"Malcolm, it's your turn for dishes. We are going to pack!" Emma stood and took Cash's hand and left. Trevor and Veronica followed with Tucker.
They needed to leave these guys alone. Cash wasn't sure that was the best decision but there were things he didn't want to see. One was his brother flirting with a man. They were talking later.
"I'm so glad that you guys put your plates in the sink, at least!" Malcolm said that loud enough for them to hear as they walked up the stairs. He removed his hand from Bryon's thigh before he moved it closer to his groin.
Byron laughed and helped Malcolm. Malcolm took plates and a couple of pans to the sink and began to fill the water. "I don't know why we don't have a dishwasher here!"
Byron followed him with more dishes. He wiped the table and stood beside Malcolm. He was rinsing and drying them. "This is a first for me."
"What?" Malcolm looked at Byron. "Doing dishes?"
"Nope. Doing dishes with my boyfriend." Byron smiled and Malcolm almost melted. He wasn't going to argue and had no idea if this was a joke. They didn't feel like they were joking anymore.
"Right. Me either!" Malcolm was going with it.
Byron chuckled because he didn't know if they were kidding anymore and he loved standing next to Malcolm. This was so nice. He would do the dishes with him every night. "Just so you know, I have no idea if we are joking anymore!" Byron confessed.
Malcolm sighed. "Damn it! I don't know either and I was going to ask you!"
"Maybe we can talk about it later." Byron's voice was low. Malcolm just nodded. He was speechless and he actually blushed. He turned red and covered his face.
"Sorry about that, Malcolm." He looked around and knew they were alone. The others were packing. He looked at Malcolm. "I mean, this was fun to joke about but..." The Alpha was lost. "I didn't mean to touch you."
"I know." Malcolm smiled. "I don't want to be a woman about it though!"
"Right. I would like to talk about this in private when we get to my house. What do you think?" Byron was asking for his opinion.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but that sounds good!" Malcolm smiled but didn't look at Byron. "I'm really not gay! I don't know what I'm thinking!" Malcolm couldn't believe he was actually turned on.
"I'm not gay either. I don't think I am. Maybe I could be!" Byron smiled. "I really find you very attractive! I was just playing but I don't know what happened. I actually like you."
Their hands touched as Malcolm gave Byron a plate to rinse. Byron rubbed his finger across Malcolm's knuckle and he was shocked when he got goosebumps. His eyes glowed yellow.
"Okay? Maybe when we are alone?" Malcolm whispered. He loved the idea of being alone with Byron. He almost forgot he was doing dishes when Byron touched his hand.
He felt like he was hit by lightning, repeatedly. His hand was still tingling from where Byron touched it and the sensation spread through his body. He was turned on more. Ready to take Byron over the sink
"Absolutely." Byron replied. He was about ready to take Malcolm in the kitchen. He took a breath. "No one likes to be alone with me. I'm very intimidating."
Malcolm smiled. "I want to be alone with you, Byron." He whispered it.
Byron just nodded. He was speechless. He couldn't rape this man in the kitchen. Was he seriously thinking about having sex with Malcolm? He paused. Yes. Yes, he was. He growled without thinking about it.
Malcolm almost fell down. His legs wouldn't hold him up, he had to hold onto the counter. What in the hell was that? That growl was hot. He had to pull himself together.
They finished the dishes in silence because words weren't safe and Byron was just standing there. Malcolm was drying his hands on his jeans. "I have to go pack." Malcolm felt like he was implying something. His body was vibrating.
"Can I help?" Byron stopped. "I don't know. I couldn't stop myself from asking that question. I may actually have a problem!"
Malcolm chuckled. "Come on. Try to hold yourself together." He heard Byron chuckle and he shook his head and walked up the stairs. He headed toward his room and Byron followed him.
He couldn't stop looking at Malcolm's ass. He was ready to grab it and shook the thought. Malcolm opened the door to his room.
Bryon followed him and closed the door. "You smell so good!" He growled softly.
Malcolm tried to ignore the fact that Byron was in his room or that he just growled and searched for a large bag in his closet. His whole body was tingling and he had a tough time focusing on the task.
Byron looked around Malcolm's room. There were some dirty clothes on the floor but otherwise it was pretty clean. He noticed a calendar hanging on the wall and the days with the full moon was circled. Malcolm had thought about him. Nice.
Malcolm pulled out the bag and packed some jeans, a few shirts and a few things he might need like extra shoes and socks. He even threw his favorite jacket in. He just picked some clothes at random. He threw in his toothbrush and hair gel.
Byron laughed. "Hair gel?"
"Yes. Not all of us just wake up and look hot! I have to work at this." Malcolm stopped. "Shit! I am the woman!" He sighed and added his comb. "I might as well buy a purse!"
Byron chuckled. "I'm actually speechless right now. I wanted to find a smart ass remark but I got nothing. Maybe we should stop flirting?"
Malcolm smiled. "Probably."
"We're not going to, are we?" Byron knew better.
"Probably not. No." Malcolm smiled and put his girl stuff in his bag and zipped it. "Ready?"
Byron smiled. "Sure. I kind of want to try something before we go."
"What?" Malcolm saw Bryon step closer. "What are you doing?" He glared into Byron's eyes.
Byron placed his hand on Malcolm's face very gently. "Second date rules." He pulled him close and kissed him softly and let go. Malcolm said there was always a kiss after the second date and this felt like a second date.
Byron looked at Malcolm for any sign of disgust. Malcolm sighed. "That will just encourage me, Malcolm." Byron whispered that and Malcolm started to make a comment but Byron pulled him in for another kiss.
