Jill walked with Byron and Malcolm to Byron's truck. Byron held the door for Malcolm and Jill to get inside. They drove to her house in silence. Malcolm was nervous with Jill. His mate's mother.
"So, when is the wedding?" Jill broke the silence.
"Oh, we don't know." Malcolm couldn't believe he volunteered to answer.
Jill knew he was nervous. "Don't pick June second."
"That was our anniversary. Terrible marriage. I wish better things for you both." She smiled at Malcolm.
Malcolm looked at her. She was nervous around him also. "Oh, Byron told me. I'm sorry. I could never hurt Byron, physically or mentally. Never. I love him and will protect him at all costs, Jill."
"I hope so, Malcolm." Jill was serious.
"I promise. I really love him." Malcolm promised.
Jill nodded. She could tell he was being honest. "Good. Troy was never good to me but I thought we had to get married since he was my mate. I didn't know that we don't have to marry. Never occured to me. You don't have to marry Byron. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, Malcolm. I'm just giving you options."
Malcolm nodded and watched them pull into a driveway. "I know. I want to marry Byron. That isn't the problem, Jill. I just...I think once I tell my mom, I will feel better but..."
They walked to the house. It was a cute cottage. White and brown trim on the exterior. Malcolm thought that elves should live here. Wild flowers were growing instead of grass.
The sidewalk was large rocks.The door was round at the top and didn't make a sound when she opened it. "This is where Val grew up. Oh, you know he is Byron's half brother?"
"Yes. I was shocked. Is he joining us?" Malcolm had to ask.
"No. Not tonight. He had a poker game with Adam and a couple of others. We can have a family dinner another time." Byron smiled and pulled Malcolm to a chair at the island in the kitchen.
This house was cute. Jill had it decorated in light colors and cute gadgets. It was small but perfect for a couple of people. Living room and Kitchen and he was guessing two bedrooms. "So, you didn't grow up together?"
"No. He was born a year after my dad died." Byron smiled.
"You told him?" Jill asked in surprised. He never talked about it.
"Of course. I tell Malcolm everything." Byron smiled at his mom.
"He must really love you because he doesn't talk to anyone."
"I know. He told me." Malcolm sighed. He felt very fortunate.
"So, your mom doesn't know?" Jill asked while she was stirring something.
"Don't offer to help because she won't let you." Byron smiled at his mom.
"I own this kitchen. I love to cook. Your mom?" She reminded him.
"No. She has no idea and my dad is waiting until she gets here. She doesn't know about any of us. Tucker is mated to a wolf, Cash has Emma and I'm a mess!" Malcolm laughed.
Byron slid his hand into Malcolm's. "This trip will be very educational."
"That sounds like an understatement." Jill felt bad for everyone involved. Malcolm's mom will freak.
"I agree, Jill." Malcolm smiled. "That smells so good."
"My pot roast." Jill turned the oven off and started pulling things out of it.
Byron shoved her aside, gently. "I have this, Mom. It's heavy." He pulled the large pan out and set it down. It was his job to look after her. She wasn't frail or anything but if he was here, there was no heavy lifting.
"So, is it weird to have your son in charge of all of this?" Malcolm had to know.
"No. It's in us to follow the Alpha, even if it's my son. He was fourteen when he took over and I had no problem following him. He was always an Alpha."
"Now, when he is here he is suppose to take a break from all the Alpha in charge crap. He is suppose to relax. I have yet to see that happen." Jill smiled and Malcolm found himself setting the table with Byron and his mom. Jill watched them. They sat on the same side of the table, close.
"Do you think your mom will be upset?" Jill would help out.
"I honestly don't even know. I figured my dad would be but he seems cool which still freaks me out. He likes Byron." Malcolm took a bite. "This is so good!" The meat melted in his mouth. "Awesome!"
"I told you." Byron took a bite only after Malcolm's first bite and Jill noticed. He did that before also. She had been watching them.
"So, you are alone here?" Malcolm had to ask.
"Are you asking about Val's dad?" Jill smiled.
"Trying not to." Malcolm smiled.
"He is a truck driver. He's here for booty calls. It's a nice arrangement. We never got married or anything. We stay very casual and I like it that way." Jill smiled at his shocked expression.
Malcolm was stunned. "That is so cool!!" Malcolm wished he thought of that. "I wish I thought of that! I could have had them coming to me!"
Byron just laughed. "Perv."
"Hey, Jill's idea!" Malcolm blushed and covered his mouth. Byron laughed. Jill watched them because Byron had never laughed that free, maybe ever. "Sorry, Jill!"
"No offense taken, Malcolm. It was very funny. You're funny and I see why Byron is mated to you." She liked him more that he made Byron relax and laugh. "He needed you."
"Very much." Byron agreed.
Malcolm didn't know what to say to that. Thanks maybe. "I needed him too. I never realized it but I did." Byron nuzzled him and inhaled. Jill heard a growl and watched both men melt.
