Kitty's Education
Kitty's Education
Malcolm's mom, Kitty, arrived earlier than expected. It was mid-morning and she was worried she was too early. They were expecting her later in the afternoon but she was worried about her boys and she was sick of being at the house alone.
Aspen gave her directions on the phone. There was no other way to get there, this place was hidden. Aspen figured Skyler told York and that's how his men got there.
Kitty was very unsure when she got out of the car and then she saw Aspen. This was clearly the right place. It was so nice back here. She wasn't expecting to see a huge cabin.
Aspen greeted her. "Kitty, welcome." He kissed her and hugged her tight. He missed his wife. "You are early but I'm grateful!"
"I missed you, Aspen. Are you okay?" Kitty was shorter than Aspen by a couple of inches but she still wasn't short. She looked more like Malcolm and Cash. Tucker favored Aspen. Malcolm had Kitty's very sexy smile. Aspen always thought that she was sexy when she smiled. She looked nice even though she just drove for two days.
"It's nice to be out of the car. Is Tucker okay?" Kitty let go of Aspen.
"Well, things are complicated. The boys are swimming, come on. Let's let them know you're here." Aspen took her hand and led her down a path.
"And the Alpha? Is he here somewhere and does he know I'm coming!" She didn't want to piss him off.
"He is expecting you. Not quite this early but don't worry. You're fine. Just keep an open mind, Kitty. Can you do that?" Aspen wanted to warn his wife. "There are things to tell you and I don't want you to be shocked."
"I am very open minded, Aspen!" Kitty was appalled.
"Sure you are. Just keep saying that to yourself." Aspen chuckled because he knew what was coming. She was going to freak out.
"Oh, what about my bag?"
"We can get that later." Aspen knew it was safe. "We have things to discuss first."
Kitty looked around. This place was gorgeous. "So, you met the Alpha?"
"Byron, yes." Aspen was nervous.
Kitty was curious. "How is he?" She figured he was horrible like his predecessor. "I heard all the stories about his dad." She was afraid he would be like that, all mean and cruel. Hateful. She never really wanted to meet Byron McIntyre. "I figured we would get the boys and leave and I wouldn't have to meet the Alpha."
"If only things could be that simple, Kitty!" Aspen laughed. "Well, just remember we love our sons." He stopped walking. "Can you do that?"
"What kind of question is that, Aspen? I already said I would keep an open mind and I love our boys!" Kitty was nervous now. "Did the Alpha kill someone? Was it one of our boys?"
Aspen laughed. "No! Trust me.'s complicated. Very complicated. Stay open minded." He was going to keep repeating that.
Kitty was defensive. "I am open minded, Aspen!"
Aspen shook his head. "You say that now. Just remember that our sons are all happy. Can you do that?"
"Of course." Kitty was appalled. That is all she ever wanted.
Aspen chuckled and began to walk again. They were almost to the lake. "Hold on to the optimism, my dear. Let's go." He took a breath.
Kitty walked beside Aspen and he took her hand as they walked. She found herself strolling through a wooded area with her husband. It was quiet and gorgeous here. She wondered where everyone was.
"It's just gorgeous here." Kitty was looking around. Maybe this was why they hadn't left yet.
"It is, yes." He was thinking of building a house here. He had to wait for Kitty's reaction to everything.
Malcolm still had to pick a date to marry the Alpha, Cash was with a vampire and Tucker was happy with a wolf. It was a lot. How did he even begin? Kitty was going to freak out. They got to the lake and watched the family playing in the water.
Byron was on the cliff and jumped in, he splashed everyone. Malcolm splashed Byron. Kitty watched as people were laughing and dunking each other. They were out a distance so it was tough to tell who was who.
The lake was lovely. It was tucked back in the woods. There was a cliff, a waterfall that someone was climbing up and jumped off. It was a climbing wall. She wondered if it was handmade.
Werewolves gave her chills. She never met one and had never intended on it and now, she was in their woods. She wondered where the Alpha was because no one entered without the Alpha knowing about it. She was sure of that.