At first, Malcolm was going to protest but he couldn't stop himself from melting as his lips touched Byron's lips. Byron felt amazing and this kiss was fantastic. He really liked women but this was... He really liked Byron.
Malcolm had no idea what this was but he found himself kissing Byron back. He moved his lips in sync with Bryon's lips. It was spine melting. He had never been kissed like this before. The bag fell to the floor with a thud and neither man noticed.
Byron heard Malcolm moan and he wrapped his arms around Malcolm to cement his body to Malcolm's body. Malcolm wrapped his arms around Byron's neck and Bryon moaned into Malcolm's mouth. Byron felt Malcolm slide his hands into his hair. Malcolm felt relieved that he finally got to touch Byron's hair. It was so soft.
They melted together and his lips never left Malcolm's lips. Byron thought this felt like heaven. This was better than the dream that seemed real.
He held on as long as Malcolm let him. Malcolm was a fantastic kisser and Byron melted because this man tasted so good. This never happened to him before. He never melted into another person. They were molded together.
The knock on his door stopped the kiss. "What?" Byron growled a warning and looked in Malcolm's eyes. They were soft blue.
Malcolm pressed his lips together and he couldn't believe he was wrapped around Byron. He started to release the alpha but Byron held him tighter and didn't let go. He wasn't allowing that right now.
"Uh, we are all waiting?" Cash was outside the door. "Uh, please say you're not having sex in there?" He wasn't joking. He knew there was a serious attraction between them.
"Shut up, dick. We're coming." Malcolm yelled.
Byron chuckled and Malcolm smiled as he looked at Byron and kissed him again. They hadn't let go of each other yet. Bryon didn't stop the kiss and enjoyed the looked that Malcolm just gave him.
Malcolm gently let go. "What in the fuck are we doing?"
"Don't know!" Byron smiled as he pulled away.
Malcolm wanted to be upset but he just wasn't. "Bad kiss?"
"So bad that I want to do it again!" Byron was ready to take Malcolm to the bed.
Malcolm agreed and leaned in and kissed Byron slowly and backed away. "Byron?" Malcolm didn't know what questions to ask.
"I don't have any fucking clue!" Byron stated. It was his only answer. "This was nice though, huh?"
"So nice!" Malcolm stared at Byron. "I've never kissed a man before."
"Nope. Me either. This was..." Byron couldn't finish the sentence because he was staring at Malcolm. He had the prettiest blue eyes. Pure blue not just a shade of blue. They were blue. He closed the gap between them without realizing he moved.
His mouth was crushed on Malcolm's mouth and they both sighed. Byron slid his hands inside Malcolm's shirt and up his back before he realized what he was doing. Byron needed to touch his skin.
Malcolm just moaned and his hands were in Byron's hair again. Bryon's hands felt amazing on his skin. Byron slowly kissed him one last time and backed away. "I...let's get to my house and talk. Right?"
"Yes. I would like that. Byron, are we gay?" Malcolm was still curious.
"Maybe!" Byron chuckled. "I...that was...that kiss took me by surprise. Grab your bag and let's go. They're waiting and they'll have questions."
"Tell them to fuck off!" Malcolm smiled at his boyfriend. Byron chuckled and nodded.
"It's about time." Tucker teased. He didn't want to know what they could have been doing. The possibilities were endless with Malcolm.
"I was late because I had to do the dishes!" He felt he should defend himself. He could still feel Bryon's hands on his back.
"I hope we have time to play in the lake!" Trevor was excited about spending time with his family. He actually missed the pack.
"Yes, I think we have time for that, Trevor. I hope you spend a little time with us. I know everyone is missing you. It's been a while." Byron cleared his throat. "I hope everyone packed a swimsuit."
He could feel Malcolm's lips on his and his hands in his hair. He stiffened because he was going to melt to the floor.
"Uh, no." Malcolm admitted. "I don't have one."
Byron smiled. "You don't need one." He winked. He wasn't kidding.
"We can pick some up when we get there, Malcolm." Emma stared at Byron's shoulder. He was still flirting.
"Thanks, Emma." Malcolm almost blushed again and had to take a breath to calm himself. "Oh, my bag." He took off and came back with a black bag full of weapons strapped across his chest.
Byron looked at him. He dragged his eyes up his torso. Malcolm noticed. "What? I never leave without it."
Cash smiled. "I was beginning to worry about you." Malcolm always carried that bag with him when they traveled. He looked at Byron. "He never goes anywhere without that bag!"
"Oh." Byron couldn't think of anything to say. Malcolm looked hot carrying weapons. He had to stop himself from panting.
"Is that okay?" Malcolm asked. He hated himself.
"Are you asking permission to take your weapons?" Cash asked.
"Shut up! I don't want to freak anyone out and I don't know what the rules are anymore." Malcolm was a little lost. Well, he was completely lost.
Byron smiled at Malcolm. "It's fine, Malcolm. I have a gym you can practice in while you're there. I can show you. You are going to love it." He hoped Malcolm loved it. He may not let him leave once he's there.
Trevor cleared his throat because Byron was just staring at Malcolm now. "Everyone ready?" Trevor was staring at the guys who were staring at each other.
"Oh, yes. Let's go." Byron shook off the melting feeling. "Malcolm. Ride with me." Byron didn't ask and he stormed out of the house.
Malcolm shrugged. "Sure." He followed his boyfriend.
Cash sighed and stood beside Tucker. "What in the hell was that?"
Tucker watched the guys getting in a truck. "Uh, don't know. Do you think...."
"No fucking idea!" Cash sighed and they piled in Trevor's vehicle.
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