Jill's Night
Jill's Night
Jill danced with Adam all night. He never left her or so much as stepped on her foot. He took her hand and walked through the field to her house. It was close to the moon. Tomorrow night. Jill couldn't wait. Adam took her hand and took a breath. He needed to touch her.
"I am so sorry!" Adam stated.
Jill stopped walking. "For what?" She watched her Greek god.
Adam tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "For this. I didn't know at first. I have been feeling it for a while but I didn't know for certain until tonight."
"How did you know? I never even had a dream about you!" Jill was lost.
"I know. I smelled you and I was immediately turned on in the office but I had other things to worry about. When I touched you to dance with you, I had to fight my wolf. He wanted you."
"I knew then and couldn't let go of you. I saw the Alpha look at us and I knew he knew. I could feel that he was pissed. Shocked, worried." Adam sighed. "I was scared for my life."
"He couldn't hurt you, Adam, unless you cross him or hurt me. He would just scare you until then." Jill pointed out.
"I know that but it doesn't change things when he is charging me." Adam pointed that out.
"I understand but he would never hurt me that way. He's just worried because his dad was a prick!" Jill smiled.
"That is an understatement, Jill." Adam sighed. "Let me walk you home and I will see you tomorrow." He held his arm and she hooked her arm in his. They walked in silence. It was a gorgeous night. "So, the Alpha is married."
Jill nodded. "I know. It's a good thing for this pack."
"It is. Everyone is happy for him. I can feel that." They walked up the stone walkway. Adam took a breath and heard Jill do the same.
"Well, good night, Jill." Adam smiled at her.
"Adam." She watched his pretty blue eyes. Turquoise eyes. He was gorgeous. "I hope you had a great night."
Adam nodded. He touched her face and kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams." He opened her door and she walked in and closed the door.
Adam leaned against it and groaned. He was very turned on just talking to Jill. He knew her his whole life and always thought she was hot.
Jill opened the door and Adam fell into the house, on the floor with a thud. "Shit! Adam! I'm so sorry!" She didn't know he was leaning on the door.
"Ouch!" Adam was on the floor. "Sorry! I was about to leave." He sat up. Jill took his hand and pulled him up and into her. She closed her door.
"Stay." Jill growled.
"Woman!" Adam was helpless. "The Alpha will castrate me!" He thought about that. "It will be worth it!" He inhaled. He pulled Jill to him and kissed her. They were both in trouble. They both moaned. Jill wrapped around Adam and his hands trailed down her body. He loved her body.
Jill cursed. She unbuttoned his shirt and almost ripped it off and dropped it by the door. Her hands slid over his nicely muscled chest. He unzipped her dress and it fell to the floor. She helped him with the undergarments.
"Gorgeous!" Adam couldn't help but notice. He enjoyed one kiss after another. "I need you, Jill!"
"Adam! I need you." Jill was undone.
"Where in the hell is your room?" Adam asked.
"Couch is closer!" Jill smiled and Adam nodded. He was dragging her to the couch. He enjoyed his woman over the couch and then on the cushions. They rolled to the floor and he wasn't stopping.
"Are you okay, Sweetheart?" Adam melted.
Jill nodded wildly. "Yes! This is..." Her mouth was on his. She slid her hands up and down his chest. "So good!"
Adam nodded and slowed the kisses and moved with her slower. He felt the shift. It changed from desperate sex to love. Adam was in love with her and showed her with every movement.
He loved her with his body and took his time. The sun was rising before he stopped. He wiped her tears as he held her. "You okay?"
Jill sniffed and wiped tears with her knuckle. "Sorry! I never...this was beautiful, Adam. No man ever touched me like that. I didn't know it could be so beautiful. I had no idea! I'm being ridiculous"
"It was beautiful. It's about to be again, my love and you are not being ridiculous." Adam kissed her slowly and slid his hands up her body.
He took his time and loved her again. He showed her how it was supposed to be. They wrapped up together and fell asleep on the floor in a blanket.
Jill never slept so good. So deep. They slept so deep that they didn't hear the Alpha enter the living room.