The Alpha probably wasn't here because these people looked like they were having fun. She figured that the Alpha didn't have fun with anyone.
Aspen waved. "Hey, your mom's here." He didn't talk very loud but everyone turned to look at them. They all heard him. She knew some of them were wolves. Two men swam towards them. She saw that one was Malcolm and the other...she had no idea.
Kitty inhaled as they walked out of the water. The other guy was hot. She watched the water slide down his body. Nice body. He was a gorgeous man. He had long hair and muscles everywhere. She took some breaths or she was going to faint. She almost drooled.
Aspen pulled Kitty with him, closer to the men. She had to concentrate. One was Malcolm.
Focus on your son. She was thinking that very hard.
Kitty was staring at the man with the body. Well, the body, face, hair, legs. He was the whole package. He was nice looking.
She took a breath or she would swoon. She was married. Right. With kids. She had Aspen. Right. She loved her husband, Aspen. Right.
Aspen introduced Kitty to Byron. "This is Kitty. Kitty, this is Byron."
Byron smiled.
Kitty stared. "Byron, like the Alpha?" Maybe he was just named after the Alpha.
Byron smiled. "Yes, Ma'am." He wiped water from his hair. "The one and only." He stuck his dry dry hand out for Kitty to shake. Kitty took his hand and blushed. "Byron McIntyre, It's a pleasure to meet you."
She smiled at him. "The pleasure is all mine." She looked at his chest before she could stop herself.
Aspen chuckled. "Easy Kitty, he's taken."
Kitty released Byron's hand. "Sorry!" She wondered which lucky woman belonged to him.
Malcolm cleared his throat. His mom was ogling his man. This was disturbing. "Mom."
"Sorry, Malcolm!" Kitty was embarrassed. She hugged her youngest. "Sorry, Honey. How are you? I missed you!"
Malcolm let go. "I missed you. I'm glad you're here."
"I figured you guys would already be heading home. Is everything settled here?" She figured they had unfinished business to do. She held his face and looked him over to make sure he was okay. He looked like he was in one piece. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Things got complicated." Malcolm looked worried.
Kitty flinched. "Please say that you didn't get one of the wolves pregnant!"
They didn't need that drama! She knew that would be bad and it was her worst fear. The Alpha may kill all of them. Maybe that was why he was there. All hot. He could kill her and she wouldn't be mad.
"No!" Malcolm laughed. Byron chuckled. "No one is pregnant that I know of. I'm getting married though."
Kitty began to laugh. "Right!" She looked around and no one was laughing. She cleared her throat and realized he wasn't kidding. "Really? What?" Maybe she heard wrong.
"Married. I know it's crazy. It's worse than it sounds." Malcolm had to warn her. He was so afraid to tell her. Aspen chuckled. Malcolm glared at his dad then turned to Kitty. "Byron."
Kitty stared. "What? Sorry. That sounds like you said Byron?"
Byron smiled. "Yep. Me. Malcolm is my mate, Kitty. We are getting married."
Kitty gasped and Malcolm was sure that he was going to hear a lecture. "Well, damn it all to hell! It would figure you were gay! Look at you! The gorgeous ones are always gay! Why is that?"
"Mom!" Malcolm was shocked.
Kitty laughed. "Should I be surprised, Malcolm?"
He looked at his mom and smiled. "No, not at all." Malcolm thought for a second. "Well, yes actually. I had never been with a man and never wanted to get married. So, yes."
Kitty looked at Byron. "You better take good care of my son because he is my baby."
Byron nodded. "I promise. I could never harm him, Kitty, he is my life."
Kitty watched him and nodded. She was watching them. "Is this a phase?"
Malcolm laughed. "No, Mom. Not even close. I'm his mate. I belong to him. This is permanent. I wasn't looking for this at all and never thought about being with a man until I met Byron."
Kitty could understand that because she never thought about another man besides Aspen until she saw Byron. He was hot.
"We were both surprised and now we have to pick a date." Byron added. He was pretty sure Kitty was crushing on him. Most people did though.
