A Very Angry Alpha
A Very Angry Alpha
Wolves are sitting outside enjoying the sunset. It was supposed to start raining for a couple of days and they were enjoying the last of the sun. Malcolm and Byron just met with Skylar, Val and Adam about a missing person.
They were all worried about Tucker's wife. Tucker already called and was on his way back. There was no sign of her and his father was searching in that area. Tucker agreed with Byron that this felt like a York thing so Tucker was coming back.
Emma and Veronica were looking forward to the rain. No sun was okay. Vampires showed up in two black SUVs.Two vampires got out with their hands up and one was holding a phone.
Byron was up and storming at them. "What are you doing in my home?" He growled a very territorial growl. He sounded more wolf just then. Malcolm knew everyone was afraid. He wasn't. He was turned on but now wasn't a good time.
"Sir. Uh, we were sent with this video." The taller skinny vampire said. He didn't sound like he wanted to be there. At all. He handed the phone to Byron with a shaking hand.
Byron snatched it and hit play. A woman was tied to a chair, gagged and she had been crying. "What is going on?"
A voice came from the phone and Malcolm knew it was York. He just knew and he was on his feet. He had a very bad feeling. Byron stood in front of Malcolm and nudged him away from the vampires.
"Ah. You must be the infamous Byron McIntyre, Alpha of the Green River Pack, for now anyway." The voice was creepy. Make that a capital C, Creepy.
Malcolm was immediately pissed because that voice just threatened his mate. He was ready to kill him with his bare hands.
Emma got goosebumps and Cash wrapped around her. None of them moved. Only the Alpha and his mate were standing and Byron somehow looked bigger. More alpha-y. Emma knew that wasn't a word but it was now.
"I don't like to repeat myself." The Alpha didn't ask again. He wasn't going to.
"I have, uh, what's her name?" He sounded like he was talking to someone. "Right. Trish. I figured she may be important to one of you." Creepy voice waited.
"Trish?" The Alpha had no idea. He turned to Malcolm for help.
Malcolm thought the words Tucker's wife. They never said her name and he never realized that until now. She never really came up until right now.
"Right. And?" He was getting impatient.
"I will trade. You for her." The Creepy voice didn't explain.
"Why?" The voice laughed a Creepy laugh that required the same capital C. "I will turn her and feed a hunter to her for fun." He laughed again. "I am getting rid of the hunters, one by one. Your hunters are next so I am starting with this one and then yours."
"Do you have a hunter there as well?" Byron couldn't wait to kill this vampire. He just threatened his mate.
"Not yet but I'm sure that her husband will show and I will have my fun either way. It's them or you. You decide. See you soon." The video went black.
Byron crushed the phone in his hand. He couldn't help himself. He was frustrated. "Fuck him! Take me to him and if you try something, I will kill all of you slowly." Byron was calm.
Malcolm was scared for his sister-in-law and Tucker. He had to call Tucker. Cash had his phone out waiting. He felt that he needed to get permission from Byron.
"Sir." Cash spoke.
Byron whipped around. "What?" He saw Cash and Malcolm. "Yes. Call him, Cash."
He walked to Malcolm. "I want everyone to stay here. Skylar, you're in charge. Val and Adam keep him safe. I need Emma and Veronica here." He looked at them and they both nodded. "Trevor, you and your brothers as well. Stay here." He was talking about Tucker and Cash. Trevor knew it and felt loved.
Byron looked at Malcolm. He hugged his mate and whispered quietly so that only Malcolm could hear. "Stay out of sight until I give you the signal. Be safe or I will kill you." He bit his ear and looked in his eyes for a second. Malcolm nodded.
Byron knew that Malcolm was following anyway, so he gave him permission. Just him...and Cash. Who was he kidding? He knew Cash was coming also.
Probably Val and Adam. He didn't know why he gave orders at times like these. No one was going to listen. Emma was going to come. He sighed. "Come on." He turned back to the vampires and growled. "Let's get this over with."
"You must wear these for the trip." The vampire held out a pair of handcuffs. Byron took them and sighed. He took them and examined them and smelled them. They smelled like handcuffs. Silver cuffs.
He would have to rely on Malcolm to save him. He cuffed himself, looked at Malcolm and slid into the second car. He kept Malcolm in view as they pulled away.
Malcolm stormed to the gym and grabbed his bag. Cash was talking to Tucker when Malcolm returned. "Tucker's on his way."
"I'll give him coordinates when Byron gets there. You coming?" Malcolm looked at Cash.
"You have to ask?" Cash smiled.
"Thanks." Malcolm smiled and charged into the house with his brother to change. They had a damsel to save and Trish too.
Val and Adam had their own plan but Val wanted to talk to Malcolm. He followed. He knocked on Byron's bedroom door and it flew open. "Don't give me shit, Val. I'm going..."