Byron walked in and had to step over clothes that were in a pile by the door. Clearly, they didn't make it very far. He inhaled. They were in the living room.
He stormed into the living room to see Adam on the floor with Jill wrapped around him. They were covered with a blanket and the couch cushions were knocked off the couch. One was hanging off. Part of him wanted to smile at the sight. He could tell that there was passion. His mom needed passion.
Malcolm pulled Byron around. "They are fine."
"I have to make sure. That is my mother!" Byron was worried.
"Adam is your Beta. Your most trusted wolf, Byron. Nothing has changed since he was chosen and accepted your challenge. He is the same wolf and he loves your mom. Look at them. That is so sweet!" He sighed.
"What is wrong with you?" Byron glared at Malcolm.
"We have been through this. Everything is wrong with me but I know love when I see it and Adam isn't your dad, Byron. You know that. Adam is a good wolf. He isn't Skyler either. Look at them." Malcolm smiled. "She was in need of some good lovin!"
Adam heard people talking. The Alpha was in his room. Was there an emergency? He realized he wasn't in his room as he opened his eyes. Jill was draped across his chest and she was asleep. Adam reached for the blanket to pull it up higher. "Sir."
"I was just...I had to make sure she was safe." Byron watched Adam.
"I know. I promise she's safe. I didn't plan for this to happen. I was going to leave." Adam was nervous.
"I know. She looks happy, Adam. Keep up the good work." Byron winked.
Malcolm laughed and woke Jill. "Sorry!" He flinched.
"What?" Jill looked around. "What are you doing in my living room, Byron?"
"Checking on you." Byron said it like it was obvious.
"I'm fine. Oh, this wasn't planned. He isn't Troy, Byron." Jill promised.
Byron took a breath. "I know."
"I told him that too!" Malcolm sighed. "Come on, Sir. Take a break."
"You don't call me sir...you call me Alpha!" Byron growled at Malcolm. Malcolm laughed and took off out the door at a sprint and Byron chased him out of the house and into the woods. They heard both men laughing.
Adam touched Jill. "Morning, Dear." He kissed her head.
"Morning." Jill was a little embarrassed. "Last night with you was..." She had no idea what he was feeling.
"Fantastic!" Adam finished her sentence and wanted to let her know his feelings. "I love you, Jill and never want to hurt you. I never want to sleep without you either."
Jill looked at him. "What? Really? I... Is this because of Byron? I really can take care of myself."
"Are you trying to give me an out?" Adam smiled at Jill.
"I guess so. The mate thing's not a choice. I wanted you to have one." Jill clarified.
"Let me be clear, Jill." His stare was piercing. "I love you now more than last night and that was the best sex I ever had. I have no interest in hurting you. I want to cherish you for the rest of my life even if the Alpha hates it. I would die to love you, Jill." Adam watched Jill the whole time. "Is that clear?"
Jill sat up as she wiped tears. "Really?"
Adam stood up and pulled her to him. "Where's your room?" Jill pointed toward the hallway as he picked her up in his arms. Adam almost ran there. "I am making love to you until dinner. Any questions?" He laid her on the bed, gently.
Jill stared. "No. Are you sure?"
Adam growled. "I'm sure." He kissed her face and laid beside her. "I need you." The kisses got more desperate. "We love you, Jill."
"Adam, we love you too!" Jill melted completely into Adam when she heard his growl. She belonged to him. He took his mate and marked her. She begged him for more. They both reveled in this moment. He never thought he would be this happy. He loved his mate until dinner as promised. He fell more in love with each movement. Each moan. They were one.
Jill hated to admit she was nervous about dinner. Byron invited the immediate family for dinner at his house. Adam marked her and that would be noticed and she had no idea how he would take it. Adam met her at her house and took her arm. "Shall we."
"You look fantastic, Adam." Jill smiled. She kissed him.
"You are gorgeous, Jill. I went home to change and I missed you terribly!" Adam was relieved to be beside her again. They were insync and Jill felt very steady. Balanced.
"Will he kill me?" Adam had to ask.