Malcolm looked at Byron and Kitty saw the mark. It was a bite mark. Someone bit him. "What is that?" She figured it was a war wound and didn't want to know. When they went out, she worried and was always afraid they would die.
"What happened to your neck?" She was in mom mode. She turned him to see it better and make sure it wasn't infected. It didn't look like a vampire bite. She had seen those.
Malcolm smiled. She saw the mark. Byron was taking this. "It's complicated. I don't want you to be concerned. It's something that wolves do. It's my mark." Byron was worried she would have the wrong idea.
Kitty stared at Byron. "You said you would never hurt him?" That was an accusation.
Byron nodded. "I won't and you have my word. This wasn't painful. I didn't hurt him." He looked at Kitty's face and Kitty look at his shoulder. She attempted to make eye contact but couldn't do it. His gaze was intense and she wondered how Malcolm could do it.
Malcolm rescued his mate. "Mom, trust me when I tell you it didn't hurt. At all. There was no pain involved" He smiled. "He has marked me five times."
Byron smiled. "You keep count?"
Malcolm smiled at Byron. "Damn right!" Byron melted into Malcolm and they kissed. Malcolm's hands were in Byron's hair again. It was almost dry now. They melted together.
Cash and Tucker walked up. They were trying to give them privacy. "Malcolm is even more disgusting now, Mom. Hi, missed you." Cash hugged Kitty and Tucker followed. She missed her boys. Malcolm and Byron finally let go but they stayed close.
"Cash, are you okay with whatever Malcolm is doing?" She knew it would affect him the most.
Malcolm almost lost it because Cash was his own disaster. Dating a vampire was despicable. He really liked Emma for his brother. Malcolm covered his mouth.
"Shut up!" Cash glared at Malcolm then turned to Kitty. "I am." Malcolm was wiping tears from the laughter and Byron was chuckling. Cash was ignoring Byron as he put on a shirt.
"Trust me, I have heard the details. You don't want to know but I know he is happy and Byron will take good care of him. Byron's great, Mom and perfect for Malcolm. They are both pervs." He smiled at Byron and he nodded.
Byron pulled Malcolm closer. "I am in love with Malcolm, Kitty." He smelled Malcolm's hair. "He is my mate and that won't change but I love him also. Not all mates have love but we are lucky." He was thinking about his mom and dad. They never had love.
"I love him too, Mom. I will protect him just as he will protect me." Malcolm smiled. Kitty could see he was happy. She nodded.
"Aspen? Are you okay with this as well?" Kitty asked her husband. She trusted him.
"Absolutely. I was surprised that I would be but Byron is charming and would eat me if I wasn't okay with this." He smiled at the Alpha. Byron smiled.
"We have all talked and I have seen them fight together. I have watched them talk. It is disgusting and sweet, Kitty. I trust Byron." Aspen smiled at Byron.
"Thanks, Aspen. That means a lot." Byron stated.
"Tucker?" Kitty was worried about him but happy to see him outside.
Tucker just nodded. He had his own problems.
"Does your family know?" Kitty had to ask Byron.
Byron nodded. "My pack is my family." He pointed to a man standing beside Tucker. "That is my brother, Val. We just had dinner with my mom last night and she is part of my pack. I am very family oriented and they know everything, Kitty. Malcolm wanted to wait to tell you until you were here." He pulled Val to his other side. "Kitty, this is Val McIntyre, Val, Kitty Hawkins."
"Are you gay too?" Kitty figured he was because he was gorgeous.
Val laughed. "No. We don't really think of Byron as gay. Malcolm is his mate. It's nothing to do with him being male. It's a mate thing. It's tough for people to understand."
"Wolves don't see sex when it involves a mate. I'm very happy for my brother. Malcolm makes him happy and that is enough for me. I don't have a mate as of yet."
Byron was in shock because Val called him his brother. It was fantastic to hear.
"This will take a lot to get used to." Kitty took a breath.
Malcolm laughed and put his face in Byron neck. Byron wrapped around Malcolm and smiled. He chuckled softly. He kissed Malcolm's hair. "There is more, Kitty." Byron smiled into Malcolm's hair.