Val stopped him. "I know. Adam and I are also. You take the east side and we'll take the west side." He winked.
"I thought.." Malcolm smiled. He hugged Val. "Thanks!"
"Malcolm, wolves can't turn wearing silver handcuffs." Val met Malcolm's gaze.
Malcolm understood what that meant. Byron was in worse trouble than Malcolm thought. "We're allergic to silver and it hinders the wolf. Suppresses him. The longer they are worn, the worse it is. An hour is too long for the wolf."
Malcolm nodded. He was freaking out more now. "Shit!" They stormed down the stairs and met Cash and Emma. "You too?" Malcolm was grateful.
Emma shrugged. "You're going to need a vampire on your side. I'm in need of a good fight and Byron's my family. York doesn't know who he's fucking with, Malcolm." She was in her hunting gear and her eyes were vampire blue.
Malcolm hugged her. "Thanks, Emma."
"Of course. Let's go, Ladies!" She was already walking. It was starting to rain and she was ready to kill something. "I will meet you there." She was following the car and Trevor was in her ear. He wasn't being left out.
"Okay?" Val stared at her.
"Oh, there's no stopping her." Cash smiled. "I am going to ask her to marry me when we get back!" He almost melted right there.
"Focus!" Malcolm was getting worried. He was scared for his man as he got farther away. He had to get Byron back. "Come on." He took off in a sprint.
"What's the plan here?" Cash was beside him.
"Charge in and kill them all. Save my man and Trish. Kill the rest. This isn't rocket science, Cash." Malcolm smiled.
"I know. Val and Adam?"
"Oh, right. We're east and they're west. Emma?" Malcolm had no idea where she was.
"Oh, she's around." Cash smiled. "She will be there and they won't see her coming. I hope. I'm sorry, Malcolm."
"Don't say that until we get him back. He won't go down without a fight." Malcolm was worried still. He wasn't invincible and Malcolm didn't want to think about the handcuffs. "I can't lose him."
The rain was getting harder and Malcolm took that as a challenge. He ran faster. It was dark and raining harder and they ran for a couple of hours.
Malcolm would run for days to get to Byron. Running was more convenient for them. They didn't have to follow roads and traffic and stop signs when they ran. They could run faster and farther without the cars. Malcolm wasn't messing around with a car and wasting more time.
They were on a cliff and saw the road and two SUVs. Byron was in the last one. "There." Malcolm pointed and saw the wolves on the other side of the winding road. Val nodded to Malcolm and he nodded back.
"Now, to get down." He didn't even think about it. He dove off the cliff down a natural slip and slide. It was very fast. It was nice and muddy from the rain. He slid into shallow mud and water, like a bog.
It was a soupy mix of mud and water, heavy on the mud. It was a lot of mud which gave them a soft landing.
Cash crashed into him and they both laughed. Malcolm stood and wiped some mud from his face and hair. Cash followed his crazy brother.
Cash felt his phone vibrate. He read the text. "Tucker is coming in hot also. He said Trevor gave him a couple of toys." Cash smiled. Malcolm laughed. He wiped his face and the rain got harder and helped wash the mud from their hair.
"If they kill Byron, I will tear them apart without the toys, Cash." Malcolm warned.
Cash believed him. He never saw his brother so serious or angry. Malcolm was angry. Cash watched his brother storm off in the direction that the vehicles were heading. He didn't wait for Cash to follow. Cash knew that Malcolm would go with or without Cash's help.
They followed them to an old mine. A coal mine from the look of it. It was some kind of storage thing now. Malcolm would guess it was storage for the highway. There were tractors and plows. Piles of salt in one outbuilding. Part of it was a garage where the state vehicles were worked on.
Malcolm walked like he owned the place and Cash was a little worried. Malcolm was pretty easy going and never got angry. He couldn't ever remember him being this angry. Mad or frustrated, sure, but not angry.
He kind of wondered where Emma was but he saw Val nod at them from the other side. He sensed some movement to the right. He aimed his sword. "There." He hardly whispered and pulled Malcolm to a stop.
Malcolm froze, knelt down behind a tractor and then saw that movement. "Dad?"
"Are you sure?" Cash stared. He saw a head appear from the hiding spot. He nodded. "What is he doing?"
"Trish. He is here for her. There are too many people and someone is going to get killed." Malcolm was worried.
He needed to tell Val and Adam that Aspen was there. He sent a text. He saw a nod. Emma was still out there but hidden. Aspen didn't know about her and he would kill her because she was a vampire. Shit!
Cash was worried about Emma also. Their dad would take her out. She would stay away from a stranger. He hoped. He was praying now. "What now?"
Malcolm sighed. "We need to get closer."
The SUVs parked and Byron climbed out and walked into a large building. He didn't even look around. He knew they were there. He knew his man would try to save him.