"He better not!" Jill sighed. "I will protect you, my love." She promised that.
"I may need you to." Adam took a breath and put his face in Jill's hair. He took a deep breath and felt calm. "Thank you."
Jill smiled. "Always. I never had this before, Adam. I'm sorry to compare you to Troy. You are much different in the best way possible."
"I could never mistreat you, Jill, I hope you understand that. I am marking you again later, if we live through dinner." Adam half joked.
Byron met them at the front door. "Adam." He watched them.
Malcolm pulled Byron back. "Easy. Alpha." He smiled Byron's favorite sexy smile. "Calm down. Adam, Jill. Great to see you. Are you okay?" He watched Jill.
Jill blushed. "We are great. How are you?"
Malcolm smiled. "Great!"
"Good to know."
Malcolm couldn't stop himself. "So, Adam? Did you mark her?" He winked.
Jill blushed and Adam looked at the floor. Malcolm recognized a fellow whore. Byron was watching. "Couldn't stop me, I'm afraid." Adam was waiting to be eaten.
Byron smiled and threw himself on Adam. "Congratulations!" He hugged his mom. "May I see it?" He saw the suspicion. "I know he isn't lying, Mom. I just wanted to see it! Malcolm is rubbing off on me!"
Jill showed him her neck and shoulder. Byron smiled and nodded. "Come on. Let's eat." He marched to the back patio.
"What was that?" Jill asked.
Malcolm laughed. "We were busy this afternoon and he missed anything that you could have been doing. He was in the dark. He hates that!"
Adam smiled. "So, he would have known?"
Malcolm nodded. "He can feel it when one of his wolves gets marked, especially his Beta and his mother. He was worried that you didn't mark her only because he was very...sidetracked." Malcolm winked.
"He loves you, Adam. You know that, right? He is thrilled that it's you but he is trying to protect Jill from bad wolves."
He paused and saw the looked from Adam. "He knows you aren't one but it's tough to let go of memories and doesn't want to kill you." Malcolm smiled. "And he wanted to see the mark!" He whispered that. He hugged Jill. They followed him to the patio out back.
Malcolm sat beside Byron, close. The usual. Aspen spoke up. "What is the news this time?" He watched Malcolm.
Malcolm smiled. "I'm pregnant!" He laughed and Byron lost it. It took a minute to recover. "No! Nothing, Dad. We just wanted to have dinner with everyone and figure out where to go from here."
"We have a honeymoon in a couple days and I know you and Mom will want to go home. I don't know what Tucker and Cash are planning or Trevor and Veronica or Emma. We were hoping to get things settled before we left. We leave in two days because I know you will ask." Byron was silent.
"Oh, right. Your mom and I will head home. I don't know what the boys have planned." Aspen looked at Tucker.
Cash spoke first to give Tucker a moment. "Okay. I am staying with Emma and Trevor at the other house but we are still hunting together. I'm not giving you a choice, Malcolm." Cash glared at Malcolm.
"I hope so, Cash." He nodded.
Tucker was hoping that Cash would talk a little longer. He hated to answer this question and he knew it was coming. He cleared his throat as Ruth sat beside him. He smelled her hair and sighed. "I'm staying here. I'm sorry!" He cleared his throat again.
Kitty spoke up. "Oh, Sweetie! I was hoping you would stay here. I'm happy for you. I really am. I want to get to know you, Ruth. We hope to become your family." She smiled at Ruth. "We know Tucker is in good hands."
Aspen smiled. "We hope to come visit a couple times a year. We are going to miss you guys! Kitty is planning on traveling some also."
Byron smiled. "Sounds great. You are always welcome here." They were his mother and father-in-law. He still couldn't believe he was married.
Malcolm was going to be a little mean. "Val, what are your plans?"
Val jerked his head up and glared at Malcolm. "Nothing. Not a damn thing."
"I thought you were taking a vacation in September?" Malcolm winked.
Val shook his head. "Right. I am." Nothing else was said.
Byron was curious. "Where are you going? You never take vacations?"