"I hate you both!" Cash glared at them. "Let's go find a place to sit. Maybe in the shade." He walked down the path they came from without checking to see if anyone followed.
Emma followed him. She was nervous. Vampires were the enemy and she figured even Kitty thought that. She wasn't a hunter but her sons and husband were. She knew about hunters and how they thought. All vampires equal the enemy.
Byron took Malcolm's hand and walked slowly behind the group. "Everyone is here, why don't we just get married this weekend?" Byron asked. They stayed behind everyone else. Byron wanted to talk to Malcolm.
Malcolm sighed. Not a bad idea. He looked at Byron's hand that was entwined in his. "Okay." This man wanted to marry him and worse, he wanted to marry this man.
Byron pulled him to a stop. "Really?"
Malcolm looked into Byron's eyes. "Yes. Saturday is good for me." He touched Byron's face and looked into his eyes. He loved those pretty dark eyes. "Marry me Saturday, Byron."
Byron looked into Malcolm's gorgeous eyes. They were a soft blue. He was thinking of dragging his mate off but there was nowhere private to drag Malcolm. "Yes, but I was supposed to ask you. We have to get rings and let everyone know. I can call a meeting at midnight tonight." He watched Malcolm's pretty blue eyes.
"Okay. Honeymoon?" Malcolm asked.
"I don't know. Where would you like to go?" Byron was asking for his opinion.
"Somewhere hot. You don't have to pack too many clothes. Just this." Malcolm smiled and looked Byron up and down. He was in swim trunks and nothing else. "This is perfect. So, Hawaii?" He slid his hands up Byron's body.
"Hawaii it is. I will talk to my travel agent in a while. Make arrangements for me and my husband." Byron melted into Malcolm. "You will be my husband, Malcolm McIntyre." Byron loved the sound of that. He growled as he kissed his fiance. His mate. He held Malcolm as he melted into the growl.
"We are going to need somewhere private!" Malcolm was almost desperate for Byron.
"You guys okay?" Aspen broke the bubble.
Malcolm and Byron looked around. The whole group had stopped to watch them talking. They were huddled in the middle of the trail and were almost one person as the air around them vibrated. "Never better. Uh, we'll be back!" Malcolm stated and dragged Byron away through the woods. Both men were laughing.
"That happens a lot." Trevor pointed out. He was holding Veronica's hand. She wrapped an arm around him and sighed. This was nice and the shade was much better. The sunscreen helped but it was better in the shade.
"You kind of get used to it." Cash stated. "It's weird. They'll find us." He kept walking. Everyone else followed.
"What were they talking about?" Kitty had to ask. They were so sweet just then.
"We don't want to know, probably." Tucker promised. "They are both pervs so we don't ask." They sat at a table on the patio, in the shade.
"Should we wait for them?" Kitty asked. She was new.
"No!" Everyone stated at the same time. Kitty laughed.
"So, Mom. I guess I'm next." Cash inhaled. "This is Emma."
Kitty was starting to get nervous again but Emma looked very nice. "Hello, Emma. Should I be worried?"
Emma smiled. "No. Not at all. I love Cash and it wasn't planned. My brother, Trevor, and I hunt vampires." Trevor put his hand up holding up two fingers. Veronica was sitting on his lap. She looked small and dainty.
"We live here. Byron is my uncle, sort of. He is like our godfather. We are part of this pack. I would never hurt Cash. I couldn't. He is wonderful."
"I know he is, Emma. So, you are a wolf?" Kitty figured she was.
Emma looked at Cash. Cash took over. "No. She was a hunter, well, she still hunts. We have gone on a few hunts together. She helped with the York incident. She helped save Byron."
"I'm sorry about Trish. I wasn't there yet. I was helping Val and Adam but I am very sorry. I have lost a lot hunting vampires and I understand." Emma wiped a tear and cleared her throat.
Trevor took over. "I help her when she hunts. I help with directions and make weapons. I don't hunt but I'm with her. She keeps a comm device in her ear to listen to me complain."
