Happily Ever After
Happily Ever After
Malcolm sat by the water watching his three toddlers playing in the shallow water. There were other small children in the pack, so they weren't alone. He couldn't believe they were three already. Jill met him with her little one. She barely sat in a chair and he was climbing to the sand. One handful straight to his mouth. Jill just laughed.
"I can't get him to stop doing that!" She smiled at Malcolm.
"Glad you could make it. Where's Val? I thought he was coming too?" Malcolm didn't take his eyes off his kids. He kept counting, one, two, three and repeat.
Jill watched her son. "He is playing in the office with Byron, Uriah and Adam. I needed to get out of the house. Having a one year old is exhausting!"
"Try three!" Malcolm smiled. Jill laughed. "Harry is getting so big!"
"I know. He looks like Adam." Jill was proud of her youngest.
"It's weird to think that Harry is Byron's little brother. That is a huge age difference." Malcolm had a thought. "Do you think he will be the Alpha one day?"
"I can't tell yet. I knew Byron would be at the age of three. He was very bossy even then!" Jill laughed.
"Figures." Malcolm watched his kids.
"I think that Grey may be our Alpha. He fights with Byron all the time." Malcolm sighed. "And he's only three."
"I noticed that. You will have your work cut out for you, Malcolm but you aren't alone." Jill promised.
"I know. I hope this works out! I can't allow my son and my husband to kill each other!" Malcolm sighed.
"I know. Grey will most likely find his own pack to lead. Probably some of these kids, his age, they will follow him."
Jill pulled out a juice box. "Harry, wash down that sand with some juice, Sweetie!" She chuckled. She walked to him and handed him his juice. He drank it fast and buried the box. Malcolm just laughed.
"Byron told you how old he was?" Jill never thought of this.
Malcolm smiled. "Yes. The very first time he marked me. I still don't understand how that works."
"You realize that you aren't aging, right?" Jill had to ask. They never talked about it.
"Uh, what?" Malcolm stared.
"Oh, well...when you were marked and became one with Byron, you took on some werewolf traits, so to speak. You won't age and I know that the moon affects you. You never sleep on a full moon night." Jill watched him for a reaction.
Malcolm was stunned. "I guess I never thought about it. Cool!" He watched his three little ones and smiled. He loved being a dad.
"I think Val is thinking about moving in with Uriah." Jill inhaled. She would miss him.
"I know. They are so damn cute together though and Byron has had Jake take over security. He is very good. It makes it easier on Val to be gone too. I will hate it when he moves but they look happy." Malcolm had come to love Val like a brother. "I love Uriah."
"He is a good man. I hate that! I am always tore and Adam makes fun of me. I want Val to be happy but I want him here! He is happy with Uriah and I hate to think he will move. Uriah has promised they would come to visit." Jill sighed again. "What did I do wrong?"
Malcolm just laughed. "Nothing, Jill. You have two healthy adult sons that know love when they see it. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. They are both happy and in love. You should be proud. Happiness is tough to come by in this world. You know that."
"How did you get so wise, Malcolm?" Jill watched her youngest eat more sand.
Malcolm sighed. "I don't know. You lose enough people and you learn to take the love that is there for you. I guess."
They were quiet for awhile just counting children and enjoying time out of the house. This time four years ago he was running through the woods chasing vampires.
"I never thought that I would be the housewife!" Malcolm pointed out. "I like it but I do need to go hunting soon. It's been too long, six months! I can't have that. I need to call Cash and schedule something. Surely, a vampire is being stupid somewhere."
Jill laughed. "You sound like a housewife!" She smiled at her son.
"I'm just glad that Tucker is right there with me! I hung out there yesterday just to have coffee while he did dishes! All of our kids watched each other!" He smiled. Tucker and Ruth had two little girls. They were nine months younger than the triplets. They were supposed to meet at the lake too but one of the girls was sick this morning.
Byron made his way over. Malcolm watched him. "I love how he walks around like he owns the place. It's so hot! He is so sexy! He has this sexy swagger."
"How is the sex?" Jill had to ask.
"Jill, I am thankful to have you. It is hot! I think we are at the expert level and getting better with the quickies. It's tough when all three of them need something and we are busy! We have had to stop in the middle, helped them and continue. It's tough to be a parent sometimes!" Malcolm smiled at his man as he made his way to a chair.
"Mom, Malcolm. What are you talking about?" Byron was worried.
"How tough it is to have sex with three toddlers!" Malcolm smiled.
Byron just laughed. "Sometimes."
"How about you, Jill?" Malcolm smiled at his other mom.
"It can be a challenge. Harry is pretty content most of the time though. Plus we are smart enough to just have one!" Jill teased.
"I know! We tried to give Holly one as a tip and tried to pass one to Emma and Cash but so far, no takers!" Malcolm teased. Byron chuckled.
Malcolm's phone rang. "Oh, it's Cash." He hit the talk button. "Please say we have a job!" He would beg.
Cash laughed. "No! How about we come for the weekend? Emma wanted to see everyone and I need some guy time."
"Yes, come here. Stay. Build a house here already!" Byron shouted. "I am thinking about having one built for them anyway."
Malcolm handed the phone to Byron so he could talk to Cash and went to torture his kids. He played their favorite game of Alligator. He swam underwater and pretended to be an alligator and would grab a kid and take them to the deep. They would cheer and scream with delight. They never got tired of it so after twenty minutes, Malcolm would have to put an end to it.
Iris got tired and crawled up with her daddy. Byron couldn't be happier. He wrapped her in a towel and she fell to sleep in his arms. He touched her pretty brown hair. "It's gotten really long." It had waves like his.
Malcolm collapsed on Byron's other side. "She has your hair!"
"Your attitude." Byron put in.
"I know." Malcolm smiled. "I hope they are all vampire hunting werewolves. I already have their first swords picked out! I can't wait to start their training."
"We are all helping with that. I think both grandpas will be a part of that." Byron was sure that Aspen and Adam would help.
"Where is Adam?" Malcolm asked.
"It is our third anniversary tomorrow, so he better be shopping." Jill threatened.
"Uriah and Val were helping him last I saw." Byron smiled and watched his daughter sleep. He wasn't telling her that they just booked a cruise to Alaska for her. He looked at Malcolm and he nodded.
A cruise to Alaska would be perfect. Malcolm smiled. "Love it!"
"I know." Byron smiled.
Jill groaned. "Are you being weird again?"
"Always!" Byron smiled. He watched his little boys playing with his youngest brother and he smiled at his lap. It was full of his husband and daughter. He couldn't be happier. This was paradise and he didn't need anything else.
This was what happiness looked like.
..... THE END ....
Thanks a bunch for reading and I hope you enjoyed this world for a little while.
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