Immediate Family
Immediate Family
Dinner was private. Malcolm sat beside Byron and they were close. Touching. Kitty noticed that they were always touching.
"I have a question." She watched Malcolm with Byron. Byron leaned into Malcolm and nuzzled his neck and took a giant breath in. He inhaled and sighed.
"Sure. Just one?" Byron smiled. Malcolm turned to Byron and smelled his hair.
"Probably more but one that I have right now." Kitty smiled. "I noticed that...I don't know how to word this...but you sniff Malcolm once in a while? What is that?"
Malcolm blushed and covered his face. He couldn't stop it. He had just smelled Byron and was turned on. He shook his head and Tucker actually started laughing. Ruth touched Tucker's knee. Byron smiled.
"Do you really want an answer?" Byron was trying to spare her.
"No! You don't, Mom!" Cash chimed in.
"I do or I wouldn't ask!" Kitty was appalled.
Byron smiled. Malcolm still hadn't recovered and Byron chuckled. Aspen shook his head. "If that is Malcolm's reaction, you don't want to know!"
"I do." Kitty was determined.
"Fine. It's hard to explain but sometimes I need to relax or calm down, I smell Malcolm. His scent helps me with whatever mood I'm in. Right now, it was a complete turn on." Byron smiled and Cash sighed. "His pheromones are what I need at the time."
Malcolm tried to recover. He took a breath and looked at his plate. "So, his scent turns you on?" Kitty had more questions.
"Yes. Most of the time." Byron smiled at Malcolm. Malcolm just shook his head. Byron chuckled. "Is that the only question?"
Kitty shook her head. "No. So, even his smell helps you out?"
Malcolm nodded. "Yes." He took a breath. "After the fight with York, Byron was hurt that his second turned on him and I felt how hurt he was and when he smelled me, later, I felt him calm down. It was comforting. We are what the other needs, Mom."
Byron nodded. "Yes. Very well said, Malcolm." He nuzzled his mate. His eyes glowed and he growled.
Kitty gasped. She was scared of Byron when he growled. He didn't seem to notice that everyone was scared. Kitty saw Malcolm lean into Byron and sigh. He melted and they kissed.
"We are eating here!" Cash stated.
"So, it's the same for every mate?" Kitty asked.
Tucker knew where she was going. "To get this over with, yes. I never understood it until now." He looked at Ruth. She nodded. She couldn't believe that she was here having dinner with the Alpha.
"It's intense, Ma'am." Ruth stated.
"Call me Kitty, Ruth. Please." Kitty smiled. Ruth nodded. "So, what happens when one of you finds a woman to be with?" She had to ask.
Byron pulled away from Malcolm just a little. "Won't ever happen. I belong to Malcolm wholey, Kitty. Completely. A woman could strip naked and beg me to take her and I wouldn't want her." He wanted to be clear.
"Like that would ever happen!" Emma spoke up.
"Twice!" Malcolm and Byron both said at the same time. Malcolm had two fingers up. They both chuckled.
Cash covered his face and Tucker laughed and wiped happy tears. Aspen and Kitty stared. Everyone else was laughing with Tucker. "How!" Emma couldn't stop herself from asking.
"No!" Cash tried to stop this conversation before it started but he failed.
Byron laughed with Malcolm. "You first." He invited Malcolm to share his story.
Malcolm took a breath. "The first one was a very drunk college girl that didn't want to be a virgin anymore!" He shook his head. "Now, she isn't!"
"Sick perv!" Byron teased.
"Thanks for sparing us the details!" Cash was grateful.
"The second was a very sober and grateful widow of a vampire that we killed. She was grateful four times!" He winked at Emma.
"You had sex with her! I remember her and I didn't ...When?" Cash stared.
"Do you remember when you went to call Tucker?" Malcolm asked and Cash nodded. "That was one. I found her later at night."
"Was she actually naked and begging for you?" Byron asked.
"No!" "Cash complained. Emma was laughing again.