Trevor smiled. "We lost a lot in battle. One in particular went very wrong about ten years ago and Emma was turned in the process. She is a vampire but she doesn't kill people. She kills vampires. I know it's strange but I think that Cash is perfect for her."
Kitty stared at Emma. "You are a vampire?"
Emma nodded and Cash held her hand. "She is wonderful, Mom."
Byron and Malcolm were wandering back over. They were talking and walking slowly. Emma smiled. She never saw Byron so relaxed and happy.
Kitty saw the look. She watched them too. Malcolm looked truly happy. She never saw that before. She saw Malcolm pull Byron to a stop and kiss him. She knew that Malcolm was the only one that could do that.
"You are close to Byron?" Kitty asked.
Emma turned to look at Kitty. "Yes. He is like a father figure to me. We are very close, Kitty. I help him and he helps me too. I work for this pack. I take assignments that the pack can't deal with and keep people safe or I try. I love being a vampire hunter. I know this is strange but Malcolm is gay!" Emma repeated what Cash said to Aspen. She began to panic towards the end.
Everyone laughed. Kitty wiped a tear. "Oh, Emma! I like you. I guess we will have to get to know one another. Just out of curiosity, what do you drink?"
"Veronica and I stick to bagged blood that is donated. Sorry, Veronica!" Emma covered her mouth.
"It's okay. Hello. I'm with Trevor, clearly." Veronica smiled. Trevor smiled and kissed Veronica. "We don't kill people. Never."
"What do your parents think?" Kitty asked.
Byron was on this one, they just walked up. He was still holding Malcolm's hand. "They are no longer with us, Kitty, I know they would have freaked out!" He smiled. "They were both vampire hunters."
Emma nodded and Trevor agreed. "Dad would have had a heart attack."
"I'm so sorry! I had no idea." Kitty blushed and felt stupid for asking.
"Byron is our family. Well, the whole pack here. We are part of them and it helps." Emma smiled. "Don't worry, Kitty. How could you know? We're fine, well, messed up but we're happy." Kitty smiled and agreed. This was all kinds of messed up but it seemed to work. She was happy not to be involved.
Trevor nodded. Everyone was silent for a while. Tucker disappeared a while ago and returned with a woman and some trays. Byron just chuckled and Tucker glared at his chest.
"You okay, Tucker?" Byron was mean. He knew what Tucker was doing. It was the same thing he was doing in the woods but Tucker was in the kitchen.
"Fine. I'm fine." He was silent. He set a tray down that had little finger foods on it. Trevor and Veronica didn't know about him either. Cash hadn't said anything to Emma either. Aspen knew and he enjoyed Byron.
"Are you okay, Tucker?" Kitty was worried.
Tucker took a breath. "Yes. We can go later and see Trish's grave site. Byron was kind enough to allow her burial at their private cemetery." He cleared his throat.
He had just ravaged his wolf in the kitchen. He was in love. He knew his mom would never understand this. No way. He didn't understand it but somehow Malcolm did. He was grateful.
He hadn't really talked to his dad so he didn't know for sure how he felt. Maybe he should wait. He was waiting. He decided not to say anything.
"May I, Tucker?" Byron asked. He knew that Tucker was having a tough time. Tucker nodded and was relieved. "We are in a difficult situation with Tucker. He loved Trish and will for the rest of his life. You know that, Yes?" Byron watched Kitty.
"Of course." Kitty looked worried. "What is this about?"
Byron cleared his throat. "When we find our mate, it is not voluntary. I know that first hand." He looked at Malcolm and back to Kitty.
"There is never a good time either. It's always very inconvenient and life changing for everyone. Each situation is unique and awkward. Every time. This is no different. One of my wolves discovered she was Tucker's mate. He is dealing with it and it's tough for him. Her also."
"Did you cheat on Trish?" Kitty was mad.
Tucker shook his head. "No. I had no idea until later...after." He wiped a tear.
Byron took over. "He has been a complete gentleman and my wolf is a wonderful lady. Very respectful."
Ruth looked down and blushed at the compliment from the Alpha.
"They have a challenge but they are trying to work it out but it's going to take time and open minds. They need understanding from the family because this is fragile. Tucker doesn't want to betray Trish but he has a pull to his mate. It's challenging, Kitty."
