Finding The Impossible
Finding The Impossible
Malcolm found himself shopping for rings with his fiance, his mom and his fiance's mom. The first three stores had nothing that they liked and Malcolm was losing hope until the forth store. Kitty found it.
"How about this one? These are pretty!" Kitty smiled and pointed at the glass counter.
Byron was beside her. "That is it." He took a breath. "Perfect."
"I thought so." Kitty felt proud.
Malcolm looked at them and agreed. "But if we get these we won't be able to use Grandma's stone."
"I know, my love, but these are perfect...unless you hate them." Byron pitched in.
Malcolm melted. He knew that Byron loved them. They were matching platinum bands with two blue sapphires in the center of the band and it was lined with diamond chips. They were pretty.
Malcolm nodded. "They are perfect, huh?"
Kitty and Jill both nodded. "Yes." They both smiled and looked at each other. Their sons were getting married.
Malcolm gasped. "I am buying lunch. No arguing. I owe Byron a steak dinner and I'm paying."
Byron smiled. "Deal. Kitty, if you don't mind, I want to buy the rings."
Kitty smiled. "I'll pay half."
Byron held his hand out and she shook it. "Deal." Kitty surprised herself and hugged him. He was so gentle when he hugged her back. "Thanks, Kitty."
"Sure, Byron. We are family." Kitty paused. "Well, Saturday."
A saleswoman waltzed over. "May I help with something?" She smiled at Byron. Malcolm laughed. Byron was going to get hit on. She looked at Malcolm also.
Malcolm saw the look and smiled. It is about time a woman noticed me also. She was going to be so disappointed! Byron chuckled and agreed.
"Sure. May we see those two rings?" Byron pointed.
"Sure." Her badge said Brigette. She smiled at him and opened the case and pulled the rings out and onto a black cushion on the counter.
"Thanks." Byron smiled. Bridget was hoping that he wasn't the one getting married. Malcolm knew that was what she was thinking.
"He's taken." Malcolm stated. Byron shook his head.
"He's rude and I'm sorry. These are perfect. I need to see about getting these sized by Saturday." Byron smiled.
Bridget blushed and nodded. "Uh, it usually takes a week."
"I will pay to rush it." Byron promised.
"Let me talk to the manager." Bridget was gone.
Malcolm tried his on and it fit but Byron's was too small. He needed two sizes up. "Jealous much?" Byron teased.
"I figured you would call it territorial." Malcolm smiled. He looked at the ring on his ring finger. He never expected this.
"Sure. Let's go with that. She doesn't stand a chance and I still think that you were upset that she wasn't about to flirt with you." Byron teased. He looked at Malcolm's hand. That ring looked perfect on his finger.
Jill had this one. "I think she was going to flirt with both of you but she was trying to figure out who was getting married."
Kitty nodded. "I think so too. I mean look at you both. It's ridiculous." Kitty and Jill both laughed.
Byron nodded. "We are both hot!" He looked at Malcolm's hand and touched Malcolm's ring finger with his finger. He rubbed the ring. "It's perfect on you."
"I know. Is there nothing I can't pull off?" Malcolm smiled. Byron chuckled and squeezed his hand.
A balding man walked over. "May I help you?" He smiled.
Malcolm sighed. "We were hoping to get this ring in a bigger size by Saturday."
"It can be done for a fee." He started.
"I'll pay the extra." Byron stood straighter. He was in Alpha mode.
Malcolm touched Byron's shoulder. "Easy."
Byron cleared his throat. "How much?"
"Five hundred dollars more." He cleared his throat. "You can have it back in two days."
"Done." Byron didn't even think about it. He whipped out a credit card and set it on the counter.
"I am paying half!" Kitty tried.
Byron laughed. "Kitty. I have this. I want to pay. Buy us a nice wedding present."
She gasped. "I am paying for the honeymoon and no arguments!"
Jill agreed. "We are talking to Hope. She is the travel agent. I will call her when we...Wait. I have her number." She was calling as soon as they left the store. Jill was walking out into the main mall and had Hope on the phone.
Byron let them plan while he paid for the rings. His wedding rings. He took Malcolm's and put the box in a pocket. "I'm holding this until Saturday."
Malcolm just smiled. "Better not lose it!" He glared.
"Never." Byron growled.
"Are you the best man?" The man, Henson, asked Malcolm.
Byron smiled. "He is the groom." Byron knew what was coming and he was a little mean for not clarifying.
"Oh, you are the best man?" Henson had no idea.
"Nope. I am the groom also!" Byron smiled.
Kitty was saving the man behind the counter. "It's a shame huh?"
Henson smiled. "A real shame!" He looked Malcolm up and down.
Malcolm laughed. "Finally!" The guy checked him out and not Byron. Byron just laughed. Malcolm chuckled and they melted together. Henson rang up the rings and finished the order.
"Pick up is Thursday by five." Henson said and gave them the receipt Byron put it in his wallet and nodded. He pulled Malcolm out the door.
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