Malcolm looked at Byron. "Yes. When I knocked on her door, she opened it wearing nothing but high heels and told me to take her!" Malcolm smiled at Byron. Byron shook his head. "What have you got?"
Byron laughed. "Remember the twins? Both of them at the same time. Naked and begging for me!" He smiled.
Malcolm stared. "You win!"
"Sick pervs!" Trevor stated. Veronica was in tears just laughing.
Kitty was just staring. "Mom, Malcolm is in love with himself." Cash clarified.
"I see that! I never imagined there were two of them!" Kitty smiled.
"We all are amazed." Tucker smiled. Ruth was wiping tears of laughter. She needed this.
"It's good to see you happy, Sir." Ruth stated.
"Thanks, Ruth. I look forward to seeing you happy as well." Byron smiled at her. She nodded.
Kitty was thinking. "So, is the full moon really a thing?"
Byron smiled. "Yes. We can change at will but full moon nights, it's mandatory. It's the only other thing that we can't control. We are close to our wolves so we don't go crazy and kill people. It's nothing like the movies, Kitty."
Kitty nodded. "So, is it safe on full moon nights, there is one coming up." That was the reason she was asking.
"You're safe. We run out in the forest." Byron smiled.
"Okay." Kitty had nothing.
"Oh, I am having a meeting tonight at midnight. I need to talk to Adam." He picked up his phone and pushed a button. "Hey, midnight, spread the word. Thanks, Beta." He smiled and hit end.
"Beta?" Malcolm had to ask.
Byron sighed and shook his head. "Adam called me Alpha so I called him Beta. I made his day." Malcolm smiled.
"Adam said that he is the Beta. He showed me your mark last night." Val commented. "He's perfect for the job."
Byron nodded. "Yes, he is. Unofficially until tonight's announcement. I will make it official tonight and I know that Adam can't wait. I have things to do if you all will excuse us. Ruth, thanks for the dinner." His mind was making several lists. He had things to take care of.
"I thought you said you weren't gay?" Kitty was lost.
Val laughed. "I'm not! I played poker with Adam and a couple others last night! He showed me Byron's mark. Nothing sexual, Kitty!" Val smiled.
"Byron also marked me. I am his head of security." Val showed her Byron's bite mark on him. "This was for communication or it would have been creepy!" He smiled.
"What he did with Malcolm...that was...sexual, as well. I am only marked the one time. Malcolm is counting their escapades, I believe!" He shook his head.
Malcolm nodded as he stood with Byron and they both walked off to the house. Byron had a travel agent to call and a wedding to plan. Malcolm sat and watched Byron make calls. He called his wedding planner first.
Kitty watched them. "They move like one person." She watched them walk off.
"They are one person in a sense, Kitty." Ruth answered. "The Alpha marked Malcolm and when he did they became linked. They became one. It's tough to understand or explain but it's very visible."
Kitty nodded. "Will you mark Tucker?"
Ruth shook her head. "We are nowhere close to even thinking about that, Kitty. We are trying to get to know each other and trying to respect everyone. I don't want to offend anyone or have someone thinking badly of Tucker, so we are going slow. I may never mark him. It's not always needed."
Tucker smiled. "I know this is weird and I don't know what I'm doing."
Cash needed to talk to Tucker again. He needed to know what happened with the lilies. Ruth and Tucker looked close and he wondered if they had sex and then wanted to kick himself. He was turning into Malcolm. He sighed.
Kitty thought of another question. "So, do vampires mark their mate?"
Emma shook her head. "No. A bite would kill Cash or turn him. We don't have mates, that's just wolves."
"I love Emma though, Mom. Mate or not. I love her and I want to marry her someday." Cash said that out loud.
"What?" Emma was shocked.
Cash looked at Emma and smiled. "Well, of course. I love you and want to marry you when we are ready. We aren't there yet but you better say yes when I ask you."
Emma laughed. "Of course I will! I'm saying yes now so that when you ask me you aren't worried."
Tucker smiled. "You guys are so weird."
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