"There is a pull to your mate and it is strong. Unrelenting." Byron sighed. "I drove fifty miles just for a chance to sit with Malcolm at dinner, just to be in the same house."
Malcolm gasped. "You said you were in town on business and dropped by!"
"Right. Totally lied." Byron smiled and shrugged. "Well, no. I needed to make sure Emma was okay, that was the other reason. You were the main reason."
"I debated even going to check on Emma. I didn't want to be weird. My plan was to check on Emma and see you and leave but things changed. I caught your scent at the door, I damn near shifted. I had to fight the wolf and then I sat beside you and the fifty miles was well worth it."
Malcolm glared at Byron and Byron smiled. He loved it when Malcolm glared. He shrugged. "I couldn't say I was there to see you! It would have been creepy and you wouldn't have kissed me later. I wasn't expecting that!" Byron confessed and smiled.
"So, you...are mated to a wolf?" Kitty stared at Tucker.
Tucker nodded. He couldn't speak because he was feeling guilty. Ruth was there. She waved.
"I'm very sorry. I'm Ruth. I did my best to stay away but then he wasn't eating after Trish died and I knew he would starve. I spent the last week making sure he ate."
"She wouldn't leave until I finished every meal. We talked." Tucker whispered.
"I lost my husband years ago." Ruth cleared her throat.
Byron stepped in. "Ruth was married to a human. My father killed him one night just because he wasn't a wolf. He said it was purifying the pack. He believed only wolves should be married to other wolves. He killed the others. He wasn't well liked. I don't share his values or lack of values. He was a terrible man. I'm glad he's dead."
Malcolm nuzzled Byron and inhaled. "I love you."
Byron smiled at his mate and inhaled. Malcolm just calmed Byron down. "Thanks." He needed that.
Malcolm spoke for Tucker. "Mom, Ruth is wonderful and respectful. Just go easy on them. This mate thing isn't the easiest to deal with. It's wild. Very wild. I mean I just dragged my man into the woods!"
Malcolm smiled at Byron. "There isn't a lot of control over anything so just love him and don't judge. It's what he needs right now." Malcolm smiled at Tucker. He understood what his brother was going through but Tucker had guilt too. Malcolm didn't feel guilty.
Tucker smiled at Malcolm. "Thanks, Malcolm." No one else could understand.
Malcolm nodded. "Plus, Ruth is wonderful and can cook anything." He smiled at her. She looked at the floor and blushed. This was his way of protecting his brother.
"We also have an announcement to change the mood." Byron smiled. "We figured that since everyone was here we could get married on Saturday. Thoughts?"
Kitty gasped. "Seriously!"
Malcolm couldn't tell if that was a good gasps or bad one. "Yes. But we want your opinion."
Val spoke up. "That's a first." He smiled at his brother.
Byron laughed. "Malcolm is rubbing off on me."
"Good to see, Brother." Val smiled.
"I'm going to need a best man, Val. Would you be my best man?" Byron was actually nervous.
Val looked surprised. "Hell yes!" He rushed Byron and hugged him. He hugged Malcolm and kissed both of his cheeks. "Welcome to our family, Malcolm."
"Thanks, Val. I'm honored."
"So, Saturday?" Cash asked.
"Yes. If Mom's okay with it?" Malcolm watched her.
"Oh, yes. I was just shocked that it was so soon." Kitty smiled.
"Like I said before. It's wild and I can't wait." Malcolm leaned into Byron. Cash and Tucker passed out hugs and Emma hugged Byron twice.
"I am making a special dinner for tonight." Ruth spoke up. She cleared her throat.
"You would do that, Ruth?" Byron was shocked.
Ruth nodded. "You are my Alpha and I'm happy for you, Sir. It's good to see you happy." She smiled and looked at the ground. "You have never hurt me, Sir."
"Thanks, Ruth. Really." Byron smiled. He knew they would never be friends but she respected him and that was enough. "I never will either."
Ruth nodded. She knew he wasn't his father and she was grateful.
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