Whatever happened, he was killing York. This silver sucked and he wasn't feeling that great. He knew it was on for too long and his wolf was in distress. He was trying to comfort him.
Malcolm and Cash closed in and climbed to the roof for a better view and watched the wolves and his dad close in and surround the building. He wondered when Tucker was going to be there and what he was bringing.
Byron was led into the large room. It was a regular warehouse building. Nothing fancy. He was pushed into a chair and looked at the girl. She was frightened. There were vampires around the warehouse, waiting for orders.
Byron counted thirty plus York. He was doing math in his head. Malcolm and Cash were good for seven to ten each, Emma was good for about ten and Val and Adam would finish the ones that tried to get away. He was getting York.
A man walked from the shadows. York was a good looking man with stark white hair and some facial hair. He was tall and lean. He wore a nice suit that was tailored to his body. He looked very nice. "The infamous Byron McIntyre." York, Byron was guessing. "It's a pleasure."
"No. Not really. Let her go. You have me." Byron was not negotiating.
"Her?" He walked up to her, sliced his hand and shoved it in her mouth as he removed the cloth that covered it. He bit her neck hard. She screamed and gargled the blood trying to spit it out but it was too late.
Malcolm and Cash stared. There was nothing they could do yet. Byron could smell that she was changing. She screamed as he covered her mouth with the cloth again. "She is mine now." He licked his lips.
Two vampires were holding Byron down in the chair. He watched her scream through the rag in her mouth and she had tears. "What in the fuck do you want?" He wanted to stand up and kill this guy.
"I want the world, Byron. I want all of it." York smiled and spread his arms out. "I need to rid the world of all of my enemies first. Starting with the vampire hunters. Those out to kill me, like your vampire hunters. I figured I would attack the hunters at the heart since the other way wasn't working for me."
York smiled. It was a wicked smile that sent chills up Byron's spine. Not good chills. Capital Creepy chills. What was wrong with this guy?
"What do I have to do with anything?" Byron acted confused.
"A little birdy told me that you are mated to a vampire hunter. Is that information wrong?" York watched Byron.
"Wolves only mate with wolves!" Byron sounded honest. York watched him. "What little birdy?"
Skyler walked out with blood on his hands. He smiled. "Oh, that would be this bird. Chirp Chirp." Skyler smiled.
"What in the fuck?" Byron stared at his Beta. "Skyler?"
"Byron? I figured you would be surprised. I am sick of being second all the time." Skyler walked up and put an arm around York. "He promised me a title and some land to rule on my own. More than you ever gave me, Byron." He sneered at Byron.
"You still look like you're second." Byron growled. His wolf was hurt. If he wasn't confined in this silver, his wolf would have killed that traitor already.
Malcolm and Cash were stuck right now. They had to come up with a plan. Malcolm was going to kill Skyler. When did Skyler leave the house? Did he know they were there?
This was going to be a shit storm. Skyler was a friend and he felt that Byron was crushed and then saw a smile on Byron's face. Malcolm wondered what he found entertaining right now.
"You betrayed me?" Byron smiled.
"And? Didn't think I had the balls?" Skyler laughed. His face changed.
"Oh, Skyler. No one ever reads the fine print." Byron smiled and growled. It echoed through the building and even York looked worried or scared.
A couple of windows close by shattered. Byron wasn't letting them know that took everything he had. His wolf had nothing left right now. These damn cuffs were killing him.
Skyler looked like he was going to be sick and fell. He didn't move as blood poured out of his nose and ears.
"Well, one down. Who's next?" Byron looked around. He was pretty sure if he was challenged right now, he would die.
He could feel Malcolm. He knew that Malcolm was close but he wasn't looking for him. It would give away his position.
Malcolm had no idea what just happened. York clearly didn't either. "What in the hell was that?" York asked. The wolf was supposed to be restrained. What kind of wolf was this guy? York wasn't going to let anyone see that he was unnerved but it was visible.
This was the first time York was surprised. He walked over and untied his new vampire. She wasn't through the change but it was enough. She would kill someone. Byron most likely since he was weakened. She fell off the chair and laid on the floor in pain.
"NO!!" Tucker was here.
"Tucker!" Cash whispered. Aspen was beside him. Their dad couldn't leave his son alone. "Shit? Is Val and Adam alive?"
"I don't know. Skyler had blood on his hands so...?" Malcolm was at a loss so he looked at his brother and they both dropped from the ceiling. He hoped Emma would wait because they needed someone to surprise York. Malcolm had to get Byron free.
"Oh, look. The whole family is here." York almost sounded bored. "Kill them." He walked off as vampires came from everywhere and started to attack. It was more like forty. Byron was worried for his people and his mate.
