New Something
New Something
Emma had a great day of sleep and had work to do. She opened the tan folder. Three vampires were asking questions in town asking about her. They weren't close yet but they could get there.
They thought she was a man because she was strong. They had the blue iridescent eyes right so they knew she was a vampire. She had her head covered so they didn't know her hair color. Someone wanted to stop her. Vampires were hunting a hunter?
This was a dangerous game and Emma was going to lose it eventually. Someone would find out and kill her. It was past time that she died anyway. Maybe she could die helping others. She sighed. "Focus, Emma." She said that out loud.
"You are losing it! Lecturing yourself out loud now?" Trevor walked in and stood behind her. He was reading.
"You know how much I hate that you read over my shoulder, right?" Emma asked. Stupid question. He knew.
"Of course. I wanted to know what you were being sent into. We are a team, you know. I need to know this information!" Trevor defended himself.
Emma ignored him and kept reading. She had a meeting place and coordinates. She was ready for a trap. Byron didn't want them killed, he just wanted information. Emma wanted to kill them.
She was sure Bryon wasn't getting what he wanted on this hunt. She had to wait until later and she was anxious. This vampire was planning things and they had to find out what. She was worried.
Emma was on a back road with her brother in her ear. It was three A.M. Prime time for vampires. It was her favorite time of the day as well. It was dark and only the vampires were lurking.
She smelled them and then saw them, as a pair, smash her front end. One on either side.
Emma was pissed now. This was supposed to be a peaceful meeting. She smiled as she thought about it. She was getting answers the hard way and it was just what she wanted. She wasn't at the coordinance yet so how did they know she was out here?
"My car!" She was pissed. She stopped the car and climbed out. "Damn it! You are paying for that!"
The fender was bent on each side of the car. It looked like she hit two large deer or small bears. She marched to the first one with her sword drawn and killed him.
She flipped over the hood and the second one punched her in the face. She smiled a pointy smile. "This will hurt." She warned.
She kicked the female vampire in the face and wrapped her legs around her neck, tight. Emma flipped her up and she landed hard on the hood. Emma held him down. "Who are you working for?"
Vampire grunted in pain. "York. I don't know another name. He wanted the hunter that's killing his vampires. You. He wanted to meet with you."
"What does he want with me?" Emma asked.
"I don't know. He thinks you are a man! I didn't know you were a woman. You are a vampire? A hunter?" This vampire was collecting information. Did she have a comm device as well? Emma searched her for any devices. Nothing. She was expecting to leave alive.
"Why does he want me?" Emma had to ask. Who was this guy?
The vampire laughed. "I don't know. He doesn't tell us anything so that we can't tell the enemy. None of us know jack!" The vampire spit some blood.
"So you have nothing for me?" Emma asked. The vampire shook her head. Emma saw the look in this vampire's eye. She wouldn't talk if she did know something. It wasn't tough to guess what York wanted with the hunter. He wanted to kill her.
Emma had vampires searching for her. Damn it. She couldn't let this girl live. Emma killed her and looked at her car. "Stupid vampires." She really hated them.
She walked to her driver's side and sniffed the air. She had caught a scent earlier when she was dealing with the vampires and now it was important. Hunters were close.
Shit. She got in and sped away. She didn't go straight home because they could have followed her.
Emma drove for hours and then meandered home. She reviewed everything. No way they would know who she was. Were hunters after her also? She didn't need this.
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