looked at Byron. Byron laughed and twirled his mom around.
"Just so you're happy and not forced." Kitty smiled. She never saw him this happy with any woman. Malcolm kissed Kitty cheek and danced until the song was over.
He promised her ten times that he was in love and happy and he would tell her if that changed. Kitty was still watching them.
Jill took her turn with Malcolm as they switched mothers. "Is Kitty okay?" Jill was worried.
Malcolm nodded. "Yes. I think so. She was worried that Byron was raping me or something."
Jill laughed. "I hope he is!"
Malcolm nodded. "In all the right ways!"
Jill laughed. "Good. And the howling?"
Malcolm blushed. "That was me raping him! It was very enjoyable. It lasted longer than expected."
Jill smiled. "Good. I am happy for you, Malcolm. Byron needed you very badly. He better treat you right or he will deal with me."
"I think we will be fine. It's a lot of sex!" Malcolm whispered.
"I expect it is."
"Is that normal and will it stop?" Malcolm figured she would know.
Jill shook her head. "For those who have mates and love, it will get worse. It will never stop or get old. You will always want Byron. He will always want you. I hope you are okay with that, Malcolm."
Malcolm nodded. "Oh, yes. I have never had this much sex and I was a whore! I love having sex with him. He is very skilled!" He smiled at Jill. She nodded. This information pleased her. She loved Malcolm for her son.
Byron spun Kitty around and danced with her. "Kitty."
"Yes." Kitty was nervous.
"I know you're worried about Malcolm but I promise that I will take good care of him. His happiness is all that matters to me. We love each other and I respect him. I need him." Byron watched her.
Kitty nodded. "I wasn't trying to disrespect you by asking those questions. I was just making sure he was really okay."
"I understand and no disrespect, Kitty." Byron took a breath. "I know I get a little aggressive and I'm trying to change that just a little. I have never taken advantage of him. I hope to never hurt him. That just now, that was his fault. My wolf loves him also and we both had to have Malcolm right then. Well, that was Malcolm taking advantage of me and my wolf."
Kitty giggled. "Oh!" She blushed and they both were laughing as the song ended.
Byron took his husband back and wrapped around him. "Missed you. Did you get things cleared up with Kitty?"
"Yes. She was worried that you raped me." Malcolm smiled and kissed Byron.
"I did rape you, which time?" Byron smiled. He hoped that Kitty was okay with them now.
"No. The first time. She was afraid things were forced. I reassured her that they weren't. She is better now. Probably more disturbed but better about us." Malcolm chuckled.
Byron laughed. "Good. I'm going to have my way with you later!" He threatened. Malcolm hoped so. They held each other and were silent.
Byron looked out to watch people as they danced. They looked like they were having a good time. He knew they were being watched by some wolves. Everyone looked happy. He caught Jill and Adam dancing really close.
"Uh, Adam is dancing with my mom." Byron noticed this a couple of times. They were also sitting beside each other eating cake. He began to watch them closer.
Malcolm looked up. "Very good. Are you pointing that out to make sure I didn't fuck your brains out!"
Byron laughed. "Maybe." He watched them. "I don't know. Do you think that there is anything going on there?"
Malcolm watched them. They were close. Adam was whispering to her and she blushed. "Uh, maybe. Don't kill him."
Byron nodded. "Right."
"Byron. Your mom can handle herself. She is lovely and it wouldn't surprise me that Adam finds her attractive. She is very pretty." Malcolm was trying to calm his husband.
"I know. I know Adam also. I just..." Byron growled.
"Byron, don't do it." Malcolm was worried. "Please. Not tonight. This is our wedding."
Byron took a breath. "I know. I will be discreet." He saw the look from Malcolm. "I will try to be discreet." He smiled. He stormed over to his mom and Adam. "What is this?"
Adam looked at the floor and Jill stood in front of him. "Nothing. We are having a fantastic night, Sir."
Malcolm was there. "Byron." He stood between them. People were watching this. "Maybe somewhere less, in the middle of the dance floor at our wedding party?"
"Right." Byron walked out of the tent. Jill and Adam followed. Malcolm huffed and followed. They were in the field. "What's happening?"
"We are dancing, Sir." Jill repeated.
"I am...nothing is happening, Sir." Adam looked at the ground. He didn't want to die tonight.
"So, nothing. This is nothing?" Byron needed to protect his mom.
Adam couldn't lie to his Alpha. "Not really." He sighed. "I like Jill. She is wonderful. Sorry!"
"Like her?" Byron asked. "You guys were awfully close for just liking her, Adam?" He needed to be sure Adam knew he loved Jill. Byron knew they were mates. He could smell them. There was something he knew that his mom didn't know about mates.
Adam sighed. "I am in love with Jill." He closed his eyes.
Jill gasped. "What?" She blushed. No way this man loved her. He was perfect. She was stunned. She could still feel his body on hers.
"Adam?" Byron watched his Beta.
"Are you mated to my mother?" Byron had to ask.
Jill jumped in. "But I already had a mate?" She was confused.
Adam nodded. "I believe I am. Yes." Jill was staring.
Byron laughed and took them both by surprise. Malcolm was shocked. "Wait! But she already had a mate? I thought you get one?" Malcolm had to ask.
"Right. mate breaks the bond." He looked at Jill. "I believe that when Dad hit you and knocked you out, he broke that bond. You can form a bond with another after that. Not many wolves know this because it's not common."
"Adam, you had best take good care of my mother, I will kill you if you don't." Byron growled. It was a threat that he intended to act on.
Adam had stepped back. "Sir. I will. I promise." He was swearing on his life and he knew it.
"You had best. If I see anything, I won't hesitate." Byron was serious.
Adam thought he would have a heart attack right here. "Sir." He nodded.
Byron surprised Adam and hugged him. "Congratulations." He hugged his mother. "Take care of her, Adam. I'm glad it's you."
Jill was still in shock. Adam and Jill needed to talk but he was dancing with her a little longer.
Malcolm pulled Byron to the dance floor. "Stay here." He threatened.
Byron laughed and pulled Malcolm close. "Right here?"
"Yes. Right here. I have something for you later." Malcolm smiled.
Byron looked at his husband. He loved thinking that. "What?"
"I want to show you something that I bought you and I don't want you to throw a fit. I saw it and had to get it for you. I can't return it." Malcolm watched his husband.
"Malcolm. You shouldn't spend your money on me!" Byron stared.
"Yes, I should and I wanted to. I had to get you something. You have been so kind to me and I wanted to return the gesture. This is not a one sided relationship, Byron. Here, with us, we are equal." Malcolm met Byron's stare.
"Equal." Byron nodded. He smiled. "I never had equal before." Byron stared at Malcolm. They had stopped moving and just stared. Byron was enjoying the eye contact.
"Good?" Malcolm asked.
Byron nodded. "I am kissing my husband all night."
"I am kissing you back!" Malcolm smiled. "That ring looks awesome on you." He rubbed Byron's ring finger.
"So awesome." He kissed his husband. Malcolm's hands were in his husband's hair where they belonged. Byron pulled him closer and he just held on to his husband.
"What now?" Malcolm whispered.
Byron sighed. "I don't know. Hunt vampires. The usual."
"I was hoping you would say that! I can't wait to hunt with you." Malcolm glared. "You had better let me fight! I am in need of a fight."
Byron growled. "My wolf wants to accept that challenge...later."
Malcolm laughed. "Sounds really dirty somehow." He blushed and put his forehead on Byron's shoulder. They both laughed. Byron was never letting Malcolm go. No one made him feel this way.
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