"Okay. I'm getting cavities over here! You two are very sweet and it warms my heart. So, Adam. I think he is the perfect choice." Jill was talking to Byron. She hoped Val would be happy like this one day.
Byron finished chewing a bite of meat. "Yes. Val loves where he's at and didn't want to change. Adam was perfect for it."
"I agree." Jill nodded and took a bite. He was very hot too.
Malcolm had questions. "So, Val doesn't care that he isn't the Alpha?"
Byron took this question. "No. I was already established when he came along. When he was old enough to challenge me, he had no desire to be Alpha. We talked about it. He likes his position. He is one of my officers and a medic when I need him. He is always by my side and supports me when I need it. He is my brother and that is what we both need."
Malcolm nodded. "I understand that. Sometimes only a brother can help."
"Absolutely." Byron smiled. Malcolm leaned in and inhaled Byron.
Jill cleared her throat. "Excuse me. Are you both finished?"
Malcolm opened his eyes that he didn't know were closed and backed away from Byron a couple of inches. "Oops."
Byron chuckled. "Sorry. This was delicious, Mom. Thanks." Byron had two helpings and he inhaled them as Malcolm and Jill were talking.
"This was the best pot roast I ever had and don't tell my mom that!" Malcolm smiled.
Jill nodded. "Deal." She inhaled. "I hope that she is okay with you guys. I could make popcorn and just watch you all day." Byron smiled. This made him happy. "So, the sex is good?" She smiled because Byron actually blushed.
Malcolm sighed. He would fit in here. "You know, I never felt like I fit in anywhere but I do right now! The sex is phenomenal! I never knew it could be this way!" He smiled at Jill. "We talk about everything and I lose any control when Byron touches me anywhere!"
Byron laughed and covered his face. "That's my mom!"
"I know but I had to sit in the office with you and my dad!" Malcolm laughed. Byron put an arm around Malcolm and pulled him closer and kissed his cheek. "So, here we are. Think of it as revenge." Byron laughed and nodded. Seemed fair. "Did he tell you about the dream?"
Byron laughed and tackled Malcolm to the floor. They were both laughing. "You are not telling her about that dream!"
Malcolm just laughed. Byron stood and pulled Malcolm off the floor and close. "That dream is off limits with your mom but not my dad?" Malcolm challenged Byron and looked him in the eyes.
"Totally different." Byron smiled. "Let's just say it was a bond thing." He looked at his mom.
Jill was laughing. "I got you. Did you have sex in the dream?"
Malcolm smiled. "No, just a little groping and a hot kiss. There was some nudity." He looked Byron up and down. "I was not disappointed!"
Byron just shook his head. "Shut up!" He wiped a tear and shook his head. He had to change the subject.
"I was thinking we should have breakfast and go for a relaxing swim before your mom gets here. I could use a moment to relax."
"That sounds great." Malcolm agreed. "It's been a little hectic lately."
Jill looked serious. "Malcolm, I never did thank you for going to rescue Byron. Thanks. I know you risked your life and I am grateful."
Malcolm smiled. "It was nothing, really. I would do anything to save my man. I told you that and I mean it. Both of my men. Him and my wolf."
"I can't believe that you understand how that works. That is tough for most people." Jill pointed out.
"I understand more now that he marked me. I'm pretty sure the wolf marked me the other night. It got a little wild!" Malcolm smiled.
Byron covered his face and shook his head. Maybe it was time to go. "I am never bringing you back here!" Byron smiled at his mom.
"I know where he lives and I can go get him." Jill threatened.
"Sounds fun, Jill." Malcolm smiled back at her.
"Not happening. You two left alone to talk, who knows what you'll say! Malcolm will talk about anything. He's dangerous!" Byron smiled at Malcolm and he agreed.
"It's getting late, Mom. I hate to take off but I will call tomorrow and check on you. Are you okay?"
Jill stood. "I'm good. I have left overs for Val if you see him. I know he is playing poker with the guys tonight."
"Byron, you don't play poker with them?" Malcolm had to ask.
Byron smiled. "No. I'm the Alpha. I'm never just a poker buddy." He was a little sad about it. He cleared his throat. "I don't really have guys to hang out with."
Jill always worried because Byron was alone. She was better because he had Malcolm now. "He has you now and that makes me happy, Malcolm. It was a pleasure to talk to you and get to know you. I look forward to the next visit." She hugged him.
"I do too. I would cook for you but all I can do is breakfast and a mean grilled cheese." Malcolm smiled.
"I'll take it. Maybe next time. I hope your mom is okay." Jill hugged Byron. "You both have a good night." She winked at Malcolm. She pulled Malcolm in for another hug. She hugged her son, both of them. Malcolm felt like a son to her.
Malcolm laughed. "We will, I promise."
Byron pulled him out the door and to the truck. He was more in love with Malcolm now than before and he didn't think that was possible. "I am making love to you all night, Malcolm." It sounded like a warning.
Malcolm smiled.
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