Val closed his eyes and opened them. "I should have skipped dinner." He sighed. "The east coast. I'm leaning to surf." No one else knew. Just Malcolm and Byron.
Byron was pleased and surprised. He laughed and then recovered. "No shit!" Val nodded. "Really, no shit!" He was shocked. His brother was dating a man. The Alpha from The Eastern Seaboard Pack.
Val nodded. "Sorry." Byron just chuckled and Val smiled.
Everyone was curious and Trevor was about to ask but Malcolm interrupted on purpose. He knew Val wasn't ready to talk about it. "I can't believe I am married!" Malcolm said out loud. "Sorry! I'm still in shock!"
"None of us can believe that." Cash smiled. "You are such a whore that marriage wouldn't have been a thought. Maybe a shotgun wedding because you got some poor girl pregnant and her dad was pissed!"
"I know!" Malcolm touched Byron's hand. Their fingers linked together without effort.
"I can't believe I'm married either. So far, it has been fantastic!" Byron smiled at Malcolm and kissed him.
Trevor sighed. "Okay!"
Tucker laughed with Ruth. "Should have seen them this morning. Well, at lunch time." He smiled. Ruth elbowed him.
Byron laughed with Malcolm. "It's getting worse than that every hour, Tucker."
"What did you do now?" Cash asked. "I hate myself." He looked down.
Byron looked proud. "I turned during some earth shattering sex in the our room after the wedding. It was amazing! I didn't even know it was possible."
"It's not!" Ruth shook her head and blushed.
Malcolm smiled. "I'm proud!"
Byron smiled. "You should be, my love. You should be." He growled and took Malcolm hostage. He kissed his husband and wrapped around him. Malcolm sunk in as his hand went to his mate's hair. They melted together and would be like this for the rest of their lives.
A couple of years flew by for Byron and Malcolm. Malcolm's parents began building a house nearby and Aspen was thinking about retirement. Kitty was having fun picking out all of the colors and swatches of different materials.
Jill and some other wolves were helping her choose faucets and light fixtures. Several wolves were helping with the construction and they were getting it done faster than Aspen thought possible. It would be finished in a couple of weeks.
They were staying in Adam's old house. Adam was living with Jill, well, their house now. They were thinking of having more kids. Jill wanted to give Adam a child or two.
Jill married Adam in a quiet wedding. It was tough because Adam was the Beta and all of the wolves wanted to be there but they understood. Jill wanted just immediate family since this was her second wedding. Adam was fine with what Jill wanted.
Val was enjoying his no strings attached relationship with Uriah. They said they were just dating but this was year two. They alternated homes every couple of months and Uriah was using video chat to be the Alpha.
His pack was making this work for now and they loved Val. Byron was okay without a head of security for a couple of months at a time.
Val was in love and Byron was happy for him. He was having Jake pick up the job when Val was gone so that he could be gone longer without worry.
Emma and Cash were planning a wedding for the spring. Emma wanted spring flowers. They stayed with Trevor and Veronica but Cash still called Malcolm to hunt.
Ruth and Tucker were planning for a baby. Byron had suspicions that she was already pregnant but he was waiting for the announcement.
Sometimes Byron would let Malcolm go on a hunt alone and it wasn't a control thing it was a worried mate thing. It was tough but he trusted Malcolm to be safe....As possible...fighting vampires.
Byron and Malcolm were staying close to home right now because their surrogate, Holly, was expecting anytime. Malcolm couldn't believe they were expecting a child. He was worried too.
She was a nice older wolf that lost her mate. She raised a couple of kids and was kind enough to do this for the Alpha. She didn't want any more children but she was happy to help the Alpha, as long as she didn't have to raise the child.
Byron paid her for her trouble and there was a contract of course. Byron was fond of contracts. Both Byron and Malcolm donated so they would never know who's child it really was. It was all done clinically at the hospital. Malcolm was hoping it was Byron's. Hunter or wolf wouldn't matter, it would be their child.
Holly even moved into the house with them during the nine months so the baby could get to know them and their voices. She read up on bonding with a baby and talking to the baby in the womb was one way for the dad to bond.