"He can't get away!" Malcolm yelled as he was fighting three vampires. He pulled a dagger and stabbed one vampire as he took the head of another. Byron wanted to watch him work but he couldn't right now.
Byron stood and growled loudly. It was so loud that it hurt their ears. He was the Alpha and pulled the cuffs apart. "I have had enough!" He took a step and he was the big bad wolf. The change was painful but he would heal faster and his wolf was feeling better without the cuffs. If he had the time, he would have peed on them.
Malcolm thought that was hot but he was busy. He pulled his dagger from his thigh and killed a vampire with it. It was soaked in garlic. He actually loved this part. He missed the fighting.
The wolf held down a vampire with his giant paw while another was jumping on his back. Malcolm ran over and took the head from the one under the wolf's foot so the wolf could kill the one on his back.
Malcolm smiled. "You are gorgeous. On your six." He shouted and he was fighting a vampire as the wolf turned to kill his enemy behind him.
The wolf growled at one vampire that was thinking about attacking Malcolm and he stopped. He thought better of it but Cash was there to kill him anyway. "Thanks, Cash!" Malcolm stated. He was back to fighting. Cash just smiled. It was his pleasure.
Malcolm jumped on the wolf's back, flipped off his back and jumped onto two vampires, flipped one to the wolf and killed the second one. They made a great team. Aspen noticed this also while he was fighting his own battle.
The wolf watched Malcolm punch a vampire and knock him down then run a sword through it. Malcolm looked up, pulled a knife and flung it into a vampire closing in on Aspen. It hit that vampire in the chest and he fell, dead.
"Thanks, Malcolm." Aspen shouted without looking and continued his fight. Malcolm smiled and looked for his next fight. He saw that wolf watching him and he smiled.
Malcolm and the wolf were having fun sharing vampires. The wolf blocked a vampire from getting close to Tucker, he grabbed the vampire and tossed him to Malcolm.
Malcolm took his head and smiled at the wolf. The wolf licked his lips and Malcolm just shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be aroused.
Malcolm looked at the wolf.
I need to find York.
Malcolm nodded. "We're better. Go!"
The wolf helped make the fight more even and headed towards where York vanished. He wouldn't be hard to track, even in the rain. Byron and his wolf had that scumbag's scent memorized. He could hunt him down now. Bringing Byron to him was a mistake.
In the midst of the battle, Trish stood up. She had tears and she was still in pain but she knew she would kill them all. She could feel the thirst for them. She ran at Tucker with tears. She knew what she was turning into. She would kill.
Tucker screamed for her to stop but she took his sword and ran it through her chest. She cried out and fell to the floor. She was dead and Tucker was on his knees holding her while the battle continued around him. He didn't notice.
Malcolm lost track of everyone and had to look around. Aspen just finished killing the last of his vampires and Tucker was no longer fighting, Cash was having fun with five vampires and Aspen jumped in to help with them.
Byron was gone but Malcolm knew he was still alive. This wasn't over and the information about the silver was running through his mind. He was worried that the wolf was weakened or hurt.
"Cash, are you good here?" Malcolm asked. Cash nodded. There were only a few left. He had them. He knew that Malcolm would want to help Byron. Aspen was there to help kill some vampires. "I'm finding Byron!" Cash nodded and Malcolm took off.
He was out the door. This was cool because Byron was right, Malcolm knew exactly where he was. The wolf had York in his stare. He growled as the vampire was cornered. York was shocked because this wolf had silver on for almost three hours. He should be too weak to fight. Too weak to save himself.
Byron was being surrounded by other vampires circling him. How did the bad guy always have so many bad guys with him and the good guys had like three! That was always cool in movies but a pain in the ass in real life.
Malcolm pushed through the vampires and took heads without counting. He recognized this. It was the dream. He knew how this ended and what he needed to do. He had to get to his mate. He was desperate.
The big wolf growled as Malcolm landed beside him. "He said you are fucked, York." Malcolm smiled. He had fought his way to Byron and stood beside him and he would do that every day.
"I may have a trick or two up my sleeve." York smiled and then his expression changed.
Emma was there with a sword in York. He was shocked. The wolf didn't hesitate. He had York in his mouth and shook him hard. Malcolm watched him bite the vampire in half and huffed at him as he dropped the body.
He turned and scrapped mud and water on the body and then peed on it and walked away without looking back. Malcolm had to laugh. He took York's head even though there were two halves. He was pretty sure York was dead but who cared. No head.
"That is for Trish." Malcolm looked up.
Byron shifted and took Malcolm in his arms. He kissed him hard and moved to his ear and bit it. His hands roamed over Malcolm's body, just like the dream. The movement was quick and Byron released Malcolm. He held Malcolm's gaze and nodded. He turned, shifted and took off to check on his men. His mate was safe and unharmed.
Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying this story!
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