Byron hoped they didn't annoy her. He was always talking to the baby and Malcolm would too. Holly never seemed upset or annoyed. She would watch her favorite TV show while the guys talked to her stomach. She even got foot rubs from Malcolm.
Byron was watching Malcolm sleep. He looked so peaceful. They would be dads soon. His husband would be a father. He smiled and kissed Malcolm. Malcolm opened his eyes and there was panic. "Is it time!" He was ready to grab the bags and run.
Byron laughed. "Uh, no. Not for the baby. It's time for me to love you. I just needed you and was watching you sleep. I really didn't mean to wake you." He kissed his husband.
Malcolm moaned. "Always wake me for this, Byron. Always!" He moaned as he melted into Byron. Byron made love to his mate very slowly. He held Malcolm's gaze and that never got old. He loved Malcolm's eye contact. It was like a drug that he was addicted to.
Malcolm held Byron's gaze as they switched. Malcolm made love to his husband, slowly. Malcolm felt the need build and they became desperate for each other. Malcolm had to love his mate. Desperately.
Malcolm felt Byron finish with him and they both melted together when someone knocked on their door. "Holly?" Byron was concerned. "Come in!" He pulled the blanket up to cover them.
Holly opened the door and she was holding her stomach. "I think it's time." She was breathing heavy.
Byron and Malcolm jumped out of bed and threw clothes on and Malcolm grabbed the bags that they were keeping by the front door. One for her and one for the baby. Byron helped her to their car.
Byron had purchased an SUV. It was more of a family vehicle. Malcolm sat in the back and held Holly's hand over the seat. He was the coach. He breathed with her.
"Is that annoying or helpful?" Malcolm asked. Byron was racing to the hospital.
Holy smiled. "Helpful, actually. Thanks, Malcolm." They both just practiced breathing all the way to the hospital.
Malcolm called ahead to let them know they were coming. He got her to the ER and Byron parked the car. Byron rushed in as Holly was getting in the wheelchair. They followed her to the labor room. Three nurses were there and the doctor was on his way.
"Now, which is the father, the other will have to leave." One nurse stated. She was new.
The first nurse, Heather, laughed. "They are the fathers and I doubt they will leave, Nicki. Miss Holly is their surrogate." She was busy with the IV and other things.
Nicki apologized. Malcolm just smiled. "We are confusing, Nicki. No harm." He was holding Holly's hand.
The third nurse was getting things ready for the baby. She was the baby's nurse. Her name was Nancy. Malcolm and Byron were on either side of Holly helping her breathe.
Malcolm was so nervous for the baby and Holly. He had never been around babies so he didn't know what to expect. Byron looked calm but Malcolm knew better. Byron was very nervous too.
Byron felt better when the doctor arrived. He was a wolf from his pack. Wes. Dr. Wes Ripley. He was a good OB doctor. He delivered a lot of the pack children. He was honored to deliver this child and really nervous. This was the Alpha and Malcolm's child. This was a lot of pressure.
Dr. Wes checked on Holly and the baby. "Did you call the grandmas?" He looked up at the men.
Malcolm and Byron both said no.
"You may want to wake them so they can meet their grandbaby. I see the head. Holly, you can push anytime." Dr. Wes was ready and so was the baby because she pushed once and the baby was out and laying on her chest.
Malcolm and Byron were wiping the baby with towels. Byron kissed Holly on the mouth and Malcolm followed him. Holly laughed.
"He is gorgeous!" Holly watched the baby and smiled at the men.
Malcolm wiped tears. "He really is!" He kissed the baby and Nurse Nancy took him.
"Sorry, I have things to do and you will get him back." She smiled.
Wes gasped. "Well, here we go. Push, Holly." He sounded calm.
"What?" Malcolm and Byron shouted. Holly grunted and pushed.
"One more time, Holly." Wes looked up. "I hope you have room for another child because"...he pulled a baby up. "You have a little girl." She followed her brother with towel rubbing and tears. Malcolm kissed her too.
"We didn't know there were two!" Byron smiled. He kissed Holly again and Malcolm followed.
Holly shook her head. "I only knew of one!"
They both had dark hair and pretty skin. They were plump for twins. Wes laughed. "I don't think we are done! I know you didn't want to know the sex but maybe another ultrasound would have been useful." He smiled.
Holly barely pushed and the third baby was born. He was like the first boy. Malcolm just laughed.
"Okay, is that all?" Malcolm smiled.
Byron took a breath. "I hope so!" He touched the small baby. He was sucking on his hand. He was so sweet. "Holly, you want one as a tip!" He smiled then chuckled.
Holly laughed. "No way! I will settle for aunt status!" She sighed.
Malcolm helped her get a drink and held the straw for her while the babies were taken care of. Holly would be moved to a room to recover. She would be released in the morning. The babies would have to stay for a couple of days.
"I will call the grandmas." Malcolm smiled. He kissed Byron. "Dad."
"Wow! Okay. I will stay here with our kids." Byron smiled and took a calming breath.
Malcolm went to the lobby and made one call. He woke Aspen up. "Dad."
"Malcolm? You okay? What time is it?" He was groggy.
"Early or late? I'm not sure but it's time to come to the hospital and meet your grandbabies!" Malcolm smiled. "Wake Mom and get Jill and Adam. Oh, we are going to need a couple of things. Two extra car seats if you can. I'll pay you back."
"Two extra car seats? Are you taking babies that aren't yours? They look down on that in the court system." He smiled. "Really?"
"Yes. It's crazy! We have three babies! Two boys and a girl!" Malcolm was so happy. He hung up and rushed back to Byron who was in the hall where he left him. "Are they okay?"
Byron laughed. "Yes! They are just getting their check up and then they are ours. Wes wants them to stay for a couple of days for observation. And we have to decide on circumcision."
"Okay. Is Holly okay?" Malcolm noticed she was gone.
"Yes. She is resting. She's fine. She is in a private room that we will pay out the nose for!" Byron smiled and kissed Malcolm. He sighed and melted into his husband. His hands were in Byron's hair where they belonged. Byron sighed.
"Uh, Sirs." Nurse Heather was there. She cleared her throat. The men split. "We have a room for you both. I figured you would both stay with the babies. Are the grandparents coming?" She smiled.
"Yes. They are on their way with two more car seats." Malcolm smiled.
Heather smiled. "Can I give you both a hug?" She asked shyly. This was her Alpha and his husband. They all called Malcolm sir, as well. Everyone showed respect to the Alpha's mate.
Byron laughed. "This would be the best reason for a hug, Heather! Yes!" Heather hugged Byron and then Malcolm.
"Congratulations!" Heather was wiping a tear. "They are so pretty. They are coming so no worries. Your room is this way." She led them down the hall and into Room 505. Malcolm sent a text to Jill with the room number.
Three bassenetes were rolled in a couple minutes later. Heather showed them where the formula was and diapers. They had taken some childcare classes and knew the mechanics of how to change a diaper. Byron was still unsure on a live baby. The nurses left them. Alone.
Byron found himself in a room with his husband and three newborn babies. He was starting to panic until Malcolm handed him a baby. He sighed. This little bundle of baby was the cure for panic.
"Thought he would help." Malcolm smiled. He handed Byron the other one and took the little girl. He sighed and kissed her. "We have to name them!" He was starting to panic.
Byron laughed. He kissed both babies in his arms. "One, two and three."
Malcolm smiled, sat beside Byron and shook his head. "A, B, C."
Byron smiled. "I like that!"
"Jill and Kitty would kill us!" Malcolm was sure of that. They joked about names until the sun was up and breakfast was delivered. They ate and fed the babies which was difficult even with two people. Malcolm just laughed. "This is ridiculous!"
Byron laughed and agree but they managed. They even got their diapers changed which amazed Malcolm. "So, what did you do last night, Malcolm?"
Malcolm smiled. "I became a father! What did you do?"
Byron smiled. He kissed Malcolm and sighed. "Completed my immediate family."
Malcolm nodded and kissed Byron over the babies. It was a task as well.
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